3,933 research outputs found

    Membangun Lingkungan yang Berbasis Konsep Berkelanjutan

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    AbstrakDalam pembangunan ekonomi harus memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip dalam pembangungan yang berkelanjutan. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut adalah: Prinsip Keadilan antar generasi (intergenerational equity), Prinsip Keadilan dalam satu generasi (intra Generational equity), Prinsip Pencegahan Dini (precautionary), Prinsip perlindungan keragaman hayati (conservation of biological diversity), Prinsip Internalisasi biaya lingkungan. Prinsip tersebut pada hakekatnya adalah perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, sehingga dalam melaksanakan pembangunan lingkungan tetap terjaga dengan baik. Kata kunci: Membangun lingkungan, berkelanjutan

    Penggunaan Media Foto Peringatan Hutke 64 Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Makna Proklamasi

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    Understanding the independence proclamation is an abstract thing which most SMP Negeri 2 Polosari student find it difficult to discern. That was the reason behind this classroom action research. The aim was to improve the student understanding of the meaning of independence proclamation for them and to motivate learning. This was done to class VII B, with 34 students. Consisted of four stages (planning, action, observation, and reflection). In the action stage students had to discuss a topic in which photographs of the 64th independence celebration in pemalang was the focus. Data was taken through observation, questionaire and test. The result was that the use of photographs improved students understanding on the meaning of independence proclamation. This was based on the fact that students participation increased from 71,42% in cycle I to 90,47% in cycle II. The result of the questionaire and the observation showed increase in student motivation from 70,35% in cycle I and 79,85% in cycle II. Similiar tendency was also shown the average result of the test which was 66,62 in cycle I and 75,44 in cycle II. This also hapenned to the mastery level which showed increase from 50% in cycle I and 91,18% in cycle II. Key Words: photo\u27s medium, meaning of the independence proclamatio


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    Morphological variation in the fruit bat Megaerops spp. from five islands in Indonesia were examined. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses based on 19 skull characters and 12 external body chcracrers from 32 adult specimens were conducted to examine morphological variation.Multiple regression analysis on the three species examined indicated that there were not sexually dimorphic in both skull and external body characters. Between these species examined showed a marked distinction, as detected by using discriminant function analysis, Specimens of Megaerops from Bali and Lombok were not morphologically distinct from M. kusnotoi, while our additional Sumatran Megaerops were morphologically similar to M. w. albicollis.This is the first report of M. kusnotoi from Bali and Lombok, and for M. w.albicollis from Sumatra.Keywords: Taxonomic, morphology, distribution, Indonesia

    Urgensi Pembaharuan Hukum Indonesia Berdasarkan Nilai-nilai Pancasila

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    Imperialisme di era globalisasi adalah meningkatnya marginalisasi / hilangnya identitas sebuah bangsa termasuk bangsa Indonesia, dan digantikan oleh ideologi liberalisme. penyebab hukum dan sistem hukum kami terasa kering dari nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan keadilan sosial.Perasaan keadilan tidak dapat dihapus dari akar di mana hukum lahir, keadilan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari nilai-nilai/hukum agama dan hukum adat yang hidup dalam masyarakat, dan merupakan hal yang wajar bahkan sebuah "semangat zaman" terutama bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk mengakomodasi nilai-nilai itu ke dalam hukum nasional yang di cita-citakan

    Role and Assembly Supervisory Authority of Surakarta’s Notary in The Supervision of Notary

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    Notaries have the legal authority for the preparation of an authentic deed. To improve the quality and quantity of a Public Notary, apply to the Notary, namely Regulation No. M.02.PR08.10 Menkumham of 2004 on the Supervisory Council of Notaries. The purpose of this study was to determine the technical supervision of Notary conducted by MPD Surakarta, Role and Functions of MPD Surakarta and to determine the effectiveness of supervision MPD Surakarta in implementing the Notary supervision in the region. In this study the authors use empirical juridical approach, whereas the method of data collection using interviews and literature. The results showed that the supervision of a Notary by MPD Surakarta include: examination Notary protocols, guidance and counseling, giving approval / consent with respect to the interests of the criminal justice process to call and check Notary deed relating to the making. Notary performance Surakarta, among others: Notary of Surakarta less orderly in the making and reporting Notaries protocols, Notary unknown where the position / office address, and notaries who are rarely in the office so it was hard to see him. Barriers experienced by MPD Surakarta, among others: lack of equipment and adequate infrastructure, the limited time the members of the MPD Surakarta busy with the duties of each, a limited budget, MPD does not have the authority to impose sanctions against notaries who violate of Notary.Keywords: MPD Authority; Oversight of Notary; Notary Development

