249 research outputs found

    Die probleem van hardhorendheid

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    Incorporating Social Presence in the Design of the Anthropomorphic Interface of Recommendation Agents: Insights from an fMRI Study

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    Recommendation agents (RAs) are regularly used in online environments to give consumers advice on products. Since social components of human-like RAs (humanoid avatars) are important components in their adoption and use, this study focuses on how the design of the anthropomorphic interface of RAs in terms of social demographics, namely ethnicity and gender, can enhance the RA’s social presence to facilitate their adoption. Since social presence has been shown in the literature to predict the adoption and use of RAs, we examine whether match or mismatch in terms of the anthropomorphic RA’s ethnicity and gender can enhance the user’s social interaction with an RA. To overcome concerns of social desirability bias and political correctness when users assess the social presence of RAs that vary in their ethnicity and gender, we conducted a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) study to complement a traditional behavioral experiment. Our goal was to explain prior behavioral findings that showed that ethnicity (as opposed to gender) match is associated with higher social presence, particularly among women. Specifically, brain activity was captured in an fMRI scanner while users who varied on their ethnicity and gender to either match or mismatch the ethnicity and gender of four RAs evaluated each of the RAs on their social presence. Besides contributing to the neuroscience literature by identifying the brain activations that relate to social presence, the fMRI results shed light on the nature of social presence and explain earlier behavioral findings by showing gender differences in the neural correlates of social presence in terms of ethnicity and gender match and mismatch. Implications on designing anthropomorphic interfaces to embody social demographics to enhance social presence are discussed


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    SMP YPK Merauke adalah salah satu Lembaga Pendidikan sekolah di Kota Merauke yang sama seperti sekolah pada lainnya bertujuan untuk mengubah tingkah laku individu menuju arah yang lebih baik melalui interaksi dengan lingkungan sekitar melalui proses belajar mengajar dan dengan kondisi situasi pandemic Covid-19 proses belajar mengajar harus mengikuti protocol kesehatan yang sebelumnya waktu belajar hingga 6 jam dalam sehari atau lebih sekarang berkurang menjadi 3 jam dalam sehari serta pertemuan waktu belajar di sekolah yang sebelumnya 6 hari dalam seminggu menjadi 2 hari dalam seminggu membuat guru dan pihak sekolah mengalami kesulitan dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga murid banyak ketinggalan materi pelajaran yang ada. Dan Informasi tugas sekolah yang terlambat diinfokan membuat murid terlambat mengerjakan dan mengumpulkan tugas. oleh sebab, itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat membantu guru dalam memberikan materi pelajaran secara online kepada murid. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa wawancara kepada guru atau staf serta murid pada SMP YPK Merauke, setelah data terkumpul berupa data guru, data murid, maka data mata pelajaran maka dimulai pembuatan sistem. Sistem dibuat menggunakan Android studio dan untuk manajemen database menggunakan Firebase. Setelah sistem selesai dibuat maka dilakukan pengujian terhadap sistem, pengujian yang digunakan adalah metode Black-Box untuk menguji fungsi dari sistem apakah sudah sesuai dengan rancangan yang dibuat dan pengujian metode UAT (User Acceptance Testing) untuk menguji sistem apakah sudah berjalan sesuai fungsinya berdasarkan kebutuhan guru dan murid. Mengacu pada hasil pengujian sistem menggunakan Black-Box, didapatkan bahwa sistem yang dibuat dapat memfasilitasi guru dalam memberikan materi, tugas kepada murid secara online serta membantu murid dalam mengakses materi pelajaran dan tugas secara online. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dalam pengujian UAT (User Acceptance Testing) didapatkan hasil bahwa 80% guru menyatakan sistem dapat memfasilitasi untuk memberikan materi dan tugas secara online, serta 80% murid menyatakan sistem sangat memfasilitasi dalam mengakses materi pelajaran dan tugas secara online

    Exploring an extensive dataset to establish woody vegetation cover and composition in Kruger National Park for the late 1980s

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    Woody plant cover and species composition play an important role in defining the type and function of savanna ecosystems. Approximately 2000 sites in the Kruger National Park (KNP) were surveyed by F.J. Venter over a period from 1985 to 1989, recording vegetation, soil and topological characteristics. At each of these sites (approximately 20 m × 20 m each), woody vegetation cover and species were recorded using a rapid, Braun-Blanquet classification for three height classes: shrub (0.75 m – 2.50 m), brush (2.50 m – 5.50 m) and tree (> 5.50 m). The objective of this study was to re-analyse the vegetation component of the field data, with a specific focus to provide a spatially explicit, height-differentiated, benchmark dataset in terms of species occurrence, species richness and structural canopy cover. Overall, 145 different woody species were recorded in the dataset out of the 458 species documented to occur in the park. The dataset describes a woody layer dominated by a relatively small number of widely occurring species, as 24 of the most common woody species accounted for all woody species found on over 80% of all sites. The less common woody species (101) were each recorded on 20 sites or less. Species richness varied from 12 to 1 species per site. Structural canopy cover averaged 9.34%, 8.16% and 2.89% for shrub, brush and tree cover, respectively. The dataset provides a useful benchmark for woody species distribution in KNP and can be used to explore woody species and height class distributions, as well as comparison with more recent or future woody vegetation surveys. Conservation implications: The results provided evidence that large-scale, woody vegetation surveys conducted along roads offer useful ecosystem level information. However, such an approach fails to pick up less common species. The data presented here provided a useful snapshot of KNP woody vegetation structure and composition and could provide excellent opportunities for spatio-temporal comparisons

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Gaya Berpikir terhadap Hasil Belajar Sosiologi

