444 research outputs found

    Qurrat ayun dalam Al Quran: studi analisis Tafsir al Quran al Azim karya Ibnu kathir

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    Skripsi ini berfokus pada dua pembahasan yakni; (1) analisa kebahasaan term qurrat a’yun (2) analisa penafsiran term qurrat a’yun di dalam Tafsir al-Qura>n al-‘Az}i>m Karya Ibnu Kathi>r. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif-analisis. Dengan tujuan agar sebuah penelitian mendapatkan pemahaman secara mendalam mengenai term qurrat a’yun dalam al-Qur’an. Untuk mengupas makna term qurrat a’yun menggunakan kitab dan kamus-kamus kebahasaan dan untuk penafsirannya berasal dari kitab Tafsir al-Qura>n al-‘Az}i>m. Selanjutnya penafsiran Ibnu Kathi>r dianalisis dengan pendapat mufassir lain yang memiliki corak penafsiran yang sama. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, penulis menemukan tiga kriteria yang masuk kedalam term qurrat a’yun ; Ibnu Kathi>r berpendapat bahwa sosok anak keturunan yang dapat menjadi penenang hati dan menyejukkan mata adalah anak yang senantiasa beribadah kepada Allah tanpa sedikitpun menyekutukanNya, melakukan amalan-amalan kebaikan yang dapat mengangkat derajat serta memberi kebaikan pula bagi orang tuanya yang menjadikan amal jariyah bagi orangtuanya. Selanjutnya Ibnu Kathi>r lebih menjelaskan tentang qurrat a’yun dalam prespektif istri adalah sosok yang taat kepada suami, berperilaku baik serta menjaga adabnya ketika suami tidak disisinya. Kemudian dari konteks pembahasan qurrat a’yun sebagai kenikmatan surga, Ibnu Kathi>r mengartikan bahwa surga adalah sebuah tempat yang telah disiapkan oleh Allah untuk hambanya yang salih dan keindahan didalam surga yang belum pernah terlihat, terdengar, tercium oleh manusia dan tidak pernah terlintas didalam benak hati manusia tentang keindahan surga tersebut


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    Memasuki abad ke-17 merupakan periode yang normatif bagi pembentukan pikiran dan praktik tasawuf dan tarekat. Guru-guru sufi terlibat aktif tidak hanya dalam mengintelektualisasi berbagai disiplin ilmu-ilmu keislaman tetapi juga gerakan reformasi praktik-praktik tasawuf yang harmonis dengan akidah dan syari’ah. Tulisan ini menganalisis karya-karya ulama Jambi yang turut merespon doktrin-doktrin tasawuf yang dipandang rumit tersebut. Pendekatan kajian ini adalah bersifat kronologi pemikiran tentang doktrin martabat tujuh dari sejak awal diperkenalkan hingga penyebarannya. Dalam konteks pemikiran Islam di Indonesia, kajian tentang ulama-ulama Jambi masih sangat jarang. Untuk itu, tulisan ini akan mengungkap beberapa karya ulama Jambi baik yang masih dalam bentuk manuskrip maupun cetak yang belum banyak dikenal. Tujuannya adalah sebagai teropong untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh pemikiran Islam dari pusat-pusat wacana Islam (the center of Islamic discourse), seperti Aceh, Palembang, dan Minangkabau, terhadap wilayah-wilayah lainnya di Indonesia. Keywords: Tasawuf,  Tarekat, Martabat Tujuh, Zayn al-Jamb


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    One of privilege of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the existence of news linker to the followers. The news linker (riwayah) is sanad. The sanad condition in Islam gets serious attention from hadith experts. In the sanad hadith field, there is one kind of sanad that is prioritized than the others. It is happened when they face a contradictive condition between two contradictive hadith. The sanad is al-sanad al-‘ĀlÄ« namely a sanad hadith that consists of minimum linkers (riwayah). The importance of this sanad is for the importance of the sanad heigth and supporting factor to make easier in checking the linkers (riwayah). From al-sanad al-‘Āli type, there is sanad form that the linkers (riwayah) are only three people known as thulÄthiyyÄt terms. Some Hadith that have sanad ‘ÄlÄ« or hadith thulÄthiyyÄt do not always have valid (sahih) quality, since the validity analysis of hadith depends only on five validity (sahih) requirements that have been set by hadith experts. Hadith thulÄthiyyÄt will have high value when it is supported by valid (sahih) hadith quality. Keywords: hadith, sanad, sanad ‘ÄlÄ«, thulÄthiyyÄ

    Playing against the rhythm: the intersection of gender and performative space in Iran

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    Since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, women have been legally prohibited from singing or playing a musical instrument solo in public. The government has sought to control women’s performative space by using concepts of permissibility and ideological compatibility. In the past decade, however, Iran has seen the birth of an underground music culture, in which women sing and play illegally. Underground and diasporic female musicians have carved new spaces that subvert state regulations on cultural purity and nationalism, deterritorializing and deconstructing notions of national space and culture. Women musicians have thus demonstrated the failure of the state to successfully regulate performative space

    Sulforaphane inhibits growth of human breast cancer cells and augments the therapeutic index of the chemotherapeutic drug, gemcitabine

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    Phytochemicals are among the natural chemopreventive agents with most potential for delaying, blocking or reversing the initiation and promotional events of carcinogenesis. They therefore offer cancer treatment strategies to reduce cancer related death. One such promising chemopreventive agent which has attracted considerable attention is sulforaphane (SFN), which exhibits anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial properties. The present study was undertaken to assess effect of SFN alone and in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent, gemcitabine, on the proliferative potential of MCF-7 cells by cell viability assay and authenticated the results by nuclear morphological examination. Further we analyzed the modulation of expression of Bcl-2 and COX-2 on treatment of these cells with SFN by RT-PCR. SFN showed cytotoxic effects on MCF-7 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner via an apoptotic mode of cell death. In addition, a combinational treatment of SFN and gemcitabine on MCF-7 cells resulted in growth inhibition in a synergistic manner with a combination index (CI)\u3c1. Notably, SFN was found to significantly downregulate the expression of Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic gene, and COX-2, a gene involved in inflammation, in a time-dependent manner. These results indicate that SFN induces apoptosis and anti-inflammatory effects on MCF-7 cells via downregulation of Bcl-2 and COX-2 respectively. The combination of SFN and gemcitabine may potentiate the efficacy of gemcitabine and minimize the toxicity to normal cells. Taken together, SFN may be a potent anti-cancer agent for breast cancer treatment

    Languages of law:Islamic legal cosmopolis and its Arabic and Malay microcosmoi

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    In premodern monsoon Asia, the legal worlds of major and minor traditions formed a cosmopolis of laws which expanded chronologically and geographically. Without necessarily replacing one another, they all coexisted in a larger domain with fluctuating influences over time and place. In this legal cosmopolis, each tradition had its own aggregation of diverse juridical, linguistic and contextual variants. In South and Southeast Asia, Islam has accordingly formed its own cosmopolis of law by incorporating a network of different juridical texts, institutions, jurists and scholars and by the meaningful use of these variants through shared vocabularies and languages. Focusing on the Shafi i School of Islamic law and its major proponents in Malay and Arabic textual productions, this article argues that the intentional choice of a lingua franca contributed to the wider reception and longer sustainability of this particular legal school. The Arabic and Malay microcosmoi thus strengthened the larger cosmopolis of Islamic law through transregional and translinguistic exchanges across legal, cultural and continental borders.</p
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