136 research outputs found

    Cyclic AMP system in muscle tissue during prolonged hypokinesia

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    Components of the cyclic Adenosine-cyclic-35-monophosphate (AMP) system in the muscle tissue of white rats were studied during 70-75 days of hypokinesia, created by placing the animals in small booths which restricted their movements, and during the readaptation period. In the initial period, cyclic AMP levels and the activities of phosphodiesterase and adenylate cyclase in muscle tissue were increased. The values for these indices were roughly equal for controls and experimental animals during the adaptation period, but on the 70th day of the experiment cAMP levels dropped, phosphodiesterase activity increased, and the stimulative effect of epinephrine on the activity of adenylate cyclase decreased. The indices under study normalized during the readaptation period

    Терористичний конфлікт як об'єкт регулювання міжнародного права зброй­них конфліктів

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    Антипенко А. В. Терористичний конфлікт як об'єкт регулювання міжнародного права зброй­них конфліктів / А. В. Антипенко // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. /редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю .П. Аленін [та ін.] ;МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – Вип. 67. - С. 493-502.Proved a proposal to improve the effectiveness of international legal effect on terrorism through the introduction of this crime in the field of regulation of the international law of armed conflict. Basis for this is recognized qualification of terrorism as a specific kind of armed conflict

    Chemical Composition of the Metal Ware Found in the Late Scythian Cemetery of Levadki

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    This article addresses the study of the chemical alloy composition of the artefacts made of non-ferrous and precious metals and discovered in the cemetery of Levadki in Central Crimea. The elemental composition of the finds was studied with non-destructive standardless X-ray fluorescence at the Storage Department of the Central Museum of the Taurida. The research used a sample of 68 artefacts and their components discovered in 23 burial structures dated from the Late Hellenistic and Roman Periods. From the formula of the main alloy components, the sample under study comprises: 17.65% of “pure” copper, 8.82% of brass, 11.76% of multicomponent zinc-containing alloys, 1.47% of lead bronze, 19.12% of tin bronze, 38.24% of tin-lead and lead-tin bronze, 1.47% of lead, and 1.47% of silver. The analysis of alloy composition by categories of grave goods has revealed that tin and zinc were the main alloying species in brooch production. The belt and sword-belt parts were made of alloys featuring various formulae, ranging from “pure” copper to three-component bronze variants. The research on ornaments and accessories has uncovered that this group includes the artefacts of “pure” copper along with the pieces alloyed with tin and lead, with the latter component comprising from one-third to a half of the composition, particularly in cast ornaments. This group divides into at least three subgroups, differentiated by the technique applied in the making of the artefacts and the composition of the alloy. Weaponry items are represented by the arrowheads. There are three cases of the arrowheads made of lead-tin bronze and one case more of “pure” copper

    Особенности организации производства радиоэлектронных изделий

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    Розглянуто економічні показники, що характеризують статистичний контроль якості продукції. Показано, що при досягненні високої якості доцільно відмовитись від вихідного контролю, забезпечуючи інтереси споживача поповненням партії продукції, яка поставляється, додатковими виробами або відповідним чином організованим технічним обслуговуванням виробів в процесі експлуатації.Economic indicators that characterize the statistical quality control are considered. It is shown that achieving high quality appropriate to refuse access control, ensuring the consumer replenishment supplied a lot of products with additional products or properly organized maintenance products in during exploitation.Рассмотрены экономические показатели, которые характеризуют статистический контроль качества продукции. Показано, что при достижении высокого качества целесообразно отказаться от входного контроля, обеспечивая интересы потребителя пополнением поставляемой партии продукции дополнительными изделиями или соответствующим образом организованным техническим обслуживанием изделий в процессе эксплуатации

    Компьютерная система диагностирования трансмиссий мобильных машин

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    A new method for diagnostics of mechanical transmissions of mobile machinery is proposed in the paper. The method presupposes an application of computing equipment and its purpose is to decrease labor-consumption of diagnostics procedure and increase diagnostics efficiency.The method is based on comparison of duration of impulse periods picked up at primary transducers which are installed at transmission input and output. A signal picked up at a flywheel ring gear is taken as a reference signal.While selecting clearances of one and then the direction in speed-up - braking transmission regime changes in number of reference impulses at output provide data on angular clearance value in every gearing. As data are supplied registration and processing of results and forecasting of residual resource are to be done with the help of a program on the basis of realized algorithms for every gearing.Предложен способ диагностирования механических трансмиссий мобильных машин с применением вычислительной техники в целях снижения трудоемкости постановки диагноза, а также повышения оперативности.Способ основан на сопоставлении длительности периодов импульсов, снимаемых с первичных преобразователей, установленных на входе и выходе трансмиссии. В качестве опорного сигнала принимается сигнал, снимаемый с зубчатого венца маховика.В режиме «разгон - торможение» трансмиссии при выборе зазоров сначала одного, а затем другого направления изменение количества опорных импульсов в выходном дает информацию о величине углового зазора по каждому зубчатому зацеплению. Фиксирование и обработка результатов, а также прогнозирование остаточного ресурса по мере поступления информации происходят программно на основе реализованных алгоритмов для каждого зубчатого зацепления


