292 research outputs found

    Linking glacial and future climates through an ensemble of GCM simulations

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    In this paper we explore the relationships between the modelled climate of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and that for doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide compared to the pre-industrial climate by analysing the output from an ensemble of runs from the MIROC3.2 GCM. <br><br> Our results lend support to the idea in other recent work that the Antarctic is a useful place to look for historical data which can be used to validate models used for climate forecasting of future greenhouse gas induced climate changes, at local, regional and global scales. Good results may also be obtainable using tropical temperatures, particularly those over the ocean. While the greater area in the tropics makes them an attractive area for seeking data, polar amplification of temperature changes may mean that the Antarctic provides a clearer signal relative to the uncertainties in data and model results. Our result for Greenland is not so strong, possibly due to difficulties in accurately modelling the sea ice extent. <br><br> The MIROC3.2 model shows an asymmetry in climate sensitivity calculated by decreasing rather than increasing the greenhouse gases, with 80% of the ensemble having a weaker cooling than warming. This asymmetry, if confirmed by other studies would mean that direct estimates of climate sensitivity from the LGM are likely to be underestimated by the order of half a degree. Our suspicion is, however, that this result may be highly model dependent. Analysis of the parameters varied in the model suggest the asymmetrical response may be linked to the ice in the clouds, which is therefore indicated as an important area for future research

    The LGM surface climate and atmospheric circulation over East Asia and the North Pacific in the PMIP2 coupled model simulations

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    International audienceThe surface climate and atmospheric circulation over East Asia and the North Pacific at the last glacial maximum has been investigated using the outputs from several coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model in PMIP2 database. In boreal summer, the weakening of high pressure over the North Pacific and less precipitation over East Asia are analyzed in most models. The reduced moisture transport seems to result in the less precipitation over East Asia. In boreal winter, the intensification of the Aleutian low and southward shift of the upper-level jet are analyzed in most models. Some of these results are consistent with geological records such as pollen, lake status and dust transport

    Climatic Conditions for modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets throughout the ice age cycle

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    International audienceThe ice sheet-climate interaction as well as the climatic response to orbital parameters and atmospheric CO2 concentration are examined in order to drive an ice sheet model throughout an ice age cycle. Feedback processes between ice sheet and atmosphere are analyzed by numerical experiments using a high resolution General Circulation Model (GCM) under different conditions at the Last Glacial Maximum. Among the proposed processes, the ice albedo feedback, the elevation-mass balance feedback and the desertification effect over the ice sheet were found to be the dominant processes for the ice-sheet mass balance. For the elevation-mass balance feedback, the temperature lapse rate over the ice sheet is proposed to be weaker than assumed in previous studies. Within the plausible range of parameters related to these processes, the ice sheet response to the orbital parameters and atmospheric CO2 concentration for the last glacial/interglacial cycle was simulated in terms of both ice volume and geographical distribution, using a three-dimensional ice-sheet model. Careful treatment of climate-ice sheet feedback is essential for a reliable simulation of the ice sheet changes during ice age cycles

    Linking glacial and future climates through an ensemble of GCM simulations

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    International audienceIn this paper we explore the relationships between the modelled climate of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and that for doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide compared to the pre-industrial climate by analysing the output from an ensemble of runs from the MIROC3.2 GCM. Our results lend support to the idea in other recent work that the Antarctic is a useful place to look for historical data which can be used to validate models used for climate forecasting of future greenhouse gas induced climate changes, at local, regional and global scales. Good results may also be obtainable using tropical temperatures, particularly those over the ocean. While the greater area in the tropics makes them an attractive area for seeking data, polar amplification of temperature changes may mean that the Anatarctic provides a clearer signal relative to the uncertainties in data and model results. Our result for Greenland is not so strong, possibly due to difficulties in accurately modelling the sea ice extent. The MIROC3.2 model shows an asymmetry in climate sensitivity calculated by decreasing rather than increasing the greenhouse gases, with 80% of the ensemble having a weaker cooling than warming. This asymmetry, if confirmed by other studies would mean that direct estimates of climate sensitivity from the LGM are likely to be underestimated by the order of half a degree. Our suspicion is, however, that this result may be highly model dependent. Analysis of the parameters varied in the model suggest the asymmetrical response may be linked to the ice in the clouds, which is therefore indicated as an important area for future research

