172 research outputs found


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    Background: Altmetric Attention Score (AAS) and PlumX Metrics are becoming important to evaluate the impact of the publication in addition to classical scientific rating method such as citation count and impact factor. These metrics collect data about publications’ tweet count, Facebook interaction count and other social interactions. In this study, it is aimed to examine the association between AAS, PlumX Metrics and citation count of top child and adolescent psychiatry. Methods: We identified the five journals and retrospectively analysed the publications published in 2019. All the original research articles, met analysis, and reviews were analysed. The articles were divided into two groups as original articles/research articles and meta-analysis/systematic review. We have hypothesized that there could be a positive correlation between AAS and PlumX Metrics data and citation count among these journals and there could be a difference between AAS, PlumX scores and citation count between original articles/research articles and meta-analysis/systematic review as their reading potential is different. Results: We have found a significant positive correlation between citation count, AAS and PlumX Metrics. This association continued after controlling the journal impact factor. In linear regression analysis, type of publication, total count of tweets, and Mendeley reads predicted the citation count. Conclusion: In addition to the classical methods measuring the quality of the articles such as the total citation count and impact factor, the importance of AAS and PlumX Metrics has been increasing. It is important to share scientific publications on these platforms in order to increase the impact of the articles

    Production of Candida Biomasses For Heavy Metal Removal From Wastewaters

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    DergiPark: 817451trkjnatMayalar, asidik ortamda büyüyebilir ve ağır metalleri biriktirebilir. Bu çalışma, Candida türü mayaların sulu çözeltilerden tekli Cu(II) ve Ni(II) katyonlarını biriktirdiğini göstermiştir. Ağır metal iyonlarının, biyokütlelerin spesifik büyüme hızı ve büyüme periyodu boyunca metal iyonlarını giderimi üzerindeki etkisi, bir kesikli sistemde araştırılmıştır. Sabit sakaroz derişiminde, metal iyonu derişimi arttıkça, biyobirikim verimi azalmıştır. Hem spesifik büyüme hızı hem de biyokütle konsantrasyonu, tek başına Cu(II) iyonları içeren biyoakümülasyon ortamına kıyasla Ni(II) iyonları içeren biyoakümülasyon ortamında daha fazla inhibe edilmiştir. Mayaların maksimum özgül büyüme hızı ve doygunluk sabiti, Monod denkleminin çift-karşılıklı formu ile incelenmiştir. Candida lipolytica’nın metal giderim performansı Ni(II) derişiminin 25 mg/L’den 250 mg/L'ye çıkmasıyla % 81,68'den % 46,28'e düşmüştür. Candida biyokütleleri, ağır metallerin atık sulardan gideriminde alternatif bir yol olabilir ve yeni biyokütle üretimi için bir örnek oluşturabilir. Bu çalışma, Candida mayalarının, metal direnci ve verimli üretimleri nedeniyle ekonomik biyokütle olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Yeasts can accumulate heavy metals and grow in acidic media. In the present study, it was shown that Candida yeasts in an aqueous solution accumulate single Cu(II) and Ni(II) cations. The effect of heavy metal ions on the specific growth rate of biomasses and the uptake of metal ions during the growth phase was investigated in a batch system. Bioaccumulation efficiency decreased with increasing metal ion concentrations at constant sucrose concentrations. Both the specific growth rate and the biomass concentration were more inhibited in the bioaccumulation media containing Ni(II) ions singly as compared with the bioaccumulation media containing Cu(II) ions singly. The maximum specific growth rate and the saturation constant of yeasts were examined with a double-reciprocal form of Monod equation. Metal uptake performance decreased from 81.68% to 46.28% with increasing Ni(II) concentration from 25 mg/L to 250 mg/L for Candida lipolytica. Candida biomasses may be an alternative way of removal of heavy metals from wastewaters and may constitute a sample to produce new biomass. The study showed that Candida yeasts can be used as economical biomass due to their metal resistance and efficient production

    The Foundation and Development of Waqfs Administration in the District of Tokat (1835-1890)

