35,008 research outputs found

    Real-time path planning optimisation algorithm for obstacle avoidance

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    This paper presents a new real-time path planning algorithm suitable for implementation on small mobile robots to aid navigation in unknown environments. The Random Obstacle Avoidance (R.O.A) algorithm was developed for small robots and it can be used as the basis for mapping the environment. The algorithm has been tested through a specially developed simulation environment using MATLAB. The main characteristics of the algorithm are simplicity, ease of implementation, speed, and efficiency

    Giving shape to Norberg’s place identity : a design proposal for a park alongside the river NorbergsĂ„n

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    Detta arbete handlar om att tolka en plats och som utomstĂ„ende betraktare förstĂ„ dess identitet. Att tolka en plats handlar om att förstĂ„ vad som gör platsen speciell, dĂ€rav syftar arbetet till att undersöka en platsidentitet, vad som kĂ€nnetecknar den och hur den kan ta sig uttryck i en gestaltning. Norbergs samhĂ€lle uppstod i anslutning till jĂ€rnfyndigheter som gav upphov till bergsbruk och Ă€r en plats med anor frĂ„n medeltiden som idag förvaltar ett kulturarv. I Norberg sammanstrĂ„lar malmen, skogen och vattnet – element som definierar Norberg som ort. Centrala Norberg Ă€r strategiskt belĂ€get utmed NorbergsĂ„n som rinner frĂ„n sjön Noren och förbinder platsen med omvĂ€rlden. Utmed Ă„n i centrala Norberg strĂ€cker sig ett parkstrĂ„k som Norbergs kommun Ă€mnar göra mer attraktivt och tillgĂ€ngligt. Detta arbete besvarar frĂ„gan “vad kĂ€nnetecknar Norbergs platsidentitet och hur kan den uttryckas i en omgestaltning av en del av det centrala parkstrĂ„ket utmed NorbergsĂ„n?” genom att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n teorier om platsidentitet och hur den identifieras. För att identifiera platsidentiteten genomfördes platsbesök och intervjuer i Norberg, litteraturstudier, platsanalys utifrĂ„n valda teorier samt referensbesök till andra platser. Som utgĂ„ngspunkt för vĂ„r gestaltning utifrĂ„n en platsidentitet anvĂ€nde vi oss av Norbergs förrĂ„d av strukturer, element och rumsligheter av symbolisk mening och omvandlade dessa till fysiska element som representerar platsen. Arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llning besvaras med ett gestaltningsförslag för parkstrĂ„ket som gĂ„r i Norbergs mĂ€nskliga skala med strukturer, material och fĂ€rger som Ă„terfinns i byn. StrĂ„ket förses med nya tillgĂ€ngliga strĂ„k, entrĂ©er och funktioner, i linje med det som uppskattas av invĂ„nare och besökare. Sociala och historiska vĂ€rden fĂ„r utrymme i gestaltningsförslaget utifrĂ„n vad undersökningen visade att Norbergs platsidentitet domineras av. En platsidentitet faststĂ€lldes i arbetet som en sammanvĂ€gning av helheten - vad som format platsen till det den Ă€r idag, hur den anvĂ€nts tidigare och hur den anvĂ€nds nu, samt vilka sociala strukturer som rĂ„der pĂ„ platsen. Framtiden fĂ„r utvisa om gestaltningsförslaget blir en representativ plats för Norbergs platsidentitet, dĂ„ det till stor del handlar om mĂ€nniskorna som anvĂ€nder och har anvĂ€nt platsen.The central subject of this thesis is the interpretation of a place as an outside observer, for the purpose of capturing its identity. Interpreting a place is a matter of identifying that which defines that place in particular. Hence, our work consists in exploring the identity of a place, its defining features and how these features can be represented in spatial design. The town of Norberg, in VĂ€stmanland County, Sweden, was established in close proximity to ore deposits, giving rise to an iron mining industry dating back to medieval times, which today constitutes a defining cultural heritage. The town centre of Norberg is strategically located on the river NorbergsĂ„n, flowing from lake Noren and connecting the town to the world. In Norberg, the iron ore, the surrounding forests, and the water of the traversing river, converge to form the backdrop as well as the central elements of the town’s place identity. Along the river in central Norberg, the municipality is looking to reshape the riverside parks into a more attractive and accessible public space. This thesis, using theory on place identity and how to capture it as a starting point, aims to address the following question: ‘What defines the place identity of Norberg and how may it be represented in the refashioning of a segment of Norberg’s central riverside parks?’ To this end, we conducted field work and interviews in Norberg, as well as reference excursions to other relevant sites. Field work, interviews and excursions were analysed with reference to the theoretical literature. We used Norberg’s existing plethora of symbolic structures, elements, and spatial features as a point of departure for our design, reinterpreting these in physical elements representing the place. A design proposal for a chosen segment of the riverside parks, in which Norberg’s humane scale and familiar structures, materials and colour schemes are reproduced, is presented as an answer to the research question set out above. The park area is furnished with accessible pathways, entrances, and functions, in line with the preferences of local inhabitants and visitors. Social and historical values are bought to the fore, drawing on the analysis of the place identity of Norberg. In this thesis, a place identity is described as the totality of historical influences, uses to which the place has been put in the past as well as the present, and social structures shaping the local community’s outlook on the place. Time will tell whether our design proposal successfully captures the place identity of Norberg, for which the adoption and use of the inhabitants and visitors is the ultimate litmus test

