129 research outputs found


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    Abstract Operating milling machine is one of the standard competences which must be mastered by the studens of mechanical engineering in vocational hight school. One of the ways to help students comprehend the learning materials of milling machine operating is by using appropriate and effective learning set. Therefore, this research develops macromedia flash based learning set in the milling machine operating through direct learning especiallyin making the straight cut gears which aims to make the students be able to pass the students’ study result. This learning set are developed by adapting 4-D model. There are define, design, develop, and disseminate. The data collecting techniques used are expert validation, observation , test and students’ questionnaire. The subjectsof the research are the students of eleventh grade at mechanical engineering department of SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari. The researchis designed by using one group pretest-posttest design. The data is collected by giving pretest, applying the developed learning sets, and giving the posttest. The research data is analyzed by using descriptive statistic analysis technique. The result of the research finds that : 1) the learning set which is developed in the form of syllabus, lesson plan, students’ work sheet, learning media, and scoring sheetis very valid and its average score is 3.5, 2) the lesson plan is well implemented and its average score is 4.4, 3) the students’ activity in the learning process is very active and its average score is 3.2, 4) the students’ response for the learning is very positive for 88%, 5) the students’study result can be achieved well either individually or classically. To sum up, the macromedie flash based learning set for milling machine operating through direct learning for the straight cut gears has been developed well and is effective to make the student be able to pass their study. Keywords: direct learning, Macromedia flas

    Development of Psychomotor Domain Assessment Instrument on Brake System Competence in SMKN 1 Jetis Mojokerto

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    Many factors influence the low number of skilled vocational high school graduates. One factor that is the leading cause is the lack of instruments that can be used in the learning process, especially authentic instruments, to assess students' abilities in the psychomotor domain. Students who are dominant in the cognitive sphere are not necessarily skilled in the psychomotor realm, especially when using the equipment and making improvements to the brake system. The purpose of this study is to develop an assessment instrument that is appropriate to be used by the teacher in evaluating the psychomotor domain's abilities, specifically for the brake system competency. This research is development research that uses ADDIE models as a reference for research. ADDIE model has five stages of development that need to be considered, including analysis; (2) design; (3) development; (4) implementations; and (5) evaluation. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion of the psychomotor domain assessment instrument for the competency of the brake system that was developed to be suitable for use in the learning process. Feasibility is proven from the results of the validation of experts who get an assessment of 4.66 with a very valid category. The instrument reliability test results that get the Cronbach's alpha value of 0.895, and the value of inter-observer reliability is 0.740. In addition, the instrument is also practical when used in the learning process. This was evidenced by the acquisition of practicality test value of 3.31 and entered in the practical category


