120 research outputs found

    Belajar dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Learning is the key to the most urgent in any educational endeavor. Without learning education will never be realized as a process, in which the process is an emerging behavior and always improved through a series of reactions to situations and stimuli that exist. It is therefore very important in the study of human development, by studying humans become more mature and more perfect. Besides learning can be understood as a phase change in the whole of human behavior are relatively sedentary as experience and interaction with the environment that involve physical maturation process. The concept of learning in Islam is not only to meet the needs and development of rational only, but should include the entire physical and spiritual needs in a balanced way, do not see the psychological elements are dichotomous. This concept actually gave birth fikir and remembrance into one direction, and put a man in accordance with human dignity, both as individuals, social or spiritual beings in the learning process while Islam has occurred since the creation of Adam and lowered it to the face of the earth. In the perspective of learning Islam is an obligation for every individual believer to acquire knowledge in an effort to improve the lives of human being life. Methods of learning in the Islamic concept of the imitation, practical experience (trial and error) and thinking

    Belajar Dalam Perspektif Islam Kaitannya Dengan Psikologi Belajar

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    Belajar merupakan kunci yang paling urgen dalam setiap USAha pendidikan. Tanpa belajar pendidikan tidak akan pernah terwujud sebagai suatu proses, di mana dengan proses itu sebuah tingkah laku muncul dan selalu diperbaiki melalui serangkaian reaksi terhadap situasi dan rangsangan yang ada. Oleh karena itu belajar sangat penting dalam perkembangan manusia, dengan belajar manusia menjadi lebih dewasa dan lebih sempurna. Selain itu belajar dapat dipahami sebagai tahapan Perubahan seluruh tingkah laku manusia yang relative menetap sebagai pengalaman dan interaksi dengan lingkungan yang melibatkan proses kematangan fisik. Konsep belajar dalam Islam bukan hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan perkembangan rasional saja, tetapi harus meliputi seluruh kebutuhan jasmani dan rohani secara seimbang, tidak melihat unsur-unsur psikologinya secara dikotomis. Konsep inilah yang sebenarnya melahirkan fikir dan dzikir menjadi satu arah, dan menempatkan manusia sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat manusia, baik sebagai individu, sosial ataupun makhluk spiritual Sedangkan proses belajar mengajar dalam islam telah terjadi sejak diciptakannya Adam dan diturunkannya ia ke muka bumi. Dalam perspektif agama Islam belajar merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap individu yang beriman untuk memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat kehidupan kehidupan manusi. Metode belajar dalam konsep islam itu dengan peniruan, pengalaman praktis (trial and error) dan berfiki

    Desulfurization of Model Oil by Extraction with Pyridinium-Based Ionic Liquids

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    This report contains the study on Desulfurization of Model Oil by Extraction with Pyridinium-Based Ionic Liquids. The objective of the project is to determine the sulfurcompound (Benzothiophene, BT) removal efficiency of pyridine-based ionic liquids ([MPy][DMP]) from model oil. The challenge in this project is preparation of pyridinium-based ionic liquid followed by characterization using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyzer and Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) analyzer. Lab testing has been done by using different sulfur-containing compounds and different ionic liquids. The efficiency of the removal process has been determined using CHNS analyzer. 1-Methylpyridinium Dimethylphosphate, [MPy][DMP] can be synthesized via one-pot method with high yield, easy purification and low cost. The preparation of [MPy[BMP] was carried out in the laboratory starting from the purification of 1-Methylpyridine till drying of the ionic liquid. Then, [MPy] [DMP] has been washed with diethyl ether as solvent for 2-3 times before proceeding with the drying process using rotary evaporator. The experiment went well and the ionic liquid was successfully synthesized based on the result of drying of ionic liquid. [MPy][DMP] was used to extract different percentages (2% and 6%) of sulfur compound, benzothiophene (BT) from model oil. The percentage sulfur removal from the model oil were, 33% and 47% respectively. Commercial ionic liquid, Methylmidazolium Trimetylphosphate, [MMim][DMP] was used for comparison with the efficiency of ionic liquid prepared. The extraction results seem promising to be commercialized since the extraction performance for each sample ranging from 60% to 61% which is quite high


