168 research outputs found

    Problematics Law of Civil Reputation Damages Against Corruption Criminal Acts That Has Been Decided to Free

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    Provisions of Article 32 Paragraph (2) of Law 31/1999 jo. Law 20/2001 provides an alternative to the filing of a civil suit to recover state financial losses for corruptors even though they have been terminated criminally free. The problem is how to implement the civil lawsuits in returning state finances in law practice. Because legal practice shows that there are legal problems in Article 32 paragraph (2) of Law 31/1999 jo. Law 20/2001 which implies the lack of use of civil litigation instruments in corruption cases

    Identifikasi Jenis Gangguan Pada Jaringan Distribusi Menggunakan Metode Artificial Neural Network

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    Berkembangnya kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap tenaga listrik saat ini meningkat pesat, sehingga perlindungan terhadap jaringan distribusi sangatlah penting untuk menjamin pelayanan tenaga listrik. Paper ini menyajikan algoritma yang diusulkan untuk identifikasi variasi tegangan durasi pendek. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi 7 jenis varasi tegangan durasi pendek seperti sinyal normal, sag instantaneous, sag momentary, sag temporary, swell instantaneous, swell momentary, dan juga swell temporary. Simulasi untuk membangkitkan gangguan menggunakan software MATLAB Simulink yang telah disimulasikan dan mendapat nilai untuk input data ke ANN. Hasil algoritma yang diusulkan sangatlah efektif untuk identifikasi, dimana ANN dengan 5 x 5 neuron pada lapisan tersembunyi memiliki tingkat akurasi 100%

    Kewenangan Pemegang Protokol Notaris yang Meninggal Dunia untuk Mengeluarkan Salinan Akta dari Minuta Akta yang Belum Lengkap Tanda Tangannya

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    This legal research is a study of normative law with the approach of legislation, conceptual and case. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the existence of legal vacuum because not yet the regulation of notary protocol holder authority related to minuta deed which not yet complete its signature and responsibility of protocol holder if still issuing copy of related deed.  The provisions of Article 62 of the UUJNP concerning the reasons for the handover of a notary protocol are attributed to one of the process of making notarial deeds as stipulated in Article 16 paragraph (1) subparagraph m UUJNP and having the authority to grant grosse, copy and quotation of deed Article 64 UUJN as well as holders of notary protocol also has the authority as the notary itself. Based on the description, it is possible that the notary who passed away has not completed the signature that must be in the minuta so that the authority of the protocol holders related to the deed becomes a separate issue. The responsibility of the protocol holders against the notarized deed minas is to make copies of the original letters under the hand in the form of copies containing the description as written and described in the corresponding letter (Article 15 paragraph (2) letter c UUJNP) and not authorized issuing a copy of the deed because the minus deed is not an authentic deed but a deed under the hand. Judicial implication for the notary protocol holder issuing a copy of the deed minus not noted by a notary public is the holder of notary protocol may be subject to criminal sanction namely Article 55 juncto Article 264 of the criminal code is making a fake authentic act deliberately.Keywords:Notaries; Notary Protocols; Notary Protocol Holders

    Religious Values And Beliefs Toward Interfaith Marriage in Indonesia in Pluraism Perspective

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    Interfaith marriage until recently become a problem in Indonesia. Due to it not yet been regulate on Marriage Law that cause uncertainty. Validity of marriage required couple have the same religion. Fact that interfaith marriage arise and Indonesia society consist of pluralism suh as, religion, etnis, law, adat law, traditions, and legal culture. The purpose of study to analize the meaning of marriage according to each religion and belief, relationship between meaning of marriage in general and meaning of marriage according interfaith marriage couple. This study based on law research and technic of collecting law material resources is derived from primary law material and secondary law material. The result showed that not all religion and belief in Indonesia forbid interfaith marriage such in Islam allow muslim man marry to women from outside Islam, In Katholic on a certain degree they accept interfaith marriage as long as letter of dispentaion are get. There are similarity on how common marriage and interfaith marriage couple perceived and understood about marriage, such as marriage based on love and compassion to build family forever in the name of God. The differences among the two is on common marriage, couple are union in religion but on interfaith marriage, couple religion is not the same

    Residual Current Measurement using Helmholtz Coil Configuration with different Current Flow

