91 research outputs found

    Desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol em cultivo de safra, no município de Espírito Santo do Pinhal-SP.

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    Resumo: O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol em cultivo de safra, no município de Espírito Santo do Pinhal-SP, microregião de São João da Boa Vista. Foram testados sete cultivares pré-comerciais de girassol (BRS G34, BRS G35, SYN 3840, SYN 4065, Multissol, V90013 e V90631) e três cultivares comerciais como testemunhas (EMBRAPA 122 (T), HELIO 358 (T), M734(T)) na safra 2012/13; sob delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em quatro repetições. Utilizaram-se parcelas de quatro linhas de 6,00 m, espaçadas 0,75 m entre si e 0,3 m entre plantas, avaliando-se apenas 8,1 m de área útil. As variáveis avaliadas foram: a) altura de plantas (cm); b) início do florescimento (dias); c) estande (número de capítulos m 2); d) diâmetro de capítulo (cm) e e) produtividade (kg ha 2), todas submetidas à análise de variâncias e teste Tukey de comparação de médias. Houve diferenças significativas entre os genótipos para as variáveis: altura de plantas, início do florescimento e produtividade. Os genótipos V90631 e V90013 foram os mais altos de todos estudados. As maiores produtividades foram observadas nos genótipos de ciclo médio (BRSG34, V90013, V90631 e M734). Assim, conclui-se que os genótipos de girassol de ciclo médio apresentam elevado desempenho agronômico durante o período da safra, com produtividades significativamente superiores à média nacional, sendo os mais recomendados para inserção nos sistemas de produção vigentes no município de Espírito Santo do Pinhal-SP. Abstract: The objective of this study was evaluate sunflower genotypes productive performance in Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP. Therewere tested seven new (BRS G34, BRS G35, SYN 3840, SYN 4065, Multissol, V90013 and V90631) and three commercial (EMBRAPA 122 (T), HELIO 358 (T), M734 (T)) genotypes of sunflower in a randomized block design, with four replications. Each plot consisted of four rows 6.0 m long, spaced from 0.75 m and 0.3 m each plant, which was evaluated just 8,1 m as useful. There was evaluated: a) plant height (cm), b) flowering date (days); c) final plant stand (nº m 2); d) diameter of heads (cm) ; e) production (kg ha ), which was analyzed by variance test and Scott-Knott mean test (P < 0.05). The V90631 and V90013 genotype was the highest than all. Genotypes with medium maturity (BRSG34, V90013, V90631 e M734) were the most productive than early and late maturity genotypes tested. It concludes that sunflower genotypes? with medium maturity have better productive performance than others in the water season and is recommended to be used in Espírito Santo do Pinhal-SP

    The genetics of left ventricular noncompaction

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    Purpose of review: This article summarises current understanding of the genetic architecture underpinning left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) and highlights the difficulty in differentiating LVNC from hypertrabeculation seen in normal, healthy individuals, that caused by physiological adaptation or that seen in association with cardiomyopathy phenotypes. Recent findings: Progress has been made in better defining the LVNC phenotype and those patients who may benefit from genetic testing. Yield of diagnostic genetic testing may be low in the absence of syndromic features, systolic dysfunction and a family history of cardiomyopathy. Sarcomeric gene variants are most commonly identified but a wide-range of genes are implicated, emphasising the high degree of heterogeneity of studied cohorts. Summary: More accurate phenotyping and genotype–phenotype correlation are required to better characterise the genetic architecture of LVNC

    High C/O Chemistry and Weak Thermal Inversion in the Extremely Irradiated Atmosphere of Exoplanet WASP-12b

