13 research outputs found

    Applicability Study of A Slope Motion Monitor Using Video Motion Detection Technology

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    This study primarily investigates the applicability of video motion detection (VMD) technology for detecting side-slope movement. This technology involves using an economical high-resolution camera to instantly record activities, such as side-slope sliding, toppling, and movement. Concurrently, sum of absolute differences (SAD) analysis was combined with the threshold value to assess the side-slope surface movement. The physical modeling detection results showed that the VMD technology instantly detects side-slope tension crack development, rock deformation, and the location of collapsing surfaces, thereby effectively improving the effectiveness of alarms before and during disasters. Actual landslide case analysis shows that dip-slope movement is detected through gradual expansion of initial slanted rectangular red blocks and instant magnification following the block expansion on the ground level. The monitoring mechanism of VDM technology for detecting the speed and movement of debris flow can be used as a reference in disaster prevention and evacuations of people living in downstream areas. Furthermore, this study generalizes the limitations of VMD technology. These generalizations can be used as a reference for future slope surface movement monitoring and related studies.本文主要探討影像感測技術於邊坡運動監測之適用性,藉由低成本、高解析度攝影機即時記錄邊坡滑動、傾倒及流動等過程,並以絕對差值分析法搭配門檻值評估邊坡地表運動過程。物理模型感測結果顯示,採用影像感測技術可即時偵測邊坡張裂隙發展、岩體變形與地表瞬間崩壞之區位,有效提升災前及災中預警之成效。實際山崩案例分析發現,順向坡滑動之感測特徵由初始傾斜長條型紅色區塊逐漸增加範圍,最終塊體於地面擴散後將造成紅色區塊瞬間擴大。而影像感測技術對於土石流速度及流動狀況之監測,亦可作為下游保全對象防災疏散之參考。此外,本研究亦初步歸納影像感測技術之應用限制,期能作為未來邊坡地表變動監測與相關研究之參考

    A Study on Fulfilment of Agricultural Policy by Designated Loans

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    本研究計畫目標在於詳盡瞭解目前農業專案貸款政策的項目及其目標、目前執行的狀況、訪視執行農業專案金融行庫以瞭解其執行程序及成本結構、最後蒐集及分析已核貸農民之基本資料,進而瞭解影響農民申請農業專案貸款之因素,以作為未來農業專案貸款設計之參考。 (1) 可瞭解執行農業專案貸款金融行庫之成本結構,使能在有限的財政資源下,減少推行農業專案貸款的執行成本,使農業財政支出更具效率; (2) 可瞭解執行專案貸款行庫的配合度差異,可協助政府更有效率地推行專案貸款; (3) 可瞭解農民最適的貸款組合,進而協助政府設計較易受農民接受的專案貸款計畫,以使農業政策的目標更易落實。This porject is to study the contents of existing agricultural designated loans and their performances. The cost structure of lending these designated loans are also investigated. In addition, the model of forming a farmer's efficient agricultural loan portfolio is also studied. Finally, methods of how to design agricultural designated loans are going to be suggested based on our empirical results

    Multiple Staining Scheme - Distribution of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Bioaggregates

