2,087 research outputs found

    Revisión tecnológica del aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador: una perspectiva cronológica

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    El presente artículo aborda la evolución y el avance de las tecnologías del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador (CALL por sus siglas en inglés, que corresponden a Computer- Assisted Language Learning) desde una perspectiva histórica. Esta revisión de la literatura sobre tecnologías del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador comienza con la definición del concepto de CALL y otros términos relacionados, entre los que podemos destacar CAI, CAL, CALI, CALICO, CALT, CAT, CBT, CMC o CMI, para posteriormente analizar las primeras iniciativas de implementación del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador en las décadas de 1950 y 1960, avanzando posteriormente a las décadas de las computadoras centrales y las microcomputadoras. En última instancia, se revisan las tecnologías emergentes en el siglo XXI, especialmente tras la irrupción de Internet, donde se presentan el impacto del e-learning, b-learning, las tecnologías de la Web 2.0, las redes sociales e incluso el aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por robots.The main focus of this paper is on the advancement of technologies in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) from a historical perspective. The review starts by defining CALL and its related terminology, highlighting the first CALL attempts in 1950s and 1960s, and then moving to other decades of mainframes and microcomputers. At the final step, emerging technologies in 21st century will be reviewed

    Galentown: A Tragedy in Five Acts

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    In the insular society of an isolated mountain town, a young child named Sophie vanishes one night into a windstorm. Galentown: A Tragedy in Five Acts explores the actions—and inactions—of the townspeople leading up to her disappearance. Galentown’s tragedy lies in the misdirection of the choral voices that comprise it, which act as a form of erasure and allow the girl to slip away in the fictive world. Ghostlike, she ducks in and out of each of these stories, but ultimately fails to provide the reader resolution to her fate: as the peripheral narrations accumulate, so do potential explanations. This linked collection uses forms of fairytales and classic theater to explore childhood, the gravity of home, and the events in a life that remain persistently unmappable

    El fenómeno de la internacionalización acelerada: empresas tipo Born Global. Hacía un nuevo modelo de internacionalización

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    Los cambios acelerados en la economía mundial, la cual está haciendo que exista una intensa competencia entre las empresas por permanecer en el mercado ya no solo doméstico sino en los extranjeros, han hecho que en las últimas décadas la internacionalización empresarial esté tomando mayor relevancia entre los investigadores y académicos desde puntos de vista diferentes. Así, un nuevo fenómeno ha aparecido y esto ha dado oportunidad a nuevas investigaciones sobre el proceso de internacionalización en donde las empresas han puesto en marcha un paradigma alternativo al modelo Uppsala para dar entrada al fenómeno de las empresas tipo Born Global, es decir, empresas que se internacionalizan desde su concepción, reduciendo el tiempo del proceso de internacionalización. Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un acercamiento analítico acerca del estudio que se ha desarrollado en torno a este fenómeno con el fin de poner en perspectiva la trayectoria que pueden seguir las empresas bajo este nuevo planteamiento teórico, el cual se encuentra en construcción. La conclusión principal a la que se llega es que independientemente de la ruta de internacionalización seguida por la empresa, existen características distintivas de cada modelo, siendo el Born Global un concepto que abre la posibilidad de desarrollar investigaciones en países y/o mercados emergentes que complementen la construcción del conocimiento que hasta este momento se ha desarrollado.ITESO, A.C.Universidad del Valle de Méxic

    Domain configuration and magnetization switching in arrays of permalloy nanostripes

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    The proximity effect in the collective behavior of arrays of magnetic nanostripes is currently a subject of intensive research. The imperative of reducing the size and distances between elements in order to achieve higher storage capacity, faster access to the information as well as low energy consumption, brings consequences about the isolated behavior of the elements and devices. Parallel to each other permalloy nanostripes with high aspect ratio have been prepared by the nanolithography technique. The evolution of the closure domains and the magnetization direction in individual nanostructures has been imaged under applied magnetic fields using Variable Field Magnetic Force Microscopy. Moreover, the magnetostatic interactions between neighboring elements and the proximity effects in arrays of such nanostructures have been quantitatively analyzed by Magnetic Force Microscopy and micromagnetic simulations. The agreement between simulations and the experimental results allows us to conclude the relevance of those interactions depending on the geometry characteristics. In particular, results suggest that the magnetostatic coupling between adjacent nanostripes vanishes for separation distances higher than 500 nm

    EU External Relations: Exclusive Competence Revisited

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    This Article will focus on the question of exclusive competence in the field of EU external relations, especially in the light of recent developments. After a brief discussion on the origins and development of exclusive competence, a distinction will be made between common commercial policy, which has traditionally been the most important area of an explicit “a priori” exclusive competence, and what is often called an implicit exclusive competence, which, as it is today based on some general criteria enshrined in TFEU Article 3(2), may be called “supervening” exclusive competence. With regard to both categories, the main focus will be on recent developments, notably the impact of the Treaty of Lisbon, which introduced the TFEU and its Articles 2 and 3, as well as the case law of the European Court of Justice (“ECJ” or the “Court”) following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, on December 1, 2009