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    Osmanlı topraklarındaki bütün vakıfları tek çatı altında toplamak amacıyla 1826-1838 yılları arasında Evkaf-ı Hümayun Nezareti oluşturulmuştur. Taşra vakıflarının bir idari teşkilata kavuşturulması ise daha uzun bir süreçte olmuştur. Taşra vakıf idarelerinin teşkili ve gelişimi konusu tam olarak ortaya konamamıştır. Bu çalışmada Tokat Kazası’nda vakıf idaresinin kurulması ve gelişimi devrin kaynakları yardımı ile değerlendirilmiştir. 1839-1890 döneminde Tokat Kazası’nda vakıf idaresinin kademeli olarak teşkil edildiği görülmüştür. 1839’da Tokat Kazası’ndaki vakıflar Muʻaccelat Müdürü tarafından idare edilmeye başlanmıştır. 1840-1842 yılları arasında taşrada kurulan Muhassıllıklar taşra vakıflarının idaresini de üstlenmişlerdir. Muhassıllık uygulamasının kaldırılmasıyla 1842-1845 yılları arasında taşra vakıflarının yönetimi, mahalli yetkililerin atadıkları memurlar eliyle yürütülmüştür. Bu uygulamanın başarısızlığı üzerine, Haziran 1845’te Dersaʻadet’ten müstakil müdürler tayini kararlaştırılmıştır. 1864 yılı Vilayet Nizamnamesi sonrasında, Tokat Kazası vakıfları Sivas sancak merkezindeki Evkaf Müdürlüğünce idare edilmeye başlanmıştır. Sivas Vilâyeti’nde 1872-1875 yılları arasında bazı sancak merkezlerinde Evkaf muhasebecilikleri, bazı kaza merkezlerinde ise Evkaf vekillikleri kurulmuştur. 1879’da Tokat Kazası’nın sancağa dönüşmesiyle, Tokat Sancağı’nda da Evkaf Müdürlüğü, kazalarında ise Evkaf vekillikleri kurulmuştur. Böylece Tokat Sancağı’nda vakıf idare teşkilatı tamamlanmıştır. Bu inceleme, 1838 sonrası Osmanlı taşra vakıf idarelerinin oluşturulması sürecini daha iyi anlamaya katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktır

    Kontrast madde nefropatisinin önlenmesinde statin tedavisinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Kontrast madde uygulanmasını takiben renal fonksiyondaki azalma hastane yatış döneminde ve uzun dönemde artmış morbidite ve mortalite ile ilişkilidir. Retrospektif birkaç klinik çalışmada statin tedavisinin koroner anjiyografi uygulanan hastalarda kontrast nefropatisini önleyebileceği gösterilmiştir. Prospektif bu çalışmada elektif koroner anjiyografi uygulanan hastalarda kontrast uygulanması sonrası farklı iki statin tedavi rejiminin renal fonksiyon üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya elektif koroner anjiyografi uygulanan 240 hasta 3 grupta dahil edildi. (Grup 1: Kontrol, Grup 2: Kronik statin tedavisi, Grup 3: Atorvastatin 40 mg/gün). Grup 3’deki hastalara atorvastatin 40 mg/gün koroner anjiyografiden 3 gün önce başlandı. Eşlik eden ciddi komorbiditeli, serum kreatinini ≥1.5 mg/dL olan ve antioksidan, nefrotoksik ajan veya diğer lipid düşürücü tedavi alan hastalar çalışmaya alınmadı. Tüm hastalar oral ve intravenöz hidrate edilerek aynı benzer düşük ozmolar kontrast ajana maruz kaldı. Serum kreatinin, serum sistatin C ve glomerül filtrasyon hızı (GFH) koroner anjiyografi öncesi ve sonrası 48. saatte değerlendirildi. GFH değerlendirmek amacı ile Cockcroft-Gault formülü kullanıldı. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 59.8 ± 9.7 yıl idi. 152’si (%63) erkek, 151’i (%63) hipertansif, 166’sı (%69) dislipidemik ve 69’u (%28) diyabetikti. Dislipidemi, miyokard infarktüsü ve koroner revaskülarizasyon öyküsü insidansı kronik statin tedavisi alan grupta (Grup 2), kontrol (Grup 1) ve atorvastatin 40 mg/gün (Grup 3) gruplarına göre daha fazla oranda saptandı (sırasıyla, p<0.001, p=0.005, p<0.001). Hidrasyon oranları ve koroner anjiyografide kullanılan kontrast ajan miktarları gruplar arasında farklılık göstermedi (p>0.05). Bazal serum kreatinin, serum sistatin C ve GFH değerleri gruplar arasında benzerdi. Koroner anjiyografi sonrasında serum kreatinin, serum sistatin C ve GFH değerleri istatistiksel olarak kronik statin (Grup 2) ve atorvastatin 40 mg/gün (Grup 3) gruplarında kontrol grubuna (Grup 1) göre kıyasla daha iyi saptandı. Kısa veya uzun dönem statin kullanımının elektif koroner anjiyografi yapılan hastalarda renal fonksiyonun bozulmasında koruyucu rolü olabilir

    Modeling of radio frequency induced currents on lead wires during MR imaging using a modified transmission line method (MoTLiM)

