2,968 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kecamatan Kedawung Kabupaten Sragen adalah: 1. Untuk mengetahui kontribusi kepemimpinan terhadap disiplin kerja guru; 2. Untuk mengetahui kontribusi motivasi terhadap disiplin kerja guru; 3. Untuk mengetahui kontribusi kompensasi terhadap disiplin kerja guru; 4. Untuk mengetahui kontribusi kepemimpinan, motivasi, dan kompensasi terhadap disiplin kerja guru. Sejalan dengan tujuannya, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen berbentuk angket. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisa regresi linier berganda dan koefisien determinasi yang diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS seri 15. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan: 1. Ada kontribusi yang signifikan secara bersama-sama antara Kepemimpinan (X1), motivasi (X2) dan kompensasi (X3) terhadap disiplin kerja guru (Y) walaupun secara sendiri-sendiri hanya variabel kepemimpinan berkontribusi terhadap disiplin kerja guru, namun penelitian ini menunjukkan setiap variabel memberikan konstibusi terhadap disiplin kerja guru walaupun pengaruhnya kecil. 2. Hasil analisa menunjukkan nilai R2 adalah 0,394 berarti model kurang bagus hanya mampu menerangkan variasi variabel dependen dengan kontribusi 39,4 %, sedangkan sisanya 60,6 % diterangkan oleh variabel lain. Namun jika dilihat dari nilai F sebesar 15,633 dimana signifikan pada 0,000 atau : 1%, maka model dapat dinyatakan cukup bagus. 3. Setelah dianalisis uji asumsi klasik, pada uji normalitas sebaran data variabel Y secara meyakinkan berasal dari populasi yang bersifat normal, uji linearitas semua variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini linear, uji multikolinearitas model regresi dalam penelitian ini tidak ada masalah multikolinearitas dan untuk uji heteroskedastisitas model regresi tidak mengandung adanya heteroskedastisitas, serta autokorelasi antar variabel tidak terjadi. Dengan demikian data-data tersebut dapat diterapkan regresi


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    This study aims to determine and identify the causes of defects in the production process of PT. Triteguh Manunggal Sejati and know the level of sigma level. This research uses the six sigma method with the DMAIC approach as a quality control tool, which includes the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control stages. Based on this study the results obtained are the level of sigma level at PT.Triteguh Manunggal Sejati is 4.96, which means that in the stage of sigma level the company has not reached the level of six sigma levels because in the production process at PT.Triteguh Manunggal Sejati still has product defects in the production process not yet achieved zero defect. The causes of product defects are based on cause and effect diagrams namely lid / seal defects are leaky lid, broken lid, and tilted lid. Kata kunci : Defect, Six Sigma, DMAIC, cause and effect diagra


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    Learning module of "Membaca Gambar Teknik" is a teaching material of the students independently of "Membaca Gambar Teknik". The goal of the development learning module of "Membaca Gambar Teknik" is to produce a teaching material that can be used to the students to learn independently. In addition, the purpose of this development was to assess the feasibility of the module as a teaching material independently. Research and development method was used in this research. The sample subjects in this research are students of class X Mechanical Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari. Data collection technique that used in this research is a questionnaire. The data obtained are qualitative data in the form of comments and quantitative data in the form of scores with a range scale of 1 to 4. Data analysis techniques use the quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, then converted to qualitative data using a Likert scale to determine the feasibility of learning media are made. The results showed that (1) validation of the characteristic aspects of material expert module gets 90%, (2) validation of the display aspects of media expert gets 95.83%, the organization gets 85.71%, the consistency gets 75%, (3) validation of the communication aspects of linguists gets 75%, the truth of the language gets 66.67%, (4) a small group experiment of the characteristic aspects of the module gets 85.94%, the display gets 75.02%, the language gets 79.17%, the benefits of getting media are 91.67%, and (5) a large group experiment of the characteristic aspects of the module gets 71.67%, the display gets 75.625%, the language gets 80%, the benefits of getting media are 85.83%. Keywords : Learning Module of "Membaca Gambar Teknik


