
GAMBARAN RESTRUKTURISASI ORGANISASI (Studi Pada PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Malang Tentang Bentuk, Jenis, Faktor Pendorong, Faktor Penghambat Restrukturisasi Dan Desain Struktur Organisasi)


Every organizations and companies had any strategies. One of the company\u27s strategies to be a leader is restructuring. Restructuring is right way if there was no any alternative strategies. Any companies must be adaptation quickly to keep their quality. Structural changing had any aspects, they are form, kind, and specially Increase factor and decreasing factor. Any companies does restructuring, one of them is PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Malang, which these restructuring has did to increase their performance. Objective of these study is to describe form, kind, new structure design, increasing factor and decreasing factor which happened at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Malang Form of restructuring which happened are reorganization and competency measurement, those forms did to reorder a organization structural and increase their staff competency to get any promotion. Kind of restructuring is management or organizational restructuring. Any management restructuring happened because there was rises number of division. Increase factor which happened is there was tight competition with the other companies and increase their staff\u27s motivation to be promoted to occupy vacant position. Decreasing Factor which happened is wont of old structure to get any sign of wisdom

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    Last time updated on 28/11/2017