    MORPHOMETRIC VARIATION OF ISLAND POPULATIONS OF Macroglossus spp. (Chiroptera : Pteropodidae)

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    A total of 395 skulls and skins of Macroglossus were examined, mostly from Indonesia, and some from Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Australia. The use of discriminant [unction analysis recognized six broad grollps of island populations of Macroglossus: The [aura grollp (Nias, Sumaiera, [auia, Bali and NusaPenida ls.), the Nusa Tenggara group (Lombok, Sumbawa, Moyo, Komodo, Rinca, Sumba, Flores, Adonara, Lembatu, Paniar, Alor, Timer, Semau, Roti, Sabu, Kalitnanian, Westem Australia, New Britain, New Ireland and Bum), the Suiatuesi group (Sulauiesi onlv), the Siberui group (Siberut only), the New Guinea group(New Guinea only) and the Philippine group (Philippines only). The [aura group is represented by M. sobrinus Andersen, 1911; the other grollps M. minimus (Geoffroy, 1810). Within M. sobrinus, foursubspecies were recognized. These were M. s. sobrinus (fawa and Sumaiera); M.s. fratemus (Siberut); M. s. subsp. novo A (Bali and Nusa penida); and M. s. sllbsp. novo B (Nias). Within M. minimus, six subspecies were recognized, these were M. m. minim us (Nusa Tenggara and Western Australia); M. m. nanus (New Britain and New Ireland); M. m. lagochilus (Kalimantan, Buru and Madura); M. m. microtus (New Guinea); M. m. fructivorous (Philippines) and M. m. meyeri (Sulouiesi). The taxa can be separated by discriminant function and unioariate analysis of continuously varying characters, in conjunction with the anterooentral ossification projecting forwards from the den tan} symphysis and the fleshy protuberance supportedon tile distal end of the lips by this ossification.Key Words: Fruit-bats, Macroglossus spp.. Population Variation, Morphology, Zoogeography, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, Australi

    Karakteristik Habitat Trenggiling Jawa (Manis Javanica) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Pangolin (Manis javanica) is one of the critically endangered mammals that categorized by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Conservation efforts for M. javanica still limited caused of it's ecological study has not been revealed. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of M. javanica's habitat The determination of measuring habitat using single plot based on the presence of M. javanica in a location that known by exploration method and open grid technique according the identification of footprint. M. javanica using a habitat which 9 special components that grouped into 6 the main character, namely: (1) The above canopy's density is high category, (2) the number of plant species that used as digs of it's prey is rarely category, (3) A source of feed is very close around the M. javanica's den, (4) there is no competitors and predators around the M. javanica's den, (5) a very steep slope steepness and (6) the soil's texture is medium categorized. Chisquare test showed that M. javanica didn't use a site as it's habitats despite having the appropriate characteristics, if there are competitors in those area

    Pengaruh Filsafat Positivisme dalam Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia

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    The principles of legal certainty very dominating in the law enforcement inIndonesia. The principle of legal certainty that comes from century XVII/XVIIIin Europe is a great idea from tangible in writing, made by competentauthorities. The term of analytical jurisprudence indicates that the law shoulbe removed from the study of metaphysics. Doctrine analytical jurisprudenceannnot be implemented just after about two centuries introduction by theoriginators. It is doe to changes and development of society so rapidly. Forthose in law enforcement must look spirit and the time made law. Don't justlook at the text but the context of the law with the purpose of the law

    Interpretation of Bouguer Anomaly to Determine Fault and Subsurface Structure at Blawan-ijen Geothermal Area

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    Gravity survey has been acquired by Gravimeter Lacoste & Romberg G-1035 at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. It was a focusing study from previous research. The residual Bouguer anomaly data was obtain after applying gravity data reduction, reduction to horizontal plane, and upward continuation. Result of Bouguer anomaly interpretation shows occurrence of new faults and their relative movement. Blawan fault (F1), F2, F3, and F6 are normal fault. Blawan fault is main fault controlling hot springs at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. F4 and F5 are oblique fault and forming a graben at Banyupahit River. F7 is reverse fault. Subsurface model shows that Blawan-Ijen geothermal area was dominated by the Ijen caldera forming ignimbrite (ρ1=2.670 g/cm3), embedded shale and sand (ρ2=2.644 g/cm3) as Blawan lake sediments, magma intrusion (ρ3=2.814 g/cm3 & ρ7=2.821 g/cm3), andesite rock (ρ4=2.448 g/cm3) as geothermal reservoir, pyroclastic air fall deposits (ρ5=2.613 g/cm3) from Mt. Blau, and lava flow (ρ6=2.890 g/cm3)