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui perbedaan kinerja praktik pemrograman PLC pada siswa yang dibelajarkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GI dengan STAD; (2) mengetahui perbedaan kinerja praktik praktik kinerja praktik pemrograman PLC pada siswa bermotivasi tinggi tipe GI dengan tipe STAD; (3) mengetahui perbedaan kinerja praktik praktik kinerja praktik pemrograman PLC pada siswa bermotivasi rendah; dan tipe GI dengan tipe STAD; (4) mengetahui interaksi kinerja praktik pemrograman PLC yang dibelajarkan model pembelajaran tipe GI dengan STAD pada siswa bermotivasi tinggi ataupun rendah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, dari jenis Quasi Experimental dengan rancangan Nonequivalent Control Group Design, dimana kelas XI TITL-1 diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan kelas XI TITL-2 diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GI. Sebelum perlakuan diberi angket motivasi kinerja praktik untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi siswa terhadap kompetensi dasar bahasa pemprogram PLC yang akan diberikan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat dikemukakan bahwa: 1) kinerja praktik siswa yang diperlakukan dengan model pembelajaran GI dengan STAD menghasilkan sig 0,019 < 0,05 artinya adalah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antar kedua kelas dan rata-rata kinerja praktik GI yang lebih baik dibanding STAD, 2) kinerja praktik siswa motivasi tinggi kelas GI dibandingkan dengan STAD menghasilkan sig 0,926 > 0,05 artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai yang signifikan dan rerata kinerja GI rmotivasi tinggi lebih baik dibanding STAD, 3) kinerja praktik siswa motivasi rendah kelas GI dibandingkan STAD menghasilkan sig 0,000 < 0,05 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan nilai yang signifikan rerata kinerja GI motivasi rendah lebih baik dibanding STAD, dan 4) untuk interaksi/pengaruh perlakuan kedua kelas yang ditinjau dari kategori motivasi dalam kinerja praktik tidak ada interaksi/pengaruh secara signifikan yang artinya perlakuan pembelajaran tipe GI lebih berpengaruh baik dibanding tipe STAD untuk kinerja praktik pemrograman PLC baik untuk siswa bermotivasi tinggi maupun rendah. Kata kunci: GI dengan STAD, Kinerja Praktik, Pemrograman PLC, dan Motivasi. Abstract This study aims to (1) determine differences in the performance of PLC programming practices on students that learned cooperative learning model with STAD GI, (2) determine differences in performance practice practice practice PLC programming performance at highly motivated students with the GI type STAD, (3) determine differences in performance practice practice practice PLC programming performance on low-motivated students, and with the GI type STAD, (4) the interaction performance that learned PLC programming practice learning model GI type with STAD on high-and low-motivated students. . The type of this research is experimental method between Quasi Experimental with Nonequivalent Control Group Design which class XI TITL-1 is treated using STAD cooperative learning model and the another is treated using GI cooperative learning model. The practice performance motivation questionarre has been given before the treatment has being conduct to determine level of student’s motivation to the PLC programming language basic competencies that would be taught. Based on data analysis’s result, we can state that as follows: 1) The significant value of student practice performance which was treated using GI learning model against STAD is 0,019 < 0,05. It means there’s a significant difference between two classes and the average of practice performance of GI class is higher that STAD class. 2) The practice perfromance of highly motivated student in GI class against STAD is 0,926>0,05 and it’s indicate there’s not significant difference between both of them although the average of GI- highly motivated is higher than STAD- highly motivated. 3) The practice perfromance of low motivated student in GI class against STAD is 0,000<0,05 and it’s indicate there’s significant difference between both of them which value of GI-low motivation is higher thatn STAD- low motivation. 4) There’s no interaction between both classes-learning model with different motivation significantly in practice performance. The mean treatment GI type learning more influential better than STAD for PLC programming practice performance for both high and low motivated students. Keywords: GI with STAD, Performance Practice, PLC Programming, and Motivatio


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menguji perbedaan hasil belajar pengoperasian perangkat lunak lembar sebar antara siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan e-learning moodle dan yang dibelajarkan menggunakan LKS; 2) menguji perbedaan hasil belajar pengoperasian perangkat lunak lembar sebar antara siswa yang mempunyai motivasi belajar rendah, dan motivasi belajar tinggi; dan 3) menguji pengaruh interaksi antara penggunaan media pembelajaran dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar pengoperasian perangkat lunak lembar sebar.Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan desain faktorial 2 X 2 yaitu membandingkan dua kelompok, terdiri dari pembelajaran menggunakan media e-learning moodle dan media LKS dengan membedakan motivasi belajar siswa tinggi atau rendah. Kedua kelompok diberi pretes dan postest. Data diperoleh dari angket dan tes. Untuk pengolahan data menggunakan Anava dua jalur dengan SPSS. Dari hasil uji hipotesis dengan teknik Anava pada uji hipotesis pertama diperoleh Fhitung = 7,923 dengan signifikansi 0,007. Pada uji hipotesis kedua diperoleh Fhitung untuk motivasi adalah 108,142 dengan signifikansi 0,000. dan pada uji hipotesis ke tiga diperoleh Fhitung = 8,369 dengan signifikansi 0,005. Dan dapat disimpulkan: 1) Penggunaan media e-learning moodle terbukti menyebabkan hasil belajar siswa yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan penggunaan media LKS; 2) Siswa yang mempunyai motivasi belajar tinggi hasil belajarnya lebih baik dari pada siswa yang bermotivasi belajar rendah; dan 3) Interaksi penggunaan media e-learning moodle pada siswa bermotivasi tinggi memberikan hasil belajar yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan interaksi antara media pembelajaran dengan faktor motivasi lainnya.Kata Kunci: E-learning Moodle, LKS, Motivasi, Hasil Belaja