    Effect of high dust amount on surface temperature during the Last Glacial Maximum: a modelling study using MIROC-ESM

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    The effect of aerosols is one of many uncertain factors in projections of future climate. However, the behaviour of mineral dust aerosols (dust) can be investigated within the context of past climate change. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is known to have had enhanced dust deposition in comparison with the present, especially over polar regions. Using the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Earth System Model (MIROC-ESM), we conducted a standard LGM experiment following the protocol of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project phase 3 and sensitivity experiments. We imposed glaciogenic dust on the standard LGM experiment and investigated the impacts of glaciogenic dust and non-glaciogenic dust on the LGM climate. Global mean radiative perturbations by glaciogenic and non-glaciogenic dust were both negative, consistent with previous studies. However, glaciogenic dust behaved differently in specific regions; e.g. it resulted in less cooling over the polar regions. One of the major reasons for reduced cooling is the ageing of snow or ice, which results in albedo reduction via high dust deposition, especially near sources of high glaciogenic dust emission. Although the net radiative perturbations in the lee of high glaciogenic dust provenances are negative, warming by the ageing of snow overcomes this radiative perturbation in the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast, the radiative perturbation due to high dust loading in the troposphere acts to warm the surface in areas surrounding Antarctica, primarily via the longwave aerosol–cloud interaction of dust, and it is likely the result of the greenhouse effect attributable to the enhanced cloud fraction in the upper troposphere. Although our analysis focused mainly on the results of experiments using the atmospheric part of the MIROC-ESM, we also conducted full MIROC-ESM experiments for an initial examination of the effect of glaciogenic dust on the oceanic general circulation module. A long-term trend of enhanced warming was observed in the Northern Hemisphere with increased glaciogenic dust; however, the level of warming around Antarctica remained almost unchanged, even after extended coupling with the ocean.</p

    Ringberg15: Earth's climate sensitivity. 23-27 March, Schloss Ringberg, Germany

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    To assess gaps in understanding of Earth’s climate sensitivities a workshop was organised under the auspices of the WCRP Grand Science Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity (Ringberg15). The workshop took place in March 2015 and gathered together over thirty experts from around the world for one week. Attendees each gave short presentations and participated in moderated discussions of specific questions related to understanding Earth’s climate sensitivities. Most of the time was focused on understanding of the equilibrium climate sensitivity, defined as the equilibrium near-surface warming associated with a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The workshop produced nine recommendations, many of them focusing on specific research avenues that could be exploited to advance understanding of climate sensitivity. Many of these dealt, in one fashion or another, with the need to more sharply focus research on identifying and testing story lines for a high (larger than 4K) or low (less than 2 K) equilibrium climate sensitivity. Additionally, a subset of model intercomparison projects (CFMIP, PMIP, PDRMIP, RFMIP and VolMIP) that have been proposed for inclusion within CMIP were identified as being central to resolving important issues raised at the workshop; for this reason modelling groups were strongly encouraged to participate in these projects. Finally the workshop participants encouraged the WCRP to initiate and support an assessment process lead by the Grand Science Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity on the topic of Earth’s Climate Sensitivities, culminating in a report that will be published in 2019, forty years after the seminal report by Charney and co-authors

    Assessing transient changes in the ocean carbon cycle during the last deglaciation through carbon isotope modeling

