82 research outputs found

    教職実践演習の取り組み : 教職観の形成に向けて

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    The content, problems and results of “Practical Training for the Teaching Profession” started inthe latter half of Fiscal 2013 as a compulsory subject for the teacher’s license were investigated. Thetraining is held in the latter half of the senior year at university, as an overall summary of the teachertrainingcourse. We conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate conditions of learning duringthe teaching practice and analyzed progress in learning by students in detail. Based on the results,the subject content that facilitated independence in students was examined. Characteristics of thepractical training for the teaching profession conducted at our university were as follows: (1) studyof teaching was conducted intensively on holidays as a semi intensive course. The course developedpractical skills through interactions with students in different grades of the courses, as well as throughinteractions with graduate-teachers. (2) Students actively conducted research at the school. Resultsand problems related to the practical training programs for the teaching profession, and the teachertrainingcourse at our university were discussed


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    目的:新人看護学教員が役割遂行上直面する問題を明らかにし,その特徴を考察する.方法:全国の看護系大学,短期大学,専門学校に所属する2年目,3年目の教員543名を対象に,郵送法により質問紙を配布し,330名(回収率60.8%)から回答を得た.このうち,自由回答式質問に回答していた231名の記述を,Berelson.B. の方法論を参考にした看護教育学における内容分析を用いて分析した.結果:【教育・看護実践経験の乏しさによる学生への指導難航】【教育と研究の両立困難】など42カテゴリが形成された.結論:新人看護学教員が役割遂行上直面する問題を表す42種類が明らかになった.また,これらの問題は,《教育・看護実践・研究経験の乏しさ》など8つの原因により生じるという特徴を示した.本研究の成果は,新人看護学教員が自身の直面している問題を客観的に理解し,問題解決の方向性を自ら見出すための資料となる.Objectives: This research aimed to clarify the problems faced by novice nursing faculty member who transferred from clinical to educational setting and to discuss their characteristics. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed by post to 543 nursing faculty member in charge of classes at nursing universities, junior colleges, and diploma programs across Japan. A total of 330 responses were received (response rate: 60.8%). The remaining 231, which contained responses to open-ended questions, were analyzed by using content analysis for nursing education based on Berelson's methodology. Results: 42 categories were formed, including “education/nursing practical experience lacks guidance for students” and “difficult to balance education and research.” Conclusion: A total of 42 types of problems encountered by novice nursing faculty member in educational settings were revealed. These problems were characterized by eight factors, including “lack of education/nursing practice/research experience”. The results of this research provide material for objectively understanding the problems faced by novice nursing faculty member, and can help them solve these problems on their own.原

    A case of synchronous double primary cancer of the lower gingiva and esophagus

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    A case of synchronous double cancers of the lower gingival and esophagus in a 60-year-old man is presented. The patient\u27s history, such as heavy smoking, overconsumption of alcohol suggested that he might have a high risk of synchronous double primary cancers. The lower gingival carcinoma was histologically diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma and successfully treated with segmental mandibulectomy, radical neck dissection and reconstruction using free radial forearm flap. Gastrointestinal fiberscopy (GIF) was performed before treatment of the lower gingival cancer revealed esophageal superficial cancer. After the resection of lower gingival cancer and reconstruction, we conducted swallowing rehabilitation by the balloon method to widen the esophageal tract. Three months after completion of treatment for the lower gingival cancer, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for large superficial cancer of the esophagus was performed. It is was considered that examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract in the patients with oral and maxillofacial cancer by GIF and the postoperative swallowing rehabilitation were important for double primary cancers

    国文研ニューズ No.56 WINTER 2020

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    ●メッセージ日本漢詩文研究の難しさ――柏木如亭を例として――●エッセイデジタル画像と原本調査と書誌学を学んで――「日本古典籍講習会」聴講記――●書評ブックレット〈書物をひらく〉19赤澤真理著『御簾の下からこぼれ出る装束 王朝物語絵と女性の空間』ブックレット〈書物をひらく〉16寺島恒世著『百人一首に絵はあったか 定家が目指した秀歌撰』●トピックス・第12回日本古典文学学術賞受賞者発表・第12回日本古典文学学術賞選考講評・令和元年度「古典の日」講演会・「本のかたち 本のこころ」展観記――どうしてこんな展示ができたんだろう――・マレガ・プロジェクト国際シンポジウム・「マレガ収集日本資料の発見と豊後キリシタン研究の新成果」の開催・地域シンポジウム「請戸の歴史と文化を知る会」・第43回国際日本文学研究集会参加記・大型寄託資料の紹介――石川透氏寄託資料と上野学園大学日本音楽史研究所寄託資料と――・閲覧室だより・総合研究大学院大学日本文化研究専攻の近況●表紙絵資料紹介『和漢名物茶入肩衝