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    Abstrak Curriculum used and developed by Vocational High School should already be relevant to the need of business or industry world (DU/DI). The purposes of this research are 1) To know the conformity level of curriculum according to the need of DU/DI at the productive training education technique of hair beauty; 2) To describe the demand of DU/DI to students of hair beauty; 3) To describe curriculum implementation of productive training education technique of hair beauty; 4) To describe the demand of the students of hair beauty to technology development in hair beauty business. The research was performed at SMKN 3 Malang, SMKN 6 Surabaya and SMKN 8 Surabaya. This research uses research design with mixed method descriptive quantitative and qualitative to answer the above questions. Quantitative data analysis uses percentage, while qualitative data analysis uses triangulation data resources. The result of this research shows that (1) Curriculum conformity level according to the need of DU/DI in hair aspect at productive training education subject at SMK in Malang and Surabaya are : curriculum of SMKN 3 Malang with code A = 47,84%, curriculum of SMKN 6 Surabaya with code B = 49,84% and curriculum of SMKN 8 Surabaya with code C = 52,17%; (2) The demand of DU/DI for skill competence of hair beauty subject amount 14 competences; (3) The implementation of curriculum of productive training education lesson of hair beauty subject at each vocational high school in Malang and Surabaya involving the same curriculum document among the three vocational schools come from SKNI, for there devolepment are not the same because they are conformed with each school’s needs, KTSP of each schools are mostly added by local materials, SKL are the same, Silabus are different, conformed with local condition, from RPP have all been done, just only the division of learning hours should be more compacted at grade 1 and 2; (4) For technology developments, the student are demanded to study more, to practice more related with unfit competence that DU/DI demands, that is haircut and hair curling. Keywords: Curriculum, Business World/Industry World


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    Abstract This research is done to know D3's college student ability in praktik AC's interest also develop learning peripheral and measures entrepreneurship's soul (kewirausahaan). This research is executed on September 2014 at Surabaya's Country University by totals respondent 40 college student utilize developmental research types peripherals and dealt out college student response questionnaires. Downloading process utilize peripheral where was validated by pro expert and have at test-driving to know reabilitas instrument and that data analysing to utilize analisis instrument validity, analisis keterlaksanaan is praktik AC's learning, analisis is thoroughness studies, analisis is intreneur's soul and college student response questionnaire. This observational result point out model learning peripheral inkuiri with Contextual Teaching And Learning's approaching (CTL) syllabus 78,57%, GBRP 89,47%, SAP 86,11%, LKM 83,33% and key LKM 76,92 %, handout 77,77 %, LP and LP's key 81,56 %, and specification table 80 %. Analisis thoroughness usufructs to study model learning peripheral floatings Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) having complete criterion with thoroughness score studies (individual), and complete klasikal thoroughness with appreciative score essays kognitif's result product 81,25 % reliabilitas's points item essays 0,975> 0,7; essay kognitif's result processes 75 % reliabilitas's points 0,952> 0,7; and essays psikomotorik's result 75 % reliabilitas's points 0,932> 0,7. Analisis assesses melatihkan entrepreneurship's soul has to assess reliabilitas 0,932> 0,7 by melatihkan's thoroughness score entrepreneurship's souls on brazes DOCK 2 75 % complete. Analisis responds college student to praktik AC's learning by use of model CTL to melatihkan entrepreneurship's soul, having percentage point responds positive(+) as big as 83,3 % college student perceive pleasings with learning already being developed and 6,7 % opine that learning with model CTL so-sos. College student perceives pleasing pass an opinion that 87% perceives trick to teach not pall a lot of activity series that menyenaangkan, 87% opine that college student perceives pleasing because of done by observation or outboard learning brazes, 93% college student perceive that on developed learning get speaking chance, issuing opinion or mutually asks to coeval friend and lecturer and in the end 87 % college student perceive that learning feels easier Keywords: Peripheral development, Entrepreneurship , Contextual Teaching and Learnin

    Development of affective authentic assessment instruments for automotive engineering expertise in vocational school

