1,019 research outputs found

    The semantic interpretation of determiner quantifiers and the relationship between syntactic structure and semantic structure of sentences with determiner quantifiers

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    根据Herburger(1997,2000),在阶段性谓词的语境中,处在限定量词内部论元位置的焦点对弱量化词而不是强量化词的语义解读有影响,而处在VP中的焦点对强量化词和弱量化词的语义解读都有影响。本文在此基础之上,进一步详细考察处在VP中的焦点对限定量词语义解读的影响;同时考察限定量词句的句法结构与语义结构的关系及其原因。本文认为,当焦点处在VP中时,全称限定量词实际难以对焦点敏感,其他限定量词对焦点敏感,但由于其比例解读和焦点解读的真值存在不同的蕴涵关系,使得其体现出的对VP内焦点的敏感性的强弱程度不同;限定量词句的语义结构在阶段性谓词的语境中受焦点影响而跟句法结构产生不一致关系,且这种不一致关系强弱量化词有别,原因在于阶段性谓词表示的具体场景中的具体事件,更容易成为参与者成分的标志而起到帮助辨识参与者的作用;弱量化词的强述谓性和强量化词的话题性,使得其内部论元位置的焦点成分在是否能移到LF层的VP中有别。Hcrburger ( 1997, 2000) observed that in contexts with stage-level predicates, focus in internal argument position of DQs has a truth-conditional effect on the interpretation of weak but not strong DQs, while focus in VP affects the interpretation of both weak and strong DQs. On the basis of Herburger ( 1997, 2000), this paper aims to give a full picture of the way focus in VP influences the interpretation of weak and strong DQs, and based on the observations of the way focus in VP works, the paper tries to find out how and why syntactic structure and semantic structure are mismatched in sentences with DQs. It is pointed out that while universal quantifiers are insensitive to focus in VP, non- universal quantifiers are sensitive to it; the degree of focus-sensitivity of non-universal quantifiers varies from quantifier to quantifier, which is due to different entailing relation between the truth condition of their proportional reading ( where the restriction is provided by the internal NP) and that of their focus-affected reading ( where the restriction is provided by the non-focused part of the sentence). The reason why focus has a structuring effect on semantic structure of DQ-sentences with stage-level predicates but not on that of DQ~sente~ce~ w~t~ ~,~dua~-~e,~e~ predicates ~,~e~ ~ t~e fact t~at t~e ~en~tati~n~ ~f stage~ level predicates are quite different from those of individual-level ones. What stage-level predicates denote are concrete events taking place in some specific temporal and spacial domain, while the denotations of individual-level ones are characteristics or properties that are relatively stable over time. As for why sentences with weak DQs allow for more mismatch between their syntactic structure and semantic structure than those with strong DQs, it is argued that weak DQ are of strong predicative properties and strong DQs are of strong topical properties and it is such a contrast that is responsible for whether the movement of a focused element in internal NP of the DQs to VP国家社科基金重大招标项目(项目批准号:12&ZD175);国家社科基金一般项目(项目批准号:16BYY135);教育部人文社科基金青年项目(项目批准号:13YJC740032)的资助


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    摘要中国的期货市场历经了十多年的风霜,在经历了初创、盲动发展、清理整顿、规范发展的艰苦历程后,目前已经进入崭新的发展时期。在经历了大起大落后的期货经纪公司,面对当前发展良机,能否改变过去简单、短视的经营服务理念,树立知识服务的公司发展新观念,围绕知识服务这一核心竞争力进行组织变革、建立相适应的企业文化,将决定期货经纪公司能否在市场发展的过程中脱颖而出并持续发展。本文在简要介绍我国期货市场发展过程、期货交易特点及期货经纪公司作用的基础上,重点分析知识服务在期货经纪公司经营过程中的重要作用,并就如何进行知识服务建设及配合知识服务对公司组织结构再造、重建企业文化等方面提出相应对策及建议。本文共分三章...ABSTRACT The last 10 years saw a lot of profound changes in the Chinese future market. After all the difficulties from the very beginning to its relatively maturity of today, the Chinese future market has ran into a new developing era. Those future brokerage companies, having experienced all the ups and downs in past 10 years, are now facing a golden development opportunity. Could thes...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20011500


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    Economic Analysis on Catastrophe Insurance

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    长期以来,我国一直是一个巨灾事件多发的国家。巨灾不仅严重威胁着人们的生命和财产安全,还严重影响着经济发展和社会稳定。2008年5•12汶川大地震、2010年西南五省旱灾、青海玉树地震、甘肃舟曲特大泥石流等无不对我国经济和社会造成了巨大的冲击。在发达国家,由于风险保障水平较高,巨灾事故引发的庞大损失通常可通过保险、再保险等方式予以补偿;而在我国,就目前来看,由于保险业发展还处在起步阶段,商业保险还难以在巨灾发生时发挥重要作用。加上长期以来社会公众对灾后政府救助所形成的预期,导致每次巨灾发生时政府都不得不承担主要的损失。鉴于此,有必要在我国建立完善的巨灾风险管理体系,一方面降低巨灾事故...China has long been one of the countries that frequently suffered from catastrophe events. Not only does catastrophe pose great threat on people’s life and wealth, but also it severely impacts economic development and social stability. Great catastrophe events like 5•12 Wenchuan earthquake,2010 severe drought in five provinces of the Southwest, 2010 Yushu earthquake, mud-flow in Zhouqu, etc ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562008115211

