1,402 research outputs found

    Countering Violent Extremism in Peshawar Pakistan

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    Spikes of militancy, intolerance, ethnic division and sectarianism have all risen within Pakistan in recent years, yet Pakistan’s continuous battle to deter violent extremism fails to be successful. Following the December 16, 2014 Army Public School (APS) massacre in Peshawar Pakistan little empirical attention has been paid on how the Pakistani government, in the Northwest region of Pakistan, is countering violent extremism (CVE). As well as, its link to policy-making decisions on CVE. This dissertation study sought to analyze the currently active CVE narrative that Pakistan implemented into its Constitution in 2014. This qualitative explanatory case study project focused on operational links that could be traced over time. A content analysis of secondary sources of Pakistani political briefings and press conferences relating to the Pakistani 21st amendment was carried out to identify important themes that emerged. The qualitative analysis of the data generated five themes: (1) word-based agency, (2) knowledge & governance, (3) accountability, (4) closure, and (5) deontic orientation. To assist in addressing the research question, a critical holistic historical qualitative case study analysis was preferred because of its unique strength in incorporating various sources of evidence. Several suggestions of the findings are discussed. These include suggestions for practice and theory, bench-marking of the 21st amendment, and the inclusion of stakeholders in the CVE process

    Las políticas culturales en los procesos de cambio: apuntes sobre la República Checa

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    El derrumbe del llamado "sistema comunista" en los paises del Este es uno de los acontecimientos culturales más importantes del siglo xx, quizás el más significativo de esta centuria. En un sentido ha sido un cataclismo económico, social, politico y cultural del que será un largo proceso salir exitosos, ya que no es posible "llegar al paraiso de la noche a la mañana. La velocidad de las transformaciones en el Este, la conocida crisis de la economia del mercado y su actual e incipiente recuperación, pareciera que no dan tiempo de reflexionar, por ejemplo, sobre fenómenos como la cultura y sus politicas y eso que nos encontramos en el decenio mundial del desarrollo cultural (1988-1997) decretado por la UNESCO. Por ello he considerado interesante desarrollar un tema como el del presente articulo que, desde una mirada de la economia de la cultura pretende mostrar varios aspectos económicos y sociales de las politicas culturales en estos tiempos de cambio, teniendo como referente la República Checa y elaborando una comparación con las politicas culturales en condiciones de economia de mercado.The fall of the so-called "communist sistem" in countries East European is one of the most important cultural events of the 20th century, probably the most important one of this century. It has been an economical, social, political and cultural cataclysm. Overcoming it successfully will be a long process since it is not possible to "enter the paradisen" overnight. It may seem that the speed of transformations in the East and the well-known crisis of market oriented economy which is at present incipiently recovering do not give us enough time to reflect on, for example, phenomena such as Culture and culturalpolicies, although UNESCO declared this decade World-Wide decade of cultural development (1988-1997). Therefore, I tackle the subject of this article trying -from a point of view of cultural economy- to point out different economic and social aspects of cultural policies in the present changing times. The point of reference is the Czech Republic, on whichcase I have elaborated a comparison of cultural policies in conditions of market oriented economy

    La importancia de los recursos materiales en el juego simbolico

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    Los recursos materiales utilizados en el juego simbólico son mediadores a través de los cuales los niños pueden expresar sus experiencias y sentimientos y también pueden desarrollar diferentes roles y representaciones llenas de imaginación y creatividad. En este sentido, los recursos materiales deben ser simples e isomorfos, relacionados con la realidad de los niños y conectados con las nuevas tecnologías porque ello requiere una interrelación entre los usos de los sistemas simbólicos y los de los rescursos

    Assessment Practice in a Self-Access Language Learning Center at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

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    This document is the result of a case study and it contains four major sections. The first section deepens in the problematic of the subject, going from the problem statement to the hypothesis, and it intends to indicate the structure of the research project. The second section displays the conceptual foundations dealing with assessment to later allow the case to be observed and evaluated with a proper theoretical basis. This section was developed throughout the second semester of the Masters’ program. The third section contains information regarding the methodology and a description of it and what it involves, additionally it displays the data analysis collected through the interviews to teachers from the case study and observations in such specific context as well as some conclusions. These activities were covered in different moments of the year 2016, which correspond to the second and third semester of the program. Finally, the fourth section states the findings observed, suggesting possible solutions, but focusing only in one (proposal), putting it into practice and discussing some recommendations for teachers in that specific context that might help others who encounter similar situations in their language classroom

    Educational Change and Challenges: Constructivist, Collaborative Ideals in Teacher Preparation

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    The following study details the collaboration of a university’s secondary education faculty on the United States and Mexico border. Calls for improved test scores, better preparation and retention of teachers, and improved graduation rates of teacher candidates were imminent concerns. The faculty responded to these demands by developing an integrated teacher preparation program based on shared activities, readings, technology, electronic journals, and shared epistemological values. The context for the reform efforts included a consideration for learning theory. Furthermore, secondary education faculty facilitated constructivist, collaborative pedagogies as integral to teacher preparation. A new focus was placed on learner-centered praxis rather than on teacher-centered performance. This article presents the transformative process of teacher preparation from the perspective of two participant professors