325 research outputs found

    Research on the Regime of Repurchase of Preferred Stock

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    本文选取了尚未在我国《公司法》中进行规定的优先股为研究对象,主要研究我国优先股的回购问题。通过介绍优先股及股份回购的定义以及什么是优先股回购,进而研究优先股回购的实体条件和程序机制,并结合国外关于优先股回购的立法和判例,提出完善我国优先股回购制度的立法建议。全文分为四章。第一章“优先股回购制度概述”主要介绍优先股与股份回购的概念,进而得出优先股回购的定义,简要分析回购优先股的经济价值以及优先股回购应该遵循的原则。第二章“优先股回购的实体条件”着重介绍域外优先股回购过程中最重要的三个实体条件,即启动回购的条件、回购的价格、回购的资金。本文的第三章主要研究域外优先股回购的决策权、回购执行程序及回购...This paper is selecting the regime of repurchase of preferred stock as research object, which has not been introduced in Chinese Company Law. It is mainly study on the issues related to repurchase of preferred stock. By introducing the definition of preferred stock, repurchase of stock and repurchase of preferred stock, we can get a further study on the substantive conditions and procedure mechani...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362014115019

    Design and Implementation of Telecom Company’s Customer Relationship Management System Based on MVC

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    信息化时代的发展已经到了大数据的时代,对于拥有2G、3G业务的XX电信公司而言,通过有效的利用用户数据来扩大用户群体是一个切实可行的途径。客户在商品生产过程的影响力的发展,使得制造业与服务业的服务理念由过去的“Push”型的企业为核心的提供方式转换到了全新的“Pull”型的客户为中心的模式。在这种情况下,用户信息作为一种重要的资源成为企业必须进行管理的资产。 在这种前提之下,本文给出了一套专门针对客户信息进行管理的客户关系管理系统解决方案。结合当前电信企业所面临的营销挑战,本系统引入了一套精准营销策略,在海量用户信息的基础之上,提出了客户细分及精确化营销的实现策略。本次课题内容主要集中在以下...Development of the information age has come to the era of big data, for XX Telecom Company who has both 2G and 3G service, a practical way is through effective use of user data to expand the user base. With more and more customer’s activity in manufacturing process, the concept of manufacture has come into new era of “Pull” type. In this case, the user’s information as important information must b...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223045

    Research and Design of Management System of Settlement Account for Commercial Banks

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    结算账户是银行各项业务开展的基础,也是银行客户关系建立和维护的基点。为更好地适应市场经济发展以及经济金融改革深化的需要,必须加强银行结算账户管理,传统的账户管理工作多年来一直停留在初级管理阶段,管理手段落后,管理效率低下。因此,如何通过流程优化及信息技术手段的应用来提高账户管理效率和管理水平,节约账户管理成本,进而为银行的金融产品营销及产品定价提供数据支撑,已经是各商业银行面临的亟需解决的问题。 基于上述背景,本文在系统分析和梳理账户管理业务流程的基础上,对账户管理的流程进行了优化和再造,在严格遵循总行ODSB开发规范的基础上,对账户管理系统设计进行了详细的分析和讨论。 通过系统的建设,能...Settlement account is the basis of various bank business, as well as the foundation of establishment and maintenance of customer relationship in the bank. In order to better adapt to market economy and the deepening of economic and financial reform, it's necessary to strengthen the management of bank settlement accounts. The traditional methods of account management have been staying in the primar...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923020

    Activity-Based Costing Management Application in Spare Parts Processing Enterprises:Take the Example of the Yunnan Tobacco Machinery Company

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    随着世界经济一体化进程加快以及国际市场竞争加剧,全球范围内原材料价格不断升高,同时,制造业的商业模式和工艺技术不断创新,也加速了企业设备经济寿命以及产品生命周期的缩短,致使企业产品成本持续提升,给我国的制造业带来了巨大的挑战,尽可能地降低成本已成为制造企业赢得核心竞争力的重要方法之一。同时,信息技术的飞速发展也带动了现代制造业进入了全新的时代,出现了集生产、供应、营销、研发和财务等多维一体的管理系统,促使企业制造加工过程的自动化、集成化程度不断深化,资本结构不断优化,直接人工数量减少,间接成本费用比重逐渐增加,成本结构及其影响因素发生了重大转变。因此,原有的按照产品产量进行成本分配的核算方式已...As the world economic integration process to speed up and intensify competition in the international market , the global raw material prices continue to rising, at the same time , the business model and technology innovation in manufacturing , also accelerated to shorten the economic life of the enterprise equipment , and product life cycle , resulting in enterprise product costs continue to incre...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X201015701


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    The Strategy Study on the Small and Medium-sized Arts and Crafts Trade Enterprises under the Economic Crisis

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    自金融危机席卷全球经济以来,各行各业都遭受了不同程度的影响,随之引起的欧债危机对全球经济也产生了巨大的冲击,可以说外贸行业首当其冲。尤其是中小型外贸企业普遍存在规模小,实力不强,资金薄弱,风险意识不强,缺乏竞争优势,战略远景模糊等缺点,在面对金融危机的关口,挑战更为严峻。所以中小型外贸企业势必要尽快寻找适合公司长期发展的战略模式并以此为契机进行战略转型。因为轻工业工艺品行业是当前外贸企业主要从事的行业领域之一,并且具备了我国外贸企业的鲜明特点,所以本论文将以轻工业工艺品行业为例,以SWOT矩阵和价值链分析为基础,应用企业战略分析方法,对工艺品外贸企业的现状和所面临的经营环境进行分析,并探讨了金...Since the economic crisis engulfed the global economy, every trades all were affected, and the foreign trade was the most one. Especially the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises generally have a small scale, and strength is weaker. What’s more they also have some other disadvantage, such as shortage of capital, risk consciousness, complete advantage and long-range perspective of strat...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200815621


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    Analysis and Comparison of the New and Old Work Queue in Linux Kernel

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    在中断驱动的程序设计中,工作队列是一种强有力的工具。但是在lInuX2.6.35及其以前的内核版本中,每创建一个工作队列就创建与CPu数目相同的内核线程,耗费大量的内核资源;工作只能严格串行的处理,效率低。为了适应大规模多处理器硬件平台,提高处理效率,lInuX2.6.36内核开发了受控并发工作队列机制。这种新机制由内核根据需要创建或销毁线程,工作可以并发的处理,可望替代之前长期使用的专用线程工具。文章详细介绍和剖析新工作队列机制,并通过实验,对比新旧工作队列机制的资源消耗和工作效率。结果表明,新工作队列机制大大减少内核资源的耗费,提高了处理效率。Work Queue is a powerful tool in interrupt-driven programming.But in Linux kernels of 2.6.35 and before, it consumes a lot of kernel resources in that whenever a Work Queue is created, the same number of kernel threads as CPUs are created.The efficiency to processing works in Work Queue is low due to strictly sequential processing.In order to adapt the hardware platforms with large-scale multiprocessors and increase the processing efficiency, the Linux kernel of 2.6.36 developed Concurrency Managed Workqueue.With this new mechanism, the kernel creates and destroys the threads according to the processing requirements, and works can be concurrently processed.The new Work Queue is hoped to replace the private thread tools that had been used long time.The paper introduces and analyses this new mechanism in detail, and compares the resource consumes and processing efficiency between the new and old mechanisms by experiments.The results show that the new mechanism of Work Queue greatly reduces consumes of kernel resources and increases the processing efficiency


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