209 research outputs found

    e-/e+ Accelerating structure with cyclic variation of azimuth asymmetry

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    A classical electron/positron accelerating structure is a disk-loaded cylindrical waveguide. The accelerator structure here has azimuth symmetry. The proposed structure contains a disk-loaded cylindrical waveguide where there is a periodical change of RF-field vs. azimuth. The modulation deforms the rf-field in such a manner that the accelerated particles undergo transverse focusing forces. The new class of accelerator structures covers the initial part of e+/e- linacs where a bunch is not rigid and additional transverse focusing fields are necessary. We discuss a bunch formation with a high transverse aspect ratio in the proposed structure and particularly in the photoinjector part of a linac

    Pneumatic transportation of dispersed medium through a vertical tube immersed into a fluidized bed

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    We discuss the technical problem of how to transport granular material in a vertical direction from the underlying section of a multistage apparatus containing a fluidized bed to an upper section through tubes immersed into the fluidized bed without additional expenditures of energy. The intensity with which the dispersed medium (a mixture of gas and fuel particles) moves through the tube and the mass flowrate of particles are determined by the ratio between the hydraulic resistances of dispersed medium inside the tube and of the fluidized bed outside of it. In turn, this ratio depends on the fluidization number W (W = w s/w 0, where w s is the seepage velocity and w 0 is the fluidization commencement velocity) and on the tube immersing depth into the bed. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    SLIM, short-pulse technology for high gradient induction accelerators

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    SLIM (Stanford Linear Induction Method) is a novel short-pulse concept suited to a new generation of high gra-dient induction particle accelerators is described. The principal accelerator section is envisioned as a stack of core-less induction cells, the only active element within each being a single, extremely fast (subnanosecond) solid state opening switch: a Drift Step Recovery Diode (DSRD). Because the accelerating pulse is only nanoseconds in dura-tion, longitudinal accelerating gradients approaching 100 MeV per meter are believed to be achievable without incit-ing breakdown.Описано нову короткоімпульсну концепцію SLIM (Stanford Linear Induction Method), що придатна для високоградієнтних індукційних прискорювачів нового покоління. Прискорювальна секція являє собою набір індуктивних осередків без сердечників, у яких єдиним активним елементом є простий, надзвичайно швид-кий (наднаносекундний) твердотільний комутатор Drіft Step Recovery Dіode (DSRD). Оскільки тривалість прискорювального імпульсу становить усього лише кілька наносекунд, то передбачається одержати поздов-жній прискорювальний градієнт до 100 МеВ на метр без виникнення пробою.Описана новая короткоимпульсная концепция SLIM (Stanford Linear Induction Method), пригодная для высокоградиентных индукционных ускорителей нового поколения. Ускоряющая секция представляет собой набор индуктивных ячеек без сердечников, в которых единственным активным элементом является про-стой, чрезвычайно быстрый (сверхнаносекундный) твердотельный коммутатор Drift Step Recovery Diode (DSRD). Поскольку длительность ускоряющего импульса составляет всего лишь несколько наносекунд, то предполагается получить продольный ускоряющий градиент до 100 МэВ на метр без возникновения пробоя

    Determination of the dimensions of the heat-affected zone in welding gas pipeline components

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    Analytical decisions supported by experimental data were used to determine the dependences for calculating the size of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in multilayer welding of circumferential joints in transmission gas pipelines. Data on the dimensions of this zone are essential for evaluating the possibility of applying cold cutting in the rejection of elements of gas pipelines because of defects in circumferential welded joints or welded joints in transition rings in the vicinity of circumferential welded joints. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Numerical Simulation of the Medical Linear Accelerator Electron Beams Absorption by ABS-Plastic doped with Metal

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    In this paper the numerical simulation results of the dose spatial distribution of the medical electron beams in ABS-plastic doped with different concentrations of lead and zinc are shown. The dependences of the test material density on the lead and zinc mass concentrations are illustrated. The depth dose distributions of the medical electron beams in the modified ABS-plastic for three energies 6 MeV, 12 MeV and 20 MeV are tested. The electron beam shapes in the transverse plane in ABS-plastic doped with different concentrations of lead and zinc are presented


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    Oil production, its transportation and refining, in spite of precautions, may lead to various hydrocarbon components entering the environment due to unwanted events. Three samples were studied, which are products of oil refining: mazut - the residue obtained by rectification of a mixture of West Siberian oils at atmospheric pressure and that is a mixture of hydrocarbons with a boiling point of more than 350° C with a small amount of heteroatomic compounds (sulfur content in the sample is 2.65 wt%), light (LСGO) and heavy (HCGO) cycle gas oils which are fractions enriched with arenes, including polycyclic, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur compounds (mainly thiophene derivatives)).This work is funded by Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation (Project No FSNM-2020-002

    Semantic Transformation of Precedent Names in Japanese Songs

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    The paper attempts to identify semantic transformations of precedent names in Japanese songs. Material of practical research is based on the texts of 62 songs modern Japanese electronic band 水曜日のカンパネラ (Suiyoubi no Kanpanera). The choice of this artist is due to the current popularity of the groups among the number of new wave Japanese artists of the 2010s. The authors offer their thematic classification of precedent names in the song’s lyrics. In the course of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that not all precedent names remain in the original, primordial meaning, but can have either several meanings or radically change the meaning. The authors see the main reason for semantic transformations in the dynamically changing everyday life of the Japanese and their communication, as well as in the admirers of these songs, which are usually young people and adolescents. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020