32 research outputs found

    Genetic Footprints of Iberian Cattle in America 500 Years after the Arrival of Columbus

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    Background: American Creole cattle presumably descend from animals imported from the Iberian Peninsula during the period of colonization and settlement, through different migration routes, andmay have also suffered the influence of cattle directly imported from Africa. The introduction of European cattle, which began in the 18th century, and later of Zebu from India, has threatened the survival of Creole populations, some of which have nearly disappeared or were admixed with exotic breeds. Assessment of the genetic status of Creole cattle is essential for the establishment of conservation programs of these historical resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: We sampled 27 Creole populations, 39 Iberian, 9 European and 6 Zebu breeds. We used microsatellite markers to assess the origins of Creole cattle, and to investigate the influence of different breeds on their genetic make-up. The major ancestral contributions are from breeds of southern Spain and Portugal, in agreement with the historical ports of departure of ships sailing towards the Western Hemisphere. This Iberian contribution to Creoles may also include some African influence, given the influential role that African cattle have had in the development of Iberian breeds, but the possibility of a direct influence on Creoles of African cattle imported to America can not be discarded. In addition to the Iberian influence, the admixture with other European breeds was minor. The Creoles from tropical areas, especially those from the Caribbean, show clear signs of admixture with Zebu. Conclusions/Significance: Nearly five centuries since cattle were first brought to the Americas, Creoles still show a strong and predominant signature of their Iberian ancestors. Creole breeds differ widely from each other, both in genetic structure and influences from other breeds. Efforts are needed to avoid their extinction or further genetic erosion, which would compromise centuries of selective adaptation to a wide range of environmental condition

    Partner in fat metabolism: role of KLFs in fat burning and reproductive behavior

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    The abnormalities caused by excess fat accumulation can result in pathological conditions which are linked to several interrelated diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and obesity. This set of conditions, known as metabolic syndrome, is a global pandemic of enormous medical, economic, and social concern affecting a significant portion of the world’s population. Although genetics, physiology and environmental components play a major role in the onset of disease caused by excessive fat accumulation, little is known about how or to what extent each of these factors contributes to it. The worm, Caenorhabditis elegans offers an opportunity to study disease related to metabolic disorder in a developmental system that provides anatomical and genomic simplicity relative to the vertebrate animals and is an excellent eukaryotic genetic model which enable us to answer the questions concerning fat accumulation which remain unresolved. The stored triglycerides (TG) provide the primary source of energy during periods of food deficiency. In nature, lipid stored as TGs are hydrolyzed into fatty acids which are broken down through β-oxidation to yield acetyl-CoA. Our recent study suggests that a member of C. elegans Krüppel-like factor, klf-3 regulates lipid metabolism by promoting FA β-oxidation and in parallel may contribute in normal reproduction and fecundity. Genetic and epigenetic factors that influence this pathway may have considerable impact on fat related diseases in human. Increasing number of studies suggest the role of mammalian KLFs in adipogenesis. This functional conservation should guide our further effort to explore C. elegans as a legitimate model system for studying the role of KLFs in many pathway components of lipid metabolism

    Freescale Semiconductor

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    Reporte del Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional realizado en Freescale, compañía dedicada a la creación y desarrollo de semiconductores y soporte de software para sus dispositivos. El objetivo de este proyecto fue entregar en las plataformas de Freescale, un software que pueda conectarse a una aplicación Heart Rate Monitor y que use BLE. Se trabajó en la investigación del protocolo de comunicación, arquitectura y conceptos básicos-avanzados sobre BLE. Se desarrollaron softwares y se entregaron programas para la desconexión y conexión de Bluetooth LE mediante un botón; se creó un PWM para un LED como indicador cuando el dispositivo se esté cargando, una función para cambiar la contraseña y el sensor location, y se creó una máquina de estados para controlar el ECG (Electrocardiograma)

    Freescale Semiconductor

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    Reporte del Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional realizado en Freescale, compañía dedicada a la creación y desarrollo de semiconductores y soporte de software para sus dispositivos. El objetivo de este proyecto fue entregar en las plataformas de Freescale, un software que pueda conectarse a una aplicación Heart Rate Monitor y que use BLE. Se trabajó en la investigación del protocolo de comunicación, arquitectura y conceptos básicos-avanzados sobre BLE. Se desarrollaron softwares y se entregaron programas para la desconexión y conexión de Bluetooth LE mediante un botón; se creó un PWM para un LED como indicador cuando el dispositivo se esté cargando, una función para cambiar la contraseña y el sensor location, y se creó una máquina de estados para controlar el ECG (Electrocardiograma)

