1,720 research outputs found

    Perancangan Repeater Hotspot Pada D’Cinnamons.net

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada saat ini sudah sangat berkembang pesat. Hampir semua aspek kehidupan menngunakan jaringan internet.dari yang awalnya menggunakan jaringan kabel sekarang berkembang menjadi dengan adanya teknologi tanpa kabel atau yang lebih dikenal dengan jaringan wireless.tujuan dari penelitian ini memperluas sinyal wifi di D’Cinnamons.net Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Metode literatur merupakan penelusuran literatur yang bersumber dari buku, media, pakar ataupun dari hasil penelitian orang lain yang bertujuan untuk menyusun dasar teori yang kita gunakan dalam melakukan penelitian. Selain menggunakan metode literature penulis juga menggunakn metode Eksperimen Dalam metode ini penulis melakukan beberapa tahap yaitu observasi, desain dan perancangan sistem, pengujian sampai implementasi sistem yang telah dibuat. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa kecepatan upload dan download serta latency dipengaruhi oleh jarak dari intervensi.penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi repeater yang optimal sebagai suatu sistem untuk memperluas jangkauan sinyal hotspot

    The Management of KKG IPA SEQIP Gugus Dwija Wiyata Dabin III, Central Magelang Sub-district

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    The objectives of the study are to describe (1) the planning activity of KKG IPA SEQIP Gugus Dwija Wiyata Dabin III Central Magelang Sub District, (2) the implementation activity of KKG IPA SEQIP Gugus Dwija Wiyata Dabin III Central Magelang Sub District, and (3) the valuation/monitoring activity of KKG IPA SEQIP Gugus Dwija Wiyata Dabin III Central Magelang Sub District. This is qualitative research that conducted in KKG IPA SEQIP Gugus Dwija Wiyata Dabin III Central Magelang Sub District and used ethnography design. The main subjects in this research are guidance of subject mater, KKG member, and KKG organizer. Data collecting technique in this research used observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis technique in this research used analysis model that is data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Data validity in this research is consisting of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The research’s result shows that (1) planning activity of KKG is started from the meting agenda of job in one semester that is presented by KKG manager and it is done to discuses the job planning of KKG in one period. In meeting agenda, the manager is determined the schedule of learning activity implementation that will be done, learning material that will be given, determine the guidance and member program. That meeting is discussed about the professionalism development of subject mater guidance. (2) The implementation activity of KKG is started with the implementation of each member duty. The manager is determined the effort to increase the quality of teacher’s performance. The administration manager is also discussed about the plan of implementing activity with the supervisor, principal, and guidance teacher of subject mater. The KKG manager has role to receive the input from the KKG member. The guidance of subject mater gives input to the KKG member in arranging the development material which is related to the subject mater. (3) The implementation of learning evaluation is done to know the capability and comprehension of the program member towards material that being given in KKG learning. The learning evaluation activity in learning material is done in the end of learning activity. Evaluation is done in assignment activity by groups. Material evaluation in general characteristic is done towards material or activity that is done in Gugus Dwija Wiyata before

    Activation Student’s Scheme Based on Theory Construktive of Operators (TCO) in Mathematic Problem Solving

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    Di TCO skema dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, pertama berdasar komponen, kedua berdasar klasifikasi dan ketiga berdasarkan tingkatan. Berdasar komponen aktivasi skema dibagi menjadi releasing, effecting dan terminal. Pascual Leone mengkalisifikasikan skema menjadi 3 kriteria yaitu modalitas, level dan jenis. Berdasarkan tingkatan skema dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu tingkatan subyektif dan metasubyektif. Dalam penelitian ini aktivasi skema digali berdasarkan jenis skema yaitu skema figurative dan skema operatif. Skema figurative menyatakan keberadaan dan skema operatif menyatakan suatu transformasi. Obyek-obyek, konfigurasi, konsep, makna dan status mental adalah representasi skema figurative dalam pikiran, sedangkan skema operatif merepresentasikan aksi, proses, operasi dan tranformasi yang dimulai dari satu keberadaan dengan yang lain..  Dalam penelitian ini dua indikator yang dipakai adalah kelengkapan (komplit) untuk skema figurative dan keteratura (regulary) untuk aktivasi skema operatif. Kelengkapan aktivasi skema figurative dilihat dari obyek-obyek, konfigurasi, konsep, makna dan status mental adalah representasi skema figurative dalam pikiran, sedangkan keteraturan aktivasi skema dilihat pada aksi, proses, operasi dan tranformasi dalam pikiran. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan melihat gejala-gejala dari subyek tentang aktivasi skema dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika. Setelah subyek dipilih melalui tes dan terpilih dengan kemampuan matematika rendah, sedang dan tinggi dan diberi tugas pemecahan masalah kemudian diwawancarai.. Setealah wawancara, peneliti mendapat kesimpulan siswa dengan kemampuan tinggi mempunyai aktivasi skema yang lengkap dan teratur dalam menyelesaikan maslah, siswa dengan kemampuan sedang mempunyai aktiovasi skema yang tidak lengkap tapi teratur, dan sisnwa dengan kemampuan rendah mempunyai akativasi skema yang tidak lengkap dan tidak teratur

    The Effects of Learning Motivation towards Student’s Learning Achievement in English

