151 research outputs found

    Permeable paving and ecological Campus Planning Discussion Xiamen University Siming Campus Case

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    城市化的快速扩张使得土壤、植被等原有的自然生态大规模地被改变,一系列硬质铺装材料的广泛应用加剧了洪涝灾害、“城市热岛效应”等环境方面问题之严重性;其中,作为构成城市重要文化场所的高校在当今数量与空间规模渐增的背后,环境问题亦随之凸显。近年来其屡见不鲜地出现洪涝现象,不但破坏了其设施,且影响到了正常教学秩序。因此,具有良好生态效益的透水性铺装设计应作为校园规划中重要的一环而存在,其意义不仅在于对空间环境具有基本的调节功能,还能更好的肩负起与自身场所及其城市风格一脉相承的使命,所以,校园规划在选材时还应结合高校所处地理气候、人文等诸多因素,特别是在提倡生态文明建设的今天,如何有效地应用透水性环保材...The influences of the expansion of urbanization on the soil, the ground covers and other intrinsic natural ecology, together with the widely using of a series of the rigid paving material, lead to the continuous environmental and ecological problems like flood disaster, “urban heat island effect” and so on. Wherein, as an important ur-ban cultural site, with the increasing quantities and spatial s...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_设计学学号:1862013115359


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    Research on Three-phase UPS with Unbalanced Load

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    三相电压的对称输出是衡量交流电源性能的一个重要指标。提出了一种新型的三相UPS逆变器系统,利用Δ/Z0型变压器为三相不平衡负载造成的零序电流分量提供通路,再通过设计正、负序双PI控制器抑制不平衡负载中负序电压分量。从而解决零序电压和负序电压造成的三相电压不平衡问题,使该三相UPS逆变电源系统可带三相不平衡负载。试制一台60k VA的三相UPS样机,并给出实验结果。The balanced output of three-phase voltage is an important index to measure the function of alternating current.In order to obtain high-grade output voltage in the case where the load is out-off-balance, this paper analyzed the mechanism and result of threephase voltage caused by unbalanced load, and some existing solutions to solve this problem. A new three-phase UPS inverter system is also raised which use △ /ZO transformer to provide a current path for zero-sequence current that caused by three-phase unbalanced load. What's more, it controlled the component of negative sequence voltage in the unbalanced load by designing the doubled PI controller(of positive and negative sequence). In these ways it could solve the imbalance of three-phase voltage caused by Zero-sequence voltage and,making the three-phase UPS inverter system able to load the three-phase unbalanced load. A 60 k VA three-phase UPS prototypes was built and the results were given based on the experiments

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Studies of Insertion and Deinsertion of Lithium Ion in Spinel LiMn_2O_4

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    运用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)研究了尖晶石lIMn2O4电极的首次充放电过程.发现EIS谱高频区域拉长压扁的半圆是由两个半圆相互重叠而成的,分别归属于与锂离子通过固体电解质相界面膜(SEI膜)的迁移和与尖晶石lIMn2O4材料的电子电导率相关的特征.通过选取适当的等效电路,对实验所得的电化学阻抗谱数据进行拟合,获得尖晶石lIMn2O4电极首次充放电过程中SEI膜电阻、电子电阻和电荷传递电阻等随电极极化电位变化的规律.根据研究结果提出了嵌锂物理机制模型.The processes of insertion and deinsertion of lithium ion in a spinel LiMn2O4 electrode during the first charge-discharge cycle were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).The results illustrate that the depressed semicircle in the high frequency region consists of two semicircles that are overlapped each other, and were assigned respectively to lithium-ion migration through solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) film as well as the electronic properties of the material.An appropriate equivalent circuit was proposed to fit the experimental EIS data and variations of the resistance of SEI film, the electronic resistance of the material and the resistance of charge transfer along with the increase and decrease of electrode polarization potential were quantitatively analyzed.Based on the EIS results and analysis, a physical mechanism of lithium insertion and deinsertion was suggested.国家重点基础研究和发展规划“973”项目(No.2009CB220102);中国矿业大学青年科技基金(No.ON080282)资助项

    Chaotic Attractor Neural Network-based Public-key Authentication Protocol for RFID

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    物联网的时代即将来临,国家“十二五“发展规划明确将物联网上升到国家战略高度。作为物联网关键技术的射频识别(rfId,rAdIO frEQuEnCy IdEnTIfICATIOn)系统的安全问题变得越来越重要。通过分析多种rfId认证协议的优缺点,基于神经网络混沌吸引子公钥加密算法提出一种新的rfId认证协议,对该协议的安全性和性能同其他安全协议进行了比较分析,结果表明该协议可以为rfId系统提供更好的安全性和较快的加解密速度,且性能较佳。With the arrival of IoT(the Internet of Things) the security issue,as the critical technology of RFID,becomes increasingly important,and China's 12th Five-Year Development Plan explicitly raises IoT to the national strategic level.This paper proposes a new chaotic attractor neural network-based public-key encryption authentication protocol for RFID security and discusses in detail the protocol security and performance.The analysis results show that the proposed protocol could provide fairly good security and relatively rapid encryption and decryption for the RFID system,and thus is of even better performance.福建省自然科学基金项目(No.A0640005);侨办基金(No.10QZR02);泉州市科技计划(No.2011G6

