22 research outputs found

    Distribution Pattern and Mapping of Invasive Alien Species Bellucia pentamera in Conservation Area of PT. Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Solok Selatan

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    Bellucia pentamera is one of the most dangerous invasive alien species for environment. This species had been invaded many forests in Indonesia. This species would invade more area due to deforestation. The objectives of this study were to know the mapping and distribution pattern of B. pentamera; to know the effects of distance from road and light intensity to distribution of B. pentamera. This study was conducted from March to August 2020 in Conservation Area of PT. TKA Solok Selatan using belt transect method by plotting 20x50 m2. Data was analyzed using Morishita Index and Linear Regression. Distribution pattern of B. pentamera in PT. TKA was clumped, showed by 1.17 of Morishita index. Seedlings and saplings of B. pentamera were dominant at the edge of conservation forest while trees were distributed from the middle to inside of the forest. Distance from road gave positively effects and significantly towards distribution of B. pentamera showing result 0.702 of R2 and 0.007 of p-Value. Light intensity did not give effects significantly towards distribution of B. pentamera showing result 0.0806 of R2 and 0.427 of p-Value

    Keanekaragaman Vegetasi Pada Habitat Yang Terinvasi Tumbuhan Invasif Di Hutan Kota Bukit Langkisau Painan, Sumatra Barat

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    The presence of invasive plants in a habitat will cause significant disturbances, especially in decreasing the abundance of biodiversity. The high competitiveness of invasive species causes native species to lose in competition. Invasive species have spread in many places, one of which is in the Bukit Langkisau City Forest. However, data on the types of weeds and vegetation types in the habitats invaded by weeds in the Bukit Langkisau City Forest are not yet available. Vegetation analysis was carried out in the Bukit Langkisau Painan City Forest, West Sumatra. The study used a survey method by laying out plots by purposive sampling, which made 15 plots at each level of vegetation. The plot is 10 x 10 m for observation of tree-level vegetation, the plot is 5 x 5 m for sapling vegetation and for understorey vegetation the plot is 2 x 2 m. The results of the vegetation analysis recorded 87 species of which there were 32 invasive species. The dominant families were found such as Fabaceae family, Meliaceae for tree level, Piperaceae for sapling level and Poaceae for understorey level. The highest Importance Value Index for tree vegetation, sapling and understorey was found in the invasive species Swietenia macrophylla (IVI = 44.69%), Piper aduncum (IVI = 85.08%), and Imperata cylindrica (IVI = 33.67%). The Vegetation Diversity Index in the Bukit Langkisau City Forest is the tree level (1.90), sapling (1.26) and understorey (1.78) which are all classified as moderate. KEYWORDSPlant invasive, urban forest, composition, structure, diversity inde

    Mangrove Distribution in North Sumatera, Indonesia: A Review

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    Mangrove forests provide important ecosystem services but are currently undergoing degradation. North Sumatra's mangrove areas are threatened by land conversion and aquaculture. This article describes the overall distribution of mangroves in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The method used in this study is the protocol search, appraisal, synthesis, analysis, report (PSALSAR), and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) framework. Based on consolidated literature, North Sumatra Province has 34 mangrove species. There are two endangered mangrove species, Bruguiera hainesii as a Critically Endangered "CR" species and Avicennia lanata as a Vulnerable "VU" species. Knowing the distribution of the species and their threats we can plan appropriate conservation efforts and further research

    Distribution of Bellucia pentamera Naudin In Kapalo Banda Taram Tourism Area Lima Puluh Kota Regency

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    Kapalo Banda Taram Tourism Area, Lima Puluh Kota Regency is one of the tropical rain forest areas in West Sumatra which has a high level of biodiversity that can be disturbed due to the presence of invasive plants, one of which is Bellucia pentamera. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of B. pentamera, to determine the effect of the number of Bellucian on the number of non-Bellucian and to determine the effect of distance from the river and light intensity on the distribution of B. pentamera. The research using the belt transect with a plot size of 20x50 m2. Data analysis using the Morisita Index and Simple Linear Regression formulas. The distribution of B. pentamera was quite large with the distribution pattern of B. pentamera sapling strata is clustered, while the tree strata had a uniform distribution pattern. The number of Bellucian individuals affects the presence of non-Bellucian individuals as indicated by a negative effect on species diversity, a decrease in the number of species, high dominance and habitat colonization which will limit resources and space for the growth of other species. The distance from the river affects the distribution of B. pentamera where the closer the distance from the river tends to increase the presence of B. pentamera, while the light intensity does not affect the presence of B. pentamera


