1,606 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Dalam Menunjang Terwujudnya Makassar Sebagai “Smart City”

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    This study aims to reveal the utilization of information and communication technologies in support of the realization of Makassar as a smart city. This research uses descriptive quantitative method through direct observation, in-depth interviews and a literature review. Data Primary data obtained directly from the public or the respondent while the Secondary Data Data obtained from theoretical books, and a variety of government and local government regulations relating to Makassar Smart City program. Research shows information and communication technology today has become one of the main infrastructure in the modern life like electricity, water and roads. The concept of smart city put the city as an ecosystem that consists of many subsystems to manage the transportation, energy, commerce, health care, education, communication and water resources. These subsystems are combined to form a unity that is interconnected and mutually supportive. The role of information and communication technology as well as production resources and human consumption as well as a supporting tool in the implementation of day-to-day activities of both governments, industry, organization, or kemasyakatan. As an effort to examine the use in the field of information and communication technology, it is necessary to present an analysis of the utilization of information and communication technologies to build a smart city that is in accordance with the needs of the city of Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap pemanfataan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam menunjang terwujudnya Makassar sebagai smart city. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif melalui pengamatan langsung, wawancara mendalam dan kajian pustaka. Data Primer Data yang diperoleh langsung dari masyarakat atau responden sedangkan Data Sekunder Data yang diperoleh dari buku-buku teoritis, dan berbagai peraturan pemerintah maupun pemerintah daerah yang berkaitan dengan program Makassar Smart City. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi saat ini telah menjadi salah satu infrastruktur utama dalam kehidupan masyarakat modern layaknya listrik, air, dan jalan. Konsep smart city menempatkan kota sebagai sebuah ekosistem yang terdiri dari banyak subsistem untuk mengelola transportasi, energi, perniagaan, pelayanan kesehatan, pendidikan, komunikasi dan sumber daya air. Subsistem-subsistem ini digabungkan untuk membentuk sebuah kesatuan yang terinterkoneksi dan saling mendukung. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berperan pula sebagai sumber daya produksi dan konsumsi manusia sekaligus sebagai piranti pendukung dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan sehari-hari baik yang bersifat pemerintahan, industri, organisasi, maupun kemasyakatan. Sebagai salah satu upaya mengetahui pemanfaatan di bidang Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, maka perlu hadir sebuah analisis pemanfaatan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk membangun smart city yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kota Makassar

    Peran Pemimpin dalam Memotivasi Pegawai Tata USAha (Studi pada Mts Negeri Koto Baru, Kabupaten Solok)

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    The aim of this qualitative research was to describe the role of principal in motivating the administration officers, and to understand the problems related to the policy of principal MTs Negeri Koto Baru Solok. The interview and documentation were used as instruments on collecting data. The results showed that the role of principal in motivating administration officers by upgrading personal relationship and understanding personal character. While the problems were the administration officers had different caharacter and different mindset

    Pengembangan Sumberdaya Aparatur sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja

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    Adanya penyerahan urusan dan kewenangan, khususnya urusan Kepegawaian ke daerah sehingga terjadi penambahan atau pengalihan aparatur ke tubuh pemerintah daerah akan membawa akibat terhadap pengembangan aparatur mulai dari masuknya sampai dengan pensiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Rumusan masalahnya adalah : (1) bagaimana metode pengembangan sumber daya aparatur dalam meningkatkan kinerja, (2) bagaimana kinerja aparatur pemerintah daerah. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan, menganalisa, aspek-aspek yang berhubungan dengan metode pengembangan sumber daya aparatur di lingkungan Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa dan kinerja aparatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah memerlukan aparatur yang mempunyai kemampuan, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan serta sikap prilaku. Pengembangan sumber daya aparatur harus dilakukan dengan mekanisme atau tahap-tahap agar tujuan aparatur dan organisasi secara keseluruhan dapat tercapai. Pengembangan sumber daya aparatur merupakan suatu instrumen penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja aparatur. Pelaksanaan pengembangan sumber daya aparatur di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja aparatur menggunakan metode On The Job dan metode Off The Job. Penilaia kinerja aparatur dapat dilihat dari aspek kuantitas kerja, kualitas kerja, ketepatan waktu dan pengetahuan tentang pekerjaan, serta obyektif. Beberapa saran adalah: (1) program pengembangan telah menampakkan hasil yang menggembirakan namun tetap ditingkatkan secara terus menerus, (2) agar dalam merekrut aparatur lebih menitik beratkan pada sisi motivasi dan mental, (3) penilaian kinerja aparatur harus didasarkan pada obyektivitas, (4) agar pengelola kepegawaian lebih jeli dan cermat dalam menelaah, menafsirkan dan menerapkan PP. No. 99 Tahun 2000, (5) agar pengembangan, pendidikan dan pelatihan tidak terlihat mubazir, terkesan menghabiskan anggaran harus tetap mengacu kepada analisis kebutuhan

    Pemetaan Sosial-politik Kelompok Etnik Cina Di Indonesia

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    This article presents a brief and comprehensive picture of the sociocultural lifeof the Indonesian Chinese society in Indonesia. The paper covers historical,demographic, legal, economic, political, and cultural aspects. It aims toupdate the data and information given by Mackie and Coppel (1976). Someobservations are derived based on feld research on Chinese-Pribumi relationsin several cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Solo and Tangerang.The paper compiles several dispersed sources of information to give a briefcomprehension of the sociocultural life of the Indonesian Chinese society inIndonesia

    Redefinisi Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Terang Pendidikan Karakter

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    This paper attempts to redefine the concept of Islamic Religious Education (PAI), especially in the field of moral education, which is confronted with the problem in the present context: weak character of the nation. The study is based on these three things: 1) the material of akhlaq is being the public concern, 2) it is also the core of Islamic teachings, and 3) The term „akhlaq‟ experiences limitation in terms of meaning in PAI. The method of discussion used is the philosophical of Islamic education. The data is processed through the discourse analysis, then discussed in accordance with the context and the present needs, and synthesized with actual and universal values of Islamic teachings. The results showed that 1) the core of PAI is building character, not merely teaching rituals, 2) The materials about „akhlak‟ do not cover the contemporary issues such as how Muslims in Indonesia live better as the member of the state and the nation, 3) there is a meaningful relation between ethics, morals and characters in the context of PAI. PAI which is based on akhlak, moral principles and character should consider: 1) integration, 2) relativity, 3) environment, 4) reciprocity, and 5) the relevance or adaptation. The five principles are essentially avoiding the symbolic PAI practices which is formalist, apologetics and fanatical

    Manajemen Pemberdayaan Guru di Mts Al-ulum Medan

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    Qualitative research terms with titles “Empowerment of Teachers in MTs Al-Ulum Medan”. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) Management Planning Teacher Empowerment in Mts Al-Ulum Medan (2) Empowerment of Teachers in MTs. Al-Ulum (3) Execution Management Teacher Empowerment in MTs Al-Ulum Medan (4) Evaluation of Teacher Empowerment Management at MTs Al-Ulum Medan.Method research approach is qualitative field research is to determine the empowerment of teachers in MTs Al-Ulum.The data were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. In the observational study, the researcher know each activity while in the field and get accurate information about all objects. Subsequently, researcher conducted interviews with principals, administrators and teachers, to prepare research instruments such questions-written questions and alternative answers. Then the researcher to document the form of text and images and works of achievement and data schedule school discipline teaching and learning activities of the school. Furthermore, researcher studied all the events that took place during the researcher conducting the study.Results of this research can be concluded that the planning, organizing, implementation and supervision in MTs Al-Ulum has fulfilled the good empowerment management, with emphasis on the concept of Islam

    Resensi Buku "People, Land and Water: Participatory Development Communication for Natural Resource Management"

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    Inilah buku yang patut dibaca oleh para mahasiswa penyuluhan dan komunikasi pembangunan, para pekerja pembangunan dan para pembuat kebijakan pembangunan dalam berbagai bidang pembangunan sosial dan pengelolaan sumberdaya alam

    Penggunaan Buku Bergambar Tentang Cara Beternak Domba untuk Mengembangkan Kapasitas Petani Miskin di Dua Desa Tepi Hutan di Kecamatan Ujung Jaya, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat

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    Building the capacity of the poor farmers that were living in two near-forest villages in Ujung Jaya sub-district, District of Sumedang, West Java was one of the activities accomplished to help such farmers raise indigenous Garut sheep. These activities included on site farmer training, monthly farmer meeting, supervision and other backstopping supports. These support services were provided before and after the sheep provision to the cooperating farmers. In this training, copies of an illustrated sheep raising manual covering several aspects of sheep rearing from feeding to marketing were tested with the participating farmers and were later given to them as reading materials. In this conjunction, two farmer groups from Palasari and Sukamulya villages were involved in the training sessions. At the opening session, the two farmer groups were tested to determine their prior knowledge about sheep rearing. After the pretetst, all participating farmers were individually given a copy of the sheep raising manual and was asked to read the manual for about 25 minutes. Next, they were asked to close the books and were given posttests. The results pointed out that the participating farmers improved their knowledge about sheep raising, though statistically not significant. Other tests accomplished on the data obtained, showed that the participating farmers' education correlated positively with their knowledge gains regarding sheep raising; whereas their ages and number of years since graduation correlated negatively with their knowledge gains about sheep raising