Mangrove Distribution in North Sumatera, Indonesia: A Review


Mangrove forests provide important ecosystem services but are currently undergoing degradation. North Sumatra's mangrove areas are threatened by land conversion and aquaculture. This article describes the overall distribution of mangroves in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The method used in this study is the protocol search, appraisal, synthesis, analysis, report (PSALSAR), and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) framework. Based on consolidated literature, North Sumatra Province has 34 mangrove species. There are two endangered mangrove species, Bruguiera hainesii as a Critically Endangered "CR" species and Avicennia lanata as a Vulnerable "VU" species. Knowing the distribution of the species and their threats we can plan appropriate conservation efforts and further research

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