    Los esclavos en la documentación notarial de Jerez de la Frontera (1392-1550)

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    Entre los estudios sobre los grupos marginales de la sociedad del Antiguo Régimen sobresalen los referidos a la esclavitud. Jerez de la Frontera por su potencial demográfico y económico debía ser una ciudad con una gran cantidad de esclavos en los momentos finales del Medievo y comienzos de la Modernidad, desde que se conservan registros notariales (1392) hasta mediado el siglo XVI. El presente artículo se centra en el análisis de la documentación notarial en la que hemos hallado noticias referidas a dicho colectivo, procedentes del Archivo de Protocolos Notariales de la ciudad. Ofrecemos una variada casuística recogida en dichos contratos.Among the studies about marginal groups of the Ancient Regime society the ones which stand out are those that concern slavery. Due to its demographic and economic potential, Jerez de la Frontera must have had numerous slaves in the final moments of the Medieval Ages and the beginnings of the Modern Age, from the first preserved notaries´ documentation (1392) until the first half of the 16th century. The article focuses on the analysis of the notaries’ documentation from the Notaries’ Protocols Archives of the city, where we have found news about the aforementioned social group. We will offer a diverse range of cases from those contracts

    eTwinning and the development of language teachers’ digital literacy: a comparative study between two European universities : eTwinning y el desarrollo del lenguaje para la alfabetización digital docente: un estudio comparativo entre dos universidades europeas

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    Collaborative online international learning (COIL) has grown as an innovative technology-enhanced education approach with great potential for language education. Among the different COIL initiatives, eTwinning offers opportunities for language teachers and learners. Considering the limited research about pre-service language teachers’ digital literacy who have participated in the eTwinning for future teachers initiative, this paper’s objective is to explore how eTwinning can enhance teachers’ digital skills involving pre-service language teachers (n = 76) from two European universities, UCO (Spain) and ULS (Poland). The study follows a quantitative approach, using an exploratory cross-sectional method and an interpretative approach to comprehend and elucidate the viewpoints of the participants. The results show a general positive perception of participants from both contexts, while there are statistically significant differences regarding gender and university. Finally, the paper reflects on how to use eTwinning to improve teachers’ digital literacy and opens the way for studies.Collaborative online international learning (COIL) has grown as an innovative technology-enhanced education approach with great potential for language education. Among the different COIL initiatives, eTwinning offers opportunities for language teachers and learners. Considering the limited research about pre-service language teachers’ digital literacy who have participated in the eTwinning for future teachers initiative, this paper’s objective is to explore how eTwinning can enhance teachers’ digital skills involving pre-service language teachers (N=76) from two European universities, University of Cordoba, UCO (Spain) and University of Lower Silesia, ULS (Poland). The study follows a quantitative approach, using an exploratory cross-sectional method and an interpretative approach. The results show a general positive perception of participants from both contexts, while there are statistically significant differences regarding gender and university. Finally, the paper reflects on how to use eTwinning to improve teachers’ digital literacy. Keywords: eTwinning; virtual mobility; telecollaboration; teacher training; teachers’ digital literacy; digital competence.   Resumen: El aprendizaje internacional colaborativo en línea (COIL por sus siglas en inglés) se ha convertido en un enfoque educativo innovador con un gran potencial para la enseñanza de lenguas, siendo eTwinning una plataforma europea que ofrece numerosas oportunidades. Considerada la limitada investigación sobre competencia digital de futuros docentes de lenguas que han participado en la iniciativa eTwinning for future teachers, este trabajo explora cómo eTwinning puede mejorar la competencia digital docente, con la participación de futuros docentes de lenguas (N=76) de dos universidades europeas, Universidad de Córdoba, UCO (España) y Universidad de Baja Silesia, ULS (Polonia). Esta investigación cualitativa emplea un método transversal exploratorio y un enfoque interpretativo. Los resultados muestran una percepción general positiva de los participantes de ambos contextos, aunque existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al género y la universidad de procedencia. El artículo se cierra con una reflexión sobre cómo utilizar eTwinning para mejorar la competencia digital docente. Palabras clave: eTwinning; movilidad virtual; telecolaboración; formación de profesorado; competencia digital docente; competencia digital

    Homological computation using spanning trees

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    We introduce here a new F2 homology computation algorithm based on a generalization of the spanning tree technique on a finite 3-dimensional cell complex K embedded in ℝ3. We demonstrate that the complexity of this algorithm is linear in the number of cells. In fact, this process computes an algebraic map φ over K, called homology gradient vector field (HGVF), from which it is possible to infer in a straightforward manner homological information like Euler characteristic, relative homology groups, representative cycles for homology generators, topological skeletons, Reeb graphs, cohomology algebra, higher (co)homology operations, etc. This process can be generalized to others coefficients, including the integers, and to higher dimension