69 research outputs found


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    URL: http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/perennial/article/view/548analyze the physical and mechanical properties of cement board made of stem and branch of tree. Materials used in this study were three wood species from community forest, namely; sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), candlenut (Aleurites moluccana), and gmelina (Gmelina arborea). The raw materials taken from stem and branch of tree were converted into particle using hammer mill. Composition of particle, water, and cement weight based were 1 : 1,25 : 2,5 for produce cement board, while density target of the boards were 0.85 g cm-3. To improve the board quality, 2.5 % CaCl2 based on cement weight was added. Mixed meterials then cold pressed during 24 hours and then conditioned for 1 month before tested. The research resuts are as follows: 1) Dimensional stability of cement board made from stem were superior compared to cement board made from branch of tree, 2) The MOR and Internal Bond of cement board have no clear different pattern between stem and branch of tree, 3) The MOE of cement board made from branch were higher compared to cement board made from stem of the three wood species


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    Full Text dapat dilihat di http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/perennial/article/view/556Fire resistance, termite resistance, and high dimensional stability are among critical attributes of cement board composite as alternative material to replace solid wood products. This study aimed to evaluate characteristics of cement boards made from various age classes of bamboo (1-2 year old, 3-4 year old, and 5-6 year old) and nature of bamboo stem (used and fresh bamboo). Cement board was produced with target density of 0.9 g cm-3, and 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm in dimension and the results showed that cement board made from younger bamboo (1-2 year old) had better physical and mechanical characteristics than cement board made from the older bamboo. Most of physical and mechanical characteristics, except for modulus of rupture and dimensional stability, of cement board made from younger bamboo fulfill the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) A 5417-2003. The results also showed that cement board made from used bamboo had similar characteristics with cement board made from fresh bamboo

    Kajian Lingkungan Tempat Pemilahan Sampah di Kota Makassar

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    This study aims to evaluate the existing condition of waste sorting place in Makkassar City and the existing regulations in supporting the handling of waste in Makassar City in order to produce formulation of waste sorting system from household to TPS. Methods of data collection used in this study are: (1) study of literature and regulation, and waste management system in several cities and major countries to be adopted in Makassar; (2) field survey to find out the complaints in the community around the place of sorting of garbage; (3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from various stakeholders including the community around the place of waste segregation and related SKPD. Likert scale (as one of attitude scale) for the development of statistical analysis technique where ordinal data is converted to interval data, the result will be analyzed using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to formulate policy about septic and environmentally friendly waste separation place in Makassar City. The result of the research shows that: (1) Waste Bank and TPS3R in Makassar city can improve the economy of society and reduce unemployment, (2) Waste Bank in Makassar city acceptable to society and not cause negative impact, (3) TPS3TR in Makassar City according to people's perception around the location can make dirty air due to dust and environmental smoke, (4) TPS3TR in Makassar City according to the perception of the people around the location can disrupt the general traffic around the TPS3R location, (5) Garbage Bank and TPS3R in Makassar City can improve people's economy and reduce unemployment

    Inovasi Karakteristik Produk Souvenir Bambu Laminasi sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Souvenir yang Ekonomis dan Ramah Lingkungan

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    Bamboo plants have long been known as the raw material for souvenir products, but the diversity of bamboo products is limited to the basic shape of the cylinder, the segments, and the hollow. Application of lamination technology is useful to shape bamboo as desired. Laminate bamboo technology has been widely developed, but limited to the purpose of construction and furniture. However, the use of technology for souvenir purposes remain limited. This research is conducted to identify the characteristics of souvenir products made from raw laminated Petung bamboo. Petung (Denrocalanus asper) is chosen because the blade is thick and the diameter is relatively large compare to other bamboo species. This type of souvenir product used in this research is board and beam based. Identification of product characteristics is done by qualitative method (interview) and quantitative (observation of defective products). Souvenir products made from raw bamboo laminate tend to have a higher aesthetic value than solid wood products. The results showed that the average defect-free value of souvenir products was 66%, and included in defect-free class II, with good machining quality. Of the 30 respondents interviewed related to the perception of bamboo laminate products, 53% of respondents said the type of product is interesting, while 36% said very interesting. On the scale of 1-10, most of the respondents choose 8 and 9. It indicates that the uniqueness, function, and distinctiveness of the product are important for the respondents. The additional future such as better shape and function adjustment, and improved finishing quality will further enhance consumer interest in bamboo laminate souvenir products

