94 research outputs found

    Comparison Of Modified Dual Ternary Indexing And Multi-Key Hashing Algorithms For Music Information Retrieval

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    In this work we have compared two indexing algorithms that have been used to index and retrieve Carnatic music songs. We have compared a modified algorithm of the Dual ternary indexing algorithm for music indexing and retrieval with the multi-key hashing indexing algorithm proposed by us. The modification in the dual ternary algorithm was essential to handle variable length query phrase and to accommodate features specific to Carnatic music. The dual ternary indexing algorithm is adapted for Carnatic music by segmenting using the segmentation technique for Carnatic music. The dual ternary algorithm is compared with the multi-key hashing algorithm designed by us for indexing and retrieval in which features like MFCC, spectral flux, melody string and spectral centroid are used as features for indexing data into a hash table. The way in which collision resolution was handled by this hash table is different than the normal hash table approaches. It was observed that multi-key hashing based retrieval had a lesser time complexity than dual-ternary based indexing The algorithms were also compared for their precision and recall in which multi-key hashing had a better recall than modified dual ternary indexing for the sample data considered.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Study on role of optical coherence tomography in high myopia.

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    Starting from white-light interferometry for in vivo ocular eye measurements imaging of biological tissue, especially of the human eye, was investigated by multiple groups worldwide. First devised in 1990 by Naohiro Tanno, then a professor at Yamagata University, and in 1991 by Huang et al., optical coherence tomography (OCT) with micrometer resolution and cross-sectional imaging capabilities has become a prominent biomedical tissue-imaging technique; it is particularly suited to ophthalmic applications and other tissue imaging requiring micrometer resolution and millimeter penetration depth. OCT has also been used for various art conservation projects, where it is used to analyze different layers in a painting. OCT has critical advantages over other medical imaging systems. Medical ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and confocal microscopy are not suited to morphological tissue imaging: the first two have poor resolution; the last lacks millimeter penetration depth. OCT is based on low-coherence interferometry. In this study retinal thickness increases in the foveal region and decreases in the macular region with smaller macular volume in high myopia which positively correlates with the increase in the refractive error. OCT with cross sectional images of retinal structures greatly facilitates the study of posterior vitreoretinal anatomy in eyes with high myopia to allow detection of subtle macular changes that are otherwise undectable. So OCT can be done in a healthy high myopic population and in symptomatic myopic population who complains of worsening of visual function in the last 6 months to look for epiretinal and/or vitreoretinal traction and related macular damage

    Statistical Characterization of Indian Residential Networks for Powerline Communication

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    Despite different powerline channel modeling techniques, developed so far, there are still specific dynamic, varying parameters (viz. the random load variation and inconsistent electrical wiring) to be studied for a valid and reliable power line communication (PLC) model. Statistical characterization of PLC channel may provide the required background for refinement of these existent models. In this paper, the Indian residential networks are statistically analyzed in the frequency range of 1-100 MHz. This also includes the comprehensive analysis of line impedance, stationary noise, channel capacity and average channel gain. From the measurements, the noise spectrum density is found to be less than -90 dBm at a frequency less than 1 MHz and is almost constant after 70 MHz. The minimum and maximum channel capacity of the network is 71.5 Mbps and 97.7 Mbps respectively. The Average channel gain is estimated at -30 dB. The paper also reviews the channel transfer function developed by top-down and bottom-top approaches.Β  Finally, some additional factors influencing the PLC channel are also discussed

    Vulval leiomyoma: a rare clinical entity

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    Vulval leiomyomas are rare benign tumors which arise from the smooth muscle cells within erectile tissue, blood vessel walls or round ligament remnants in labium majus. As they are rare, clinical diagnosis is often challenging. We report a case of 64 year old postmenopausal woman with a labial swelling of 3 months duration. It was clinically diagnosed as Bartholin`s gland cyst and intraoperatively the gross appearance was that of a leiomyoma and surgical excision was performed. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyoma

    Nonpuerperal inversion of uterus secondary to leiomyoma in menopause: a rare case report

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    Inversion of uterus is a rare clinical condition if not associated with third stage of labor or puerperium. Non-puerperal uterine inversion usually occurs secondary to tumor arising from the fundus of uterus. We report an unusual case of non-puerperal uterine inversion caused by large submucous fibroid in a 65 year old postmenopausal woman which was managed by combined abdomino-perineal approach

    Implications of combined endocrinopathy of diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism on pregnancy

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    Background: Hypothyroidism and diabetes are the endocrine disorders commonly observed in pregnancy and each has been associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Our objective was to study the implications of combined endocrinopathy of hypothyroidism and DM on pregnancy and its outcome.Methods: This prospective cohort study included 150 pregnant women with singleton gestation and who were screened for and diagnosed with DM and /or hypothyroidism. They were then divided into 3 groups: 1) Diabetes (n=69) 2) Hypothyroidism (n = 53) 3) DM and hypothyroidism (n=28). Perinatal and neonatal characteristics were compared among the 3 groups and statistically analysed.Results: Women with both DM and hypothyroidism had higher rates of first trimester abortions, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, placental abruption, preterm deliveries, caesarean sections, postpartum haemorrhage and intrauterine fetal deaths when compared to other groups. On the contrary, rates of labour induction, fetal macrosomia and LBW new-borns were not statistically significant among the groups.Conclusions: Women with both DM and hypothyroidism are at high risk of developing perinatal complications and need intense surveillance for the same during their pregnancy for better outcome. Pregnant women diagnosed with one of these endocrinopathies should be screened for the other


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of the present study is to understand the use of electricity in treating ailments to mankind where they need not swallow the pills or injectintravenously rather have the device implanted which would monitor the nerve impulses, detect if any problems exist, and then supply electricity tothe organs affected to make them function properly. This study is based on the case approach to identify the usefulness of electrical appliances formankind. Each individual is unique and, therefore, electroceutical devices should also have the patient-specific element for smarter use of the implant.This newly emerging field of electroceuticals needs to be understood keeping in mind the body's electrical grid and the language of nerve impulsesto treat varied diseases and disorders affecting the mankind. The study pinpointed that electroceuticals is supplements to traditional treatment.Although much usefulness is found toward using electrical impulses to treat the organ, the devices need to be designed with relatively small wiresand batteries for easier implantation. Each individual is unique and, therefore, electroceutical devices should also have the patient-specific elementfor smarter use of the implant.Keywords: Electroceuticals, Ailments, Electrical appliances, Patient-specific treatment
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