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    Many factors influence Students’ low abilities in the affective domain, especially at the level of vocational schools (VHS). The lack of ability of teachers to develop affective authentic assessment instruments be one of the factors that influence it. Besides, designing authentic assessment instruments is not as easy affective cognitive assessment. This research uses ADDIE development model as a reference in developing affective authentic assessment instruments. There are five stages of ADDIE models, include analysis; (2) design; (3) development; (4) implementations; and (5) evaluation. Based on data analysis is known that instruments developed are valid, reliable, and practical to use in the learning process. This is evidenced from (1) the results of the validation by 4, 50 with a valid category; (2) the reliability test results amounted to 0.985 with a special category; and (3) test results practicality of 3.06 with a practical category

    Analysis Of Electromagnetic Field On Transmission Line To Human Using Infinite Element Method

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    The use of high voltage is not only to reduce power losses but also to produce electromagnetic field near the transmission line. This electromagnetic field is harmful to humans near the transmission line. In this paper, analysis of the distribution of electromagnetic field were presented by using simulation based on finite element method (FEM). The basic principle of FEM was to divide the structure, the body, or the observed area to be finite element. The transmission line of 500 kV and its effect to the operators working near the transmission line were simulated to obtain the electromagnetic field distribution

    Hubungan antara Prestasi Belajar, Motivasi dan Etos Kerja dengan Kinerja Praktek Industri Siswa Smk Jurusan Mekanik Otomotif di Samarinda

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    The aims of Prakerin were: (1) in order that SMK students cool learn directly from world of venture/industry, by meant that they can feel the truly work world was; (2) to increase work ability; and (3) to enhance their experiences, to practice their attitude and discipline, so that after graduate, they have readiness to work approriatly with the criteria that needed for the job. It was switable with the purpose of SMK is to work immediately after graduate. The research was conducted for: (1) to know the correlation between academic achievement and Prakerin performance; (2) to know the correlation between work motivation and prakerin performance; (3) to know the correlation between work ethic and performance Prakerin; and (4) to know the correlation between academic achievement, work motivation and work ethic jointly with Prakerin performance of SMK students in Samarinda. The type of this research was Expost Facto. The population were all of the second grade of SMK majoring in automotive mechanics in Samarinda, with the samples were the second grade of SMKN 10 and SMKM 4 students in Samarinda. The data were collected by using performance assessment for Prakerin performance variable (Y), the valve of report book for academic achievement variable (X1), guestionnaire for work motivation variable (X2) and work ethic variable (X3). The data were analyzed by using statistic test of Product Moment and Double Regression. The conclutions of the research were: (1) a significant positive correlation between academic achievement and Prakerin performance; (2) a significant positive correlation between work motivation and Prakerin Performance; (3) a significant positive correlation between work ethic and Prakerin performance; and (4) a significant positive correlation between academic achievement, work motivation and work ethic jointly with Prakerin performance. The research recommended were: (1) education office of Samarinda city support that Prakerin activity of SMK; (2) part of SMK, teachers and venture/industry word as partnersip of vocational education more increase their guidance to the students, so it can be produce local human resource competitively in automotive; and (3) to other researcher, this result could be used as a reference to do the same lund of the lund of the research with another variable, that can influence the performance in Samarinda. Keywords: Performance Industry, Human Reseurce, Achievement, Motivation and Work Ethi

    Development by Apply Problem Based Learning Models to Increase Students Creativity of State Vocational High School 1 Cerme

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    This study is a research on the development of devices in basic culinary subjects by applying a problem based learning models to increase students’ creativity, consisting of: 1) analysis the validity of the device, 2) analysis the practicality of the device, and 3) analysis the effectiveness of the device. This research was conducted in three stages of the 4-D model, which are defined, design, and develop. A device that have been developed will be tested in 10th Culinary Art 1 and 10th Culinary Art 2 grade of state vocational high school 1 Cerme in even semester of academic year 2019/2020 with by using a research design of One Group Pre-test Post-test Design Learning tools developed include: syllabus, lesson plans scenario, student book, worksheet and key worksheet, affective (social skills), affective (character behavior), cognitive (product), cognitive (process), cognitive (scientific creativity), and psikomotor. The results showed that (a) learning tools that are developed are valid, (b) the learning process runs well, (c) student creativity learning outcomes produce an increase in the high category
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