362 research outputs found

    The Empowerment of Households Towards Independence Through Social Capital in Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

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    This research aims to reveal 1) The Role of Program Keluarga Harapan or known as PKH (Family of Hope Program) in empowering beneficiary households or known as KPM (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat), 2) The Role of Social Capital in realizing the independence of KPM-PKH in Sukoharjo district, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This research was qualitative by using a case study approach. The determination of informants used a purposive sampling technique. The informants were eight beneficiary households and four key informants they were the Head of Sukoharjo district office of the Ministry of Social Services, coordinator of Sukoharjo district, PKH supervisor, PKH facilitator, and two key informants to support any information. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed into three stages; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data were verified by observation and source triangulation and time. The result showed that 1) The Role of PKH in empowering the beneficiary households by providing social assistance, strengthening by the regular meeting of Family Development Session, known as P2K2 (Pertemuan Peningkatan Kemampuan Keluarga), strengthening by PKH cooperative, and joint business group, known as KUBE (Kelompok Usaha Bersama), 2) The Role of social capital to build independence of KPM-PKH by adopting cultural values, trust, reciprocity, participation, communication system, and venture networks of beneficiary households. This is caused by the relevance of social bonding, social bridging and social linking carried out by KPM-PKH. To conclude, livelihoods choice of KPM-PKH by employing social capital becomes strategic and productive opportunities to empower independence among poor households as beneficiary of PKH

    Evaluation on Fire Safety Management Implementation for Commercial Buildings: A Case Study of Shop Houses/Commercial Houses

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    Fire is a frequently occurring disaster that may be caused by nature, human, and/or both. Fire leads to fatalities and also material loss. In addition, it may damage the environment, facilities and infrastructures, public facilities, and may also create disturbance in the society’s life and livelihood. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of fire safety measures in shop houses/commercial houses in X city, assess the fire resistance nature of shop houses/commercial houses against fire, provide recommendations for fire safety facility improvement in shop houses/commercial houses, and to reveal the fire safety reliability score for the shop houses/commercial houses based on the compliance to the 12 safety parameters and additional requirements in NFPA 101A: Alternative Approaches to Life Safety and NFPA 101: Life Safety Code standards. The sample of this study consists of shophouses/commercial houses in the corridor of Jl. KH Soleh Iskandar that were selected using a cluster sampling method based on the predetermined criteria. Data were then analyzed using a descriptive qualitative approach with the support of CFSES tool. The results suggested that the shophouses/commercial houses should comply with the safety aspects in the future by providing various alternative safety paths to prevent fatalities during fire as well as complying to other safety elements. Keywords: Fire safety, shop houses/commercial houses, NFPA 101 A, CFSE

    Memahami Komunikasi Interpersonal Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Membangun Keterampilan Sosial (Social Skills) pada Anak Autis

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    Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by disruption in communication and limited social interaction. This limitation makes the importance of the role of parents and teachers in building social skills in autism children to help them interact with others and organize themselves in certain social situations. This research focuses to describe the interpersonal communication performed by parents and teachers in the process of building social skills of autism children that using Symbolic Interaction Theory (George Herbert Mead) which explains that behavior can be formed through interaction, and Social Learning Theory (Albert Bandura) which explains that people can form behavior based on observation result. This research used descriptive qualitative type of research and phenomenology approach, and the research resource are parents who have autism children as much as three informants, and teachers who special educate autism children as much as two informants. The results showed that the interpersonal communication performed by parents and teachers to autism children is built through the closeness that get in by openness, attention, empathy, equality, and supportive when communicating, this closeness is used to build social skills through interpersonal persuasion in autism children. The understanding of parents and teachers to verbal and nonverbal messages of autism children becomes very important because it will be help the communication process between parents, teachers, and autism children.Then the belief of parents and teachers to the ability of autism children is the one of the factors that encourage the development of social skills, because autism children will be more flexible to develop their behavior according to ability possessed. In addition, rewarding and positive assessment to autism children also provide their motivation and confidence to form positive behavior, while punishment will provide an understanding to autism children that negative behavior should be avoided. Therefore, parents and teachers should have a commitment in educating autism children by giving examples of positive behaviors and practice together with them to be more easily observed and perfomed by autism children, because parents and teachers have an important role to provided awareness about social norms in society obtained through the formation of social skills in autism children

