Dasar Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur City Hotel Ramah Lingkungan di Demak


ABSTRACTS Green Hotel City in Demak is an embodiment of the application of the concept of Sustainable Architecture in a hotel where this concept has not been widely applied in Demak. Sustainable Architecture is the science of architecture that is able to see the character and local conditions both environment and culture before designing with the aim to work with nature to meet human needs by maintaining the existence of the environment. Issues such as locations that are suitable for land use, spatial relations, and the application of the concept of Sustainability must be taken into account and must not violate the Demak Local Government Regulation. The existence of several discussion methods namely, by collecting data through literature and a comparative study of 3 hotels so that it can be easier to sort out data as desired. This Green City Hotel aims to make the public aware of the importance of the concept of Sustainability in the future and is expected to become a pilot building in Demak. Keywords: Demak, City Hotel, Environment Friendl

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