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    The carbon-to-oxygen ratio (C/O) in a planet provides critical information about its primordial origins and subsequent evolution. A primordial C/O greater than 0.8 causes a carbide-dominated interior as opposed to the silicate-dominated composition as found on Earth; the solar C/O is 0.54. Theory, shows that high C/O leads to a diversity of carbon-rich planets that can have very different interiors and atmospheres from those in the solar system. Here we report the detection of C/O greater than or equal to 1 in a planetary atmosphere. The transiting hot Jupiter WASP-12b has a dayside atmosphere depleted in water vapour and enhanced in methane by over two orders of magnitude compared to a solar-abundance chemical equilibrium model at the expected temperatures. The observed concentrations of the prominent molecules CO, CH4, and H2O are consistent with theoretical expectations for an atmosphere with the observed C/O = 1. The C/O ratios are not known for giant planets in the solar system, although they are expected to equal the solar value. If high C/O ratios are common, then extrasolar planets are likely very different in interior composition, and formed very differently, from expectations based on solar composition, potentially explaining the large diversity in observed radii. We also find that the extremely irradiated atmosphere (greater than 2500 K) of WASP-12b lacks a prominent thermal inversion, or a stratosphere, and has very efficient day-night energy circulation. The absence of a strong thermal inversion is in stark contrast to theoretical predictions for the most highly irradiated hot-Jupiter atmospheres

    Application of Lime for Acid Soil Amelioration and Better Soybean Performance in SouthWestern Ethiopia

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    Soil acidity is one of the major soil chemical constraints which limit agricultural productivity in the mid and highlands of Ethiopia. The study was conducted to evaluate the influence of lime on yield and yield attributes of soybean in acid soil at Metu south western Ethiopia during  2010 to 2013 cropping season. The crop was evaluated in terms of yield and yield components. In this line, splitting into two and applying in two consecutive years as well as splitting of lime into three and applying in three consecutive years gave similar yield with full rate application of lime for soybean. Splitting into four was even gave similar grain yield with splitting lime into two and three.. Result of this experiment revealed that splitting the required amount of lime into 25%, 33%and 50% is possible if  to be grown on this soil. Split application and full rate application gave almost similar soybean yield. However, resource of poor farmer who cannot afford the price of full dose lime can split in to two, three and four and apply every year without significant yield loss for both  compared to one time application of full dose. Soybean grain yield was significantly (P&lt;0.05) affected by the interaction of lime and year at Metu (Hurumu) . The highest grain yield observed on first and third year (2010&amp;2012)  at full dose application of lime.Even though lime level at 1.5* E.A (5.652t) and phosphorus at 46% shows good yield and had consistency across the year, Saied to be the best combination of Lime and P. Maintaining soil healthy is possible for the area because simultaneous and minimum use of lime and Phosphorus fertilizer give similar seed yield with maximum use of lime and Phosphorus on the study area. Phosphorus fixation, which is responsible for low availability of P, is one of the major problems of crop growth in acidic soils such as Nitsols of Metu area. Keywords: Nitosols, Soybean, Lime, soil pH, exchangeable acidit

    Differential microRNA expression between shoots and rhizomes in Oryza longistaminata using high-throughput RNA sequencing

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    AbstractPlant microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in biological processes such as development and stress responses. Although the diverse functions of miRNAs in model organisms have been well studied, their function in wild rice is poorly understood. In this study, high-throughput small RNA sequencing was performed to characterize tissue-specific transcriptomes in Oryza longistaminata. A total of 603 miRNAs, 380 known rice miRNAs, 72 conserved plant miRNAs, and 151 predicted novel miRNAs were identified as being expressed in aerial shoots and rhizomes. Additionally, 99 and 79 miRNAs were expressed exclusively or differentially, respectively, in the two tissues, and 144 potential targets were predicted for the differentially expressed miRNAs in the rhizomes. Functional annotation of these targets suggested that transcription factors, including squamosa promoter binding proteins and auxin response factors, function in rhizome growth and development. The expression levels of several miRNAs and target genes in the rhizomes were quantified by RT-PCR, and the results indicated the existence of complex regulatory mechanisms between the miRNAs and their targets. Eight target cleavage sites were verified by RNA ligase-mediated rapid 5′ end amplification. These results provide valuable information on the composition, expression and function of miRNAs in O. longistaminata, and will aid in understanding the molecular mechanisms of rhizome development

