1,103 research outputs found

    The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on the Fluctuation of Jakarta Composite Index (Jci) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (Study at Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period of 2003-2012)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of macroeconomic variables on the fluctuation of Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research consists of four macroeconomic variables as independent variables; inflation, BI rate, exchange rate of rupiah against U.S. dollar and real GDP. The using of JCI as dependent variable is because of it reflects the price change in different types of stocks in the Indonesia capital market as generally. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is used as data analysis technique. Quarterly data are obtained for the period of ten years starting from January 2003 until December 2012. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) Unit Root test is employed to check the stationary of data. The results show that data has autocorrelation problem, therefore modifying original equation is taken to take account of the serial correlation by transforming all the variables by r differencing using first differences (regressing yt – yt-1 and xt – xt-1). The result reveals that macroeconomic variables simultaneously have significant impact on JCI. In addition, there are significantly negative impact of BI rate and exchange rate on JCI. The result also reveals that inflation and real GDP do not have any significant impact on JCI


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    Rigorous competition in the era of globalization becomes a challenge and a stimulant for every company to undertake changes continously. As a result, companies are able to develop and to preserve their existence. PT Bandeng Juwana Elrina is one of manufacturers which produces processed food called bandeng. This company is doing inexorably improvements and developments. Nonetheless, in the development process, the company has not analyzed yet systematic cultural analyzes. It can be the guidance for the company in the development process and the improvement process. Therefore, this research makes a mapping of organizational culture. This research is intended to analyze the organizational culture profile. Then the result can be an advice for the company in formulating an accurate organizational culture. This research has been conducted by using OCAI ( Organizational Culture Assesment Instrument) method. This research surveyed the Board of Director, the General Manager, the department manager and the department head. Through descriptive quantitative approach, this research would be expected being able to reveal and to analyze the cultural profile of PT Bandeng Juwana Elrina. The result of this research shows that there are differences in cultural perception among the Board of Director and the three lower positions. There are the General Manager, the department manager and the department head. They argue that the current dominant culture is clan. In contrast, the Board of Director points out that the recent dominant culture is adhocracy. On the other hand, these four positions also have different perceptions in the organizational culture profile which will be expected in the future. The Board of Director expects that it will be a combination of clan culture and adhocracy. The General Manager and the department head hope that it will be an adhocracy culture. The portrait of current culture are the dominancy of clan culture and the different perception among position stages. The different perception is in the expectation of organizational culture in the future time. It tends to dirrect at clan culture and adhocracy. These can be the consideration for the company to formulate the culture which is appropriate with the company’s vision and mision


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh Kompensasi, Motivasi Dan Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Akuntansi”. Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui apakah kompensasi yang diberikan perusahaan, motivasi pada diri sendiri maupun yang diberikan manajer/ perusahaan dan komitmen karyawan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian akuntansi. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 90 karyawan bagian akuntansi yang tersebar di wilayah kebumen, purworejo, pekalongan dan yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel probability sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hipotesis pertama yaitu kompensasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian akuntansi, hipotesis kedua yaitu motivasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian akuntansi dan hipotesis ketiga yaitu komitmen organisasional tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian akuntansi

    Learning Vector Quantization Pada Pengenalan Pola Tandatangan

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    ---Pengenalan pola tandatangan dimaksudkan agar komputer dapat mengenali tandatangan dengan cara mengkonversi gambar, baik yang dicetak ataupun ditulis tangan ke dalam kode. Metode yang dipilih dalam pengenalan pola tandatangan ini adalah metode pembelajaran Kohonen Neural Network(Kohonen) dan Learning Vector Quantization(LVQ). Metode Kohonen mengambil bobot awal secara acak, kemudian bobot tersebut di-update hingga dapat mengklasifikasikan diri sejumlah kelas yang diinginkan. Pada metode LVQ bobot awal di-update dengan menggunakan pola yang sudah ada. Dalam penelitian ini, diberikan hasil pengamatan dan perbandingan tentang tingkat keakuratan dan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran terhadap pola tandatangan pada metode Kohonen dan LVQ menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition

    GAMBARAN RESTRUKTURISASI ORGANISASI (Studi Pada PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Malang Tentang Bentuk, Jenis, Faktor Pendorong, Faktor Penghambat Restrukturisasi Dan Desain Struktur Organisasi)

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    Every organizations and companies had any strategies. One of the company\u27s strategies to be a leader is restructuring. Restructuring is right way if there was no any alternative strategies. Any companies must be adaptation quickly to keep their quality. Structural changing had any aspects, they are form, kind, and specially Increase factor and decreasing factor. Any companies does restructuring, one of them is PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Malang, which these restructuring has did to increase their performance. Objective of these study is to describe form, kind, new structure design, increasing factor and decreasing factor which happened at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Malang Form of restructuring which happened are reorganization and competency measurement, those forms did to reorder a organization structural and increase their staff competency to get any promotion. Kind of restructuring is management or organizational restructuring. Any management restructuring happened because there was rises number of division. Increase factor which happened is there was tight competition with the other companies and increase their staff\u27s motivation to be promoted to occupy vacant position. Decreasing Factor which happened is wont of old structure to get any sign of wisdom

    Pengaruh Struktur Organisasi Terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi (Studi Pada Persepsi Pegawai Tetap Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Kediri)

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    The results showed that the organizational structure dimension consisting of complexity, formalization, centralizationvariables together effect on organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, the results also showed that in partial the organizational structure dimensional consisting of complexity, formalization, centralization variables have a significant effect on organizational effectiveness. Complexity, formalization, centralization variables to contribute to organizational effectiveness variable of 0.596 or 59.6% while the remaining 40.4% is contributed by other variables not included in this study Is characteristic organization (technology), characteristic environment (external and internal/atmosphere), characteristic laborer (being bound to organization and work achievement), policy and practice management. Dependent variable can be choosed with similarity research object of corporate organization situation

    The mediation role of financial literation in ensuring MSMEs sustainability: An organizational characteristics perspective

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    The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) sector has been recognized as an essential contributor to the economic development of Indonesia. However, the sustainability of MSMEs in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to the rest of ASEAN countries with similar levels of economic growth. This study aims to extend previous studies on the relationship between MSMEs characteristics and their sustainability by specifically including financial literation as a mediation role. This study used proportional random sampling as a sampling technique. A total of 191 MSMEs owner-managers questionnaire data were processed by using Partial Least Square analysis. This study confirmed the positive influence of MSMEs characteristics on financial literacy and financial literacy on the sustainability of MSMEs. Moreover, financial literation proves to be a significant mediator of MSMEs sustainability. This study suggests that MSMEs owner-managers need to be financially literate as it can enable them to make a good financial decision that can ensure their business sustainability


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    Salah satu pemenuhan energi  listrik  saat  ini  yang terus  meningkat.  Pembangkit  Listrik Tenaga  Nuklir  (PLTN) merupakan salah satu sumber energi listrik yang cukup efisien dibandingkan  dengan sumber energi listrik lainnya. PLTN memerlukan suatu pengamanan yang lebih, salah  satunya adalah pengamanan kelongsong (cladding) bahan bakar nuklir. Penelitian tentang kelongsong ( cladding ) telah diuji ketahanan logam paduan Fe-Cr-Y2O3  sebagai  kelongsong  bahan  bakar terhadap korosi pada temperatur 700OC selama 6 jam, pemanasan pada suhu tinggi, dengan variasi suhu yaitu 500ºC, 600ºC dan 700ºC  . Hasil uji korosi mengunakan Magnetic Suspension Balance (MSB) menunjukkan bahwa Paduan Fe-Cr-Y2O3 mempunyai  ketahanan korosi lebih  besar dibandingkan dengan serbuk yang tidak ditambahkan Y2O3. Mikrostruktur  permukaan logam Fe-Cr-Y2O3  yang  terkorosi  dikarakterisasi  dengan menggunakan  Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) dan X-Ray Difractometer (XRD)