23 research outputs found

    Meera the Poet and Dravidian Ideology

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    Poet Meera is an eloquent and conceptual interpreter, who uses simple words to polish profound ideas into her poetic wit. Poet Meera is a poetess who added beauty to Mother Tamil. Ever since her childhood, she had an insatiable love for poetry and poets, and to that extent the Dravidian Kazhagam worshipped the rationalists of the Dravidian movement like Periyar, Anna and Kalaignar. She was born to restore human society like a Sivagangai Seeman. This article explains the human feelings, progressive thoughts, the words she wanted to say emphatically and deeply, poems and essays by aligning them with Dravidian principles

    A Study of Selective Motor Fitness Components Empowers On Playing Ability among Low and High Performers of State Level Football Players

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    Motor fitness is a present aptitude for physical skills, includes strength and co-ordination enriches todayÒ€ℒs Manpower in players performance.  The study focuses on selected motor fitness components to ensure the playing ability among low and high performers of State level Football players. To achieve this study, One hundred and fifty men Football players were randomly selected as subjects from Tamilnadu State level men Football Tournament held at Chennai in 2008-09. Their age ranged from20 to 25 years. Selected subjects were classified into three equal groups of each fifty members. Group 1 served as -Chennai Team, Group-II as Salem and Coimbatore Team and Group III Trichy and Madurai Team. All the subjects were oriented the purpose of the test and procedure of conducting this test. Regular activities and training were given that aplomb the playerÒ€ℒs ability to perform the game. Questionnaire preparation was also done by our Research Scholar with the reference to the review of the literature. The investigator has provided onto the following selected motor fitness variables such as Cardio-vascular Endurance, Speed, Agility and Explosive Power. The data is collected with the help of five PhD Scholars, Department of Physical Education who were well versed with the conduct of test and collections under the direct supervision of our Research Scholar. Resulting data will be collected before and after the competition and statistically analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT. Hence the study concluded that playing ability solely depends on the physical fitness, stress free mind more than that it relates the socio-economic status to perform the better strategy of playing games.Γ‚

    An efficient strategy for the collection and storage of large volumes of data for computation

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of data being produced and stored, which is known as Big Data. The social networks, internet of things, scientific experiments and commercial services play a significant role in generating a vast amount of data. Three main factors are important in Big Data; Volume, Velocity and Variety. One needs to consider all three factors when designing a platform to support Big Data. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator at CERN consists of a number of data-intensive experiments, which are estimated to produce a volume of about 30 PB of data, annually. The velocity of these data that are propagated will be extremely fast. Traditional methods of collecting, storing and analysing data have become insufficient in managing the rapidly growing volume of data. Therefore, it is essential to have an efficient strategy to capture these data as they are produced. In this paper, a number of models are explored to understand what should be the best approach for collecting and storing Big Data for analytics. An evaluation of the performance of full execution cycles of these approaches on the monitoring of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) infrastructure for collecting, storing and analysing data is presented. Moreover, the models discussed are applied to a community driven software solution, Apache Flume, to show how they can be integrated, seamlessly

    Estimation of Sensor-based site specific variable rate fertilizer application for maize (Zea mays L.) crop

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    Optical spectrometry sensors in crops offer a remarkable technological breakthrough in the field of variable-rate nitrogen fertilization. A field study was conducted during rainy (kharif) season of 2021 at the research farm of the Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore to estimate maize crop nitrogen (N), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) value and chlorophyll content in hybrid maize COH (M) 8. Fertilizers were administered to the plots following the recommendations (250:75:75 kg NPK ha-1) given under Soil Test Crop Response, with a goal yield of 9t ha-1 predicted based on the initial soil available N, P, and K values. The experimental findings revealed a significant impact of nitrogen rate (P<0.001) on the percentage of nitrogen content in the leaves (% N leaf content). Additionally, there was a decrease in maize leaf chlorophyll content index over time, with ranges of 32.96 to 50.57, 28.78 to 41.78, 24.81 to 35.86, 22.12 to 28.54, and 14.34 to 20.56. On the contrary, the NDVI experienced an increase throughout the season, with ranges of 0.32 to 0.49, 0.30 to 0.55, 0.28 to 0.66, 0.46 to 0.88, and 0.56 to 0.84. The study will help foster sustainability within modern intensive farming practices by emphasizing the importance of reducing environmental pollution caused by applying Sensor-based site-specific nitrogen fertilizer for maize crop

    Influence of the downwash airflow in Hexacopter Drone on the spray distribution pattern of boom sprayer

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    The spray characteristics of drone sprayers are significantly influenced by the downwash airflow produced by Drone multi-rotors. The present study aimed to study the influence of downwash airflow and the operational parameters of Drone sprayer, viz., flight height, travel speed, rotor configuration, payload and wind velocity on the spray distribution pattern for boom sprayer attachment to Drone. The boom type sprayer consisted of four numbers of flat fan nozzles placed at three different spacing viz., 30, 45 and 60 cm between each nozzle. The spray distribution pattern of the Hexacopter Drone was studied at three different operating pressures, viz., 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 kg cm-2. A spray patternator of 5 m x 5 m was developed per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) standard to study the spray uniformity of volume distribution pattern. The best spray uniformity was found as 0.37 % CV value at 60 cm nozzle spacing and 4 kg cm-2 operating pressure. The optimised parameters viz., 60 cm of nozzle spacing and 4 kg cm-2 operating pressure, the influence of downwash airflow on the spray volume distribution of hexacopter Drone with boom spray attachment were studied. The Drone hovered at three different heights, viz., 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 m from the top of the patternator and spray operating pressure was maintained at 4 kg cm-2. It was observed that less volume of spray was collected at the middle portion when the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was hovered at 1.0 m height due to the direct impact of downwash airflow of rotors. The uniform spray volume distribution pattern was observed when Drone hovered from 1.0 m to 3.0 m height. A round vertex pattern of spray pattern was generated with boom type nozzles configuration due to the direct impact of downwash airflow of rotors. This study will be helpful in the configuration of nozzles attached to the drone sprayers, optimization of spray operational parameters, and revealing spray volume distribution pattern