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    Al-Qur'an is the word of Allah SWT. The knowledge contained in the Qur'an is the knowledge of the truth of the Qur'an, be it in terms of knowledge, science, interpretation, nasikh and mansukh, al-muhkam, and al-mutasyabih. Guiding children in reading the Qur'an is an important thing to do because the goal is to enforce Islamic law. Allah SWT has guaranteed the blessings that parents get if their children always read the Qur'an. Parents should be good at reading the Koran before teaching their children. Thus it will make it easier to carry out the learning process of the Qur'an in children. Therefore, the importance of guiding and disciplining children in reading the Qur'an so that their ability to read the Koran is good. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ability of parents to read the Koran and discipline children with children's abilities. in reading the Koran in Gunung Sari village rt03 / 03, Citeureup sub-district, Bogor regency. This research uses quantitative research. This study took a total population of 17 children. data collection techniques in this study using (questionnaire). The results of this study are with a df of 15 with a value of r table at a significant level of 5%, it is known that r table 5% = 0.514 Thus the research hypothesis is that the Pearson Correlation (0.399) <r table (0.514) so that Ho is rejected Ha accepted by states that there is a positive relationship between the ability of parents to read the Qur'an and the ability of children to read the Qur'an. and it is stated that the Pearson Correlation (0.276) <r table (0.541) so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted by stating that there is a positive relationship between disciplining children and the child's ability to read the Qur'an

    Penanaman Nilai Nasionalisme melalui Pembelajaran IPS pada Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri I Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengungkapkan upaya penanaman nilai nasionalisme melalui pembelajaran IPS dan mengungkapkan faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat yang mempengaruhi upaya penanaman nilai nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran IPS pada siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif naturalistik, dengan subjek penelitian guru IPS, siswa kelas IV dan V di MIN Pekanbaru. Informasi diperoleh dari kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum dan kesiswaan, serta guru-guru lain dalam rangka triangulasi data. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara: analisis domain, analisis taksonomi, analisis komponen, dan analisis tema. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) persiapan pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh guru IPS sudah mengacu kepada kurikulum 2006. namun upaya penanaman nilai nasionalisme tidak diuraikan secara jelas dalam persiapan pembelajaran, mengakibatkan penanaman nilai nasionalisme melalui pembelajaran IPS kurang optimal dilaksanakan, (2) faktor pendukung yang mempengaruhi upaya penanaman nilai nasionalisme adalah kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional guru IPS, latar belakang siswa, rasa nasionalisme dalam pembelajaran IPS, dan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif, dan faktor penghambat upaya penanaman nilai nasionalisme adalah rendahnya motivasi belajar siswa, penerapan metode yang monoton, penggunaan media kurang efektif, keterbatasan waktu untuk bidang studi IPS, kurangnya wawasan guru tentang arti nasionalisme


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    This research discusses one chronic problem of the nation which iscurrently in urgent need of an effort to solve it, namely the act ofcorruption. Efforts made in suppressing future acts of corruption arethrough the application of anti-corruption education values. Education isplaced in a strategic position. Application of anti-corruption Educationvalues through learning is the inculcation of the values of human life as moral and moral beings, but in fact there are many cases that are very contrary to good morals and morals. Like many corruptors who comefrom the basis of a strong religion. This phenomenon is the problem inthis study, how the anticorruption education values are integrated in thesubjects of Aqidah Akhlak in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan, how arethey implemented in learning, what are the obstacles encountered andsuggestions from the implementation. The purpose of this study is to findout what the values of anti-corruption education contained in theAqeedah Moral subjects in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan, to find outthe implementation of the values of anti-corruption education in theAqidah Morals in the Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan Madrasah and to determinethe constraints and solution to the implementation of anti-corruptioneducation values in the subjects of Aqidah Akhlak in Madrasah AliyahNegeri 3 Medan. This research is a qualitative study by taking thebackground of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan. The subjects of thestudy were the school principal, deputy head, teachers of the AqidahMorals and student trainees and. Data collection is done by using interviews, observation and documentation. Checking the validity of the data is done using triangulation of sources and methods. Data analysis iscarried out by giving meaning to the data that was collected, from whichconclusions are drawn by describing descriptively. The results showed:the values of anti-corruption education contained in the subjects ofAqidah Akhlak in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan are honesty, justice,responsibility and trustworthiness, hard work, istikomah and sincere. Theimplementation of anti-corruption education values in learning is done bysuppressing these values when explaining, providing insights related toanti-corruption material to students on the sidelines of learning materialas an introduction to the hidden curriculum (hidden curriculum), so that it includes exemplary values, attitudes and habituation. The obstacle in this research is how to discipline and understand students as a whole about the learning being taught and the solution is that teachers must understand it repeatedly and repeatedly. And make students who are stubborn in the class aware, because they are dragging the subject