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    This study aims at discovering the learning outcome of the students using CTL and conventional learning strategy and also to investigate the learning outcome of sociology among the students who possess a divergent and convergent thinking style. The result of this study showed that (1) the learning outcome of the students using CTL is higher than using conventional learning strategy, (2) the learning outcome of the students who possess a divergent thinking style is higher the students who possess a convergent thinking style, and (3) there is an interaction between learning strategy and both divergent and convergent thinking style in the learning outcome of the students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan strategi pembelajaran CTL dan konvensional serta hasil belajar sosiologi siswa yang memiliki gaya berpikir divergen dan konvergen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) hasil belajar sosiologi yang diajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual (CTL) lebih baik daripada hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran konvensional, (2) hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki gaya berpikir divergen lebih baik dari hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki gaya berpikir konvergen, dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan gaya berpikir divergen maupun konvergen dalam memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa

    Perubahan Agama Minahasa dan Kekristenan dalam Konstruksi Perjumpaan Simbol Sakral pada Ritual di Watu Pinawetengan

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    This article aims to explore the conversion of Minahasa and Christianity religion through mutually constructed efforts carried out by the community of ritual practitioners in Watu Pinawetengan. This research focuses on the mutual change between Minahasa religion and Christianity in rituals through the construction of a symbolic encounter by the ritual-playing community at Watu Pinawetengan. For ritual practitioners, Watu Pinawetengan is a sacred place Tou Minahasa (Minahasa man) that is located in North Sulawesi Province, Minahasa Regency. Individuals in a community construct the meaning of each symbol, thus creating a paradigm of religion. Sacred symbols refer to the essence of a belief in religion, so it is crucial in describing the existence of a religion. The data is taken through the use of qualitative methods by conducting observations, interviews, library studies, and documentary studies. The findings of this study show that changes in sacred symbols in rituals have been constructed in Minahasa and Christian discourses, resulting in a mutual change in both religions. Change occurs dialectically and is strengthened by the legitimacy of the ancestral spirit.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali perubahan agama Minahasa dan Kristen melalui upaya saling mengonstruksi yang dilakukan oleh komunitas pelaku ritual di Watu Pinawetengan. Fokus penelitian pada perubahan bersama, antara agama Minahasa dan Kristen dalam ritual melalui konstruksi perjumpaan simbol oleh komunitas pelaku ritual di Watu Pinawetengan. Bagi pelaku ritual, Watu Pinawetengan merupakan tempat sakral Tou Minahasa (manusia Minahasa) yang berada di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Kabupaten Minahasa. Individu-individu dalam komunitas mengonstruksi makna dari setiap simbol sehingga menciptakan paradigma fundamen tentang agama. Simbol sakral merujuk pada esensi dari suatu kepercayaan dalam agama, sehingga bersifat krusial dalam menggambarkan eksistensi suatu agama. Data diambil melalui penggunaan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan studi dokumenter. Temuan dari studi ini memperlihatkan perubahan simbol sakral dalam ritual telah dikonstruksi dalam diskursus agama Minahasa dan Kristen, sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan bersama pada kedua agama tersebut. Perubahan terjadi secara dialektis dan diperkuat dengan legitimasi roh leluhur.

    An electrochromic ionic liquid: design, characterisation and performance in a solid state platform

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    This work describes the synthesis and characteristics of a novel electrochromic ionic liquid (IL) based on a phosphonium core tethered to a viologen moiety. When integrated into a solid-state electrochromic platform, the viologen modified IL behaved as both the electrolyte and the electrochromic material. Platform fabrication was achieved through in situ photo-polymerisation and encapsulation of this novel IL within a hybrid sol-gel. Important parameters of the platform performance, including its coloration efficiency, switching kinetics and optical properties were characterised using UV/Vis spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry in tandem. The electrochromic platform exhibits a coloration efficiency of 10.72 cm2C-1, and a varied optical output as a function of the incident current. Despite the rather viscous nature of the material, the platform exhibited approximately two orders of magnitude faster switching kinetics (221 seconds to reach 95 % absorbance) when compared to previously reported electrochromic ILs (18,000 seconds)

    Adverse drug events caused by three high-risk drug–drug interactions in patients admitted to intensive care units:A multicentre retrospective observational study

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    Aims: Knowledge about adverse drug events caused by drug–drug interactions (DDI-ADEs) is limited. We aimed to provide detailed insights about DDI-ADEs related to three frequent, high-risk potential DDIs (pDDIs) in the critical care setting: pDDIs with international normalized ratio increase (INR+) potential, pDDIs with acute kidney injury (AKI) potential, and pDDIs with QTc prolongation potential. Methods: We extracted routinely collected retrospective data from electronic health records of intensive care units (ICUs) patients (≥18 years), admitted to ten hospitals in the Netherlands between January 2010 and September 2019. We used computerized triggers (e-triggers) to preselect patients with potential DDI-ADEs. Between September 2020 and October 2021, clinical experts conducted a retrospective manual patient chart review on a subset of preselected patients, and assessed causality, severity, preventability, and contribution to ICU length of stay of DDI-ADEs using internationally prevailing standards. Results: In total 85 422 patients with ≥1 pDDI were included. Of these patients, 32 820 (38.4%) have been exposed to one of the three pDDIs. In the exposed group, 1141 (3.5%) patients were preselected using e-triggers. Of 237 patients (21%) assessed, 155 (65.4%) experienced an actual DDI-ADE; 52.9% had severity level of serious or higher, 75.5% were preventable, and 19.3% contributed to a longer ICU length of stay. The positive predictive value was the highest for DDI-INR+ e-trigger (0.76), followed by DDI-AKI e-trigger (0.57). Conclusion: The highly preventable nature and severity of DDI-ADEs, calls for action to optimize ICU patient safety. Use of e-triggers proved to be a promising preselection strategy.</p