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 36-38.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used diagnosis technique. During MRI radio frequency (RF) fields are utilized to excite the spins. If these RF fields incidence on metallic implants, currents will be induce on the metallic parts of implants. Inside the body these induced currents on metallic implants cause heating of tissue and sometimes cause severe burning of tissue. This phenomena makes MRI hazardous for patients with metallic implants. Much work has been done to understand this phenomena. However, most of these work based on purely experimental or numerical methods. So to understand and to obtain a good intuition on this problem a lot of cases must be solved computationally or tested experimentally. In this study lumped element model of the transmission line is modified in order to model the conductive wires of implants inside the body. This model is based on the similarity between the damped oscillatory behavior of transmission line currents and induced currents on wires inside the body. A voltage source is added to model the effect of the incident electric field. Voltages and currents on a infinitesimally small portion of wire are solved. Solving currents and voltages simultaneously on the modified lumped element model lead to a non-homogeneous differential equation for the current. The solution of this differential equation gives the analytical solution for the induced current on the implant lead. To test the validity of this solution, wire under the uniform incident electric field is solved with the Modified Transmission Line Method (MoTLiM) and compared to Methods of Moment (MoM) solution. The results are also verified using phantom experiments. For experimental verification, the distorted flip angle distribution due to induced currents are measured using flip angle imaging techniques. In addition to this, the flip angle distribution around the wire is calculated using results obtained from MoTLiM. Finally these results are compared and an error analysis is carried out.Açıkel, VolkanM.S

    Turquality Projesi Kapsamındaki Mobilya Sektörü İşletmelerinin Uluslararası Pazarlardaki Tutundurma Faaliyetlerinin İncelenmesi Investigating the Promotional Activities of Turkish Furniture Companies within the Scope of Turquality Project in the International Markets

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Ekonomi Bakanlığı’nca yürütülen Turquality markalaşma destek programı kapsamındaki mobilya sektörü markalarının uluslararası pazarlardaki tutundurma uygulamalarının, Turquality Projesi’ nin global Türk markaları oluşturulması ve yurt dışında olumlu Türk malı imajı yaratılması amaçlarını destekler nitelikte olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Çalışmanın verileri, Turquality Projesi kapsamındaki 6 mobilya işletmesinden derinlemesine mülakat yöntemi ile toplanmış olup, betimsel analiz yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda, işletmelerin yurt dışında tutundurma karması bileşenlerinin kullanımına yönelik faaliyetlerinin, Programın Türk markalarından dünya markası yaratılması amacını gerçekleştirmek adına uygun olmakla birlikte yeterli olmadığı sonucuna varılmış; ayrıca sınırlı sayıda pazara bağımlı oldukları tespit edilen işletmelerin, pazar çeşitlendirmesine yönelmelerinin faydalı olacağı önerisinde bulunulmuştur. The aim of this study is to determine whether the Turquality branding support program, which is implemented by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy, and the business practices in the furniture industry brands for the promotion of them in the international markets within the scope of the Turquality Project support the aim of creating global Turkish brands and positive image for Turkish goods abroad. The data of the study were collected by making indepth interviews with 6 furniture enterprises within the scope of the Turquality Project and they were analyzed by using descriptive analysis method. At the end of the research, the activities of the participating enterprises for the use of promotional mix components in abroad were found to be insufficient for the purpose of creating a global brand from Turkish brands. And also, it was proposed that trying to have a market diversity would be useful for the enterprises, which were determined to depend on a limited number of markets, to be a global bran

