15 research outputs found

    Effect of zoledronic acid treatment on cell adhesion molecules in prostate cancer stem cells

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    Prostat kanserinin tanı ve tedavisine yönelik birçok alanda ilerleme sağlanabilmesine rağmen hastalık bazı vakalar için ölümcül olma niteliğini sürdürmektedir. Hastaların ölümden kurtulması için atılan her adım hedefe yaklaşılmasına yardım etse de halen sonuca ulaşmak için araştırılması gereken pek çok konu bulunmaktadır. Kök hücrenin keşfi ile bu hücrelerin insan sağlığı için önemi anlaşılmış ve tedavide nasıl kullanılacağının belirlenmesine yönelik çalışmalar büyük hız kazanmıştır. İlerleyen yıllarda Kanser Kök Hücresi kavramı ortaya çıkmış ve bu hücrelerin, kök hücre özelliklerini taşıyan ancak tümör dokusu içinde metastazı yapan, tedavi sonrası nükse yol açabilen veya tedaviye direnç̧ geliştiren hücreler oldukları belirlenmiştir. Köklülük özelliğine sahip bu hücreler dışında kalan hücre gurubu kanser kök hücresi olmayan hücre gurubudur ve konvansiyonel kanser tedavisine cevap veren kanser hücrelerdir. Kanserin metastaz yapması ve çevre dokuya invazyonunda adezyon moleküllerinin önemi büyüktür. Yapılan çalışmalar özellikle çoklu ilaç direnci ve epitelial mezenşimal geçişte adezyon moleküllerinin büyük önem kazandığını göstermiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı prostat kanseri kök hücreleri üzerine zoledronik asit uygulaması sonrası, metastaz geliştirme sürecinde önemli rolü olan adezyon molekülleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaçla DU145 insan prostat kanseri hücre hattından akım sitometri cihazı ile CD133/CD44 yüzey belirteçleri kullanılarak izole edilen kanser kök hücreleri üzerine zoledronik asit tedavisi uygulanmıştır. Kanser kök hücresinde oluşan değişiklikler adezyon molekülleri yönü ile araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar zoledronik asit tedavisi sonrası kanser kök hücresi sayısında önemli bir düşüş olduğunu ve bu uygulamanın CD44, ITGB1, CD29, LAMB1, LAMB3, LAMC1, SPP1, TGFB1, TGFB1, TIMP2, ADAMTS1, ITGB5’de önemli değişimlere yol açtığını göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada in-vitro ortamda zoledronik asit uygulamasının kanser kök hücresi adezyon molekülleri üzerine baskılayıcı etki oluşturduğu ve ilerleyen çalışmalarda bu ilacın klinik kullanımda prostat kanseri tedavisinde uygulanabilme olasılığının olduğunu göstermiştir.Although the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer has made a progress, the disease remains fatal for some cases. Every step taken to save patients from death helps to approach the goal but there are still many issues that need to be investigated to reach a result. With the discovery of stem cells, the importance of these cells for human health has been understood and studies on how to use them in treatment have gained great momentum. In the following years, the concept of Cancer Stem Cell has emerged. It has been shown that these cells have stem cell characteristics but metastasize within the tumor tissue. They can cause recurrence after treatment or develop resistance to treatment. The other group of cells with rootedness is the non-cancer stem cell group and are cancer cells that respond to conventional cancer treatment. Adhesion molecules are of great importance in the cancer metastasis and invasion into the surrounding tissue. Studies have shown that adhesion molecules has great importance spesifically in multi-drug resistance and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of zoledronic acid application on prostate cancer stem cells on adhesion molecules, which have an important role in the metastasis development process. For this purpose, zoledronic acid treatment was applied to cancer stem cells isolated from DU145 human prostate cancer cell line using a flow cytometry device and CD133/CD44 surface markers. Changes in cancer stem cells have been investigated in terms of adhesion molecules. The results showed that there was a significant decrease in the number of cancer stem cells after zoledronic acid treatment and this application led to significant changes in CD44, ITGB1, CD29, LAMB1, LAMB3, LAMC1, SPP1, TGFB1, TGFB1, TIMP2, ADAMTS1, ITGB5. In this study, it has been shown that zoledronic acid administration in-vitro has a suppressive effect on cancer stem cell adhesion molecules and that this drug may be used in the treatment of prostate cancer in clinical use in further studies

    Serum copeptin level can be a helpful biomarker in evaluation of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy results