    First measurements with the CMS DAQ and timing hub prototype-1

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    The DAQ and Timing Hub is an ATCA hub board designed for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS experiment. In addition to providing high-speed Ethernet connectivity to all back-end boards, it forms the bridge between the sub-detector electronics and the central DAQ, timing, and trigger control systems. One important requirement is the distribution of several high-precision, phasestable, and LHC-synchronous clock signals for use by the timing detectors. The current paper presents first measurements performed on the initial prototype, with a focus on clock quality. It is demonstrated that the current design provides adequate clock quality to satisfy the requirements of the Phase-2 CMS timing detectors

    Resveratrol Enhances Antitumor Activity of TRAIL in Prostate Cancer Xenografts through Activation of FOXO Transcription Factor

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    Resveratrol (3, 4', 5 tri-hydroxystilbene), a naturally occurring polyphenol, exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cardioprotective and antitumor activities. We have recently shown that resveratrol can enhance the apoptosis-inducing potential of TRAIL in prostate cancer cells through multiple mechanisms in vitro. Therefore, the present study was designed to validate whether resveratrol can enhance the apoptosis-inducing potential of TRAIL in a xenograft model of prostate cancer.Resveratrol and TRAIL alone inhibited growth of PC-3 xenografts in nude mice by inhibiting tumor cell proliferation (PCNA and Ki67 staining) and inducing apoptosis (TUNEL staining). The combination of resveratrol and TRAIL was more effective in inhibiting tumor growth than single agent alone. In xenografted tumors, resveratrol upregulated the expressions of TRAIL-R1/DR4, TRAIL-R2/DR5, Bax and p27(/KIP1), and inhibited the expression of Bcl-2 and cyclin D1. Treatment of mice with resveratrol and TRAIL alone inhibited angiogenesis (as demonstrated by reduced number of blood vessels, and VEGF and VEGFR2 positive cells) and markers of metastasis (MMP-2 and MMP-9). The combination of resveratrol with TRAIL further inhibited number of blood vessels in tumors, and circulating endothelial growth factor receptor 2-positive endothelial cells than single agent alone. Furthermore, resveratrol inhibited the cytoplasmic phosphorylation of FKHRL1 resulting in its enhanced activation as demonstrated by increased DNA binding activity.These data suggest that resveratrol can enhance the apoptosis-inducing potential of TRAIL by activating FKHRL1 and its target genes. The ability of resveratrol to inhibit tumor growth, metastasis and angiogenesis, and enhance the therapeutic potential of TRAIL suggests that resveratrol alone or in combination with TRAIL can be used for the management of prostate cancer

    Resveratrol Induces Growth Arrest and Apoptosis through Activation of FOXO Transcription Factors in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Resveratrol, a naturally occurring phytopolyphenol compound, has attracted extensive interest in recent years because of its diverse pharmacological characteristics. Although resveratrol possesses chemopreventive properties against several cancers, the molecular mechanisms by which it inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis have not been clearly understood. The present study was carried out to examine whether PI3K/AKT/FOXO pathway mediates the biological effects of resveratrol.Resveratrol inhibited the phosphorylation of PI3K, AKT and mTOR. Resveratrol, PI3K inhibitors (LY294002 and Wortmannin) and AKT inhibitor alone slightly induced apoptosis in LNCaP cells. These inhibitors further enhanced the apoptosis-inducing potential of resveratrol. Overexpression of wild-type PTEN slightly induced apoptosis. Wild type PTEN and PTEN-G129E enhanced resveratrol-induced apoptosis, whereas PTEN-G129R had no effect on proapoptotic effects of resveratrol. Furthermore, apoptosis-inducing potential of resveratrol was enhanced by dominant negative AKT, and inhibited by wild-type AKT and constitutively active AKT. Resveratrol has no effect on the expression of FKHR, FKHRL1 and AFX genes. The inhibition of FOXO phosphorylation by resveratrol resulted in its nuclear translocation, DNA binding and transcriptional activity. The inhibition of PI3K/AKT pathway induced FOXO transcriptional activity resulting in induction of Bim, TRAIL, p27/KIP1, DR4 and DR5, and inhibition of cyclin D1. Similarly, resveratrol-induced FOXO transcriptional activity was further enhanced when activation of PI3K/AKT pathway was blocked. Over-expression of phosphorylation deficient mutants of FOXO proteins (FOXO1-TM, FOXO3A-TM and FOXO4-TM) induced FOXO transcriptional activity, which was further enhanced by resveratrol. Inhibition of FOXO transcription factors by shRNA blocked resveratrol-induced upregulation of Bim, TRAIL, DR4, DR5, p27/KIP1 and apoptosis, and inhibition of cyclin D1 by resveratrol.These data suggest that FOXO transcription factors mediate anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of resveratrol, in part due to activation of extrinsic apoptosis pathway