


Learning module of "Membaca Gambar Teknik" is a teaching material of the students independently of "Membaca Gambar Teknik". The goal of the development learning module of "Membaca Gambar Teknik" is to produce a teaching material that can be used to the students to learn independently. In addition, the purpose of this development was to assess the feasibility of the module as a teaching material independently. Research and development method was used in this research. The sample subjects in this research are students of class X Mechanical Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari. Data collection technique that used in this research is a questionnaire. The data obtained are qualitative data in the form of comments and quantitative data in the form of scores with a range scale of 1 to 4. Data analysis techniques use the quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, then converted to qualitative data using a Likert scale to determine the feasibility of learning media are made. The results showed that (1) validation of the characteristic aspects of material expert module gets 90%, (2) validation of the display aspects of media expert gets 95.83%, the organization gets 85.71%, the consistency gets 75%, (3) validation of the communication aspects of linguists gets 75%, the truth of the language gets 66.67%, (4) a small group experiment of the characteristic aspects of the module gets 85.94%, the display gets 75.02%, the language gets 79.17%, the benefits of getting media are 91.67%, and (5) a large group experiment of the characteristic aspects of the module gets 71.67%, the display gets 75.625%, the language gets 80%, the benefits of getting media are 85.83%. Keywords : Learning Module of "Membaca Gambar Teknik

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