    Noite: Illumination System

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    The main objective of this work was to develop a system aimed at improving visibility for users while walking though hallways and stairs at night. The NOITE system uses mainly battery night lamps placed in strategic areas of the house selected by the user. As soon as the user stands up from the bed, the NOITE system will turn on the night lamps to improve the user´s view. To achieve this goal, different options in sensing and communications technologies were considered, the selection of the appropriate technology was based on fulfilling the user´s needs. From a communication perspective, Thread technology was the best option, due to its easy addressing through IP directions and great compatibility with the IoT (Internet of things) environment. From a sensing perspective, the ultrasonic sensor had the best accuracy in detecting whenever a user stood up from the bed. After applying several tests, Thread technology resulted in a very efficient communication protocol in home environments due to its mesh network and security systems. The combination of this communication technology with the sensing process was perfect for the development of an easy to use and effective solution, such as NOITE. El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un sistema enfocado a mejorar la visibilidad de los usuarios cuando caminan a través de pasillos y escaleras durante la noche. El sistema NOITE usa principalmente luces nocturnas con baterías, colocadas en áreas estratégicas de la casa seleccionadas por el usuario. Tan pronto como el usuario se pone de pie, el sistema NOITE encenderá las luces nocturnas para mejorar la visibilidad del mismo. Para lograr esta meta, diferentes opciones de sensado y tecnologías de comunicación fueron consideradas. Al final, la selección de la tecnología apropiada fue basada en el cumplimiento de las necesidades del usuario. Desde la perspectiva de la comunicación, la tecnología Thread fue la mejor opción debido a la facilidad de acceso a través de direcciones IP y la gran compatibilidad con el ambiente de internet de las cosas. Desde la perspectiva de detección, el sensor ultrasónico cuenta con la mejor precisión para detectar cuando un usuario se levanta de su cama. Después de realizar diversas pruebas, la tecnología Thread resultó en un protocolo de comunicación muy eficiente para aplicaciones en el hogar, esto debido a su red en forma de malla y su sistema de seguridad. La combinación de esta tecnología de comunicación con el proceso de detección fue perfecto para el desarrollo de un sistema fácil de usar y una solución efectiva, como en este caso NOITE.ITESO, A. C.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Detecção de Aeromonas spp. e do gene de virulência aerolisina em tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) com a técnica de mPCR

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    RESUMO: As infecções causadas por bactérias do gênero Aeromonas estão entre as doenças mais comuns em peixes cultivados em todo o mundo, com ocorrência de aeromoniose em todos os países que possuem cultivo de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de uma nova multiplex PCR (mPCR) para diagnóstico de Aeromonas spp. e identificação do gene aerolisina (aerA). Para padronização da mPCR foram utilizadas cepas de referência de várias espécies do gênero Aeromonas e de outros gêneros. Também foram usadas cepas de campo de A. hydrophila oriundas de cultivos de peixes pacamãs (Lophiosilurus alexandri) e Aeromonas spp. de tilápias do Nilo. Os primers foram desenhados com base na região 16S rRNA e aerA. Para verificar a melhor temperatura de anelamento foram utilizados gradientes entre 59°C a 61°C com 40ng de DNA molde. Os produtos da amplificação da região 16S rRNA e do gene aerA apresentaram 786 e 550pb, respectivamente. A mPCR apresentou melhor temperatura de anelamento a 57,6°C com limite de detecção das concentrações de DNA em ambos genes (16S rRNA and aerA) de 10-10g/μL. A mPCR padronizada é rápida, sensível e específica no diagnóstico de Aeromonas spp. e identificação do gene aerolisina. Esta metodologia apresenta vantagens quando comparada aos métodos de diagnóstico convencionais, podendo ser utilizada em cultivos comerciais de tilápias do Nilo ou outros peixes. A identificação do gene aerolisina é uma importante ferramenta na determinação do potencial patogênico dos isolados de Aeromonas spp. estudados

    Frequency of Staphylococcus aureus virulence genes in milk of cows and goats with mastitis

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    ABSTRACT: The present study determined the frequency of Staphylococcus aureus virulence genes in 2,253 milk samples of cows (n=1000) and goats (n=1253) raised in three different geographical regions of the state Pernambuco, Brazil. The presence of genes of virulence factors associated to adhesion to host cells (fnbA, fnbB, clfA and clfB), toxinosis (sea, seb, sec, sed, seg, seh, sei, tsst, hla and hlb), and capsular polysaccharide (cap5 and cap8) was evaluated by PCR. A total of 123 and 27 S. aureus strains were isolated from cows’ and goats’ milk, respectively. The sec and tsst genes were detected exclusively in goats’ isolates, while the seh gene was only identified in cows’ isolates. The number of toxin genes per strain showed that goats’ isolates are likely more toxic than bovines’ isolates. The cap5 genotype predominated in both host species, especially in strains collected from cows raised in the Agreste region. The cap8 genotype is likely more virulent due to the number of virulence genes per strain. The results of the present study demonstrate that S. aureus may pose a potential threat to human health in Brazil, and, therefore, these results should support actions related to mastitis control programs