37 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Tempe Biscuits and Honey to Decrease Frequency of Stools in Children Diarrhea

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    Frequency of stools in diarrhea children requires special attention because it can cause dehydration which is the leading cause of death in children with diarrhea. Previous studies state that tempe and honey are effective in reducing the frequency of stools in diarrhea children. However, it is not known which intervention is more effective. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether there is a difference in the effectiveness of tempe biscuits and honey to decrease the frequency of stools in diarrhea. This study employed the quasi-experiment design with two groups pre and post-test. A total of 30 samples were taken by Accidental Sampling. Samples were divided into 2 groups, where 15 people were given the intervention of tempe biscuits, and 15 other people were given honey. Giving tempe biscuits and honey are given 3 times a day for two consecutive days. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Test. The results of this study indicate that tempe biscuits and honey is effective in reducing the frequency of stools in diarrhea children (p = 0.001 and p<0,001). Although the decrease in the frequency of stools in the group with honey was greater than the group with tempe biscuits, the results of this study showed that there were no significant differences between the two interventions to decrease the frequency of stools (p = 0.385). Therefore, in reducing the frequency of defecation, tempe biscuit and honey can be used as good food supplements for diarrhea children

    Identification of Game Model for Health Identification of Education in Preschoolers

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    Health education in preschoolers neccessary to be involved with playing. As the development of technology, game play is one of popular in children. With this in mind, we thought developed game as a media for health education. Therefore, we need information regarding characteristics of game favored by children because the effectiveness of game is depends on first intention.This study used descriptive qualitative approach, involving seven children aged three to six years with parents as participants. Participants choosed purposively with inclusion criterias male and female, able to play games androidbased games and approval of parent. Data collected by recording interviews using an interview guide. Data analysis was performed with the stages of abstraction and interpretation of data.The results of this study, we found four themes of characteristic features an electronic game that endeared preschoolers: 1) characteristics of the game's main character, the creature moves, contains elements of fantasy, and have attractive appearance; 2) characteristics of the game model, which includes activities, adrenaline, has a gift (reward), the game is varied and has educational elements; 3) The bright colors are the primary and secondary colors; and 4) the character of the game, which is independent in playing games, playing about an hour a day, and the time of play most often at bedtime. Fourth this theme can be used as an input to develop games as a media for health education to preschoolers

    The Analysis of The Incidence of Depression and Risk of Suicide Using Buddy App on Teenagers in Makassar

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    The data from the World Health Organization in 2017, suicidal behavior of teenagers Indonesia of 13-17 years old, as many 5.6% teens had made plans related to the way they committed suicide. The aim of this research is  to find out the analysis of the incidence of depression and risk of suicide using Buddy App on teenagers in Makassar. This research was an analytic quantitative with cross-sectional study approach. As many 285 teenagers involved in this research recruited by simple random sampling. Data collected by using a of depression namely KADS that are provided through online form and questionnaire of risk of suicide, namely CSSRS using buddy apps. It is called Buddy App because of its function as an application that can be a close friend to users. The incidence of depression and risk of suicide is higher in the late adolescents. Mean of depression in early adolescent (4.78) and late adolescent (6.31). The statistical test results showed the significant differences between the incidence of depression (p-value 0,000) and the level of risk of suicide (p-value 0,022) in early adolescence and late adolescents. The next researcher is expected to examine the level of depression in each level of suicide risk by developing the questionnaire of depression

    Arbi Care: an Innovative Educational Game to Increase Healthy Behavior in Diarrhea Prevention among Preschoolers

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    Innovation is needed to improve healthy behaviors of children in order to prevent diarrhea. Education through games is widely recommended as a way to change behavior in children. This study describes the process of developing an educational game to increase healthy behaviors of preschool children. This study used research and development design techniques with four stages, including: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Observation sheets were used to assess the effectiveness of the game in educating children. The process of developing this educational game included several phases: 1) exploration of the characteristics of games favored by children; 2) design of the intervention based on games preferred by children; 3) validation of the game prototype by experts and testing of the game by preschool children, and 4) revision of the game in order to obtain a game focused on diarrhea prevention that can be used as a behavioral health intervention. Results showed that in testing of the game by ten preschool were able to play and understand the message of the game 92% of the time. The results showed that the Arbi Care game can be used as a learning device to increase healthy behavior in preschool children

    Health Education to Prevent Diarrhea in Preschoolers

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    Preschoolers are the second largest group suffering from diarrhea. Numerous studies have identified poor community hygiene and health practices contributing as causes of diarrhea, making it necessary to teach children healthy behavior for prevention. Healthy behavior can reduce the risk of diarrhea by 36–48%. Unfortunately, health education is commonly given to parents, but it is limited for children. Preschool is a period of transition from parental control to self-control. This period is also the best time to build concepts and ideas with constant reason. Applying an important concept for healthy behavior in this period will help to develop a child’s mindset in the future to prevent diarrhea. Health education to prevent diarrhea is pivotal to identify health behavior of preschoolers. When preschoolers’ health behavior has been identified, then it can be used to design an effective education model in preventing diarrhea

