55 research outputs found

    Arjuna International Circuit And Solo Racing School

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    In the present, automotive is growing rapidly both in the scope of modification and racing. Many people in all regions in Indonesia who like automotive, not only young children but also parents. This is also often disturbing the community because the hobbies of the racers are not well facilitated by local and provincial governments. In the absence of circuit facilities, drivers will use public roads in their respective areas to compete with speed, endangering safety for riders and other public road users. In Solo Raya there is only one circuit with a semi-permanent type located in the public area of Manahan Solo Stadium. The development of an international standard circuit coupled with the opening of a racing school as a non-formal education in Solo Raya is expected to help young drivers learn and practice good skill and attitude .Therefore Arjuna International Circuit and Solo Racing School was designed . The goal is to create an international racing circuit in Surakarta and build an ideal racing school. With the goal of making the circuit area as a business and educational area that is useful for regional development and help develop the ability of drivers in Indonesia. Keywords: Racing, International Circuit, Racing School, Solo

    Karanganyar Expo dan Convention Centre (Penekanan pada Konsep Arsitektur Kontemporer)

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    Karanganyar Expo and Convention Center is a place that is functioned for national exhibition and convention activities. Therefore, the target to be achieved is to get the concept of Karanganyar Expo and Convention Center with the formulation of planning ideas, site concept, space concept, contemporary building facade concept, structure concept, interior concept and utility concept as a place to accommodate and facilitate various activities exhibitions and convention. In addition to accommodate the main activities, the building is also equipped with a food court as a support building that is placed separately from the main building. Karanganyar Expo and Convention Center is conceptualized by emphasizing on contemporary architecture while still containing local elements that characterize the Karanganyar region. In line with the ideas and ideas of the author, it is expected that in the future this building will be able to accommodate and facilitate various exhibitions and convention activities nationwide. In addition, the building is also expected to become one of the icons in Karanganyar District

    Youth Crisis Center di Surakarta

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    Masa kanak-kanak, remaja, dewasa, dan kemudian menjadi orangtua, merupakan suatu proses alami dalam hidup yang berkesinambungan dari tahap-tahap pertumbuhan yang harus dilalui oleh seorang manusia. Seorang remaja sudah tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai kanak-kanak, namun masih belum cukup matang untuk dapat dikatakan sebagai orang dewasa. Mereka sedang berada dalam proses mencari pola hidup yang paling sesuai. Hal ini sering dilakukan melalui metoda coba-coba sehingga kadang kegiatan yang dilakukan remaja menimbulkan kekuatiran tidak menyenangkan bagi lingkungan dan orangtuanya. Kesalahan-kesalahan yang menimbulkan kekesalan lingkungan inilah yang sering disebut sebagai kenakalan remaja. Tak hanya kenakalan yang sering dilakukan oleh anak dan remaja akan tetapi anak dan remaja juga sering menjadi obyek kekerasan. Kekerasan terhadap anak dan remaja menurut Kempe and Helfer adalah anak dan remaja yang mengalami luka secara disengaja oleh orang lain. UU di AS, Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, menyebutkan bahwa kekerasan terhadap anak dan remaja adalah luka fisik atau mental, kekerasan seksual, penolakan atau perlakuan yang menyimpang kepada anak di bawah 18 tahun oleh orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kesejahteraan anak atau remaja tersebut Youth Crisis Center di Surakarta bisa diartikan sebagai sebuah bangunan di Surakarta yang digunakan sebagai wadah atau tempat penampungan dan penanganan korban kekerasan dan remaja yang mempunyai sikap menyimpang norma, moral dan etika dengan pemulihan melalui terapi kejiwaan, pengajaran ketrampilan dan pendidikan, pengembangan kepribadian dan kepercayaan diri agar mereka dapat kembali di lingkungan dan masyarakatnya, yang dikhususkan bagi para remaja pria untuk kemudahan dalam penyembuhan. Konsep perencanaan Youth Crisis Center adalah menampilkan performansi Youth Crisis Center yang mengakomodasi fungsi edukatif, rekreatif dan interaktif serta kesederhanaan yang di tekankan pada konsep modern minimalis tropis yang mana konsep tersebut bisa mendukung dalam penyembuhan dengan terapi yang secara langsung menggunakan alam atau lingkungan. Untuk kegiatan utamanya merupakan proses penampungan dan penanganan korban kekerasan dan remaja yang mempunyai sikap menyimpang norma, moral dan etika dengan pemulihan melalui terapi kejiwaan, pengajaran ketrampilan dan pendidikan, pengembangan kepribadian dan kepercayaan diri agar mereka dapat kembali ke lingkungan dan masyarakatnya. Sasaran dari Youth Crisis Center di Surakarta adalah remaja pria yang sering melakukan penyimpangan terhadap norma moral dan etika