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    Judul penelitian ini adalah “Studi Ekologi Tumbuhan Asing Invasif Bellucia pentamera Naudin di Kawasan Hutan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi PT. Kencana Sawit Indonesia”. Hasil penelitian ini disusun oleh Solfiyeni, dibawah bimbingan dan arahan Prof. Dr. Erizal Mukhtar, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, M.Sc. dan Prof. Dr. Chairul, MS. Laju kerusakan hutan akhir-akhir ini berlangsung sangat cepat yang mengakibatkan hilangnya sebagian tutupan hutan. Kondisi ini memberi peluang masuknya jenis tumbuhan asing yang bersifat invasif. Invasi tumbuhan asing invasif di suatu wilayah hutan dapat mengubah komposisi spesies, struktur, dan iklim mikro kawasan hutan yang diinvasi. Bellucia pentamera adalah salah satu tumbuhan asing invasif berupa pohon dengan daya invasinya yang kuat. Dampak buruk dari invasi terhadap vegetasi dan iklim mikro, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sebaran serta potensi invasifnya masih belum dipelajari secara rinci. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ekologi dari spesies tumbuhan asing invasif B. pentamera. Tahap Pertama penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh tingkat dominasi B. pentamera terhadap komposisi jenis, struktur vegetasi dan iklim mikro. Tahap kedua untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi sebaran spesies dengan komposisi keberadaan B. pentamera yang berbeda, dengan menggunakan drone dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan.Terakhir, tahap ketiga untuk menganalisis potensi invasi jenis invasif B. pentamera melalui tiga aspek, pertama aspek biologi reproduksi berupa kemampuan individu B. pentamera dalam memproduksi buah, jumlah produksi biji didalam satu unit buah, dan pada kondisi habitat yang bagaimana biji B.pentamera secara optimum berkecambah. Kedua adalahaspek kandungan senyawa alelokimia yang dihasilkan tumbuhan invasif B.pentamera dan ketiga adalah aspek dispersal yang difokuskan pada jenis hewan penyebar dan bagaimana hewan penyebar tersebut berasosiasi dengan B. pentamera. Pada penelitian tahap pertama, analisis vegetasi dilakukan pada Lokasi 1 dan 2 (didominasi B. pentamera 60% dan 16%) dan Lokasi 3 (tidak ada individu B. pentamera). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda nested plot untuk mengumpulkan data vegetasi pohon, pancang dan tumbuhan bawah untuk setiap lokasi. Komposisi tumbuhan menunjukkan perbedaan dari masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Basal area juga berbeda secara signifikan antar lokasi untuk tingkat pohon tetapi tidak untuk tingkat sapling. Lokasi 1 didominasi oleh B. pentamera dengan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) 130,8%, diikuti oleh Croton argyratus (27,63%), dan Ficus variegata (26,47%). Pada Lokasi 2, B. pentamera mendominasi (33,68%), diikuti oleh Lepisanthes sp. (20,01%) dan Sizygium sp. (14,44%). Lokasi 3 didominasi oleh Palaquium warsurifolium (21,15%) diikuti oleh Croton argyratus (20,02%) dan Macaranga hypoleuca (13,21%). Indeks keanekaragaman (H') untuk tingkat pohon dapat dikategorikan Sedang di Lokasi 1 (H' = 1,78) dan kategori Tinggi di Lokasi 2 dan 3 (H' = 3,48 dan 4,05). Indeks keanekaragaman untuk tingkat sapling dikategorikan Sedang di Lokasi 1 (H'=2,12) dan dikategorikan Tinggi di Lokasi 2 dan 3 (H'= 3.22 dan 3.84). Untuk tumbuhan bawah, indeks keanekaragaman dikategorikan Rendah di Lokasi 1 (H'= 0,82) dan Sedang di Lokasi 2 dan 3 (H'= 1,8 dan 2,86). Lokasi yang diinvasi oleh B. pentamera memiliki kadar air tanah yang lebih rendah dan suhu serta intensitas cahaya yang lebih tinggi, meskipun memiliki kandungan nitrogen dan fosfor yang lebih tinggi. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa invasi B. pentamera memiliki dampak negatif pada keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan dan iklim mikro, namun dampaknya tidak jelas pada tanah. Penelitian tahap kedua dilakukan pengamatan sebaran dengan foto udara dengan menggunakan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sebaran spesies B pentamera di kawasan hutan konservasi dengan komposisi keberadaan yang berbeda, baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal. Pengamatan foto udara menemukan sebanyak 40 pohonB. pentamera dan 32 pohon non-B. pentamera di kawasan hutan dengan tingkat invasi B. pentamera berbeda. Pohon B.pentamera tersebar merata pada celah yang besar dan secara acak pada celah kecil antara tajuk, sedangkan tingkat sapling dan tingkat seedling terdistribusi secara berkelompok, seragam dan acak, sesuai dengan kondisi mikrohabitat di bawah tajuk pohon B. pentamera. Sapling dan seedling B. pentamera terdeteksi lebih banyak di bawah kanopi pohon induk daripada di celah antar kanopi. Penelitian tahap ketiga dilakukan untuk menganalisis potensi invasi jenis invasif ini dilakukan dengan survey langsung di lapangan untuk menghitung jumlah buah, jumlah biji per unit buah dan melakukan pengamatan hewan penyebar yang dilakukan dengan pemasangan kamera trap. Metoda eksperimen juga dilakukan dengan membuat perlakuan perbedaan intensitas cahaya terhadap perkecambahan serta uji kandungan alelokimia dari organ akar, batang dan daun. Hasil penelitian tahap ini menunjukkan Belluciapentamera memiliki potensi invasi yang besar melalui produksi buah dimana satu individu tingkat pohon berpotensi menghasilkan buah lebih dari 3000 dan jumlah biji rata-rata 4500 biji perbuah. Biji mampu berkecambah pada kondisi cahaya yang beragam dengan potensi perkecambahan berkisar antara 5,7% - 20,71 % dan perkecambahan paling tinggi pada intensitas cahaya 26% - 50%. Ditemukan sebanyak 9 species hewan penyebar buah B. pentamera yang didominasi oleh 2 jenis primate yaitu Macaca nemestrina dan Macaca fascicularis. Akar dan daun B. pentamera memproduksi senyawa alelokimia berupa fenol, plavonoid dan triterpenoid. Hasil analisis risiko menunjukkan aspek risiko tumbuhan invasif ini tergolong rendah dan fisibilitas pengelolaan tergolong tinggi. Rekomendasi prioritas pengelolaan B.pentamera dilokasi penelitian adalah ‘monitor’. Monitor dilakukan untuk mendeteksi perubahan nyata risiko spesies tumbuhan invasif B. pentamera, penyebaran dan review perubahan yang ada dalam keinvasifan species tumbuhan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa invasi B. pentamera pada suatu kawasan hutan terganggu berdampak pada perubahan komposisi jenis dan penurunan keanekaragaman jenis. Strategi invasi B. pentamera mengisi celah kanopi dengan sebaran, tinggi dan luas kanopi yang berbeda-beda menyesuaikan kondisi mikrohabitat. B. pentamera memiliki potensi invasi yang besar dengan biologi reproduksi yang superior, mampu memproduksi buah dan biji yang banyak, serta dapat berkecambah pada intensitas cahaya rendah, sedang dan tinggi. B. pentamera juga mengandung senyawa alelokimia berupa fenol dan plavonoid