    Konsep Keperawatan Anak

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    Pengaruh Senam Otak Terhadap Kecemasan pada Anak Usia Sekolah Yang Mengalami Hospitalisasi

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    Anxiety in hospitalization will lead to the uncomfortable feeling good in children and families, so that the necessary process of adjustment to reduce, minimizing the anxiety to not develop into a crisis. One of media treatment in lowering anxiety is brain gym . Brain gym is a series of simple gestures that simulates brain work and brain function optimally. Study aims to determine the influence of brain gym of anxiety in children of school age who have hospitalization. True Eksperimental pre test post test control group design. Research place at Islam Faisal hospital Makassar and Labuang Baji hospital Makassar. The data analysis used Independen T-test. The gathering samples using methods Random Allocation. Provided 14 samples with 7 respondents of intervention group and 7 of respondents as a control group. The result of test statistic obtained by velue = 0,000, then there was a meaningful level of anxiety pre-Test with post Test after use brain gym.  If a person to experience anxiety then the cortex cerebri to send a distress signal to hypothalamus thus resulting in tension in motoric, hyperactivity of aoutonomic nervous system and raise awareness. The method used to help in lowering anxiety by doing brain gym. With movements brain gym can activate the neocotex and nervous parasympathetic reduce increase in the hormone adrenaline in body that can ease the tension of phychological and physical strain. So, conclusion is brain gym effect on reducation of anxiety and therapy is able to be one alternative for children who have hospitalization

    Spritual and Cultural Needs in Patient's Anxiety

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    Anxiety is a normal adaptive stress response due to hospitalization. However, if anxiety is not treated properly, it can lead to complexity problems in the healing process of patients. Nurses have the greatest opportunity to provide comprehensive health services to help clients meet basic needs in a holistic manner. Appealing religion and culture are two ways that can be used to reduce anxiety of patients who are hospitalized. The purpose of this study is finding out a better approach that it is needed between religious and cultural approach in reducing anxiety. Crossectionalapproachis used in this study involving patients who are hospitalized in the hospital and getting anxiety. Samples were involved in this study are 30 people and they were selected purposively. The collection of data is done using HARS Instrument, Berg Cultural Questionnaire and Spirirual Needs Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation test. The results showed that there was a relationship between meeting spiritual needs with the anxiety of hospitalized patients (p = 0.014) and there was no connection between the needs of cultural and the anxiety of hospitalized patients (p = 0.417). Meeting spiritual and cultural needs are basic needs that should get more attention in reducing anxiety of patients who are hospitalized in the hospital. Further research would be able to dig up more details about spiritual and cultural needs that are expected by patient to nurse

    The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Readiness of Interprofessional Education (IPE) among Students at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences UIN Alauddin Makassar

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    Interprofessional education (IPE) needs to be introduced early in the academic stage to prepare health professionals who are expected to be more professional. Both self-efficacy and IPE readiness are vital considerations to achieve the goals regarding the implementation of IPE. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and IPE readiness. This research used a descriptive correlation design with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling was 146 students and utilized 10% quota sampling from each major. This study consisted of two types of questionnaires, namely the self-efficacy questionnaire and Readiness of the Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). The collected data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test. The result of this study indicated that 56.8% of students have high self-efficacy. There are no students in low self-efficacy category. Then, the readiness of students on IPE is high, with 89.0%, and there are no students in low category. The Chi-Square test result shows that the value of p=0.006 or p<0.05. It means that there is a relationship between self-efficacy and readiness of IPE among students at FKIK UIN Alauddin Makassar. Therefore, to implement IPE, efforts need to be made to improve students’ self-efficacy and ultimately improve IPE readiness

    The Impact of Integrated Quality Management-Based Health Services on General Hospital Quality

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    The global trend toward Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation aims to steadily improve the quality of healthcare services to fulfill patients' expectations and maximize the use of available resources to improve care outcomes. Utilizing TQM processes in the healthcare sector can increase patient safety. TQM has emerged as a promising method for boosting the effectiveness and efficiency of health care demand in this respect (1). TQM emphasizes people and processes. Its goals are organizational success and customer satisfaction (2). Increases in health care expenditures, reliance on technology, and the need to meet international standards and licenses are some of the primary difficulties facing current health organizations (3), and meeting the demands of patients, which necessitates hospitals to maintain a high standard of service. TQM improves hospital performance (4–6). Several studies have been conducted to investigate the effects that putting TQM principles into practice has on an organization's overall effectiveness and performance. A great number of studies have uncovered significant and favorable associations (7). In boosting hospital quality, the phenomenon of inadequate implementation of comprehensive quality management is a major worry for hospital executives and personnel in general hospitals. Despite having a hospital disaster plan and conducting drills and simulations, it has been discovered that public hospitals are unprepared and vulnerable to man-made catastrophes. All of these factors can affect the hospital's capacity to provide patients with quality and safe care (8). This research's objective was to examine the role of integrated quality management of health services in enhancing hospital quality. When doing research, the researchers examined the literature as a methodology. In this research, the content analysis method was utilized as the approach to data analysis that was utilized (9). This research may aid healthcare firms in implementing a more efficient TQM approach. It will encourage general hospitals to provide high-quality patient care services