29 research outputs found

    1994 POD Network Conference Attendees

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    AlPaCas: allele-specific CRISPR gene editing through a protospacer-adjacent-motif (PAM) approach

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    Gene therapy of dominantly inherited genetic diseases requires either the selective disruption of the mutant allele or the editing of the specific mutation. The CRISPR-Cas system holds great potential for the genetic correction of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), including dominant mutations. However, distinguishing between single-nucleotide variations in a pathogenic genomic context remains challenging. The presence of a PAM in the disease-causing allele can guide its precise targeting, preserving the functionality of the wild-type allele. The AlPaCas (Aligning Patients to Cas) webserver is an automated pipeline for sequence-based identification and structural analysis of SNV-derived PAMs that satisfy this demand. When provided with a gene/SNV input, AlPaCas can: (i) identify SNV-derived PAMs; (ii) provide a list of available Cas enzymes recognizing the SNV (s); (iii) propose mutational Cas-engineering to enhance the selectivity towards the SNV-derived PAM. With its ability to identify allele-specific genetic variants that can be targeted using already available or engineered Cas enzymes, AlPaCas is at the forefront of advancements in genome editing. AlPaCas is open to all users without a login requirement and is freely available at https://schubert.bio.uniroma1.it/alpacas

    Country and industry equity risk premia in the euro area: an intertemporal approach

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    This paper provides new evidence on the dynamics of equity risk premia in euro area stock markets across country and industry portfolios. We develop and estimate a conditional intertemporal CAPM where returns on aggregate euro area, country and industry portfolios depend on the market risk as well as on the risk that the investment opportunity set changes over time. Prices of risks are time-varying, according to a Kalman filter approach. We find that both market and intertemporal risks are significantly priced. When we include country and industry-specific risk factors they turn out to be not significantly priced for most industries, suggesting that euro area equity markets are well integrated. Overall, the analysis indicates that omitting the intertemporal factor leads to mispricing and misleading conclusions regarding the degree of financial integration across sectors and countries. JEL Classification: G12, F37, C32conditional asset pricing, financial integration, intertemporal risk, Kalman filter, multivariate GARCH

    Experimentos de regeneración animal : 1686-1765. ¿Cómo defender la preexistencia?

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    Este artículo explora el modo en el que la teoría de la pre-existencia embrionaria se defendió de las conclusiones experimentales relativas a la regeneración de partes perdidas desde finales del siglo XVII hasta la década de 1760. A partir de los experimentos de Claude Perrault (1680), de Ferchault de Réaumur (1712), de Abraham Trembley (1740-1744) y de Charles Bonnet (1740) se pondrá de manifiesto de qué modo la teoría de la pre-existencia delimitó sus límites de aplicabilidad hasta el extremo de hacerse invulnerable a cualquier forma de refutación experimental. Se argumentará que semejante delimitación del objeto de estudio fue siempre emparejada con una definición de «comunidad de naturalistas. construida en términos de "exclusión científica"

    Leistung, ästhetische Urteilskriterien und Wettbewerb in Sport und Musik

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    Leistung und Wettbewerb sind grundlegende Merkmale der Tätigkeit professioneller Athleten und Musiker. Die Beurteilung von sportlicher oder musikalischer Leistung im Wettbewerb un- terliegt messbaren und nicht messbaren Kriterien. Die nicht messbaren ästhetischen Urteilskri- terien gründen auf affektiven Merkmalen und sind in einen subjektiven Bezugsrahmen einge- gliedert, der sich an sozialen Normen und Einstellungen orientiert und weiterentwickelt. In der vorliegenden kumulativen Dissertation werden auf der Basis dreier Forschungsarbeiten die Zusammenhänge zwischen Leistung, ästhetischen Urteilskriterien und Wettbewerb in ver- schiedenen Entwicklungsstadien untersucht. Bezugnehmend auf drei zentrale Forschungsfra- gen wird erarbeitet, welche subjektiven Kriterien der Selbstbeurteilung von (Best-)Leistung zu- grunde liegen, inwiefern ästhetische Urteilskriterien in der Selbst- und Fremdbeurteilung das Leistungshandeln von Athleten und Musikern beeinflussen und inwieweit Beurteilungspro- zesse und selbstregulative Kompetenzen das Abrufen von Leistung in Wettbewerbssituatio- nen bedingen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Entwicklung des subjektiven Bezugsrahmens der Leistungsbeurteilung mit Hilfe der Bewusstmachung ästhetischer Urteilsmerkmale beein- flusst werden kann und auf körperlichen, sozialen, mentalen und situativen Determinanten ba- siert. Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Interpretationen der Kriterien kommt es bei Athleten und Mu- sikern zu unterschiedlichen Beurteilungen in Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung, die das Errei- chen von Bestleistung beeinträchtigen können. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass selbstregulative Kompetenzen das Abrufen von Leistung im Wettbewerb sowie die Selbstbeurteilung beein- flussen. Gleiches gilt für die dispositionelle Handlungs- und Lageorientierung, wobei dies nur für die Selbstbeurteilung, aber nicht für die Fremdbeurteilung von Leistung gilt

    Binary Communication Systems Using Wideband Signals (Final Report v.II)

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    It has been pointed out that communication systems having wideband signal waveforms have certain advantages over the conventional narrowband systems. This report describes the results of a research program which examined in detail the information efficiency of wideband systems. The results presented in this report fall into three major categories: (1) analysis of systems utilizing linear receivers (i.e. synchronous receivers , etc.), (2) analysis of system utilizing non-linear receivers, and (3) analysis and description of methods which can be used for realizing certain optimum and sub-optimum wideband receivers. The development of these topics is based on the geometrical concept of a signal space. These signal space concepts along with certain definitions are discussed in Chapter II. In Chapters III, IV and V wideband systems utilizing linear receivers are analyzed and the performance of these systems is determined for certain important types of noise which may be added in this communication channel. It is shown that in most cases, optimum performance cannot be obtained through the use of linear receivers. Non-linear techniques which are capable of supplying improved performance are discussed in detail in Chapters VI and VII. From the consideration of the types of noise which one may expect to encounter when using wideband systems, it is apparent that a relatively sophisticated approach is required in order to obtain the required physical realizations„ Certain methods which appear to be useful in obtaining these realizations are discussed in Chapter VIII and IX. Because the nature of the interference, in general, will not be known in detail to the designer, certain adaptive techniques are incorporated