    Spatial Spread of Invasive Foreign Plants Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don in Bung Hatta Forest Park, Padang, West Sumatra

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    Research on Spatial Spread of Invasive Foreign Plants Clidemia hirta in Bung Hatta Forest Park, Padang, West Sumatra, has been carried out from January to June 2018. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution pattern of invasive foreign plants Clidemia hirta and analyze the influence of distance from roads and influence light intensity on the distribution of the number of individuals Clidemia hirta in the Bung Hatta Forest Park. This study uses a belt transect method with a width of 2 meters along 250 meters. Along the transect, a plot of 2x2 meters was made with 125 plots. Observations made on Clidemia hirta is to calculate the number of individuals and measure the intensity of light in each plot. The results showed that the pattern of spread of  Clidemia hirta was grouped with the Morisita Index of 2.1. The distance from the road and the intensity of light does not affect the distribution of the number of individuals with R Square values of 0.022 and 0.007, respectively

    Bellucia pentamera, Naudin., in South Sumatra: Up Date of Distribution Data and Insect Host Role

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    Distribution data of B pentamera, had been published, and it is found in Palembang, Ogan Ilir, Muara Enim and Pali residences. This month, December 2023, distribution data of this plant be up date by tracking the last samples and find the new trees. Survey, literature study and citizen information are collected and analysed in this article. Two trees, close to SMA 1 Indralaya , Ogan Ilir, and the other one, at Talang Taling roadside, Muara Enim, have died, no more trunk, may be are cut by the owners. But it is found 6 trees in Sigam, Muara Enim,; 4 trees at Bitis, Muara Enim; 2 trees at Indralaya, Ogan Ilir; some trees at Tanjung Baru village, Northern Lampung, some trees at Hutan Harapan, Jambi,  some trees at Lais, Musi Banyuasin, some trees at Sungai Lilin,Musi Banyuasin, a tree at Green Paradise Hotel Park, Pagar Alam; at last at Lubuk Bintialo and Pangkalan Bulian villages, Musi Banyuasin, as published by a research institute.  Investigation on the insects that use B pentameraas their host, found four species namely Delichoderus thoracicus (small black ant), Xylocopa sp (carpenter bee) and Oecophylla smaragdina (Asian weaver ant) and Melanoplus diffrentialis (spotted legs grasshopper)

    Komunitas Algae Epilitik Sebagai Indikator Biologis Di Sungai Batang Ombilin, Sumatera Barat

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    A study about community of epilithic algae was conducted on April until August 2014. The objective of this study was to clarify composition and structure of epilithic algae in Ombilin River and water quality of Ombilin River based on community of epilithic algae. Samples were collected by survey and brushing method and the research station was choosed 6 stations purposively. The results showed that totally 72 genera had been found with total density of epilithic algae was 388.92ind/cm2to 2139.04 ind/cm2. The highest density of epilithic algae was found in station III (Talawi) and the lowest in station II (Lubuk Pinang). The dominant epilithic algae were Cocconeis, Synedra, Navicula, Denticula and Gomphonema (Baccilariophyta), Stigeoclonium (Chlorophyta), Phormidium and Calothrix (Cyanophyta), Ceratium (Dinophyta) and Audouinella (Rhodophyta). Diversity index was 1.50 to 2.48, where the highest was observed at station II (Lubuk Pinang) and the lowest one at station III (Talawi). Equitability index was 0.42 to 0.68. Similarity index was 50 to 74.70%. Saphrobic coefficient was 0.61–1. The result also showed that Ombilin Riverwere polluted slightly byorganic and inorganic materials in β-mesosaprobic phase

    Analisis Vegetasi Gulma Pada Perkebunan Gambir (Uncaria gambir (HUNTER) Roxb) Di Kampung Penurunan Nagari Kayu Gadang, Kecamatan Sutera, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    The research on vegetation analysis of weed in palm oil plantation (Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb) in Penurunan village, Nagari Kayu Gadang, Sutera, Pesisir Selatan has been conducted from February to April 2013 by using 1 x 1 m 20 plots of purposive quadrate method. The result showed that weed composition in gambir plantation consisted of  15 families, 28 genera and 31 spesies while Index diversity of weed was H’ = 2.54. Axonophus compressus has the highest SDR (Summed Dominance Ratio) 23.02% while Eleusine indica has the lowest SDR 0.40% (2 individuals) in gambir plantation.Keywords : Vegetation analysis, weed, gambir, quadrate method, plo