29,906 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Citra Perusahaan, Citra Merek, dan Lokasi terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di Apotek Kimia Farma Fatmawati Semarang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganlisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan, citra merek, citra perusahaan, dan lokasi terhadap kepuasan konsumen di apotek kimia farma fatmawati semarang, metode pengambilan sampel yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dan berjumlah 100 sampel, pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS 20, tanggapan dianalisis menggunakan analisis Regresi Linear Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di apotek kimia farma fatmawati semarang, citra merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di apotek kimia farma fatmawati semarang, citra perusahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di apotek kimia farma fatmawati semarang, lokasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di apotek kimia farma fatmawati semarang

    Keragaan USAhatani Varietas Unggul Baru (Vub) Padi Sawah dengan Pola Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (Ptt):studi Kasus di Desa Aneuk Glee Kecamatan Indrapuri Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    This research aims to determine the performance of new varieties of farm (VUB), lowland rice through an integrated approach to crop management (ICM) in the village of Gle Aneuk Indrapuri, Aceh Besar District. Field assessment is from cooperative farmers who have lowland rice varieties with treatment, such as Cimelati, Bondoyudo, Ciherang, Kalimas, VUTB Fatmawati and IR-64. In each of these rice varieties applied packages introduced PTT technology. The result indicates that reviewed the six varieties suitable for cultivated and developed. Judging from the performance of agronomic VUTB Fatmawati better compared with 5 other varieties. VUTB Fatmawati have the greatest production (7.75 tonnes / ha) with a profit-making Rp.6.074.750, -. Fatmawati lowland rice farming system with ICM pattern is more feasible to be developed because the RC has the largest ratio (2.09) compared with the varieties Cimelati (2,06), Kalimas (2,04), Bondoyudo (2,02), Ciherang (1,51) and varieties of IR-164 (1,39)

    Volume Dan Kapasitas Jaringan Jalan Di Kawasan Pondok Labu

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    The intent of this study to analyze the optimization of highway network of hospitals Fatmawati to Pondok Labu (UPN “Veteran“ Jakarta). Especially for measuring the ratio of the volume and capacity (V/C) of the facilities and infrastructure, given the congestion level above the tolerance within 2-3 km of the RS Fatmawati-UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, takes 2-3 hours the goal is to repair the target to be achieved to make people gain easy mobility around Pondok Labu Fatmawati according to their desired travel. Some of the recommendations suggested by research, must make a one-way flow (OWF) in the morning of Pondok Labu to Fatmawati hospital and vice versa for in the evening. Another recommendation is proposed, so that the dividing line in front of the giant malls are also eliminated, there is no parking along the road, a road equipped, disciplined pass-traffic control and also realocation Market Pondok Labu

    Pembentukan Genotipe Padi Berumur Sangat Genjah Melalui Kultur Antera

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    Development of Very Early Maturing Rice Genotypes through Anther Culture. Iswari S. Dewi, A. Dinar Ambarwati, Aniversari Apriana, Atmitri Sisharmini, Ida H. Somantri, Bambang Suprihatno, and Iman Ridwan. Rice is the most important food crop in Indonesia. Increase in production is needed due to population increase. Rice production in rainfed area is contributed the second after irrigated area. Rainfed condition requiring very early maturity (90-104 days) varieties. Rice anther culture can be applied to accelerate obtainment of doubled haploids (DHs) or pure lines needed in rice breeding. The experiment was aimed to obtain pure lines for developing very early maturing and high yielding rice varieties. Materials used for anther culture were F1s of Fatmawati/Kinamase, Inpari 1/Kinamase, Fatmawati/ Waseaikoku, Inpari 1/Waseaikoku, Fatmawati/IR71146, Inpari 1/IR71146, OM4495/Silugonggo, IR7146/Dodokan, and IR71730/OM1490. Anther culture media were N6 + NAA 2,0 mg/l + kinetin 0,5 mg/l for callus induction, MS+ NAA 0,5 mg/l + kinetin 2,0 mg/l for plantlet regeneration, and MS + 0,5 mg/l IBA for rooting. Putrescine 10-3 M was added to callus induction and regeneration media. The results shown that calli forming green plantlet (CFGP) were ranged from 0.25 to 83.33%. Fatmawati/Kinamase gave the highest CFGP (245 calli), followed by Inpari 1/Kinamase (78 calli) and Fatmawati/ Waseaikoku (68 calli). Total green plantlets obtained were 2.038 plantlets. After plantlet acclimatization and greenhouse grow-out, we obtained 507 DHs. The evaluation of 100 DHs at farmer field (Ciranjang District in Cianjur), based on their 50% heading date of 65 days, resulted in 33 lines cathegorized as very early maturing lines (+100 days). They were 18 lines from Fatmawati/Kinamase, 5 lines from Inpari 1/Kinamase, 8 lines from Fatmawati/Waseaikoku, and 2 lines from Inpari 1/ Waseaikoku

    Rencana Aksi Pelayanan Berkesinambungan Rawat Jalan dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Citra RSUP Fatmawati

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rencana aksi pelayanan berkesinambungan di rawat jalan RSUP (Rumah Sakit Umum Pendidikan) Fatmawati guna meningkatkan citra RS Fatmawati. Analisis dilakukan secara mikro melalui wawancara pasien, manajemen, serta petugas kesehatan dan secara makro melalui analisis kebijakan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kesenjangan pada pelayananan rawat jalan terdapat pada kesesuaian kualitas (kecepatan layanan, kelengkapan obat, Kenyamanan) dan komunikasi. Masalah ketidakpuasan yang terjadi di Fatmawati merupakan pengembangan dari akar masalah yaitu meningkatnya kunjungan pasien akibat sistem rujukan yang tidak berjalan. Rencana aksi yang dirancang dibuat secara makro yaitu memperbaiki sistem rujukan dengan fokus menyeimbangkan peran Upaya Kesehatan Masyaraka


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    his research investigated the antecedent budgetary participation (need for achievement and work attitude), then assess the impact on employees’ job performance. The data were obtained using questionnaires that distributed to respondents. Seventy two respondents were chosen as samples and path analysis was used as techniques to analyze the data. The result of this research showed that need for achievement has significant positive association with budgetary participation. However, the result found that there is no significant association between work attitude and budgetary participation. Furthermore, the researcher found that budgetary participation had a significant positive association with job performance (e.i managerial performance). The researcher concludes that when employees have a higher need for achievement, they will tend to higher participation in budgetary process, and this condition will enhance employees’ job performance. Here, budgetary participation acted as mediating variable between need for achievement and job performance. Keywords: Need for achievement, work attitude, budgetary participation, job performance, path analysis
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