262 research outputs found

    Reproduction, early development, and larval rearing strategies for two sponge-dwelling neon gobies, Elacatinus lori and E.colini

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    A major goal of the aquaculture industry is to reduce collection pressure on wild populations by developing captive breeding techniques for marine ornamental species, particularly coral reef fishes. The objective of this study was to develop a rearing protocol for two recently described species of neon gobies that are endemic to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef: 1) Elacatinus lori; and 2) Elacatinus colini. First, the current study describes the reproductive behavior and larval development of both species. Second, it evaluates the effects of different rotifer and Artemia densities on the survival and growth of E. lori and E. colini larvae. Third, it compares the survival and growth of E. colini larvae fed wild plankton to those fed a combination of rotifers and Artemia. Once acclimated, pairs of E. lori began spawning in 53.2 ± 12.4 d (mean ± sd), while pairs of E. colini took only 12.2 ± 10.3 d. E. lori produced more embryos per clutch (1009 ± 477) than E. colini (168 ± 83). E. lori larvae hatched 8.18 ± 0.4 days after initial observation with a notochord length of 3.67 ± 0.2 mm. In comparison, E. colini larvae hatched 6.8 ± 0.4 days after initial observation with a notochord length of 3.51 ± 2.3 mm. Both species settled as early as 28 days post hatch at 9–9.5 mm standard length, following the fusion of the pelvic fins to form a pelvic disc. During rotifer density trials, from 0 to 6 days post hatch, there was no significant difference in survival or standard length between treatments fed 10, 15 or 20 rotifers ml^− 1 for either species. During Artemia density trials, from 6 to 14 days post hatch, control treatments fed solely on 15 rotifers ml^− 1 had significantly higher survival than treatments that were fed rotifers in combination with 3, 6 or 9 Artemia ml^− 1. Finally, E. colini larvae that were fed wild plankton had significantly higher survival and growth than those fed with a combination of 15 rotifers ml^− 1 and 3 Artemia ml^− 1. The results of this study suggest that Artemia nauplii are not a suitable prey for E. lori or E. colini larvae. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of rearing E. lori and E. colini to settlement, and suggest that 10–20 rotifers ml^− 1 and wild plankton provide a viable starting point for optimizing the survival and growth of Elacatinus spp. larvae.We would like to thank the Belizean government and Fisheries Department for permission to conduct this research. Thank you to the staff at the International Zoological Expeditions for their support in the field. Special thanks to Katrina Catalano, Kevin David, Robin Francis, Jeremiah Seymour, James Ferrito, Derek Scolaro and Alex Ascher for their assistance in the lab and rearing larvae. Dr. John Crawford, Dr. Karen Warkentin and Dr. Jacqueline Webb provided helpful comments on this manuscript. This research comprises a portion of JEM's doctoral thesis requirements (Boston University). Funding was provided by a start-up award to PMB from the Trustees of Boston University, the IDC account of JA and a Warren McLeod Summer Research Scholarship awarded by the Boston University Marine Department to JEM. Additional funding was provided by two NSF grants (OCE-1260424 and OCE-1459546), and an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (IOS-1501651). The authors would also like to thank the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America's Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund for Publishing Open Access Marine Aquarium Research for offsetting the open access publishing costs of this article. More info at tiny.cc/MASNAPubFund. All work was approved by the Belize Fisheries Department and the Boston University IACUC (protocol # 10-036). (Trustees of Boston University; Warren McLeod Summer Research Scholarship - Boston University Marine Department; OCE-1260424 - NSF; OCE-1459546 - NSF; IOS-1501651 - NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant; IDC account; Marine Aquarium Societies of North America's Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund for Publishing Open Access Marine Aquarium Research)Published versio

    The visual system in teleost fishes

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    In vivo biofilm formation on stainless steel bonded retainers during different oral health-care regimens