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    Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (pCO2) has increased by approximately 80 ppm from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the early Holocene. The change in this atmospheric greenhouse gas is recognized as a climate system response to gradual change in insolation. Previous modeling studies suggested that the deglacial increase in atmospheric pCO2 is primarily attributed to the release of CO2 from the ocean. Additionally, it has been suggested that abrupt change in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and associated interhemispheric climate changes are involved in the release of CO2. However, understanding remains limited regarding oceanic circulation changes and the factors responsible for changes in chemical tracers in the ocean during the last deglaciation and their impact on atmospheric pCO2. In this study, we investigate the evolution of the ocean carbon cycle during the last deglaciation (21 to 11 ka BP) using three-dimensional ocean fields from the transient simulation of the MIROC 4m climate model, which exhibits abrupt AMOC changes similar to those observed in reconstructions. We investigate the reliability of simulated changes in the ocean carbon cycle by comparing the simulated carbon isotope ratios with sediment core data, and we examine potential biases and overlooked or underestimated processes in the model. Qualitatively, the modeled changes in atmospheric pCO2 are consistent with ice core records. For example, during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), atmospheric pCO2 increases by 10.2 ppm, followed by a reduction of 7.0 ppm during the Bølling–Allerød (BA) period and then by an increase of 6.8 ppm during the Younger Dryas (YD) period. However, the model underestimates the changes in atmospheric pCO2 during these events compared to values derived from ice core data. Radiocarbon and stable isotope signatures (Δ14C and δ13C) indicate that the model underestimates both the activated deep-ocean ventilation and reduced efficiency of biological carbon export in the Southern Ocean and the active ventilation in the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) during HS1. The relatively small changes in simulated atmospheric pCO2 during HS1 might be attributable to these underestimations of ocean circulation variation. The changes in Δ14C associated with strengthening and weakening of the AMOC during the BA and YD periods are generally consistent with values derived from sediment core records. However, although the data indicate continuous increase in δ13C in the deep ocean throughout the YD period, the model shows the opposite trend. It suggests that the model either simulates excessive weakening of the AMOC during the YD period or has limited representation of geochemical processes, including marine ecosystem response and terrestrial carbon storage. Decomposing the factors behind the changes in ocean pCO2 reveals that variations in temperature and alkalinity have the greatest impact on change in atmospheric pCO2. Compensation for the effects of temperature and alkalinity suggests that the AMOC changes and the associated bipolar climate changes contribute to the decrease in atmospheric pCO2 during the BA and the increase in atmospheric pCO2 during the YD period.</p

    Does a difference in ice sheets between Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 5a affect the duration of stadials? Implications from hosing experiments

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    Glacial periods undergo frequent climate shifts between warm interstadials and cold stadials on a millennial timescale. Recent studies show that the duration of these climate modes varies with the background climate; a colder background climate and lower CO2 generally result in a shorter interstadial and a longer stadial through its impact on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). However, the duration of stadials is shorter during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) than during MIS5, despite the colder climate in MIS3, suggesting potential control from other climate factors on the duration of stadials. In this study, we investigate the role of glacial ice sheets. For this purpose, freshwater hosing experiments are conducted with an atmosphere–ocean general circulation model under MIS5a and MIS3 boundary conditions, as well as MIS3 boundary conditions with MIS5a ice sheets. The impact of ice sheet differences on the duration of the stadials is evaluated by comparing recovery times of the AMOC after the freshwater forcing is stopped. These experiments show a slightly shorter recovery time of the AMOC during MIS3 compared with MIS5a, which is consistent with ice core data. We find that larger glacial ice sheets in MIS3 shorten the recovery time. Sensitivity experiments show that stronger surface winds over the North Atlantic shorten the recovery time by increasing the surface salinity and decreasing the sea ice amount in the deepwater formation region, which sets favorable conditions for oceanic convection. In contrast, we also find that surface cooling by larger ice sheets tends to increase the recovery time of the AMOC by increasing the sea ice thickness over the deepwater formation region. Thus, this study suggests that the larger ice sheet during MIS3 compared with MIS5a could have contributed to the shortening of stadials in MIS3, despite the climate being colder than that of MIS5a, because surface wind plays a larger role
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