    Arang Aktif Sekam Padi Sebagai Bahan Pengisi Kompon Sol Karet

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the properties of activated carbon from rice husk filler in their application on vulcanized rubber soles, and to determine its suitability for rubber compound, the properties of activated carbon from rice husk filler in their application on vulcanized rubber soles, and to determine its suitability for rubber compound, the properties of activated carbon made from rice husk was investigated by comparing with cabon black N 330. Activated carbon made from rice husk was made by carbonization process at temperature of 4500C for 1 hour and activation process with NaCL 4% for 24 hours followed by pyrolysis at temperature 5000C for 1 hour. Filler was milled and sieved by 400 mesh siefter. The research showed that using activated carbon in the amount 20 phr and carbon black N330 40 phr. Fulfill the requirement at SNI : 12-0172-1987 : Canvas shoes sole for general purpose, where as tensile strength 11,24 N/mm2, elongation at break : 699%, tear strength 2,97 N/mm2, hardness : 65,7 shore A, density 1,23 gram/cm2, permanent set 0,10%, abrasion 0,72 mm3/ kgm and flexing at 250 kcs no crack

    Peran Serta Keluarga Pada Lansia Yang Mengalami Post Power Syndrome

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    Post Power Syndrome merupakan keadaan yang menimbulkan gangguan fisik, sosial, dan spiritual pada lanjut usia saat memasuki waktu pensiun sehingga dapat menghambat aktifitas mereka dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Lansia sangat membutuhkan peran serta dari keluarga dalam menghadapi masalah post power syndrome tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Populasi adalah lansia usia antara 60 sampai dengan 65 tahun yang sudah menjalani masa pensiun. Sampel dilakukan secara purposive dengan informan berjumlah 5 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam. Post power syndrome yang terjadi pada lansia mengakibatkan dampak pada fisik, sosial dan spiritual. Gangguan fisik yang dialami lansia menyebabkan aktifitas lansia terhambat. Masalah sosial menyebabkan lansia kurang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sosial di masyarakat. Masalah spiritual menyebabkan lansia kurang aktif dalam kegiatan keagamaan. Pendekatan fisik yang dilakukan keluarga dirasakan masih kurang oleh lansia. Keluarga di dalam membantu lansia menghadapi masalah post power syndrome dilakukan dengan tiga cara pendekatan yaitu pendekatan fisik, sosial, dan spiritual secara optimal. Perhatian yang diberikan keluarga kepada lansia tidak semua ditanggapi positif dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan persepsi negatif oleh lansia. Keluarga hendaknya mengoptimalkan perhatian dalam menghadapi lansia yang sedang menghadapi masalah post power syndrome. Peran perawat adalah memberikan arahan pada keluarga untuk lebih terbuka pada lansia sehingga timbul kepercayaan pada lansia untuk bercerita pada keluarga

    Pengaruh Investasi, Tenaga Kerja, Pengalaman Kerja dan Kapasitas Produksi terhadap Nilai Produksi Pengerajin Perak

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    The purpose of this study to know whether the investment, employment, work experience, and powerful production capacity simultaneously and partially on the value of production silversmith Celuk Village. The results showed variable simultaneous investment, employment, work experience, and production capacity have a positive and significant impact on the value of production silversmith Celuk village, as well as the investment variable, work experience, and the production capacity is partially positive and significant effect, while labor positive and significant impact on the value of production silversmith Celuk Village

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Dipadukan dengan Mind Mapping terhadap Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas VII SMP 2 Ypk Malang

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    The purpose of this study is to improve the student\u27s motivation and learning outcomes through the application of guided inquiry learning models combined with mind mapping. This type of research is a Classroom Action Research that conducted in two cycles, each cycle consist of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects were firsth grade students of Junior High School YPK inJava. The data analysis in this studyusing descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the application of guided inquiry learning model combined with mind mapping can improve the student\u27s motivation and learning outcomes. That was showed by the increasing in the first cycle of classical learning completeness of 11.1% and an average value of 63.18 increase in cycle II 76.20% for mastery learning and average value of student learning at 80. In addition to improved learning outcomes as well increased motivation to learn as well as increased activity of the students. The conclusion is the application of guided inquirycombined with mind mapping can increase student\u27 motivation and learning outcomes
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