    Children Center Di Surakarta Sebagai Pusat Pengembangan Potensi Anak

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    In the era of globalization, the pattern of modern family life today is very different from the old days. Conditions to meet the needs of life is high and very consumptive not infrequently require both parents to work outdoors for 5-20 hoursbin a day. It will inevitably affect both directly and indirectly on the pattern of education of children in a family with at least the frequency of meetings between children with parents, especially mothers. Surakarta city as a development city inhabited by most modern families can not be separarated from the phenomenon. The existence of the city of Surakarta as a city with high mobility, espencially in the field of economy resulted in the pattern of life shifted from the conventional pattern that housewives only play a pure role as caretakers of children and husbands. But for now many housewives who work as career women so inevitably the education of children in the house also changed. The most common choice of parents is to use the services of a household assistant and a baby sitter as a substitute for the existence of the parent who works every day. The objectives of the Children Center in Surakarta as the Center for the Development of Children’s Potential are : (1) Designing a Children Center in Surakarta that is interesting and has facilities needed by children (2) Creating a container for children that can accommodate all activities of reanding, socializing and developing child potions. The method to be used in this design study is frelo study by comparison with after kindregaten Based on the results of comparative studies, it can be concluded that a program of learning activities in education in order to run optimally then where education is expected to create an education situation that gives a sense of security and fun for children. Thus the required atmosphere of adequate space and in accordance with the needs of child development. The needs of the child in space is to obtain a sense of freedom, safe, comfortable and warm

    Dasar Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Agro Techno Park Kuningan (Pendekatan pada Konsep Arsitektur Kontemporer dan Arsitektur Berkelanjutan)

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    Kuningan Regency is an area that has sufficient natural resources potential for a development of Agro Tehno Park area, because Kuningan Regency has the potential of natural resources in the form of rice, sweet potato, coconut, cloves and coffee. The potential of Kuningan Regency can raise the development area of Agro Techno Park by offering technology in processing rice, sweet potato, coconut, cloves and coffee. To respond to the existing potential in Kuningan District it is necessary to design the area in accordance with the existing potential and already mentioned above. That is by using the concept of sustainable architecture by utilizing the concept of energy saving so that the results are expected to be useful for a long time. Agro Techno Park Kuningan is a center for development and research of agricultural products managed as an entrepreneurial growth and as a place of science technology services center on agriculture, in addition to the place of science and technology development of agriculture, Agro Techno Park is also established as a new tourist attraction education. Analysis of the approaches and concepts of planning and Agro Techno Park Kuningan include Site Site Analysis, Achievement, View, Noise, Climatology, Landscape, Mass, Space, Exterior and Interior Display, Utility Structure and Architectural Emphasis used as a reference design in the descriptions

    KID’S CORNER DI KUDUS (Taman Belajar dan Petualangan Anak-anak Pra-Sekolah)

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    Kid’s Corner merupakan sebuah bangunan pendidikan Pra-Sekolah yang diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak muslim usia 1-5 tahun di kota Kudus, yang menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak dengan memadukan kegiatan pengasuhan, pendidikan, bermain, pengembangan kreativitas, serta olah raga dan kesehatan di kota Kudus dengan program kegiatan pendidikan yang berkarakter kota Kudus sebagai kota Wali ( penerapan implementasi pengenalan ajaran agama Islam secara dini dalam kehidupan sehari-hari). Latar belakang perencanaan Kid’s Corner adalah dimana pada era milenium ini kondisi kehidupan penuh dengan tantangan dan persaingan, sehingga orang tua perlu membekali anaknya dengan berbagai aktivitas yang berguna untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak tersebut sejak dini. Anak merupakan generasi penerus bangsa dan negara sehingga perlu pendidikan yang cukup untuk keberlangsungan hidupnya. Kurangnya peran keluarga dan lingkungan dalam membina bakat dan kreativitas anak mengakibatkan banyak orangtua yang mengikutsertakan anak usia 1-5 tahun pada pendidikan pra-sekolah. Semakin meningkatnya keinginan orangtua dalam pendidikan pra sekolah tersebut tidak dibarengi dengan peningkatan prasarana untuk mewadahi kegiatan pendidikan pra sekolah yang sesuai dengan karakter anak dan karakter kota kudus sendiri sebagai kota Wali. Konsep desain bangunan Kid’s Corner berdasarkan pada karakter anak yang bebas dinamis, aktif, dan bermain dengan permainan bentukbentuk dasar geometris (persegi, segitiga, dan lingkaran). Sehingga diharapkan dapat menggabungkan pendidikan intelegensi, pengenalan agama, serta permainan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan fungsinya. Karena pra-sekolah yang baik adalah pra-sekolah yang mampu mengembangkan dan merangsang kecerdasan anak yang tidak hanya mengenalkan kemampuan akademik dan emotional spiritual (budaya, agama) tetapi juga menjadi ceria dengan bermain, berimajinasi, serta bebas berekspresi