    Analysis of current induction on thin conductors inside the body during MRI scan

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and The Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2014.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2014.Includes bibliographical references leaves 55-59.The aim of this thesis is to develop a method to analyze currents on thin conductor structures inside the body during Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan based on Modified Transmission Line Method (MoTLiM). In this thesis, first, Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMDs) are modeled and the tissue heating problem, which is a result of coupling between AIMD and incident Radio Frequency (RF) fields, is examined. Then, usage of MoTLiM to analyze the currents on the guidewires is shown by solving currents on guidewire when a toroidal transmit receive coil is used with guidewire. At first, a method to measure MoTLiM parameters of leads using a network analyzer is shown. Then, IPG case and electrode are modeled with a voltage source and impedance. Values of these parameters are found using the Modi- fied Transmission Line Method (MoTLiM) and the Methods of Moments (MoM) simulations. Once the parameter values of an electrode/IPG case model are determined, they can be connected to any lead, and tip heating can be analyzed. To validate these models, both MoM simulations and MR experiments are used. The induced currents on the leads with the IPG case or electrode connections are solved using the proposed models and MoTLiM. These results are compared with the MoM simulations. In addition, an electrode is connected to a lead via an inductor. The dissipated power on the electrode is calculated using MoTLiM by changing the inductance and the results are compared with the specific absorption rate results that are obtained using MoM. Then, MRI experiments are conducted to test the IPG case and the electrode models. To test the IPG case, a bare lead is connected to the case and placed inside a uniform phantom. During a MRI scan the temperature rise at the lead is measured by changing the lead length. The power at the lead tip for the same scenario is also calculated using the IPG case model and MoTLiM. Then an electrode is connected to a lead via an inductor and placed inside a uniform phantom. During a MRI scan the temperature rise at the electrode is measured by changing the inductance and compared with the dissipated power on the electrode resistance. Second, based on the similarity between currents on guidewires and transmission lines, currents on the catheter are solved with MoTLiM. Current distributions on an insulated guidewire are solved and B1 distribution along the catheter is calculated. Effect of stripping the tip on the tip visibility is analyzed. It is shown that there is an increase in the B1 at the insulation and bare guidewire boundary. Then, a characteristic impedance is defined for the guidewires and impedance seen at the point where guidewire is inserted into the body is calculated. It is shown with EM simulations that if the impedance converges to the characteristic impedance of the guidewire, tip visibility of the guidewire is lost. At last, a new method to measure electrical properties of a phantom material is proposed. This method is used for validation of the coaxial transmission line measurement (CTLM) fixture, which is designed for measurement of electrical properties of viscous phantom materials at MRI frequencies, and which is previously presented by our group. The new method depends on the phenomena of the lead tip heating inside a phantom during MRI scan. Electrical properties of a phantom are influential on the relationship between tip temperature increase and the lead length. MoTLiM is used and the relationship between the lead length and the tip temperature increase is formulated as a function of conductivity and permittivity of the phantom. By changing the lead length, the tip temperature increase is measured and the MoTLiM formulation is fitted to these data to find the electrical properties of the phantom. Afterwards the electrical properties of the phantom are measured with the CTLM fixture and the results that are obtained with both methods are compared for an error analysis. To sum, electrical models for the IPG case and electrode are suggested, and the method is proposed to determine the parameter values. The effect of the IPG case and electrode on tip heating can be predicted using the proposed theory. An analytical analysis of guidewire with toroidal transceiver is shown. This analysis is helpful for better usage and improvements of toroidal transceiver. Also, MoTLiM analysis can be extended to other MRI guidewire antennas.Açıkel, VolkanPh.D

    Investigation of adsorption of metronidazole on Chitosan - Halloysite nanocomposites and controlled release

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    A novel nanocomposite drug carrier composing from chitosan (CTN) and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) has been developed. For this purpose, the metronidazole (MNZ) is chosen as a model drug. The characterization of synthesized nanocomposites is performed by FTIR, TGA, DSC, SEM, TEM, BET and particle size distribution analysis. MNZ is loaded to chitosan-halloysite (CTN-HNT) nanocomposites in two ways; by direct loading and adsorption method. The adsorption of MNZ on CTN-HNT nanocomposites have been investigated as a function of medium pH, mass ratio of CTN to halloysite (HNT), amount of nanocomposite and drug concentration. The fit of MNZ adsorption equilibrium on CTN-HNT nanocomposites to the Langmuir and Freundlich models was investigated. The adsorption kinetics of MNZ on nanocomposites have been evaluated using the pseudo-first order rate equation of Lagergren and the pseudo-second-order rate equation of Mc-Kay and Ho. The controlled release of MNZ from CTN-HNT nanocomposites has also been investigated

    Traditional and New Types of Passive Flow Control Techniques to Pave the Way for High Maneuverability and Low Structural Weight for UAVs and MAVs

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    Prevailing utilization of airfoils in the design of micro air vehicles and wind turbines causes to gain attention in terms of determination of flow characterization on these flight vehicles operating at low Reynolds numbers. Thus, these vehicles require flow control techniques to reduce flow phenomena such as boundary layer separation or laminar separation bubble (LSB) affecting aerodynamic performance negatively. This chapter presents a detailed review of traditional passive control techniques for flight vehicle applications operating at low Reynolds numbers. In addition to the traditional methods, a new concept of the pre-stall controller by means of roughness material, flexibility and partial flexibility is highlighted with experimental and numerical results. Results indicate that passive flow control methods can dramatically increase the aerodynamic performance of the aforementioned vehicles by controlling the LSB occurring in the pre-stall region. The control of the LSB with new concept pre-stall control techniques provides lift increment and drag reduction by utilizing significantly less matter consumption and low energy. In particular, new types of these methods presented for the first time by the chapter’s authors have enormously influenced the progress of separation and LSB, resulting in postponing of the stall and enhancing the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine applications