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    Retention wires permanently bonded to the anterior teeth are used after orthodontic treatment to prevent the teeth from relapsing to pre-treatment positions. A disadvantage of bonded retainers is biofilm accumulation on the wires, which produces a higher incidence of gingival recession, increased pocket depth and bleeding on probing. This study compares in vivo biofilm formation on single-strand and multi-strand retention wires with different oral health-care regimens. Two-centimetre wires were placed in brackets that were bonded to the buccal side of the first molars and second premolars in the upper arches of 22 volunteers. Volunteers used a selected toothpaste with or without the additional use of a mouthrinse containing essential oils. Brushing was performed manually. Regimens were maintained for 1 week, after which the wires were removed and the oral biofilm was collected to quantify the number of organisms and their viability, determine the microbial composition and visualize the bacteria by electron microscopy. A 6-week washout period was employed between regimens. Biofilm formation was reduced on single-strand wires compared with multi-strand wires; bacteria were observed to adhere between the strands. The use of antibacterial toothpastes marginally reduced the amount of biofilm on both wire types, but significantly reduced the viability of the biofilm organisms. Additional use of the mouthrinse did not result in significant changes in biofilm amount or viability. However, major shifts in biofilm composition were induced by combining a stannous fluoride- or triclosan-containing toothpaste with the mouthrinse. These shifts can be tentatively attributed to small changes in bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity after the adsorption of the toothpaste components, which stimulate bacterial adhesion to the hydrophobic oil, as illustrated for a Streptococcus mutans strain

    High temporal resolution sampling reveals reef fish settlement is highly clustered

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    Coral reef fish larvae settle on reefs predominantly at night around the new-moon phase, after an early developmental period spent in the pelagic environment. Most sampling is conducted across whole nights, and any studies that have examined the frequency of arrival within nights have typically been limited to coarse sampling time scales of 1–5 h. Here, we present results for arrival numbers of fish caught between dusk and midnight from light traps sampled every 15 min at an Indonesian coral reef, providing the finest temporal resolution for this type of study to date. A spatial analysis by distance indices analysis, adapted to temporal data, revealed clustering of reef arrival times for many species, with an increase in catches immediately after dusk dropping off towards midnight. Importantly, the timing of clusters differed among species, indicating that different factors determine the timing of arrival among taxa. Our results support the hypothesis that larval behaviour influences the timing of arrival at a coral reef for different fish species

    Diagnostic value of C-reactive protein to rule out infectious complications after major abdominal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: Infectious complications occur frequently after major abdominal surgery and have a major influence on patient outcome and hospital costs. A marker that can rule out postoperative infectious complications (PICs) could aid patient selection for safe and early hospital discharge. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a widely available, fast, and cheap marker that might be of value in detecting PIC. Present meta-analysis evaluates the diagnostic value of CRP to rule out PIC following major abdominal surgery, aiding patient selection for early discharge. Methods: A systematic literature search of Medline, PubMed, and Cochrane was performed identifying all prospective studies evaluating the diagnostic value of CRP after abdominal surgery. Meta-analysis was performed according to the PRISMA statement. Results: Twenty-two studies were included for qualitative analysis of which 16 studies were eligible for meta-analysis, representing 2215 patients. Most studies analyzed the value of CRP in colorectal surgery (eight studies). The pooled negative predictive value (NPV) improved each day after surgery up to 90 % at postoperative day (POD) 3 for a pooled CRP cutoff of 159 mg/L (range 92–200). Maximum predictive values for PICs were reached on POD 5 for a pooled CRP cutoff of 114 mg/L (range 48–150): a pooled sensitivity of 86 % (95 % confidence interval (CI) 79–91 %), specificity of 86 % (95 % CI 75–92 %), and a positive predictive value of 64 % (95 % CI 49–77 %). The pooled sensitivity and specificity were significantly higher on POD 5 than on other PODs (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Infectious complications after major abdominal surgery are very unlikely in patients with a CRP below 159 mg/L on PO

    The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds

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    Telomeres are highly conserved regions of DNA that protect the ends of linear chromosomes. The loss of telomeres can signal an irreversible change to a cell's state, including cellular senescence. Senescent cells no longer divide and can damage nearby healthy cells, thus potentially placing them at the crossroads of cancer and ageing. While the epidemiology, cellular and molecular biology of telomeres are well studied, a newer field exploring telomere biology in the context of ecology and evolution is just emerging. With work to date focusing on how telomere shortening relates to individual mortality, less is known about how telomeres relate to ageing rates across species. Here, we investigated telomere length in cross-sectional samples from 19 bird species to determine how rates of telomere loss relate to interspecific variation in maximum lifespan. We found that bird species with longer lifespans lose fewer telomeric repeats each year compared with species with shorter lifespans. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed that the rate of telomere loss is evolutionarily conserved within bird families. This suggests that the physiological causes of telomere shortening, or the ability to maintain telomeres, are features that may be responsible for, or co-evolved with, different lifespans observed across species.This article is part of the theme issue 'Understanding diversity in telomere dynamics'

