41 research outputs found

    Cognitive Investigation of Interpreting Theories And Cognitive Approach to Interpreting

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    口译是要求极高的语际交际活动,其成功很大程度上依赖口译员的表现。研究人员对口译员表现的相关方面进行了研究,这些方面包括口译的资格要求、口译过程、口译质量、口译技巧等。但对于口译员表现的内在机制——认知的研究却进展不大。部分原因是大脑如何运作对研究者而言仍是神秘的黑箱。尽管国内外口译理论主流对口译认知有所研究,但是目前还没有独立的口译认知理论。本文尝试填补这一理论空白,提出新的口译理论框架——口译认知理论。其理论原理来自两个学科:认知心理学和口译理论研究。认知心理学的研究成果为口译认知理论提供认知的理论参照,现有的口译理论研究成果则作为口译认知理论的理论构建平台。本文分为三章。第一章探讨口译认知...Interpreting is a very demanding kind of inter-lingual communication, the success of which depends largely on the performance of the interpreter. Researchers have looked into various aspects pertaining to the interpreter’s performance, such as the qualification, process, quality and techniques of interpreting. However, not much progress has been made in cognition -- the mechanism that underlies th...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:20040403

    Regional document supply networks and their influence on national document supply networks in China

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    Purpose - This paper aims to describe typical regional document supply networks in China through detailed discussion of their framework, service mode and influence on the nationwide document supply networks. Design/methodology/approach - This paper highlights various kinds of regional document supply networks in China that serve as document resource sharing cooperation networks within provinces, cities and university towns. Their framework, service mode and influence on the nationwide document supply networks are discussed, followed by suggestions for improvement. Findings - Regional document supply networks have their natural advantages in local financial support and extensive local coverage and are capable of providing fine service to meet various user needs timely and economically. They become an important part and beneficial supplement to nationwide document supply networks. Originality/value - This paper studies regional document supply networks in China which has rarely been addressed in the international library literature

    Asymmetric Migration of Human Keratinocytes under Mechanical Stretch and Cocultured Fibroblasts in a Wound Repair Model

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    Keratinocyte migration during re-epithelization is crucial in wound healing under biochemical and biomechanical microenvironment. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms whereby mechanical tension and cocultured fibroblasts or keratinocytes modulate the migration of keratinocytes or fibroblasts. Here we applied a tensile device together with a modified transwell assay to determine the lateral and transmembrane migration dynamics of human HaCaT keratinocytes or HF fibroblasts. A novel pattern of asymmetric migration was observed for keratinocytes when they were cocultured with non-contact fibroblasts, i.e., the accumulative distance of HaCaT cells was significantly higher when moving away from HF cells or migrating from down to up cross the membrane than that when moving close to HF cells or when migrating from up to down, whereas HF migration was symmetric. This asymmetric migration was mainly regulated by EGF derived from fibroblasts, but not transforming growth factor alpha or beta_1 production. Mechanical stretch subjected to fibroblasts fostered keratinocyte asymmetric migration by increasing EGF secretion, while no role of mechanical stretch was found for EGF secretion by keratinocytes. These results provided a new insight into understanding the regulating mechanisms of two or three-dimensional migration of keratinocytes or fibroblasts along or across dermis and epidermis under biomechanical microenvironment

    遠隔教育の実施と大学での教育に関する一考察 ―建学の精神を伝える授業のオンラインでの実施をもとに―

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    2019年末に端を発した新型コロナ感染症(COVID-19)の拡大によって、多くの大学は2020年度の新学期から遠隔教育の実施に踏み切った。本学においても遠隔教育の採用が決定され、ホスピタリティ概論も IT 機器を活用したオンラインでの実施となった。この中で大学教育の将来像に大きな影響を与えると考えられるオンライン授業の在り方を探る基礎調査を実施した。その結果、次のことが明らかになった。1)受講生の IT 環境の整備には、差がみられること、2)受講生の使用する機器は、パソコン、タブレット、スマートフォンに分かれること、3)オンライン授業に関しては、肯定する意見がある一方、改善を要望する意見も見られること、4)スマートフォンのみでの受講者とパソコンおよびタブレットでの受講者を比較分析した結果、画面の明瞭度や授業の進行、及び授業の理解などにおいて両者に差がみられ、スマートフォンのみでの受講者の方が有意に低い結果であったこと、5)遠隔授業に関する要望等の中には、遠隔教育の利点を述べている受講生の他に、授業以外の大学が持つ機能、つまり、友人獲得や相互啓発に関する不安も多くみられたこと。この結果等を踏まえ、オンライン授業のあり方、及び、将来社会における大学教育のあり方に関する提案を行った

    Regional document supply networks and their influence on national document supply networks in China

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    Purpose - This paper aims to describe typical regional document supply networks in China through detailed discussion of their framework, service mode and influence on the nationwide document supply networks. Design/methodology/approach - This paper highlights various kinds of regional document supply networks in China that serve as document resource sharing cooperation networks within provinces, cities and university towns. Their framework, service mode and influence on the nationwide document supply networks are discussed, followed by suggestions for improvement. Findings - Regional document supply networks have their natural advantages in local financial support and extensive local coverage and are capable of providing fine service to meet various user needs timely and economically. They become an important part and beneficial supplement to nationwide document supply networks. Originality/value - This paper studies regional document supply networks in China which has rarely been addressed in the international library literature

    リパーゼ及びエステラーゼ類の組織化学的研究 : 新法の考案及び本酵素類の基質特異性に関する一考察

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