    Biomarkers in emergency medicine

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    Researchers navigate the ocean of biomarkers searching for proper targets and optimal utilization of them. Emergency medicine builds up the front line to maximize the utility of clinically validated biomarkers and is the cutting edge field to test the applicability of promising biomarkers emerging from thorough translational researches. The role of biomarkers in clinical decision making would be of greater significance for identification, risk stratification, monitoring, and prognostication of the patients in the critical- and acute-care settings. No doubt basic research to explore novel biomarkers in relation to the pathogenesis is as important as its clinical counterpart. This special issue includes five selected research papers that cover a variety of biomarker- and disease-related topics

    Robotic double-loop reconstruction method following total gastrectomy

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    Minimally invasive surgery for gastric cancer is a challenge. The reconstructive time is a particular issue and researchers have adopted a large variety of solutions and produced heterogeneous data. The reconstructive phase can be divided into two major categories based on the approach adopted: the execution of extracorporeal versus intracorporeal anastomosis. In turn, the surgical team can perform the latter with laparoscopic or robotic assistance. However, the question is, how should a robotic esophagojejunal anastomosis be performed after total gastrectomy? Most articles in the literature have reported the execution of mechanical anastomoses [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6], especially with circular staplers via the creation of a manual purse-string around the anvil. Other solutions have described the use of the Orvil or the overlap technique. Only three authors have reported intracorporeal sutures with a completely robotic-sewn anastomosis [7] [8] [9]. A new robotic technique (the Parisi technique) was developed and adopted at St. Mary’s Hospital, Terni, Italy. A double-loop reconstruction method with an intracorporeal robot-sewn anastomosis is performe

    Is Jan Gehl’s theories correct? : a study about life between buildings in Malmo

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    Att röra sig i stĂ€dernas gaturum till fots hör för mĂ„nga till vardagen men varför och hur rör man sig? Jan Gehls Life Between Buildings gĂ„r igenom just detta och ger förklaringar pĂ„ vad som lockar mĂ€nniskor till gaturum men Ă€ven hur mĂ€nniskor beter sig i gaturummen. Denna uppsats syfte Ă€r att undersöka ifall Gehls teorier om livet mellan huskroppar stĂ€mmer överens med vad som hĂ€nder pĂ„ tvĂ„ av Malmös mest gĂ„ngtrafikerade gator. Detta Ă„stadkoms genom att först undersöka hur Malmö stad arbetar med sina gaturum, undersöka mer precist vad Gehl skriver om livet mellan hus och tvĂ„ platsstudier dĂ€r mĂ€nniskors rörelse och beteende observeras utifrĂ„n tre kategorier. Resultatet visar att Malmö stad i skrift pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt försöker frĂ€mja det som Gehl föreslĂ„r attraherar fler mĂ€nniskor till gaturummen men att de brister i utförandet pĂ„ sina gator. Det observerade beteendet och rörelserna pĂ„ gatorna gĂ„r i linje med det som Gehl i sitt verk beskriver och man kan tydligt se vart mĂ€nniskor vĂ€ljer att gĂ„, sitta eller stĂ„. Vidare tar uppsatsen upp vad Malmö stad hade kunnat arbeta mer med utifrĂ„n vad Gehl skrivit. Uppsatsen avslutas med en del som tar upp faktorer som kan ha pĂ„verkat studiernas resultat.Moving around the city on foot is part of many people’s everyday life, but why and how do they move? Jan Gehl’s Life Between Buildings goes through this and provides explanations to what attracts people to the street as well as how people behave in the streets. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether Gehl’s theories about life between buildings agree with what happens on two of Malmö’s most pedestrianized streets. This was achieved by first examining how Malmö city works with its open spaces, examining more precisely what Gehl writes about life between buildings and two case studies where peoples movement and behavior are observed based on three categories. The results show that Malmö city in many ways tries to implement what Gehl suggests promotes more people to use the street in text but that they fall short when it comes to execution of what they have written. The observed behavior and movement on the streets correlate to what Gehl describes in his work and you can clearly see where people choose to walk, sit, or stand. Furthermore, the essay addresses what Malmo city can improve in their open spaces based on what Gehl has written. The essay is concluded by a section that addresses factors which may have influenced the results of the studies