    Dasar Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur City Hotel Ramah Lingkungan di Demak

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    ABSTRACTS Green Hotel City in Demak is an embodiment of the application of the concept of Sustainable Architecture in a hotel where this concept has not been widely applied in Demak. Sustainable Architecture is the science of architecture that is able to see the character and local conditions both environment and culture before designing with the aim to work with nature to meet human needs by maintaining the existence of the environment. Issues such as locations that are suitable for land use, spatial relations, and the application of the concept of Sustainability must be taken into account and must not violate the Demak Local Government Regulation. The existence of several discussion methods namely, by collecting data through literature and a comparative study of 3 hotels so that it can be easier to sort out data as desired. This Green City Hotel aims to make the public aware of the importance of the concept of Sustainability in the future and is expected to become a pilot building in Demak. Keywords: Demak, City Hotel, Environment Friendl

    Solo Futsal Academy (Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporer)

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    Solo Futsal Academy is an educational institution that educates futsal athletes and professional futsal referees to compete in national and international level and equipped with adequate supporting facilities. The procurement of an academy is devoted to the Surakarta masses, in general with the goal of the younger generation. This national-grade futsal training facility will be built on Jalan Pakel, Banjarsari Sub-district, Solo City with an area of ± 5 hectares. Besides the main facilities such as indoor and outdoor futsal field, there are supporting facilities such as swimming pool, fitness facility, dormitory and futsal education. This is created so that the coaching is taught to get the same facilities with what is in the academies - national futsal academy. The entire facility is imbued with dynamic themes and concepts of approach with Contemporary Architecture in the hope of giving the impression of spirit, elegance, strength in every space created. The existence of this academy may be able to nurture, train, and bring up talented young seeds, professionals in the field of futsal and can boast Indonesian National Team, especially athletes from Surakarta. Keyword : Academy, Contemporary, Futsa

    Perencanaan Papan Mapan Dengan Konsep From Ego – To Eco Berbasis Desa Mandiri Pangan Di Jeruksawit, Karanganyar

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    The eviction of river banks near the Tirtonadi terminal requires them to be relocated to Jeruk Sawit village, Karanganyar. A total of 195 shelters were prepared by the government to meet the needs of affected communities. Each family head is given a stimulus of Rp. 34.200.000.-. The funds are used to purchase a plot of land of 40m2, construction of houses, and the making of public facilities. In this case, the displacement of the location of the residence as far as 10km in the initial position causes the achievement to the workplace further. This will complicate the achievement and the addition of transportation costs. The impact of that, people will lose their jobs. Therefore, the authors plan a sustainable settlement with the concept of ego - to eco at residential location in Jeruk Sawit Village, Karanganyar. Land intended as a settlement that is in the form of moor and estate land. So that the potential to create employment as farmers and ranchers. In addition, the concept of communal dwelling was raised to maximize the potential of land. With the concept of shelter sharing (communal), many benefits will be accepted for residents and also the surrounding environment

    Rumah Vertikal Ekologis di Surakarta dengan Fasilitas Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah

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    Seeing the condition of Surakarta in creasingly crowded, this has resulted in the price of land is increasingly scarce and expensive, this has resulted in Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) are not able to access the existing housing. Therefore, to solve need a vertical housing design in the form of rental flats are able to empower its residents, resulting in improved physical, economic, social and cultural residents. In order to realize development must pay attention with nature through Ecological Design approach. Looking at the various regulations and the idea of empowerment of economic, social and cultural MBR acquired site located at Ahmad Yani street. Site included in BWK III earmarked for settlements, trade and services. Land with area 8798.9 m2 close to Nusukan Market, Tertonadi Station and Rain Station. Flats standing on land is planned to accommodate 300 families MBR society. Users flats is quite MBR with many kinds of income backgrounds, so the function flats here is as a supporting the occupants. Community built to process waste and farming as an additional source of their income. Provides a garden as a catalyst of economic development. Flats are also given as a Koprasi to marketing of products produced by the community. To reduce planned expenditure on energyefficient buildings, low operational costs, and the building should be able to support itself. Guyub culture responds by providing a space of interaction. Flats are also given a mosque as control the behavior, character formation, as problem solving his community and as a melting pot of people around the residents of flats
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