    Immunohistochemical Study of Serotonin in the Digestive System of Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 应用免疫组织化学方法对锯缘青蟹消化系统的 5- HT分泌细胞的形态和分布进行了观察 .结果表明 :5- HT阳性细胞形态多样 ,多数为卵圆形 ,少数为柱形 ,多边形或具有较长的胞突 .消化道各段均有 5- HT阳性细胞 ,中肠密度最高 ,食道次之 ,贲门胃、幽门胃和后肠较低 .5- HT阳性细胞多数位于固有膜和粘膜下层 ,少数散布于肌层 .肝胰腺也具有 5- HT阳性细胞 【英文摘要】 The morphology and distribution of serotonin(5 HT) immunoreactivity in the digestive system of Scylla serrata were investigated. 5 HT immunoreactive cells had various forms: the majority were oval, while the minority were columnar, irregular in shape, or having long processes. 5 HT immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the digestive tract, with the highest density in the midgut, the second in the esophagus, and a low density in the stomach and hindgut. Most of the 5 HT immunoreactive c...福建省重中之重“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”资助项

    The Contextual Appraisement on Theories of Natural Science

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    科学理论评价是科学研究活动的重要环节,也是科学哲学研究的重要问题。然而,自上世纪五、六十年代以来,哲学家们在这一问题上的争议就一直没有停息过。后现代哲学倾向于对科学的客观基础的解构,尤其是九十年代后期发生的“索卡尔事件”表明,科学正受到相对主义的侵蚀而沦为与权术、利益、游戏为伍的境地。因此,超越评价问题上存在着的越来越浓的相对主义对科学和哲学而言就具有重要的意义。本文旨在对这一超越路径的探讨。本文共分六章。第一章“科学理论评价的困境”对科学理论评价问题的发展过程进行了梳理。本文以托马斯·库恩为分水岭,阐述了库恩之前、库恩本人以及库恩之后的各派主张。第二章“科学理论评价的语境方法”阐述了分析理论...The appraisement on science theories is both the important link on the scientific research and important problem on science philosophy. But philosophers’ controversy has not ceased since the fifties- sixties of the 20th century. Last-modern philosophy prefer disintegrate scientific objectivefoundation, and especially“Sokal incident” in the late 1990s showed that science had been meeting with t...学位:哲学博士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_科学技术哲学学号:B20030500


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    在前文的基础上,根据红外吸收光谱,场离子质谱,俄歇电子能谱,低能电子衍射,吸附后金属输出功增量,~(15)N_2-~(14)N_2同位素交换,D_2对氨合成反应速率的反同位素效应,氢对氮吸附量、吸附速度、氨生成速度的影响,同位素方法测出的化学计量比等方面的实验事实,以及量子化学计算结果,提出在铁催化剂上氨合成的催化作用机理,并推导出相应的动力学方程式。这方程形式上与1963年推广式一致,但动力学机理与微观参数物理化学意义不同。本文不主张气相H_2分子与吸附氮作用而主张吸附的N_2δ~-与诱生吸附的H~δ~+(或H_2δ~+)相作用,为速率控制步骤之一,从而较好地解释氮解离的化学推动力。同时,说明了N_2与H_2不互相竞争吸附位的微观原理。综合评论了国际上主要的氨合成动力学方程式及其互相间的联系。 根据本文推得的动力学方程,将0zaki-Taylor实验数据重新处理,结果表明本文方程与实验值符合程度更好。例如,由该方程处理实验数据求得的动力学参数a与压力的关系,αH/αD随温度变化的关系,都与理论估计符合。本文还求得某些新的动力学参数,并讨论其物化涵义。结果表明,D_2对氨合成反应速率的反同位素效应是热力学因素(K_(ND_3)>K_(NH_3),K_(D_2)>K_(H2))以及动力学因素[(k_2)_D>(k_2)_H]的加和,而不是Ozaki所提出


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    A Study on Unified Efficiency of China’s Thermal Power Industry and Its Influencing Factors--Based on a Non-radial Directional Distance Function

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    本文旨在研究中国30个省级行政区火力发电行业的综合效率。横向地,分沿海、内陆两组进行区域间比较。纵向地,研究2004年至2012年期间火电行业综合效率变化情况。 方法上,选取非径向方向距离函数(NDDF),克服了传统DDF在松弛存在时可能高估效率的缺点,将所有投入产出要素的非效率囊括进来度量火力发电行业的效率。本文构建了评价火力发电行业运营绩效和环境绩效的综合效率静态指标和综合效率动态指标。为了进一步探讨火力发电行业综合效率的动态变化,文本将综合效率动态指标进一步分解为技术效率变化(EC)、技术进步(BPC)、技术落差率变化(TGC)。 实证方面,本文将全国30个省级行政区分成两组,用20...This paper aims to study the unified efficiency of china’s thermal power industry in 30 provincial level administrative regions. Horizontally,coastal areas and inland areas are compared and analyzed. Vertically,this paper investigate the change of unified efficiency during 2004-2012. In term of the method,this paper use the non-radial directional distance function(NDDF) which overcomes the li...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_能源经济学学号:3132012115208