    Analysis of solutions to coastal erosion : focus on Ystad municipality

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    Stranderosion Ă€r ett vĂ€rldsomspĂ€nnande problem som drabbar kuster och strandstrĂ€ckor som Ă€r betydelsefulla för mĂ€nniskan och naturen. Detta i kombination med havsnivĂ„höjningar, som bidrar till större konsekvenser av erosion, gör det viktigt att kunna hitta inte bara den bĂ€sta lösningen pĂ„ stranderosion utan ocksĂ„ den mest miljövĂ€nliga. Att kunna begrĂ€nsa en naturlig process som förvĂ€rras av den klimatpĂ„verkning mĂ€nniskan skapat mĂ„ste metodiskt utföras utan att pĂ„verka miljön negativt. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningen utgĂ„r frĂ„n att finna den mest optimala lösningsmetoden som bĂ„de fungerar bra och pĂ„verkar miljön minimalt. LitterĂ€ra studier Ă€r utförda för att kunna fĂ„ en uppfattning av vilken lösning som Ă€r mest miljövĂ€nlig och analyser i GIS har utförts för att kunna se hur bra lösningarna fungerat specifikt i Ystad kommun. Ystad kommun Ă€r en mycket drabbad kommun i Sverige och dĂ€rför fokuserar detta arbete pĂ„ den enskilda kommunen men tar in aspekter som ger perspektiv i vĂ€rlden. En intervju med expert Mona Skoog, miljö- och klimatstrateg i Ystad kommun samt ordförande för erosionsskadecentrum, har gjorts för att fĂ„ en professionell syn pĂ„ hur vĂ€l de olika lösningarna fungerar samt kunskap om Ystad kommuns situation. Skoog berĂ€ttar om att olika lösningar kommer behövas i olika fall men att de mjuka lösningsmetoder sĂ„som vĂ€xtbaserade metoder och strandfodring, har en fördel gentemot miljön som gör att hon anser att man bör anvĂ€nda de metoderna i största möjliga mĂ„n. Hon berĂ€ttar Ă€ven vidare att det inte Ă€r svart och vitt utan att det Ă€r en frĂ„ga om platsen ocksĂ„, vissa gĂ„nger kanske man inte har möjlighet till att plantera vĂ€xter och andra gĂ„nger kanske man behöver kombinera fler olika metoder. Resultatet frĂ„n litteraturundersökningarna och intervjun visar tydligt pĂ„ att de hĂ„rda lösningarna sĂ„som stenskoningar, hövdingar och vĂ„gbrytare har negativa konsekvenser pĂ„ miljön samt tyder pĂ„ att de mjuka lösningarna Ă€r mer naturliga och miljövĂ€nliga. GIS-analyserna gjorda i Ystad kommun visar pĂ„ hur olika lösningsmetoder fungerat genom att analysera de olika kustlinjerna samt vegetationslinjerna och hur de förflyttat sig genom Ă„ren 1960, 2010 och 2018. Enligt dessa Ă€r strandfodring den mest gynnsamma men att hövdingar och vĂ„gbrytare ocksĂ„ kan visa pĂ„ goda resultat. DĂ€rför Ă€r slutsatsen att de vĂ€xtbaserade lösningarna borde nyttjas i största möjliga mĂ„n i kombination med strandfodring om det behövs men under reglerade omstĂ€ndigheter. Men att det alltid finns undantag som till exempel att det Ă€r ett natura 2000-omrĂ„de och man inte vill pĂ„verka landets miljö, dĂ„ kan hövdingar i vattnet vara ett alternativ.Coastal erosion is a worldwide problem that affects coasts and beaches which are important to humans and nature. This in combination with other environmental problems we see today such as a global rise in sea levels which further causes erosions shows that we need a solution that does not only generate positive results but in the best case does good for our environment as well. Literary studies have been made to see how multiple different solutions to erosion would affect the climate and GIS-analyses are made in Ystad to show their efficiency over the years 1960-2010-2018. The location of Ystad makes the city heavily affected by erosion and therefore this analysis is based in Ystad but also gives a perspective on erosion as a worldwide issue. The results of this study were discussed with climate and environmental strategist and chairman for the Erosion Damage Center in Ystad Mona Skoog to get a professional insight on how the situation is looking in Ystad in regard to coastal erosion. Skoog concludes that the soft solutions favor the environment but that the correct method to apply depends on which place it would be used in, different places have different needs and, in some areas, the correct method might be the hard solutions. The result from the literary studies shows that the hard solutions affect the climate more in a bad way than the soft ones, the plant-solutions are the best because they do not only not affect the environment bad but also do something to increase the climate in the right way. The GIS-analysis made in Ystad shows that the beach nourishment is the most efficient way to remedy the consequences of coastal erosion. This concludes to that the plant-solution should be used most frequently in combination with beach nourishment in case of need. To keep in mind is that there are a few exceptions, for example if erosion spawns near a nature reserve then you’d have to bring the solution into the water instead of on land

