154 research outputs found

    Opini Publik tentang Malpraktek Kedokteran

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    Background: In providing services, medical professionals have to be aware of social norms, ethics and laws. Behaviors violate those regulations attract public attention and can lead to medical malpractice allegations. This study aimed to explore public opinion on medical malpractice, which was analyzed base on medical ethic principles. Method: To answer the research question, descriptive and qualitative online survey had been conducted from November 2009 to October 2010, which used structured and open-ended questionnaire. The participants were obtained by employing non-probability convenience sampling. Later, the quantitative data was analyzed descriptively, and the qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented narratively. Results: In general, public opinion on malpractice is similar to the principles of medical ethics. They believe that wrong procedures, diagnosis and treatments are factors of the malpractice. However, the participants adopt more consequentialism philosophy, which emphasize on outcome of patients and lack of consideration what the doctors has done base on medical standards. More over, participants’ explanations on medical malpractice reflect dissatisfaction of medical services which may due to low quality of information and attitude of doctors and other staffs in providing services. Conclusion: To improve public opinion on medical service and prevent medical malpractice allegation, doctors and other staffs have to obey professional standards and ethics, providing adequate information and good communication

    Peranan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Analisis Gender pada Penentuan Kebijakan Pengentasan Malnutrisi Anak di Indonesia

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    Indonesia still faces child malnutrition problem almost in all regions in the country. The government has done efforts to address the problem, such as mother and child health program in ministry of health and nutrition program through supplementary feeding for venerable group. However, the casesdos not decrease significantly. This paper looks at why child malnutrition is still a big problem in the country by exploring trhough gender perspectives in addressing the problem. This study is based on literature and documents analysis. The gender analysis toward child malnutrition case is conductedthrough the framework of Harvard and Moser and Liverpool guideline for analysis gender and health. This study reveals that child malnutrition cases in Indonesia are strongly influenced by sociocultural and economic factors in the country, including education attainment and gender equality. Fromgender\u27s perspective, child malnutrition is as a result of lack of control over the resources within the family and the community. Also, triple role of women within the family affects on women health wellbeing and the child nutrition status. Therefore, the strategies to improve child nutrition status should incorporate gender equality values

    HIV/AIDS di Indonesia : Fenomena Gunung Es dan Peranan Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer

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    HIV/AIDS problem in Indonesia is considered as iceberg phenomenon, where the reported cases in the government official record do not represent the real situation. This prediction is based on high number of vulnerable groups such as sexual workers and injecting drug users. These factors are not only related to healthcare services but also social economic structure. Therefore, to address this problem, comprehensive Primary Health Care (PHC) must be imple-mented. The comprehensive PHC concerns on underlying problem which includes socioeconomic issues and environment problems. This strategy is conducted through holistic activities from preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative through collaboration with other sectors and community involvement. Based on underlying HIV/AIDS problem in Indonesia, there are several strategies that should be done to address the problem, such as education campaign,addressing poverty issue, equitable health services and community participation

    Qiyamur Ramadhan dan Kesehatan Psikosomatik

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    Orang-orang yang dipanggil untuk berpuasa dan mendirikan ibadah di dalam bulan Ramadhan (qiyamur-Ramadhan) itu hanyalah orang-orang yang beriman. Ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya orang yang berimanlah yang akan mampu melakukan ibadah puasa dan mendirikan Ramadhan itu dengan baik. Ibadah dengan iman akan menjadikan ibadah terasa mudah dan bahkan menyenangkan, yang mendatangkan ketenteraman jiwa. Inilah nantinya yang akan berdampak positif dalam kesehatan secara holistik; keehatn psikis, fisik, dan interaksi antara keduanya (psikosomatik).Iman yang melahirkan keyakinan muraqabah Allah s.w.t dan sikap Ihsan inilah yang menjadikan seorang mukmin berpuasa sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan syari’ah dengan baik. Puasa yang dilakukan dengan sikap ihsan akan menjadikan seorang melaksanakan puasa dengan menjaga segala sesuatu yang merusak nilai puasanya. Semua itu dilakukannya dengan perasaan tenang tanpa merasa berat. Sikap ini jugalah yang menjadikan seorang mukmin sangat mudah untuk mendirikan ibadah Ramadhan itu. Ibadah dengan sikap Ihsan dan ikhlas akan dilakukanpun dengan sempurna kualitasnya dan banyak kuantitasnya. Seorang mukmin yang Ihsan dan ikhlas melahirkan kekhusukan dalam iabadahnya. Ikhlas dan khusuk dalam ibadah dirasakan sebagai ‘kenikmatan’, termasuk dalam beribadah mendirikan Ramadhan, sehingga melahirnya kenyamanan dan ketenangan dalam dirinya. Ikhlas dan khusuk yang menimbulkan kenyamanan dan kebahagiaan dalam ibadah, dalam Ilmu Kedokteran secara psikoneuroimonologis dapat diterangkan adanya kestabilan mekanisme umpan balik hormonal HPA-Axis. Kekhusukan dan kebahagian dalam mendirikan ibadah tersebut juga menjadikan respon sisttim saraf otonom simpatis dan parasimpatis menjadi lebih stabil

