16 research outputs found

    A survey of nursing students' medical histories of infections that occur in childhood : An analysis of self-reports submitted prior to training in pediatric nursing

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    本研究は,看護学生を対象に小児期に多い麻疹,風疹,水痘,流行性耳下腺炎の4 つの項目の既往歴について小児看護学実習前に約10 年間に渡り自己申告の調査を実施してきた。その結果,予防接種法で定期接種である麻疹,風疹では,9 割の学生は罹患者又は予防接種者であった。任意接種である水痘では,8 割の学生は罹患者であった。しかし,流行性耳下腺炎は3割の学生は罹患していない又は予防接種を受けていないと報告していた。以上の結果,従来,罹患していない学生に対しては,自己の罹患状況及び予防接種状況を確認し,感染を防ぐように指導してきた。今後は,さらに感染防止の観点から抗体検査を行い,対応策を強化する必要性が明らかになった。 The present study reports the results of a self-reported survey involving nursing students of their medical history of four diseases: measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis, and chickenpox, which has been conducted for approximately ten years, prior to training in pediatric nursing. Ninety percent of students had histories of measles and rubella or were immunized against them, as the vaccinations on a regular basis were required by the Preventive Vaccination Law. Regarding diseases against which a vaccination is not mandatory, 80% of students were affected by chickenpox, whereas 30% had no history of epidemic parotitis or were immunized against it. The results suggest that students with no history of the above-mentioned diseases should be continuously advised to confirm theirmedical history and status of vaccinations for infection prevention. It is also necessary to conduct antibody tests in terms of infectionprevention and further improve effective measures.departmental bulletin pape

    Pathways to permanence in England and Norway: A critical analysis of documents and data

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    The English language term ‘permanence’ is increasingly used in high income countries as a ‘short-hand’ translation for a complex set of aims around providing stability and family membership for children who need child welfare services and out-of-home care. From a scrutiny of legislative provisions, court judgments, government documents and a public opinion survey on child placement options, the paper draws out similarities and differences in understandings of the place of ‘permanence’ within the child welfare discourse in Norway and England. The main differences are that in England the components of permanence are explicitly set out in legislation, statutory guidance and advisory documents whilst in Norway the terms ‘stability’ and ‘continuity’ are used in a more limited number of policy documents in the context of a wide array of services available for children and families. The paper then draws on these sources, and on administrative data on children in care, to tease out possible explanations for the similarities and differences identified. We hypothesise that both long-standing policies and recent changes can be explained by differences in public and political understandings of child welfare and the balance between universal services and those targeted on parents and children identified as vulnerable and in need of specialist services


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    Lomatium sandbergii (J.M. Coulter & Rose) J.M. Coulter & RoseSandberg's desert-parsley;Sandberg's biscuitrootlomatium de SandbergLomatium sandbergiiCrandell Mountain, S. slopedamp dirt & rock6800yellow umbell; Natural Areas Data Bank, Alberta Forestry Lands and Wildlif


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    Polygala sanguinea Linnaeusblood milkwort;rose milkwort;common polygala;blood polygala;field milkwort;purple milkwort;blood-red milkwort;candystickpolygale sanguin;polygala sanguinsanguineaalong Ill. #1, about 1 mile north of CowlingRoadsid


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    Festuca campestris Rydbergmountain rough fescue;big rough fescue;rough fescue;prairie fescuefétuque scabrecampestrisTunnel Mount5500 feetNatural Areas Data Bank, Alberta Forestry Lands and Wildlif

    Wu bai jia zhu yin bian Han Changli xian sheng quan ji.

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    Running title: Wu bai jia zhu shi Han Changli quan jiCover title: Han Changli quan ji.Mode of access: Internet


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    Lespedeza capitata Michauxround-headed bush-clover;round-headed lespedeza;dusty cloverlespédèze capitéeLespedeza capitatarailroad right-of-way, along U.S. #54, about 2 miles east of Nevadarailroad right-of-wa

    De l’origine des fantômes (Yuan gui 原鬼)

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    Quelque chose siffle, hulule sur la poutre ! Je le poursuis, l’éclaire à la bougie : rien ! Était-ce un fantôme ? Mais non, les fantômes n’ont pas de voix. Quelque chose se tient dans ma chambre ! Je le poursuis, regarde tout autour : rien ! Était-ce un fantôme ? Mais non, les fantômes n’ont pas de forme. Voilà que quelque chose me heurte en passant ! Je le poursuis, veut m’en saisir : rien ! Était-ce un fantôme ? Mais non, les fantômes n’ont ni voix, ni forme : comment pourraient-ils avoir s..


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    Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hookergraceful cinquefoil;slender cinquefoil;northwest cinquefoil;western cinquefoil;fan-leaved cinquefoilpotentille grêleSect. of Livingstone Range, W of AGT Util. Stn (N Burmis Road)Flat E facing area leading down to stream. Steep slopes, good soil/grassland