    Desulfurization of Model Oil by Extraction with Pyridinium-Based Ionic Liquids

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    This report contains the study on Desulfurization of Model Oil by Extraction with Pyridinium-Based Ionic Liquids. The objective of the project is to determine the sulfurcompound (Benzothiophene, BT) removal efficiency of pyridine-based ionic liquids ([MPy][DMP]) from model oil. The challenge in this project is preparation of pyridinium-based ionic liquid followed by characterization using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyzer and Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) analyzer. Lab testing has been done by using different sulfur-containing compounds and different ionic liquids. The efficiency of the removal process has been determined using CHNS analyzer. 1-Methylpyridinium Dimethylphosphate, [MPy][DMP] can be synthesized via one-pot method with high yield, easy purification and low cost. The preparation of [MPy[BMP] was carried out in the laboratory starting from the purification of 1-Methylpyridine till drying of the ionic liquid. Then, [MPy] [DMP] has been washed with diethyl ether as solvent for 2-3 times before proceeding with the drying process using rotary evaporator. The experiment went well and the ionic liquid was successfully synthesized based on the result of drying of ionic liquid. [MPy][DMP] was used to extract different percentages (2% and 6%) of sulfur compound, benzothiophene (BT) from model oil. The percentage sulfur removal from the model oil were, 33% and 47% respectively. Commercial ionic liquid, Methylmidazolium Trimetylphosphate, [MMim][DMP] was used for comparison with the efficiency of ionic liquid prepared. The extraction results seem promising to be commercialized since the extraction performance for each sample ranging from 60% to 61% which is quite high


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    Writing is one aspect of language skills used by humans to communicate or convey messages indirectly, The purpose of this study is to know: the activities of teachers and students on learning to write a description using CTL (contextual teaching and learning); significant difference between before and after learning write description using CTL method; and student responses to learning to write a description using CTL method. The research method used is experimental method. The sample of research is the fourth grade students of SDN Cengkong 1. The result of this research shows that this can be proven from the value of t arithmetic count (32.2) t table (1.67) with 95% confidence level (0,05). Thus it is true that there is a significant difference, between the students' ability to write the description of the treated method other than the CTL method with the writing ability of the students treated with the CTL method). The results of teacher activity observation can be done 85% and 80% student activity is done. Based on the results of the questionnaire calculation given to the students, showed a positive response that is equal to 76%, meaning that students feel happy and welcomed about the application of CTL approach in learning to write a description. Based on the research data there are differences between  initial and final test results with an average initial test score of 44.13 and a final test of 73.4. Based on hypothesis test results obtained sig value: 0.000 then smaller than 0.05, so there is a significant influence from the use of CTL approach to the ability to write a descriptionKeywords: write description, CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) AbstrakMenulis merupakan salah satu aspek keterampilan berbahasa yang dipergunakan manusia untuk berkomunikasi atau menyampaikan pesan secara tidak langsung, Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: aktivitas guru dan siswa pada pembelajaran menulis deskripsi dengan menggunakan metode CTL (contextual teaching and learning) ; perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran menulis deskripsi yang menggunakan metode CTL; dan respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran menulis deskripsi dengan menggunakan metode CTL. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Sampel penelitian yaitu siswa kelas IV SDN Cengkong 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  ini dapat dibuktikan dari nilai t hitung hitung (32,2) t tabel (1,67) dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% (0,05). Dengan demikian benar bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan, antara kemampuan siswa dalam menulis deskripsi yang diberi perlakuan metode selain metode CTL  dengan kemampuan menulis siswa yang diberi perlakuan metode CTL). Adapun hasil pengamatan aktivitas guru dapat terlaksana 85% dan aktivitas siswa 80% terlaksana. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan lembar angket yang diberikan kepada siswa, menunjukkan respon yang positif yaitu sebesar 76%, artinya bahwa siswa merasa senang dan menyambut dengan baik tentang penerapan pendekatan CTL dalam pembelajaran menulis deskripsi. Berdasarkan data penelitian adanya perbedaan hasil tes awal dan akhir dengan rata-rata nilai tes awal 44,13 dan tes akhir 73,4. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh nilai sig: 0,000 maka lebih kecil dari 0,05, sehingga terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan pendekatan CTL terhadap kemampuan menulis deskripsi.  Kata kunci : menulis deskripsi, CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning
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