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    PO cracker industry. Nayla Crackers is one of the Small and Medium Industries (IKM) which is engaged in processing fish into fish crackers. This small industry is one of the business of making crackers part of the production process is using modern tools or machines. Nayla cracker industry was established in 2007 by Mr. Sismanto. This business is located in Sediamaju Hamlet Sidodadi Village, District of Way Lima, Pesawaran Regency. The resulting cracker products are marketed to almost all regions in Lampung Province, with the target consumers being the middle to lower class. loan capital from some family side. The company where this research is in running its business has not conducted feasibility analysis especially in terms of financial or financial and marketing aspects to determine the feasibility of investment. Therefore, the results of this study is expected to be a reference for companies in taking decisions regarding the activities and sustainability of the company. The financial feasibility criteria used in this study include four criteria: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitability Index (PI) and Payback period (PP). Marketing aspect analysis uses marketing mix analysis and SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the research can be seen that PO. Nayla crackers deserve to continue to run in terms of financial and marketing aspects. From the calculation, the value of Net Present Value (NPV) 226.745.626, Profitability Index (PI) equal to 1.87, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 40.47% and Payback period (PP) for 2 years 23 days. From the SWOT analysis it can be seen that several alternative marketing strategies that can be done are to improve the quality and quantity of production to reach wider market, to standardize the products and improve the more modern tools, develop competitive strategy and improve the service to the customers and do the development and innovation cracker products Keywords: Business Feasibility Study, NPV. IRR, PP, P

    Harga Energi Dan Ketahanan Ekonomi Masyarakat Menengah Ke Bawah

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    The determination of price of energy in Indonesia has within complex problems. This article extends the considerations needed in considering the policy. It argues that the strength of middle and lower class economy should be considered in taking the policy

    Hubungan Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan dan Perilaku Kader Kesehatan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan dengan Kejadian Malaria di Daerah HCI dan LCI di Kecamatan Mayong Jepara.

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    Background: Malaria still becomes the world's problem including in Indonesia. In the residence of Jepara, malaria is still endemic (annual parasite incident 2.28 ‰). Jepara is recognized as one of the endemic areass for malaria infection. The highest percentage of malaria in the resident of Jepara is Mayong (39.49 %). Meanwhile, malaria incidence is influenced indeed by the environmental factors and the behavior of the society, including the role of the health cadres in controlling the environment. Methods: This research was an analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The independent variable was the environmental factors and the behavior of the help cadres in controlling the environment. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was the incidence of malaria. Total samples taken were sixty-four respondents that came from eight villages of HCI area and eight villages from LCI area in Mayong Jepara. The data were analyzed by Spearman Rank Correlation. Results: The findings of the data analysis showed that there was a significance correlation between the knowledge level and the application of the environmental control with the incidence of malaria, and there is no significance correlation between the environmental factor and the behavior in controlling the environment with malaria. Conclusions: The grade of environmental knowledge and practice are significant in correlation with malaria incidence and are no significant correlation between environmental knowledge and practice with the environmental factors


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    The purpose of an established business is to obtain profit or profit that can be used for survival. Likewise with the business of cassava chips "Barokah" in Karang Rejo Village Pesuat Pesawaran.Penelitian aims to find out how the value of Break Even Point aatu point home principal. This analysis is one of the tools used by the management company to be able to help in knowing how big a certain sales level, so the company does not get a profit and also not experience a loss (breakeven). The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with quantitative approach, the data source used is secondary data. Based on the results of the analysis can be seen that the BEP value of cassava chips business "Barokah" in the unit of 862 kg and if stated in ruiah of Rp. 10.185.454. Keywords: Break Even Point, Fixed Cost, Variable Cos

    Responsiveness, Customer Relationship Management, Confidence and Customer Loyalty

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    The aims of this research were to determine the effect of responsiveness, customer relationship management, corporate image and confidence on customer loyalty. The quantitative approach is implemented in this research. The method of research surveys on 400 customers is taken by proportional random sampling and questionnaire as an instrument of research. Findings signify that: 1) responsiveness brings positively direct effect on confidence, 2) customer relationship management shows positively direct effect on confidence, 3) corporate image brings positively direct effect on confidence, 4) responsiveness has positively direct effect on customer loyalty, 5) customer relationship management give positively direct effect on customer loyalty, and 6) confidence has positively direct effect on customer loyalty