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    Background: Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) is a well-established diagnostic tool. The sensitivity and specificity of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) MPS to detect significant coronary lesion were 86% and 74%, respectively. The aim of this study was to examine the role of serum copeptin in evaluation of MPS. Methods: Sixty-two consecutive patients underwent both SPECT MPS using 99mTc-sestamibi and transthoracic echocardiography were enrolled prospectively. Age, gender, height, weight, presence of cardiovascular risk factors were recorded. Exercise treadmill test (ETT) with modified Bruce protocol was used to induce coronary ischemia during MPS. While performing MPS, blood samples for serum copeptin level were drawn three times at pre-exercise, at the peak of ETT, and 6 h after ETT, respectively. The patients were enrolled into three groups according to MPS results (normal, equivocal and ischemia). Results: The study included 62 patients (23 with normal, 20 with equivocal, 19 with ischemia on MPS). Pre-, peak-, and post-exercise B-type natriuretic peptide and troponin I values were similar across the groups (p > 0.05 for all comparisons). Serum copeptin values for pre- and peak-exercise were similar among all groups (p = 0.883 and p = 0.089). Post-exercise copeptin values of the normal and equivocal groups were similar (p = 0.661, z = –0.438) while that of the ischemia group was significantly higher than both the normal (p < 0.001) and equivocal group (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Serum copeptin was found to be increasing significantly in case of ischemia on MPS. It may be used in differentiation of equivocal results from false positive results.

    İlk OsmanlıEdebiyat Tarihleri ve Tarihçileri Hakkında Bazı Değerlendirmeler

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    Bu makalede, Türk edebiyatının ilk edebiyat tarihlerini, daha çok da Abdülhalîm Memdûh’un, Şahabettin Süleyman’ın ve Faik Reşat’ın Târîh-i Edebiyyât-ı‘Osmâniyyeadlıeserlerini bir değerlendirmeye tâbi tutacağız. Ayrıca, ilk Osmanlıedebiyat tarihlerini kaleme alan edebiyat tarihçilerinin benzer yönlerini belirlemeye çalışacağız. Abdülhalîm Memdûh’un özel hayatı, siyasî yaşamı, eserlerine ne derecede yansımıştır? Gizli cemiyetler kurma girişiminde bulunmasıve tutuklanması, zor şartlarda geçen hayatınıhâmisi Prenses Nazlı’nın yardımlarıyla idâme ettirmesi, sürgünlerle geçen hayatı, II. Abdülhamit muhalifi olması, uykusuzluk hastalığıyüzünden uyuşturucu karışımıilaç kullanmasıhasebiyle ölmesi, ölümünün İngiltere’nin Folcestone şehrinde olmasıve naaşının Prenses Nazlı’nın isteğiyle Tunus’ta misafirken beğendiği bir tepeye nakledilmesi dikkatleri çekmektedir. Yine, Abdülhalîm Memdûh’un kaleme aldığı Târîh-i Edebiyyât-ı‘Osmâniyye adlıeserin yayımcısının II. Abdülhamit döneminde ajan olarak bilinen Ermeni kökenli Ohannes Ferît olması, Şahabettin Süleyman ile benzerlik gösteren bohem hayatları, Batıhayranıolmaları, Faik Reşat’ın gelgitlerle dolu hayatı, dinsizlikle suçlanmasıda önemlidir. Burada, bütün bu önemli ayrıntılarıve benzerlikleri değişik bakışaçılarıile değerlendirmeye çalışacağız

    Neuroprotective effect of intrastriatal caffeic acid phenethyl ester treatment in 6-oh dopamine model of parkinson's disease in rats

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, and the main cause of PD is still not known. Until now, no cure for Parkinson's disease is yet in sight. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is a polyphenolic component of the propolis, which can be derived from honeybee hive propolis. We aimed to determine the effect of intrastriatal CAPE administration as a neuroprotective agent on 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced PD model. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 280-320 g were used. The PD model was induced with unilateral intrastriatal 6-OHDA injection. Treatment groups received 20 mu mol/5 mu L/4 day and 80 mu mol/5 mu L/4 day CAPE 24 h after 6-OHDA injection. Eight days after 6-OHDA application, behavioral studies (adhesive tape removal test, open-field test, cylinder test, and apomorphine-induced asymmetric rotational behavior) were performed once more to compare the effects of CAPE on behavior tests. Striatal histological verifications, immunohistochemistry, and stereological quantitation were performed. Our results for the first time showed that, besides improving the motor performance, CAPE treatment also prevents 6-OHDA-induced loss of TH-positive neurons. From our results, CAPE may be a promising clinical agent in the treatment of PD.Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of the University of N