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    Preservation of tomatoes takes place by appropriate preparation of raw materials, packing in a container and sealing it with subsequent heat treatment. In the course of our studies on the suitability  of new varieties  for canning, we noted that all varieties  reacted differently  to heat treatment. For example, the forward variety, which has high taste qualities, had a sugar-acid index of 8,44,  compared to 7,04-7,51  in other varieties,  the tasting commission was estimated at 3,1-4,6 points, which is lower than other varieties, due to cracking of the skin of the fetus. After a year of storage, the sugar and acid index, depending on the variant, was 9,18-9,93, which indicates high taste qualities of the fruit. It was noted that the higher flavor qualities, regardless of the storage time, were in option 2.  For the varieties  Festive, Carat and Forward, the best was option 3. By the end of storage, it was 11,82 for the Festive variety, 10,51  for the variety Karat and 11,98  from Forward. According to the sugar-acid index of all the varieties studied, we distinguished Forward. We found that the sugar-acid index was higher than the taste, both before and after canning, in all varieties,  indicating  their high taste qualities. A higher score was given to variants 1 (control), 3 and 4. In variant 5, a sharper smell of garlic was noted.Консервирование плодов  томата   происходит путем  соответствующей подготовки сырья, закладки  в тару и ее герметизации с последующей тепловой  обработкой.  В процессе проведенных исследований на пригодность новых сортов для консервирования нами отмечено,  что все сорта по-разному реагировали на тепловую обработку. Так, сорт Форвард, отличающийся высокими вкусовыми качествами, имел сахаро-кислотный индекс 8,44, против 7,04-7,51 у других сортов, дегустационной комиссией был оценен в 3,1-4,6 балла, что ниже других сортов, из-за растрескивания кожицы плода. После года хранения сахаро-кислотный индекс в зависимости от варианта  составил   9,18-9,93, что указывает  на высокие  вкусовые  качества плодов.  Отмечено, что более высокие вкусовые качества независимо от продолжительности хранения были в варианте 2. Для сортов Праздничный,  Карат и Форвард лучшим оказался вариант 3. К концу хранения он составлял 11,82 у сорта Праздничный, 10,51 – у сорта Карат и 11,98 – у сорта Форвард. По сахарно-кислотному  показателю из всех изучаемых сортов выделился  сорт Форвард. Нами было установлено, что по вкусовым  качествам, как до консервирования, так и после у всех сортов сахаро-кислотный индекс был выше 7, что указывает на их высокие вкусовые качества. Более высокая оценка была дана вариантам 1 (контроль), 3 и 4. В варианте 5 отмечен более резкий запах чеснока

    Теоретическая физика в кафедральных исследованиях

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    The article reviews researches, conducted by the department of physics of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), the results of which can be used or are being used in the transport sector, namely with regard to: 1) development of optimization models regarding types of trucks; 2) improving design and creation of new types of electroluminescent indicators; 3) refinement of wheel-rail contact theory. General conclusion proposed by the authors and concerning practices of rail related studies is that physics plays one of the most important roles in teaching and learning processes, as well as in conducting a wide range of researches in a transport university.Статья касается исследований сотрудников университетской кафедры физики, результаты которых могут быть использованы или уже используются в сфере транспорта: 1)разработка моделей оптимизации типажа грузовых автомобилей; 2)совершенствование конструкции и создание новых типов электролюминесцентных индикаторов; 3)уточнение теории контакта колеса с рельсом. Общий вывод авторов - физика и ее изучение играют важнейшую системную роль не только в ходе обучения инженерной специальности, но и при проведении самого широкого спектра научных исследований в транспортном вузе

    Secreted Human Amyloid Precursor Protein Binds Semaphorin 3a and Prevents Semaphorin-Induced Growth Cone Collapse

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    The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is well known for giving rise to the amyloid-β peptide and for its role in Alzheimer's disease. Much less is known, however, on the physiological roles of APP in the development and plasticity of the central nervous system. We have used phage display of a peptide library to identify high-affinity ligands of purified recombinant human sAPPα695 (the soluble, secreted ectodomain from the main neuronal APP isoform). Two peptides thus selected exhibited significant homologies with the conserved extracellular domain of several members of the semaphorin (Sema) family of axon guidance proteins. We show that sAPPα695 binds both purified recombinant Sema3A and Sema3A secreted by transfected HEK293 cells. Interestingly, sAPPα695 inhibited the collapse of embryonic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) dorsal root ganglia growth cones promoted by Sema3A (Kd≤8·10−9 M). Two Sema3A-derived peptides homologous to the peptides isolated by phage display blocked sAPPα binding and its inhibitory action on Sema3A function. These two peptides are comprised within a domain previously shown to be involved in binding of Sema3A to its cellular receptor, suggesting a competitive mechanism by which sAPPα modulates the biological action of semaphorins

    Immune plexins and semaphorins: old proteins, new immune functions

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    Plexins and semaphorins are a large family of proteins that are involved in cell movement and response. The importance of plexins and semaphorins has been emphasized by their discovery in many organ systems including the nervous (Nkyimbeng-Takwi and Chapoval, 2011; McCormick and Leipzig, 2012; Yaron and Sprinzak, 2012), epithelial (Miao et al., 1999; Fujii et al., 2002), and immune systems (Takamatsu and Kumanogoh, 2012) as well as diverse cell processes including angiogenesis (Serini et al., 2009; Sakurai et al., 2012), embryogenesis (Perala et al., 2012), and cancer (Potiron et al., 2009; Micucci et al., 2010). Plexins and semaphorins are transmembrane proteins that share a conserved extracellular semaphorin domain (Hota and Buck, 2012). The plexins and semaphorins are divided into four and eight subfamilies respectively based on their structural homology. Semaphorins are relatively small proteins containing the extracellular semaphorin domain and short intra-cellular tails. Plexins contain the semaphorin domain and long intracellular tails (Hota and Buck, 2012). The majority of plexin and semaphorin research has focused on the nervous system, particularly the developing nervous system, where these proteins are found to mediate many common neuronal cell processes including cell movement, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and signal transduction (Choi et al., 2008; Takamatsu et al., 2010). Their roles in the immune system are the focus of this review