14 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Wheat Straw Lignins from Ethanol-based Organosolv Treatment

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    Non-purified lignins resulting from ethanol-based organosolv fractionation of wheat straw were characterized for the presence of impurities (carbohydrates and ash), functional groups (hydroxyl, carboxyl and methoxyl), phenyl-propanoid structural moieties, molar mass distribution and thermal behavior. In accordance with its herbaceous nature, the syringyl/guaiacyl-ratio of the wheat straw lignins was substantially lower than of Alcell lignin. In addition, the content of p-hydroxyphenyl and carboxyl groups is substantially higher for the wheat straw lignins. The non-purified organosolv lignins had a high purity with 0.4–5.2% carbohydrate impurities, both originating from lignin to carbohydrate complexes and residual organosolv liquor. The use of H2SO4 in the organosolv process improved the lignin yield, but at low acid doses increased the carbohydrate impurities. For applications where a low amount of carbohydrates is important, lignin from a high-temperature autocatalytic organosolv process was found to be preferred. The highest content of total hydroxyl groups was determined when lignins were produced using 30 mM H2SO4 as catalyst or 50% w/w aqueous ethanol as solvent for the organosolv process. Aliphatic hydroxyl groups, the most predominant type of hydroxyl groups present originating for a substantial part from residual carbohydrates, were found to decrease with reaction time and ethanol proportion of the organosolv solvent. The correlations between organosolv process conditions and lignin characteristics determined can facilitate the use of organosolv lignins in value-added applications such as in polymers and resins and as a feedstock for bio-based aromatics

    Functionality and physico-chemical characteristics of wheat straw lignin, BioligninTM, derivatives formed in the oxypropylation process

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    The new organosolv process of wheat straw fractionation elaborated by Compagnie Industrielle de la matiere Vegetale (France) corresponds to the biorefinery approach, which allows separating cellulose, hemicel -luloses, and lignin. The straw lignin (Biolignin) is an attractive product, for which new applications are sought. In the present work, straw lignin (L) was converted into liquid lignopolyols via a batch reaction with propylene oxide (PO). The effects of the lignin content (L%) in the initial reaction mixture (L/(L+PO) on the oxypropylation process and the properties of whole lignopolyols and L/PO copolymers were studied. Almost complete disappearance of L-OHphen and L-COOH groups in copolymers was accompanied by an increase in the L-OHaliph groups’ content therein. The polydispersity (Mw/Mn) of all copolymers obtained decreased essentially compared to the reference. The extent of PO grafting onto OH groups increased with decreasing lignin content in the initial reaction mixture. At a lignin content of 15–30% in the initial reaction mixture, the lignopolyols fulfil the requirements of polyol polyethers for rigid polyurethane foam production. The further increase in the lignin content leads to the appearance of the non-liquefied fraction and the undesirable increase in the viscosity of the liquefied part

    Characterization of Bark Rich-In-Tannins Extracts from Deciduous Trees with Emphasis on Their Antioxidant Activity

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    The barks of deciduous trees spread over a wide area of Northern Europe, were sequentially extracted using solvents of increasing polarity. The highest yields of hydrophilic extractives were found for ash tree and goat willow (23.6% and 23.8%, respectively). The highe st total contents of polyphenols were found for black alder and goat willow bark (0.18 GAE  g -1 and 0.12 GAE  g -1 , respectively). Hydrophilic extract from the both grey and black alder barks contained high amount (up to 7 % on bark dry mass) of condensed tannins (CT) or oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC). In tests with free radicals (ABTS ●+ , DPPH ● ), the high radical scavenging capacities of the hydrophilic extracts enriched with OPC were demonstrated. The antioxidant efficiency of the hydrophilic extracts and purified OPC from alder barks was tested by their influence on thermo-oxidative destruction of model polyurethane (PU) films. The hydrophilic extracts enriched with tannins have good potential as a technical antioxidant for polyurethanes, with the most prominent activity for the hydrophilic extract from black alder and goat willow bark

    Py-GC/MS for Characterisation of Non-Hydrolyzed Residues from Bioethanol Production from Softwood

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    Analytical pyrolysis combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was used to analyze chemical composition of non-hydrolyzed residues (LHRs) obtained by three methods of bioethanol production: softwood acid hydrolysis (AH), separate enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF), and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). Complementary techniques, such as EPR- and FTIR-spectroscopy, and routine chemical analysis procedures were used for this study as well. The Py-GC/MS analysis of the LHRs has shown a higher efficiency of carbohydrates hydrolysis upon SSF process in comparison with SHF and AH processes. Comparison of chemical analysis results and data obtained by Py-GC/MS of LHRs brought the direct evidence of incorporation of carbohydrates-derived fragments into the lignin matrix and formation of so-called pseudo-lignin upon different stages of softwood processing. Modifications of lignin component of LHRs on various stages of the process of bioethanol production, such as oxidation and condensation reactions, cleavage of ether bonds and destruction of side propane chain, were revealed using Py-GC/MS

    Fractionation of technical lignins as a tool for improvement of their antioxidant properties

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    The modern biorefinery concept is aimed at the elaboration of sustainable processes with the most profitable utilization of all biomass products obtained at the technological cycle. Lignin separated as by-product in the lignocellulosic chemical processing is recognized as an important component of polymer systems. The presence of sterically hindered phenolic hydroxyl groups in the lignin macromolecule opens the possibility of its application as antioxidant for composites, e.g. polyurethanes (PU), which are considered as one of the most versatile polymeric materials. In the present work, the object of investigations was lignin obtained as a product, so-called BIOLIGNIN™, of wheat straw organosolv processing for pulp and fuel ethanol production (CIMV pilot plant, France). However, heterogeneity of the lignin obtained negatively influences its applicability that can be overcome by fractionation. Three soluble fractions were isolated from CIMV lignin by a sequential extraction with dichloromethane (A fraction), methanol (B fraction) and mixture of both the solvents (C fraction) and characterized in terms of their composition, functionality and structure using analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS), 31P NMR and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) methods. Antioxidant properties of BIOLIGNIN™ fractions were assessed in the tests with free radicals ABTS+ and DPPH. Application of Py-GC/MS for characterization of the fractions opened an opportunity to found some novel “structure–activity” correlations needed for understanding and tuning of antioxidant properties of lignins. The antioxidant activity of the fractions under investigation was tested by their influence on thermo-oxidative destruction of prepared model PU films. The data of TGA method (oxidative conditions) clearly testified the antioxidant effect of all three fractions with the most prominent activity for C fraction. The shifting of the exothermal maxima connected with oxidizing of volatile products of PU destruction to the higher temperature region by 20–30 K and 30–40 K was registered