    Mehmet Emin Resulzâde’nin siyasi kimliği ve Türkiyede yaptığı çalışmalar

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Ünsal, Mehmet Süha

    Effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper® on Bone Regeneration in Rat Calvarial Defects

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    WOS: 000291330700017Objective: The influence of Ankaferd Blood Stopper (R) (ABS) was experimentally investigated on calvarial defects in rats. Material and Methods: Fourteen Wistar-albino rats equally divided into two groups, control group (G1) and drug group (G2), were included in the study. In G1, only right frontal craniectomy was performed. In G2, 0.5ml ABS was topically applied with a syringe after craniectomy. Surface areas of the defects were measured after four weeks, and comparative reconstruction images with were obtained, computed tomography (CT) as well. Blood samples were also collected to evaluate prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and tissue samples were harvested for histologic examination. Results: Mean defect area in G1 (7.20 +/- 2.62 mm(2)) was significantly larger than that in G2 (1.83 +/- 1.65 mm(2)) (p0.05). Three dimensional (3D) CT analysis and histological examination revealed prominent osteogenesis in G2. Conclusion: We observed that surface area of the calvarial defects decreased significantly after ABS administration, and this observation was confirmed by 3D CT analysis and histology. Thus, ABS seems to have a potential of bone promoting effect; however, precise mechanisms underlying this osteogenetic activity still remain unexplained


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    Purpose: The embryonic microenvironment contains many properties that have not yet been fully explored. Our aim in this study is to report an optimized and efficient method that enables investigating the effects of the secretome of pluripotent embryonic stem cells on cancer stem cells.Material and Methods: The study is performed with a chimeric model consisted of mouse blastocysts, non cancer stem cells and human prostate cancer stem cells. Ovulation induced mice were used for blastocyst collection. DU145 prostate cancer cell line was separated into non cancer and cancer stem cells using cancer stem cell biomarker expressions by fluorescent activated cell sorting. Human prostate cancer stem cells and non cancer stem cells were microinjected into 4-day blastocyst culture in vitro by intracytoplasmic sperm injection.Results: Chimeric models provide us great convenience in basic oncological studies. In this study, using a chimeric model, we were able to study the secretome of mouse embryonic stem cells and their effect on cancer stem cells. The method is efficient and yield promising result; and could be used to study the effects on other cells as well.Conclusion: The embryonic stem cell microenvironment is suggested to have a great regenerative capacity, nowadays, the center of attraction for cancer research studies. Ethical issues restrict the human embryo studies, however, mimicking the in vivo human microenvironment with 3D cell cultures or bioprinting are now possible. Finally, optimization of new methods including 3D cell cultures with human cell lines will be a great opportunity for better understanding the reprogramming notion

    Türkçe'de sığ çözümleme

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    In this study, shallow parsing is applied on Turkish sentences. These sentences are used to train and test the per-formances of various learning algorithms with various features specified for shallow parsing in Turkish.Bu çalışmada, Türkçe cümleler üzerinde sığ çözümleme yapılmıştır. Bu cümleler, Türkçe sığ çözümleme için belirlenmiş çeşitli özelliklerle çeşitli öğrenme algoritmalarının eğitilmesi ve performanslarının test edilmesi için kullanılmıştır.Publisher's Versio

    A new approach for named entity recognition

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    Many sentences create certain impressions on people. These impressions help the reader to have an insight about the sentence via some entities. In NLP, this process corresponds to Named Entity Recognition (NER). NLP algorithms can trace a lot of entities in the sentence like person, location, date, time or money. One of the major problems in these operations are confusions about whether the word denotes the name of a person, a location or an organisation, or whether an integer stands for a date, time or money. In this study, we design a new model for NER algorithms. We train this model in our predefined dataset and compare the results with other models. In the end we get considerable outcomes in a dataset containing 1400 sentences.This work was supported by Isik University BAP projects 14B206 and 15B201. All authors contributed equally to this work. O. A., I. C., B. E., A. T. G., A. B. K., B. O., O. T. designed and implemented discrete model experiments. They also labeled the data and wrote the manuscript. G. E. designed and implemented continuous model experiments. B. A. wrote the manuscript. O. T. Y. supervised the project, gave conceptual advice and wrote the manuscriptPublisher's Versio