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    For leakage current safety, Residual Current Device (RCD) has been well known. The purpose of this work is to make the employment of low price components to measure residual current feasible and the Residual Current Device (RCD) must to be taken into account because it is a well known device for leakage current safety. For this purpose, experiments employing the Helmholtz Coil Configuration were performed with the different current flow. Furthermore, the residual current was formulated and simulated through the software Easy Java Simulation (EJS). The results showed that it is possible to move the magnet into different angles using leakage current with linear gradient as low as 0.382 degree/mA. Finally, it was proposed a way to increase the sensitivity and to reduce the hysteresis phenomenon

    Kepastian Hukum Atas Penunjukan Desa Pakraman Di Provinsi Bali Sebagai Subjek Hak Pemilikan Bersama (Komunal) Atas Tanah Sesuai Dengan Pasal II Ayat 1 Konversi UUPA

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    Lahirnya Keputusаn Menteri Ðgrаriа dаn Tаtа Ruаng/Kepаlа Bаdаn Pertаnаhаn Nаsionаl Nomor 276/KEP-19.2/X/2017 tentаng Penunjukаn Desа Pаkrаmаn di Provinsi Bаli Sebаgаi Subyek Hаk Pemilikаn Bersаmа (Komunаl) Ðtаs Tanah tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal II Ayat 1 Konversi Undang-undang nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria yang sudah jelas salah satunya menegaskan mengenai tanah druwe desa. Sehingga hal ini menyebabkan suatu multitafsir. Oleh karena itu, menarik untuk diteliti terhadap dаsаr munculnyа Keputusаn Menteri Ðgrаriа dаn Tаtа Ruаng/Kepаlа Bаdаn Pertаnаhаn Nаsionаl Nomor 276/KEP-19.2/X/2017 tentаng Penunjukаn Desа Pаkrаmаn di Provinsi Bаli Sebаgаi Subyek Hаk Pemilikаn Bersаmа (Komunаl) Ðtаs Tanah dаn kuаt аtаu tidаk dаyа mengikаt dаri keputusаn tersebut. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penunjukkаn Desа Pаkrаmаn di Provinsi Bаli sebаgаi Subjek Hаk Pemilikаn Bersаmа (Komunаl) Atаs Tаnаh tidak konsisten dengan aturan yang ada diatasnya. Bahkan dari ketidakpastian hukum tersebut menyebabkan suatu kekosongan hukum terhadap status dan kedudukan hak atas tanah druwe desa di Bali. Ideal pengaturan tanah adat di Bali sesuai dengan Pasal II Ayat 1 Konversi UUPA yang salah satunya menegaskan hak atas druwe desa. Hak atas druwe desa subjeknya pasti desa adat dan Desa Adat sudah mengatur hak-hak atas tanah druwe desa di Bali. Sehingga diharapkan pembuat undang-undang segera membuat peraturan perundang-undangan yang sinkron dan berkepastian hukum serta mampu mengakomodir semua jenis tanah druwe desa yang ada di Bali


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    Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi 3 phase tanpa sensor yang dioperasikan dengan metoda Field Oriented Vector(FOC). Kecepatan motor diestimasi oleh suatu observer dengan suatu metoda Self Constructing fuzzy Neural Network (SCFNN) dimana pelatihannya menggunakan metode algoritma pelatihan Levenberg-Marquard(LM), yang menggantikan metode Backpropagasi karena metode ini kurang cepat mencapai konvergen . Metode SCFNN mempunyai kemampuan untuk menggabungkan Fuzzy dan Neural Networks Hasil simulasi menunjukkan sistem dapat mengestimasi fluksi dan kecepatan dengan kekonvergenan yang lebih cepat dari metode backpropagasi. Hasil estimasi dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kecepatan rotor motor induksi Kata kunci: Pengaturan Kecepatan, Motor Induksi tanpa sensor, FOC, SCFNN Observer, metode Levenberg-Marquar

    Pengaturan Motor Induksi Menggunakan Observer Self Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network Dengan Metode Algoritma Pelatihan Levenberg Marquardt

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    This paper describes about development of 3 phase speed sensorless induction motor speed controller using Field Oriented Vector(FOC) method. Motor speed is estimated by an observer using Self Constructing fuzzy Neural Network (SCFNN) with Levenberg Marquardt(LM) learning algorithm method, that replaces backpropagation method because this method is slow to reach convergent. SCFNN method combines the fuzzy and neural network. The simulation results show that the system can estimate flux and speed of induction motor and it converges faster than backpropagation method. .The estimation result can be used to identify rotor speed of induction motor with good performanc