    Analysis Of Incidence Of Rubella Measles In The Working Area Of The Belimbing Health Center, Padang City In 2022

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    Measles and rubella have long-term health consequences for an estimated 103,000 babies born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). A total of 541 cases of measles were found in districts and cities in West Sumatra with the highest number in the city of Padang in 2022. The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence of measles rubella in the working area of the Belimbing Health Center, Padang City in 2022. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, the method used in this research are in-depth interviews, observation, and document review. The research was conducted in the Work Area of the Belimbing Health Center, Padang City. Informants consisted of 24 people consisting of 8 health workers, 5 cadres, and 11 mothers with children. The results of this study indicate mothers' knowledge about measles rubella is still not optimal. MR immunization has not reached the target as expected, there are still many parents who do not want to bring their children MR immunization, such as being consumed by HOAX news or gossip circulating about MR immunization, Surveillance in reporting MR cases is always reported every day if there are cases, surveillance officers trace cases and evaluate them, and the results of the report are submitted monthly to the P2P section of the Padang City Health Office. Most children suffer from measles because they get it from their playmates at school. The implication of this research is as an illustration of Incidence Of Rubella Measles In The Working Area Of The Belimbing Health Center, Padang City In 2022. Keywords:  Health Center, Infection Disease, Measles, Padang City, Rubell


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    Abstrak            Proses pembelajaran klinis menekanakan pada integrasi antara ilmu teoritis dan praktek, serta sintesis untuk dapat menemukan alternatif pemecahan permasalahan dari kasus-kasus yang ditemukan. Dalam mencapai sasaran pembelajaran tersebut, dibutuhkan proses bimbingan yang optimal. Dalam tulisan ini dibahas model-model bimbingan yang diterapkan diberbagai institusi pendidikan kedokteran dan kesehatan, serta dilakukan analisa terhadap berbagai model tersebut untuk melihat model yang tepat diterapkan di institusi pendidikan kedokteran dan kesehatan Indonesia. Terdapat dua model yang umum dilaksanakan pada bimbingan klinis, yaitu supervision model (model supervisi) dan preceptorship model (model preseptorsip). Model supervisi, pembimbing adalah staf dari universitas (institusi pendidikan) dan pembimbing tidak ikut melakukan pelayanan sehingga bimbingan tidak langsung pada saat interaksi dengan pasien. Sebaliknya pada model preseptorsip, pembimbing adalah staf dari rumah sakit atau staf yang juga bertugas di rumah sakit tersebut, sehingga bimbingan dapat dilakukan dengan interaksi langsung dengan pasien dan saat memberikan penatalaksanaan. Namun, pada pelaksanaannya, penerapannya sering dilakukan dengan kombinasi beberapa model atau menerapkan dua model bimbingan atau lebih pada satu proses kepaniteraan klinik.  Dengan melihat apa yang telah diterapkan selama ini pada pendidikan kedokteran dan kesehatan di Indonesia, maka penerepan model preseptorship merupakan model yang tepat untuk dilaksanakan, dengan perbaikan kualitas dan kuantitas bimbingan.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan klinik dan preseptorship  Abstract            Clinical education emphasize on integrated learning between knowledge and skills, and synthesis to solve the problems of the clinical cases.  To achieve those learning objectives needs optimal clinical supervision. In this paper will be explored variety clinical supervision models. The models will be analyzed to see the suitable model for Indonesia. The are two models that are frequently implemented in clinical education, namely supervision and preceptorship models. Supervision model employs university staffs as clinical supervisors, and they do not involve in patient's management. Therefore, supervision cannot be done through direct interaction with the patients. By contrast, in preseptorship model, clinical supervisors are hospital staff or clinicians who are involve in patients' management. However, in practice, implementations of the supervision models are often through combination, or implementing two or more models within one clinical clerkship. Based on experience of medical and health profession education  in Indonesia, preseptorship is the right model to be implemented. However, the quality and quantity of supervision need to be improved.Key Words: Clinical education and presceptorship.

    Bebas Rokok Setelah Ramadhan: Mungkinkah?

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    Asap mengepul dari hembusan dan terselip sebatang rokok di jari tangan adalah pemandangan yang lazim kita didapatkan sehar-hari di lingkungan kita. Sebuah perilaku yang lumrah kita saksikan pada orang-orang yang duduk di warung-warung kopi, rumah makan, di jalanan atau bahkan di kantor-kantor. Kenyataan itu menunjukkan seolah-olah merokok adalah budaya jati diri bangsa. Bahkan, tradisi Minangkabau “Mamaggia baralek” mengundang syukuran pernikahan yang secara tradisi adat menggunakan siriah ada pula yang sudah menggantinya dengan rokok. Inilah sebuah pergeseran perilaku yang paradoks. Tatkala Bangsa Eropa dan Amerika yang dulunya menjadikan rokok sebagai simbol modernitas dan maskulinitas (macho), sekarang justru sudah meninggalkannya. Perubahan perilaku secara sosial dan perlahan didorong dengan kebijakan publik kearah itu. Hal ini dilakukan sejak diumumkan ke publik hasil penelitian beskala besar Framingham Cohort Heart Study-I tahun 1970, yang juga termasuk dampak negatif yang besar dari merokok