199 research outputs found

    White pitahaya as a natural additive: potential usage in cosmetic industry

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    The awareness of some harmful side effects of the chemicals contained in synthetic cosmetics has increased the demand for herbal-based cosmetic products today. White pitahaya fruit and peel methanol extracts were prepared to determine their usage potential in the cosmetic industry. Firstly, we investigated their antimicrobial activity against some test microorganisms using the disc diffusion assay. We also determined their minimal inhibition and minimal bactericidal or fungicidal concentrations. Then, we assayed the antimicrobial activity of a commercial cream containing white pitahaya extracts and the probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum MA-7 strain against the test microorganisms. Finally, we measured the sun protection factors of the white pitahaya fruit and peel extracts and the cream with the extracts. The white pitahaya fruit and peel extracts exhibited antimicrobial activity against the test microorganisms. The cream formulation containing a pitahaya fruit extract had the highest inhibition zone diameter of 11.25 mm against Escherichia coli O157:H7. The highest sun protection value among the extracts and cream with extracts was determined for peel extract as 6.66 and 23.34, respectively. The results indicate that pitahaya fruit and peel extracts have effective antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as high sun protection factors, and therefore they could be used as natural preservatives in the cosmetic industry

    Mikrobiyal Fitazlar, Uygulama Alanları ve Biyoteknoloji

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    Fitazlar, myo-inositol hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase, EC fitatdan fosfatların serbest kalmasını katalizlerler. Birçok tahıl tanesi, baklagiller ve yağlı tohumlar fosforu fitat olarak depolarlar. Fitazlar; bitkiler, hayvanlar ve mikroorganizmalar tarafından üretilebilmektedir. Ancak mikrobiyal kaynaklı olanlar ticari kullanımlar ve biyoteknolojik uygulamalar için en ümit verici olanıdır. Bu enzim, fosfor beslenmesini artırmak ve hayvansal atıkların oluşturduğu fosfor kirliliğini azaltmak amaçları ile hayvan beslemede yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Fitazlar aynı zamanda gıda sanayinde, myo-inositol fosfatların hazırlanmasında, kağıt endüstrisinde ve toprak iyileştirmede de kullanılmaktadır. Biyoteknoloji, iyileştirilmiş özelikleriyle yeni fitazların geliştirilmesinde kullanılmaktadı

    Erken dönem Türk romanında arabalar

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Thesis (M.S.): Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Literature, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2017.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 96-102).This thesis examines the rules and conventions surrounding the use of carriages in early Turkish novels and the changes these rules and conventions went through. It seeks to capture the details that a modern reader tends to miss because of a lack of knowledge about the use of carriages in fiction. Examples are taken from novels published between 1851 and 1926. A formalist approach is adopted as a theoretical framework and it is assumed that there is a cultural system shared by the writers and it determines the functions and meanings of carriages in novels. Carriages and carriage ownership are usually interpreted as signs of wealth and status in early Turkish novels. Their function in conspicuous consumption and leisure, as defined by Veblen, is partly the reason of their interpretation. Carriages are also used to symbolize the distinction among the social classes and even become tools of oppression in some novels. Carriages also assume a central role in the love stories from early Turkish novels and are often used in conjunction with a specific set of narrative elements. The motif of “carriage affair” which consists of these narrative elements is commonly encountered in the novels published in the 19th century. Later on, the role of carriages in the love stories changes with the emergence of novels that describe lovers in the same carriage.In some cases, carriages are spatialised due to harsh criticism regarding promenades along with molestation by male characters. Thanks to their physical attributes and conventions on their use in early Turkish novels, carriages provide protection, especially for the female characters. Gender segregation in carriage-spaces constitutes a part of these conventions. This segregation declines gradually starting from 1900s and eventually, male and female characters sharing the same carriage is seen as a normal occurence.by Fatih Aşan.M.S

    Chemical compositions of traditional Tarhana having different formulations

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    Cereal-based fermented foods play an important role in the diets of many people in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Europe. Containing cereal and animal-based nutrients, richer with fermentation products, produced with yeast and lactic acid bacteria, tarhana is a type of soup having a delicious and desired taste. It is a good source of protein and vitamins and therefore is used largely for feeding children and the elderly. Because there is no standard production method, the nutritional properties of tarhana strictly depend on ingredients and their ratios in the formulation. In this research, the compositions of 21 tarhana samples collected from different locations in Turkey were examined. Moisture, ash, salt, protein, crude fat, acidity degree and reducing sugar values of the samples changed between 9.35 and 66.4, 1.36 and 9.40, 0.62 and 9.01, 6.77 and 28.55, 0.43 and 15.78, 1.7 and 40.7, and 0.22 and 1.85%, respectively. The nutritional importance of tarhana is the improvement of the basic cereal protein diet by adding dairy protein in a highly accepted form. Like tarhana, indigenous fermented foods that enhance health properties should receive much more attention that they deserve