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    English is still regarded as a difficult lesson by most of the students, so student’s learning achievement in English is low. The Purpose of this research determines The effects of Learning Motivation Towards Student’s Learning Achievement in English at Kota Tangerang Selatan. The research method used is survey method. Sample size as many as 90 students from SMP Negeri 4 represents International Designed Rating School, SMP Negeri 11 represents National Rating School and SMP Negeri 6 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Data Collection carried out by interview, giving questionnaires and carrying out learning achievement in English test. The research  is conducted in May 2012.Research results show learning motivation variable has significant effects towards students’ learning achievement in English. Research results state there is the effects of learning motivation towards student’s learning achievement in English of class VIII SMP Negeri Kota Tangerang Selatan From the research results, it can be concluded that each increase in learning motivation by one unit will be followed by changing in one unit of student achievement in English as well. Suggestions that can be conveyed are to increase learning motivation, many things can be done, including by giving awards to outstanding students

    Potensi dan Eksistensi Cadangan Pangan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pati

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    ENGLISHFood reserve is very important to guarantee the fulfilment of the community\u27s consumption needs. The aim of the research was to analyse the domestic potential, the existing, and the coverage of community food reserve in the study area. This research used quantitative and descriptive approaches. The variables consisted of the potential, the existing, and the coverage of food reserve. Data were collected through interview and survey for the primary data. Meanwhile, the observation on the relevant documents was conducted to obtain the secondary data. Data were analyzed descriptively. The research had 9 findings. Firstly, the average of the domestic potential of the food reserve was 237,030,630.47 kg annually. Secondly, the existing of the food reserve at the licensed institutions was 4,107,861.28 kg. Thirdly, the potential proxy of the food reserve at the unlicensed institutions was 232,996,149.68 kg. Fourthly, the government food reserve was 14,904,773.4 kg. Fifthly, the total of the monthly community food consumption was 9,330,835.50 kg. Sixthly, the coverage of the potential of food reserve was 25.4 months. Seventhly, the coverage for existing of food reserve at the licensed institutions was 0.44 month (13 days). Eighthly, the coverage of the food reserve at the outside of licensed institutions was 24.96 months. Ninthly, the coverage of the government food reserve was 1.597 months (47.92 days). INDONESIACadangan pangan sangat penting untuk menjamin pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumsi pangan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis potensi domestik, eksistensi, dan coverage cadangan pangan masyarakat di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kuantitatif. Variabel penelitian meliputi potensi, eksistensi, dan coverage cadangan pangan. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan survei. Sedangkan, observasi dokumen yang relevan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara diskriptif. Penelitian ini memiliki 9 temuan. Pertama, rata-rata potensi cadangan pangan di area studi sebanyak 237.030.630,47 kg pertahun. Kedua, eksistensi cadangan pangan milik USAha pangan berijin sebanyak 4.107.861,28 kg. Ketiga, proksi potensi cadangan pangan milik masyarakat umum nonusaha pangan berijin sebesar 232.996.149,68 kg. Keempat, cadangan pangan milik pemerintah yang meliputi lumbung pangan daerah dan BULOG sebanyak 14.904.773,4 kg. Kelima, jumlah konsumsi pangan penduduk perbulan sebanyak 9.330.835,50. Keenam, coverage potensi cadangan pangan domestik sebesar 25,40 bulan (2,12 tahun). Ketujuh, coverage eksistensi cadangan pangan masyarakat pada lembaga berijin sebesar 0,44 bulan (13 hari). Kedelapan, coverage potensi cadangan pangan pada masyarakat umum sebesar 24,96 bulan. Kesembilan, coverage cadangan pangan milik pemerintah sebesar 1,597 bulan (47,92 hari)


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    Economic agency as a matter of rational decision-making and as a problem of bounded rationality has never gone too far from its earlier formalization in the 1950s. Not that the advancement on this topic is so slow, but the same problem concerning higher level cognition as another general program of cognitive science is not as easy as behavioral studies. This paper will show a parallelism between economic agency and folkpsychological perspective, and in turn will give a short description on how folk psychology is unseparable from modularity theory. In short, then there must be a way to cope with cognition as the black box of economics if we can identify the appropriate level of description of cognitive structure, i.e.: modularity theory.bounded rationality, folk psychology, modularity theory

    H-Bridge Inverter DenganBoost-up Chopper Sebagai Pengondisi DayaPhotovoltaic

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    This paper discusses anapplication of H-bridge inverter equipped with boost-up chopper circuits as photovoltaic power conditioner in stand-alone operation. First, the boost-up chopper circuits working to regulate the DCoutput voltage of photovoltaic with proportional-integral (PI) controller is described. Then, the H-bridge inverter converting the DC output voltage of chopper circuits become AC voltage waveform is presented. The uni-polar sinusoidal pulse-width modulation technique (SPWM) is appliedto the inverter circuits to produce sinusoidal output current waveform. The simulation results of the proposed photovoltaic system for different output voltages, and transient voltage wave forms are presented in the paper. The results show that the boost-up chopper circuits is effective to be appliedin the photovoltaic system to obtain stable DC output voltage of the photovoltaic, and AC voltage waveform generated bythe inverter circuits


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    Dalam menerapkan integral untuk menghitung titik berat dan momen inersia suatu bidang dan volume benda putar , langkah pertama adalah membuat sketsa atau gambar bidang tersebut dan dilengkapi dengan garis atau kurva beserta persamaannya yang membatasi bidang tersebut . Selanjutnya harus bisa memahami dengan baik langkah-langkah dalam menghitung luas bidang dan volume benda putar dengan integral . Setelah itu baru menghitung titik berat dan momen inersia tanpa mengalami kesulitan asalkan sudah bisa memahami langkah-langkah sebelumnya dengan baik
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