    The Influence of Accumulated Precipitation on Debris Flow Hazard

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    Debris flow warning system in Taiwan uses effective accumulated precipitation as the warning criteria. Little research has studied the affected area associated with different levels of accumulated precipitation. The Taipei DF024 potential debris flow torrent is used as an example to study the relation between an affected area and accumulated precipitation. Three different amount of accumulated precipitation 300, 500 (official warning criteria) and 700 mm in 24 hours are chosen for comparison. Average rainfall intensity per hour is calculated from accumulated rainfall through the Monobe formula. Total water flow rate is estimated using the Rational formula and a discharge hydrograph. Maximum debris flow volume is determined by the equilibrium concentration formula. All sources of debris are distributed on landslide areas and river bed from field investigation. DEBRIS-2D is used to simulate debris flows. The results show that the hazard area is proportional to precipitation, and the thickness of maximum debris flow accumulation is between 3 and 3.5 m for all three cases. The relation between accumulated precipitation and hazard area can provide officials with additional information related to resident evacuation.土石流預警在台灣是以有效累積雨量為基準,但在不同累積雨量下的土石流災害範圍,卻少有學者討論。針對這個問題,本文以北市DF024 為例,用其警戒雨量500 毫米做為基準,再選300 和700 毫米的累積雨量做影響範圍的比較。透過物部公式 (Monobe formula) 將累積雨量轉換為降雨強度,並搭配合理化公式和流量歷線去估算集水區產生的總水量,再以土石流平衡濃度公式推估土石流體積量。並經過現場調查,將料源分佈於崩坍地與河床崩積層,最後採用DEBRIS-2D 去模擬土石流影響範圍。在北市DF024 的案例中發現,土石流影響範圍會隨著累積雨量的增加而擴大,但最大土石堆積深度皆在3~3.5 公尺之間。透過此方法得到的土石流影響範圍不只可以連結與累積雨量的關係,並且可提供相關單位一個修正警戒雨量或疏散 範圍決策的參考

    厌氧条件在不同Fe( II) 浓度测定方法中必要性的比较研究

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    厌氧是目前Fe(II)测定方法中常选择的处理方式,但是不可避免会给实验操作带来不便。为了方便、准确地测定铁还原体系中的Fe(II)浓度,对比研究了厌氧条件对草酸—草酸铵和盐酸两种典型浸提方法测定Fe(II)浓度的影响。结果表明:对于草酸—草酸铵浸提法,厌氧条件是必须的,以防止提取液中的Fe(II)被氧化,而且样品浸提1 h 便可用于Fe(II)的测定;然而对于盐酸浸提法,厌氧条件却并不是必须的,对Fe(II)浓度测定基本不产生影响。因此,为简化实验操作或在没有厌氧条件的情况,可利用盐酸浸提法测定铁还原体系中Fe(II)浓度

    Influence of Temperature on the Performance of a Graphite Electrode

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    运用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)并结合循环伏安法(CV)研究了石墨电极25和60℃时在1 MOl.l-1 lIPf6-EC(碳酸乙烯酯)∶dEC(碳酸二乙酯)∶dMC(碳酸二甲酯)电解液中,以及60℃时在1 MOl.l-1 lIPf6-EC∶dEC:dMC+5%VC(碳酸亚乙烯酯)电解液中的首次阴极极化过程.发现高温下(60℃)石墨电极在1 MOl.l-1 lIPf6-EC∶dEC∶dMC电解液中可逆循环容量衰减的主要原因在于其表面无法形成稳定的固体电解质相界面(SEI)膜.实验结果显示,VC添加剂能够增进高温下石墨电极表面SEI膜的稳定性,进而改进石墨电极的循环性能.The first lithiation of a graphite electrode in 1 mol.L-1 LiPF6-EC(ethylene carbonate)∶DEC(diethyl carbonate)∶DMC(dimethyl carbonate) electrolyte at 25 and 60 ℃,and in 1 mol.L-1 LiPF6-EC∶DEC:DMC+5%VC(vinylene carbonate) electrolyte at 60 ℃ were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) combined with cyclic voltammetry(CV).It was found that deterioration of the graphite electrode′s electrochemical performance was mainly caused by the unstable solid electrolyte interphase(SEI) film on the electrode′s surface in 1 mol.L-1 LiPF6-EC:DEC:DMC electrolyte at 60 ℃.However,the use of VC as an additive to the above electrolyte significantly improved the electrochemical performance of the graphite electrode,which was attributed to an improvement in the stability of the SEI film that formed on the graphite electrode′s surface.国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2009CB220102)资

    Influence of binder on the performance of graphite anode

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    研究了水溶性粘结剂f-103和油性粘结剂P(Vdf-HfP)对锂离子电池石墨负极电化学性能和表面SEI膜成膜机理的影响。循环伏安的结果表明:在1 MOl/l lIPf6/EC+dEC+dMC电解液中,油性粘结剂石墨负极的电化学性能较好。电化学阻抗谱的结果表明:水溶性粘结剂石墨负极和油性粘结剂石墨负极表面SEI膜的成膜电位分别为1.00--0.60 V和0.80--0.55 V。油性粘结剂石墨负极表面SEI膜的稳定性较好。The influences of water-soluble binder F-103 and oiliness binder P(VDF-HFP)on the electrochemical performance and the surface SEI film formation mechanisms of graphite anode for Li-ion battery were researched.The results of cyclic voltammetry showed that the graphite anode with oiliness binder had better electrochemical performance in 1 mol/L LiPF6/EC+DEC+DMC.The results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that the SEI film formation potential on graphite anode with oiliness binder and with water-soluble binder were between 1.00~0.60 V and 0.80~0.55 V,respectively.The stability of surface SEI film on the graphite anode with oiliness binder was better.国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2009CB220102);中国矿业大学青年科技基金(ON080282