    Eight-Year Follow-up of a Girl with McCune-Albright Syndrome

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    McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is characterized by the triad of fibrous dysplasia (FD), cafe-au-lait spots and precocious puberty (PP). We report a 14-year-old girl with MAS who has been followed-up for 8 years. She was referred for multiple fractures and vaginal bleeding at age 5.9 years. She had peripheral PP, FD, and osteoporosis and was diagnosed as MAS. The patient was treated with aromatase inhibitors and bisphosphonates. She had no menses during aromatase inhibitor treatment. Her growth rate and bone maturation were in normal ranges while on treatment. She had one new fracture on the seventh year of follow- up in spite of bisphosphonate treatment

    An investigation of the bactericidal and fungicidal effects of algerian propolis extracts and essential oils

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    Natural products have been used in medicine for variety of purposes for centuries. As a natural product, propolis is gaining increasing importance today due to its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms. Hence, the aim of the present study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of extracts and essential oils of propolis collected from various regions of Algeria against food-borne and clinically pathogen microorganisms including Salmonella enteritidis RSKK 171, Shigella sonnei MU:57 and Candida glabrata RSKK 04019. The antimicrobial activity of the propolis extracts and essential oils were evaluated using disc diffusion method. The results showed that all propolis extracts and essential oils exhibited antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms with inhibition zones varied from 8.31 mm to 14.53 mm. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal or fungicidal concentration (MBC or MFC) of the samples were determined by microdilution-broth method. The MIC and MBC or MFC values were in the range of 0.25-2 μg/μl and 0.25-4 μg/μl. Therefore, propolis extracts and essential oils from different regions of Algeria have potential to be used as a natural additive for food and pharmaceutical industries

    Numerical solution of j ıntegral in two dimensional crack problems

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    Kırılma, malzemelerin gerilme altında birden fazla parçalara ayrılması olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kırılma tokluğu ise, çatlaklı bir malzemenin kırılmaya karşı direncini gösteren malzemelerin mekanik özelliklerinden biridir ve J−integral yöntemi, kırılma tokluğunun geometriden bağımsız ölçümünü veren bir yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada, izotropik özelliklere sahip kenar çatlaklı numune, farklı takviye açılarına sahip 45o merkez çatlaklı ortotropik özellikte dikdörtgen numune ve merkezinde farklı açılarda çatlaklar ihtiva eden izotropik özelliklere sahip kare numune için, J−integral’i değerleri ANSYS APDL kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. ANSYS kullanılarak elde edilen sayısal sonuçlar, simgesel bir matematik yazılımı kullanılarak, analitik olarak ta elde edilerek, sayısal ve analitik sonuçlar mukayese edilmiştir. Sonuçta; J−integralin çatlak ucuna olan uzaklığına göre değişimi incelenmiş olup, sayısal ve analitik sonuçlar arasındaki hata payının % 0.0462 ile % 2.8149 arasında değiştiği tespit edilmiştir.Fracture is defined as breaking of materials under stress and breaking them into more than one part. On the other hand, fracture toughness is one of the mechanical properties of materials showing the resistance of a material that has a crack and the J−integral method is a method that gives the geometry independent measurement of fracture toughness. In this study, the J−integral values were determined for a specimen which is a crack in its edge and having isotropic properties, a rectangular specimen which is orthotropic properties in addition to different reinforcement angles and having a 45o crack in its center and a square specimen which is the different cracks in its center and having isotropic properties using ANSYS APDL. Numerical results obtained using ANSYS were also obtained analytically by using a symbolic mathematics software and numerical and analytical results were compared. As a result; The variation of the J− integral with respect to the distance to the crack tip was investigated and it was found that the error margin between numerical and analytical results varied between 0.0462 % and 2.8149 %

    Immunogenicity, safety and clinical outcomes of the SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

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    IntroductionThe mRNA-based BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine has been shown to elicit robust systemic immune response and confer substantial protection against the severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with a favorable safety profile in adolescents. However, no data exist regarding immunogenicity, reactogenicity and clinical outcomes of COVID-19 vaccines in adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D). In this prospective observational cohort study, we examined the humoral immune responses and side effects induced by the BNT162b2 vaccine, as well as, the rate and symptomatology of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections after completion of dual-dose BNT162b2 vaccination in adolescents with T1D and compared their data with those of healthy control adolescents. The new data obtained after the vaccination of adolescents with T1D could guide their further COVID-19 vaccination schedule.MethodsA total of 132 adolescents with T1D and 71 controls were enrolled in the study, of whom 81 COVID-19 infection-naive adolescents with T1D (patient group) and 40 COVID-19 infection-naive controls (control group) were eligible for the final analysis. The response of participants to the BNT162b2 vaccine was assessed by measuring their serum IgG antibodies to the spike protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 4–6 weeks after the receipt of first and second vaccine doses. Data about the adverse events of the vaccine was collected after the receipt of each vaccine dose. The rate of COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections was evaluated in the 6-month period following second vaccination.ResultsAfter vaccinations, adolescents with T1D and controls exhibited similar, highly robust increments in anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers. All the participants in the patient and control groups developed anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers over 1,050 AU/ml after the second vaccine dose which is associated with a neutralizing effect. None of the participants experienced severe adverse events. The rate of breakthrough infections in the patient group was similar to that in the control group. Clinical symptomatology was mild in all cases.ConclusionOur findings suggest that two-dose BNT162b2 vaccine administered to adolescents with T1D elicits robust humoral immune response, with a favorable safety profile and can provide protection against severe SARS-CoV-2 infection similar to that in healthy adolescents

    Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama Yazılımlarının Akıllı Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama Yazılımlarına Dönüşüm Süreci: Robotik Süreç Otomasyonu Örneği

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    İşletmeler iş süreçlerinin neredeyse tümünü kurumsal kaynak planlama (KKP-ERP) yazılımları ile organize etmektedirler. Malzeme ihtiyaç planlama sistemleri ile ortaya çıkan KKP yazılımları, ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda işletme içinde çok geniş bir alanı kapsayan günümüzdeki haline ulaşmıştır. KKP yazılımları yeni teknolojilerin etkisiyle artık farklı bir boyut kazanmıştır. Yapay zekâ, makine öğrenmesi, akıllı nesneler, artırılmış gerçeklik ve sanal gerçeklik gibi teknolojiler KKP için farklı bir bakış açısı ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu yeni yapıya KKP ya kazandırdığı değerler nedeniyle a-KKP (akıllı kurumsal kaynak planlama) ismi verilmektedir. Yaygın olarak a-ERP (akıllı ERP) olarak da isimlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada KKP’nin a-KKP’ya evrilme sürecine değinilmiştir. Firmaların önemli süreçlerinden satış sürecine yönelik a- KKP’nin boyutlarından birisi olan robotik süreç otomasyonu (RSO) ile bir model önerilmiştir. Geliştirilen model ile sipariş sırasında müşteri tarafından verilen ödeme vadesi bilgisi ile yapılan ödeme vadesinin kontrolü ve düzenlenmesi yapılabilmektedir. Sistem bir kullanıcıya ihtiyaç duymadan otomatik olarak hareket etmekte ve çeşitli nedenlerden oluşan hataların önüne geçmektedir.</p


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    Bu çalışma 2014 yılı bahar döneminde, SO4 anacı üzerine aşılı Merlot ve Chardonnay üzüm çeşitlerinde Trichoderma harzianum (0 g/L, 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 20 g/L), Bacillus subtilis (%0, %2, %4, %8) biyo-ajan dozlarının aşıda başarı, kallus oluşumu ve fidan özellikleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla aşıdan sonra aşılı çelikler biyo-ajanlarla değişik dozlarda hazırlanan çözeltilere 1dk süreyle aşı kısımlarından daldırılmışlardır. Araştırmada; aşıda başarı oranı, ıskarta aşılı çelik oranı, gözün canlılık oranı, gözün sürme oranı, sürgün uzunluğu, köklenme oranı, dip kısmında çürüme olan çelik oranı, çepeçevre kallus oluşum oranı, çeliğinde kallus oluşan aşılı çelik oranı, kaleminde kallus oluşan aşılı çelik oranı, aşı yerinde kaynaşma düzeyi, çelik üzerinden alınan kallus miktarı, kalem üzerinden alınan kallus miktarı ve toplam kallus miktarı, anaç çapı, aşı noktası çapı, kalem çapı, aşı sürgününün uzunluğu, sürgün uzama hızı, kök sayısı, kök uzunluğu, kök gelişme düzeyi ve fidan randımanı kriterleri incelenmiştir. Chardonnay çeşidinde her iki biyo-ajanın incelenen kriterler üzerine belirgin etkileri olmadığı söylenebilir. Aşılı çelik ve fidan özelliklerine olumlu etkisi bulunduğundan Merlot çeşidinde Trichoderma harzianum biyo-ajanının kullanımı önerilebilir.This study was performed in spring period of 2014, in order to identify effects of Trichoderma harzianum (0, 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 20 g/L), Bacillus subtilis (0, %2, %4, %8) bio-agent doses on grafting success, callus formation and sapling characteristics upon Merlot/SO4 and Chardonnay/SO4 combinations. For this aim, the vaccinated saplings were immersed in the vaccine (1 min) different bio-agent solution doses. In this research, grafting success ratio, discarded sapling ratio, bud vitality ratio, bud burst ratio, shoot length, rooting ratio, rooting ratio in basal area, callusing in the grafting area, callus formation in scion ratio, callus formation in rootstock ratio, callusing level in grafting area, callus weights (rootstock, scion, and total), rootstock diameter, graft union diameter, scion diameter, grafted shoot lenght, shoot elongation ratio, root number, root leght, root growing level, and sapling performance were evaluated. For the Chardonnay variety, it can be said that both bio-agents have no significant effects on the criterias which are examined. It can be suggestible that the use of the Trichoderma harzianum bio-agent for the Merlot cv. had positive effect on the grafting success and sapling characteristics