    Kualitas Papan Komposit yang Terbuat dari Limbah Kayu Sengon dan Karton Daur Ulang

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    The use of recycled carton as an alternative material for the layer of composite board may increase the board strength properties. The objective of this research was to find out the influence of face and back layer types on the quality of produced boards. Materials used in this study were wafer made from sengon wood (Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen), water based polymer isocyanate adhesive, and several kinds of cartons such as duplex carton, recycled carton, and waste of corrugated board. The composite board was produced with the target density of 0.65 g/cm3 and the resin solid content of 6% based on oven dry weight of particle, face and back layers. The results are as follows : 1) Utilization of carton layers improved the dimensional stability and bending strength of board; 2) Composite board with recycled carton layer fullfilled the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) A-5908-1994 for wafer board type in terms of density, water content, and modulus of rupture (MOR) in lengthwise and widhtwise of board but, did not fullfill that for veneered particled board type; 3) The presence of those layer material types decreased internal bond of the board. Keywords : composite board, face and back layer types, recyled carto


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    URL: http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/perennial/article/view/59For optimum utilization of coconut wood, there are necessity to improve the quality of the wood caused by higroscopicity, low dimensional stability, and extreme variability of dimension in lateral direction. The purpose of the research were to analyze the characteristics of coconut wood that had been treated by heating and densification. The treatment consist of one or two hours heating, one hour heating combined to 10 or 20% densification, two hours heating combined to 10 or 20% densification. Temperature that applied for all specimen were 180 oC. The research results are as follows: (1) Heating treatment combined to densification effective to reduce higroscopicity of coconut wood, (2) Heating treatment for two hours are suffice as pretreatment to densify the soft part of coconut wood for 20%, (3) Dimensional stability of coconut wood may improve using heating combined to densification treatments that indicated by decreasing rate of dimensional change, (4) Heating and densification treatment effective to improve the hardness of soft part coconut wood

    Characteristics of Several Wood from Community Forest as Potential Application for Raw Material for Composite Board

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    Four species of fast growing species are potential forest product from community forest. The four species are Jabon (Antochepalus cadamba), lento-lento (Arthrophyllum diversifolium), akasia (Acacia mangium) and pulai (Alstonia spp). The objective of the research was to examine several basic properties (i.e., fiber dimension, physical, chemical and crystallinities) of woods. Fiber dimension were according to IAWA Standard. The properties of physical were conducted according to American Standard Testing Machine (ASTM) D 143 2002, while chemical properties were analyzed according to TAPPI Standard. The results indicated that except acacia wood, the basic properties of woods as forest product from the community forest are suitable for application to particle boards


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    Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menentukan kadar oksidator optimal dalam pembuatan papan partikel tanpa perekat dengan menggunakan perlakuan oksidasi. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah partikel kayu kemiri (Aleurites moluccana) dengan ukuran lolos saringan 10 mesh. Partikel dalam kondisi kering udara dioksidasi dengan hidrogen peroksida dengan kadar yang bervariasi yaitu 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% berdasarkan berat kering partikel dan fero sulfat dengan kadar 5% dan 7,5% berdasarkan berat hidrogen peroksida. Papan dibuat dengan ukuran 30 cm x 30 cm x 0,7 cm dengan kerapatan sasaran 0,75 g cm-3. Pengujian papan dilakukan dengan merujuk pada Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) A 5908 2003. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar hidrogen peroksida menghasilkan papan partikel dengan stabilitas dimensi dan sifat mekanis yang semakin baik. Akan tetapi peningkatan kadar fero sulfat tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan pada perbaikan sifat fisik dan mekanis papan partikel. Papan partikel yang memiliki karakterisitik terbaik adalah papan partikel yang dibuat dengan perlakuan oksidasi menggunakan 20% hidrogen peroksida dan 7,5% fero sulfat. Stabilitas dimensi dan sifat mekanis papan partikel tanpa perekat tersebut memenuhi JIS A 5908 2003
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