    The design process : Efficiency and quality in the garden designer’s methods

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    Designprocessen Àr en komplex och mÄngfacetterad process dÀr designern genom analys, syntes och utvÀrdering verkar för att skapa innovativa lösningar. Processen Àr en slags utbildning dÀr kunskapen anskaffas genom projekt och byggs genom upprepning av processen. Designmetodiken Àr vÀl studerad i teori men den praktiska delen, utifrÄn designerns egen synvinkel, Àr relativt outforskad. Denna studie undersöker sÄledes yrkesverksamma trÀdgÄrdsdesigners designprocess i syfte att ge en inblick i trÀdgÄrdsdesigners process och en uppfattning om hur de arbetar med effektivitet, prioriteringar och kvalité trots begrÀnsade tidsramar. Studien bygger pÄ en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med tre yrkesverksamma trÀdgÄrdsdesigners. Litteratur om Àmnet stÀlls i relation till resultatet av intervjuerna för att underlÀtta tolkning och analys. Studien pÄvisar tydliga moment inom designprocessen som Àr gemensamt för yrkesverksamma trÀdgÄrdsdesigners men uppvisar ocksÄ olikheter i designprocessen. Studien ÄskÄdliggör metoder och verktyg anvÀnda av tre trÀdgÄrdsdesigners. Vidare faststÀller studien en tydlig lÀnk mellan förbÀttring och uppbyggnaden av kunskap samt av effektivisering i designprocessen. Studien faststÀller tidsplanering som en viktig del i kartlÀggning av processen som kan ge en bild av utvecklingsomrÄden för att effektivisera arbetet. Studien föreslÄr att utveckling av processen sker i takt med pÄbyggnad av kunskap och upprepning av processen.The design process is a complex and multifaceted process where the designer works through analysis, synthesis and evaluation to create innovative solutions. The process is a kind of education where knowledge is acquired through projects and built through repetition of the process. The design methodology is well studied in theory, but the practical part, from the designer's own point of view, is relatively unexplored. This study examines the design process of professional garden designers with the aim of providing an insight into their process and an idea of how they work with efficiency, priorities and quality, despite limited time frames and resources. The study is based on a qualitative research interview with three professional garden designers. Literature on the subject is placed in relation to the results of the interviews to facilitate interpretation and analysis. The study demonstrates clear elements within the design process that are common to the professional garden designers, but also proves differences in the design process. The study shows the methods and tools used by three garden designers. Furthermore, the research establishes a clear link between improvement and building of knowledge, and efficiency within the design process. The study base time planning as an important part of mapping the process and provides a general idea of development areas to streamline work. Additionally, the study suggests development of the process in step with the accumulation of knowledge and repetition of the process. The results obtained in the study confirm the individual nature of the design process and the difficulty of drawing general conclusions