    Simultaneously Hermaphroditic Shrimp Use Lipophilic Cuticular Hydrocarbons as Contact Sex Pheromones

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    Successful mating is essentially a consequence of making the right choices at the correct time. Animals use specific strategies to gain information about a potential mate, which is then applied to decision-making processes. Amongst the many informative signals, odor cues such as sex pheromones play important ecological roles in coordinating mating behavior, enabling mate and kin recognition, qualifying mate choice, and preventing gene exchange among individuals from different populations and species. Despite overwhelming behavioral evidence, the chemical identity of most cues used in aquatic organisms remains unknown and their impact and omnipresence have not been fully recognized. In many crustaceans, including lobsters and shrimps, reproduction happens through a cascade of events ranging from initial attraction to formation of a mating pair eventually leading to mating. We examined the hypothesis that contact pheromones on the female body surface of the hermaphroditic shrimp Lysmata boggessi are of lipophilic nature, and resemble insect cuticular hydrocarbon contact cues. Via chemical analyses and behavioural assays, we show that newly molted euhermaphrodite-phase shrimp contain a bouquet of odor compounds. Of these, (Z)-9-octadecenamide is the key odor with hexadecanamide and methyl linoleate enhancing the bioactivity of the pheromone blend. Our results show that in aquatic systems lipophilic, cuticular hydrocarbon contact sex pheromones exist; this raises questions on how hydrocarbon contact signals evolved and how widespread these are in the marine environment

    Potentiation of anti-cancer drug activity at low intratumoral pH induced by the mitochondrial inhibitor m-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) and its analogue benzylguanidine (BG)

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    Tumour-selective acidification is of potential interest for enhanced therapeutic gain of pH sensitive drugs. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of a tumour-selective reduction of the extracellular and intracellular pH and their effect on the tumour response of selected anti-cancer drugs. In an in vitro L1210 leukaemic cell model, we confirmed enhanced cytotoxicity of chlorambucil at low extracellular pH conditions. In contrast, the alkylating drugs melphalan and cisplatin, and bioreductive agents mitomycin C and its derivative EO9, required low intracellular pH conditions for enhanced activation. Furthermore, a strong and pH-independent synergism was observed between the pH-equilibrating drug nigericin and melphalan, of which the mechanism is unclear. In radiation-induced fibrosarcoma (RIF-1) tumour-bearing mice, the extracellular pH was reduced by the mitochondrial inhibitor m-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) or its analogue benzylguanidine (BG) plus glucose. To simultaneously reduce the intracellular pH, MIBG plus glucose were combined with the ionophore nigericin or the Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor amiloride and the Na+-dependent HCO3−/Cl−exchanger inhibitor 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulphonic acid (DIDS). Biochemical studies confirmed an effective reduction of the extracellular pH to approximately 6.2, and anti-tumour responses to the interventions indicated a simultaneous reduction of the intracellular pH below 6.6 for at least 3 h. Combined reduction of extra- and intracellular tumour pH with melphalan increased the tumour regrowth time to 200% of the pretreatment volume from 5.7 ± 0.6 days for melphalan alone to 8.1 ± 0.7 days with pH manipulation (P< 0.05). Mitomycin C related tumour growth delay was enhanced by the combined interventions from 3.8 ± 0.5 to 5.2 ± 0.5 days (P< 0.05), but only in tumours of relatively large sizes. The interventions were non-toxic alone or in combination with the anti-cancer drugs and did not affect melphalan biodistribution. In conclusion, we have developed non-toxic interventions for sustained and selective reduction of extra- and intracellular tumour pH which potentiated the tumour responses to selected anti-cancer drugs. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig