502 research outputs found

    Systematic versus informal application of culturally relevant pedagogy: Are performance outcomes different? A study of college students

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    In a field study, the effects on academic performance of two different applications of culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) in the classroom were measured. As per the requirements of such pedagogy, both entailed modes and contents of instruction that attend to the specific cultural characteristics of the learners. However, in one condition (systematic CRP application), emphasis on culturally relevant contents extended to both instruction and assessment, whereas in another condition, they were largely confined to instruction (informal CRP application). Students of Middle Eastern descent who were enrolled in either a history or a critical thinking course were exposed to one of the two conditions. During the first half of the semester, midterm and assignment performance did not significantly differ. However, performance during the second half of the semester and attendance rates were higher for the systematic CRP condition. These findings suggest that emphasis on culturally relevant content encompassing both learning and assessment can be beneficial to academic performance but its fruits become tangible only with sustained exercise.    &nbsp

    Heat transfer in a channel with inclined target surface cooled by single array of centered impinging jets

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    An experimental investigation has been carried out to study the heat transfer characteristics in a channel with heated target plate inclined at an angle cooled by single array of equally spaced centered impinging jets for three different jet Reynolds numbers (Re=9300, 14400 and 18800). Air ejected from an array of orifices impinges on the heated target surface The target plate forms the leading edge of a gas turbine blade cooled by jet impingement technique. The work includes the effect of jet Reynolds numbers and feed channel aspect ratios (H/d = 5, 7, 9 where H=2.5, 3.5, 4.5 cm and d=0.5 cm) on the heat transfer characteristics for a given orifice jet plate configuration with equally spaced centered holes with outflow exiting in both directions (with inclined heated target surface). In general, It has been observed that, H/d=9 gives the maximum heat transfer over the entire length of the target surface as compared to all feed channel aspect ratios. H/d=9 gives 3% more heat transfer from the target surface as compared to H/d=5 (for Re=14400). Also, it has been observed that the magnitude of the averaged local Nusselt number increases with an increase in the jet Reynolds number for all the feed channel aspect ratios studied

    Control of anti-apoptotic and antioxidant pathways in neural cells

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    Oxidative stress is a feature of many chronic neurodegenerative diseases as well as a contributing factor in acute disorders including stroke. Fork head class of transcription factors (Foxos) play a key role in promoting oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in neurons through the upregulation of a number of pro-apoptotic genes. Here I demonstrate that synaptic NMDA receptor activity not only promotes Foxos nuclear exclusion but also suppresses the expression of Foxo1 in a PI3K-dependent fashion. I also found that Foxo1 is in fact, a Foxo target gene and that it is subject to a feed-forward inhibition by synaptic activity, which is thought to result in longerterm suppression of Foxo downstream gene expression than previously thought. The nuclear factor (erythroid 2-related) factor 2 (Nrf2) is another transcription factor involved in oxidative stress and the key regulator of many genes, whose products form important intrinsic antioxidant systems. In the CNS, artificial activation of Nrf2 in astrocytes has been shown to protect nearby neurons from oxidative insults. However, the extent to which Nrf2 in astrocytes could respond to endogenous signals such as mild oxidative stress is less clear. The data presented herein, demonstrate for the first time that endogenous Nrf2 could be activated by mild oxidative stress and that this activation is restricted to astrocytes. Contrary to the established dogma, I found that mild oxidative stress induces the astrocytic Nrf2 pathway in a manner distinct from the classical Keap1 antagonism employed by prototypical Nrf2 inducers. The mechanism was found to involve direct regulation of Nrf2's transactivation properties. Overall these results advance our knowledge of the molecular mechanism(s) associated with the control of endogenous antioxidant defences by physiological signals

    Selenium, Selenoproteins, and Heart Failure:Current Knowledge and Future Perspective

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: (Mal-)nutrition of micronutrients, like selenium, has great impact on the human heart and improper micronutrient intake was observed in 30–50% of patients with heart failure. Low selenium levels have been reported in Europe and Asia and thought to be causal for Keshan disease. Selenium is an essential micronutrient that is needed for enzymatic activity of the 25 so-called selenoproteins, which have a broad range of activities. In this review, we aim to summarize the current evidence about selenium in heart failure and to provide insights about the potential mechanisms that can be modulated by selenoproteins. RECENT FINDINGS: Suboptimal selenium levels (<100 μg/L) are prevalent in more than 70% of patients with heart failure and were associated with lower exercise capacity, lower quality of life, and worse prognosis. Small clinical trials assessing selenium supplementation in patients with HF showed improvement of clinical symptoms (NYHA class), left ventricular ejection fraction, and lipid profile, while governmental interventional programs in endemic areas have significantly decreased the incidence of Keshan disease. In addition, several selenoproteins are found impaired in suboptimal selenium conditions, potentially aggravating underlying mechanisms like oxidative stress, inflammation, and thyroid hormone insufficiency. SUMMARY: While the current evidence is not sufficient to advocate selenium supplementation in patients with heart failure, there is a clear need for high level evidence to show whether treatment with selenium has a place in the contemporary treatment of patients with HF to improve meaningful clinical endpoints. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT: [Figure: see text


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    Effective teaching (ET) has recently drawn attention within higher educational intuitions owing to the need for greater accountability, and high quality learning outcomes.  The present study investigated Qatar University faculty member’s (QUFM) perception of ET, characteristics, practices, and impediment, by assembling data from a cluster sample of 75, using a quantitative approach. The methodology that was utilized took the form of five research questions were answered using a basic descriptive and inferential statistical approach. Results indicate that; 52% of QUFM consider the ET term is ambiguous that means 48% of QUFM population are not contributing in fulfilling the adapted strategy of education and learning excellency, which is based on achieving ET. Moreover, the data revealed that 57.14% of QUFM’s instructional knowledge is not at the acceptable rate. Finally, the results suggested that further training in implementing ET concepts is required for most academic staff.  Article visualizations

    Pengendalian Gulma Pada Berbagai Taraf Pemupukan Nitrogen Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

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    Peningkatan produksi kentang di Indonesia perlu dilakukan. Peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan unsur hara melalui pemupukan nitrogen dan melakukan metode pengendalian gulma yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan dosis pupuk nitrogen pada kompetisi dengan gulma sehingga dapat mengetahui waktu yang tepat dalam mengendalikan gulma dan pengaruh terhadap hasil kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-September 2013, di Desa Sumberbrantas, Kec. Bumiaji, Kota Batu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan perlakuan pengendalian gulma (G) dan pemupukan nitrogen (P). Herbisida pra tumbuh oksifluorfen efektif dalam menurunkan pertumbuhan gulma dari 0-49 hst. Herbisida pra tumbuh oksifluorfen tidak berbeda secara nyata apabila dibandingkan dengan perlakuan bebas gulma (pengendalian gulma tujuh hari sekali sampai panen). Herbisida pra tumbuh oksifluorfen dapat menurunkan pertumbuhan gulma sampai 74.28% apabila dibandingkan dengan pengendalian gulma pada umur 21 dan 49 hst. Herbisida pra tumbuh oksifluorfen + N 130 kg ha-1 menunjukkan rata-rata lebih tinggi 20.98% dan 13.73%, dibandingkan dengan perlakuan bebas gulma (pengendalian gulma tujuh hari sekali sampai panen) + N 130 kg ha-1 pada parameter jumlah daun dan luas daun. Perlakuan herbisida pra tumbuh oksifluorfen + N 130 kg ha-1 dan pengendalian gulma pada umur 21 dan 49 hst + N 130 kg ha-1 menghasilkan produksi per hektar yang lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 1498,93 kg ha-1 dan 1387.37 kg ha-1. Penambahan pupuk nitrogen sebesar 130 kg ha-1 merupakan perlakuan yang dapat meningkatkan hasil kentang

    Schematic knowledge deviation: delving into the depths of reader’s cognitive pathways

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    This paper is an attempt to show how readers' underlying network of prototypical schematic expectations might be activated at different levels to address schematic/cognitive challenges. When these levels of detail are activated, a cognitive defamiliarization process occurs as a result of schematic deviation. With varying degrees of under-/over-specification, this sort of cognitive deviation raises up certain levels of schematic instantiatio

    Histopathologic profile of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula

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    Purpose Few reports are available in the literature on the histology of the congenital atretic esophagus in humans. Histologic abnormalities  including congenital esophageal stenosis (CES) may contribute toward the abnormal esophageal motility after successful repair of esophageal atresia (EA) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). The main aim of this study is to document the histopathologic profile in cases of EA.Methods One hundred and nineteen surgical specimens were collected from 69 consecutive EA patients who underwent surgical repair at the Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, and Armed Forces Hospital Southern Region, Saudi Arabia, from May 1999 through May 2009. This included 62 cases with EA and distal TEF, five cases of pure EA, and two cases of N-type TEF. Samples from tips of the upper pouch (UP), lower pouch (LP), and mid portion of the TEF were preserved in 10% formalin, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.Results The combined three elements of tracheobronchial tissue were observed in only three LP specimens. Gastrictype mucosa was seen in one UP and one LP specimen. Except for one N-type fistula, all sections showed fullthickness muscle coats. Distortion of muscles by fibrosis was most commonly seen in the UP. The muscle layer in the LP was more commonly distorted by glands with or without cartilage. Fourteen samples (10.8%) showed a histological picture consistent with CES.Conclusion Glands in the submucosa may be abnormal innumber and type, and may extend to different esophageal  coats. Muscle distortion by fibrosis, glands, or cartilage and associated CES may contribute toward esophageal dysmotility and stricture after surgery. Cutting the TEF B3–5mm distal to its origin from the trachea is adequate histologically for primary anastomosis of the atretic esophagus. The histological changes associated with the TEF need to be revised.Keywords: congenital esophageal stenosis, esophageal atresia,  esophageal dysmotility, histopatholog