    Los espacios en el "Poema de Santa Oria" de Gonzalo de Berceo

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    El "Poema de Santa Oria" de Gonzalo de Berceo puede interpretarse como una reflexión literaria sobre el camino hacia la santidad. El personaje principal es Oria, cuyas visiones conforman la parte narrativa más importante de todo el poema. La historia se desarrolla en dos espacios diferentes, la Tierra y el Cielo. Ambos están vinculados por las experiencias de un mismo personaje, que habita en ellos sucesivamente. A través de una cuidadosa selección léxica, la caracterización de Oria presenta estos dos espacios al lector como dos lugares opuestos: la Tierra es un lugar para sufrir y el Cielo es un lugar para disfrutar de uno mismo. Sin embargo, ambos se complementan entre sí, ya que la vida eterna sólo puede lograrse después de haber reunido un número suficiente de buenas acciones, que conducen a la santidad en la tierra.Gonzalo de Berceo's “Poema de Santa Oria” can be interpreted as a literary reflection on the path to sanctity. The main character is Oria, whose visions make up the most important narrative part in the whole poem. The story takes place in two different spaces, the Earth and the Heavens. Both are linked by the experiences of one character, who inhabits them successively. Through a careful lexical selection, the character Oria presents both spaces to the reader as two opposed places: the Earth is a place to suffer, heaven is a place to enjoy oneself. However, they both complement each other, since eternal life can only be achieved after having collected a sufficient number of good deeds leading to sanctity on earth.notPeerReviewe

    Differential Effects of Concomitant Use of Vitamins C and E on Trophoblast Apoptosis and Autophagy between Normoxia and Hypoxia-Reoxygenation

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    Concomitant supplementation of vitamins C and E during pregnancy has been reportedly associated with low birth weight, the premature rupture of membranes and fetal loss or perinatal death in women at risk for preeclampsia; however, the cause is unknown. We surmise that hypoxia-reoxygenation (HR) within the intervillous space due to abnormal placentation is the mechanism and hypothesize that concomitant administration of aforementioned vitamin antioxidants detrimentally affects trophoblast cells during HR.Using villous explants, concomitant administration of 50 microM of vitamins C and E was observed to reduce apoptotic and autophagic changes in the trophoblast layer at normoxia (8% oxygen) but to cause more prominent apoptosis and autophagy during HR. Furthermore, increased levels of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL in association with a decrease in the autophagy-related protein LC3-II were noted in cytotrophoblastic cells treated with vitamins C and E under standard culture conditions. In contrast, vitamin treatment decreased Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL as well as increased mitochondrial Bak and cytosolic LC3-II in cytotrophoblasts subjected to HR.Our results indicate that concomitant administration of vitamins C and E has differential effects on the changes of apoptosis, autophagy and the expression of Bcl-2 family of proteins in the trophoblasts between normoxia and HR. These changes may probably lead to the impairment of placental function and suboptimal growth of the fetus

    Forensic Examination of Counterfeit Indian Currency based on Unique Obscure High Security Features in New Indian High Denomination Currency Note

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    Rampant cases related to circulation of fake currency notes have been reported worldwide. With the introduction of new banknotes (announced after demonetization) having advanced and exclusive security features, it is the need of the hour, especially for a forensic Scientists, to have an idea about these new features and the various methods to examine these features. Results presented in this paper are based on examination and comparison of original and suspected fake 2000 rupee Indian currency banknote utilizing physical examination methods and techniques such as physical, microscopic, digital image processing, etc. During the examination of original 2000 rupee banknote, it was found that some security features of this banknote are unique & exclusive and could not be forged by counterfeiters. Counterfeiter could only imitate most of the visual features of banknotes but some specific security features like OVI print, UV-fluorescent print, micro letters, etc. which are placed on all over the substrate of original banknote, could not be mimicked. However, imitation of the visual features, can at times deceives the public in general. The present case study presents a methodology which will be very useful and informative in assisting the forensic community in examination of fake currency banknotes and for future studies