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    本論文提出結合雷射共軛焦顯微鏡(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope)掃描且最高染劑數目達六個之多重染色方案,用來觀察生物聚集體中之胞外高分子(EPS)之分佈。藉由調整螢光收光範圍避免染劑螢光互相干擾,觀測生物聚集體中蛋白質、脂質、a-多醣、b-多醣及菌群分佈情形。 實驗利用不同數目染劑探討生物聚集體內EPS之分佈。螢光結果顯示EPS於薄膜上的不規則沈積造成過濾速度的下降。染色結果發現活性污泥膠羽(floc)內部EPS分佈相當均勻,然而好氧顆粒(aerobic granule)內呈現多層分佈,厭氧顆粒(anaerobic granule)中則以蛋白質為主要成分。實驗也針對生物顆粒之發展及其飢餓(starvation)實驗探討其內部EPS及菌群分佈。This work proposed a multi-staining method with up to six stains combined with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) scanning for probing the distributions of extracellular polymeric substances in bioaggregates. By carefully selecting the wavelength ranges collected, the distributions of proteins, lipids, a-and b-polysaccharides, and cells in bioaggregates were built up. Different numbers of stains were used to probe the EPS in selected bioaggregates. Experimental observation revealed a rather uniform distribution of wastewater sludge flocs. However, multi-layer structure was noted for the aerobic granules. Proteins made up the majority body of anaerobic granules. This work also discussed the structural changes in granule development and their response to starvation.中文摘要 …………………………………………………………… I 英文摘要 …………………………………………………………… II 目錄 ………………………………………………………………III 圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………. V 表目錄 ……………………………………………………………. VII 第一章 前言……………………………………………………. 1 第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………..2 2-1 EPS的組成……………………………………………………..2 2-2 EPS的特性……………………………………………………..2 2-3 影響生物顆粒中EPS產生之主要因素……………………… .3 2-4 EPS對生物聚集體的影響……………………………………..4 2-5 染色法於EPS上之應用………………………………………..5 第三章 染色方案提出…………………………………………..8 3-1 染色方案構思…………………………………………… ..8 3-2 染色方案提出……………………………………………..10 第四章 實驗樣品與染色方法 4-1 實驗樣品……………………………………………………..14 4-2 螢光染色方法………………………………………………. 17 4-2-1 實驗染劑…………………………………………...17 4-2-2 染色方法…………………………………………...17 第五章 結果與討論 5-1 三重染色:活性污泥膠羽……………………………………19 5-2 四重染色:濾餅中之EPS分佈……………………………. .22 5-3 五重染色:好氧顆粒…………………………………………26 5-4 五重染色:生物顆粒之發展…………………………………33 5-5 五重染色:好氧顆粒之飢餓實驗…………………………..38 5-6 五重染色:厭氧膠羽與厭氧顆粒…………………………. 43 5-7 六重染色……………………………………………………..45 第六章 結論………………………………………………….. 48 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………. .50 附錄(一) 雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡介紹........................56 附錄(二) 螢光染劑介紹....................................6


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    本研究以二種?狾怴e臺農67號(TN67);臺中189號(TC189)〕及一種糯米〔 臺中秈糯一號( TCSW1 )〕做為米食餐捲〔 rice rolls ( RR )〕之原料, 其他成分尚 包括花生、薏仁、火腿、香菇、胡蘿蔔及調味料。實驗結果顯示,?狾怴?糯米之最適混合比 例為 70 ╱ 30 ( W/W )。樣品分為兩組,一組為 TN67 ╱ TCSW1 (簡稱 TN 組),另一 組為 TC189 ╱ TCSW1 (簡稱 TC 組)。兩組餐捲之計算蛋白質效率比( c-PER ),TN 組 為Two varieties of japonica rice, Tainung 67 (TN67), Taichung 189 (TC189) , and one glutinous rice variety, Taichung San Waxy Rice NO.1 (TCSW1), were used as raw materials of rice rolls (RR) in this study. Other ingredients also included peanu


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    A self-design experimental system was employed to improve the concentration of essential oils for Pao-chung oolong tea-leaf by using supercritical CO ?? extraction. The effects of temperature, CO ?? flow rate, back-pressure, and the addition of co-solvent on the extractive efficiency were studied. The densimeter was used to determine the concentrationof essential oils in the liquor. Results showed that the concentration of tea oils was found to increase with temperature, ranged from 25 ℃ to 60 ℃, but decreased at 80 ℃. It evidenced that the mass transfer between the oils-laden liquid CO ?? phase and the liquor phase was so slow that absorption alone controlled the overall extraction rate. The effect of co-solvent results in higher concentration of tea oils and increases with the amount of addition.本研究以自行設計之超臨界流體萃取實驗裝置,進行二氧化碳萃取包種烏龍茶, 並製成茶酒且探討濃度及萃取效率。內容含溫度、流速、吸收槽背壓、改性劑添加量諸效應 對於茶酒中可溶性成分及總濃度變化的影響。當壓力為 4500psig,溫度範圍為 25 ℃至 60 ℃時,萃出濃度隨溫度上昇而增大,顯示茶葉精油之蒸汽壓控制萃出濃度,但 80 ℃時,由 於二氧化碳密度下降,使得萃取效果降低。經實驗得知,較高流速下之茶葉精油萃出濃度較 佳,證明二氧化碳流速僅影響茶葉粉粒外部質傳阻力。改性劑添加量對茶葉精油的萃出率有 正面影響,且隨添加量增加而增大

    Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategy of Sediment Related Disasters under Climate Change in the Central Taiwan (I)

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    台灣中部山區多為年輕地質地層且因板塊活動擠壓而破碎,加以1999年集集大地震之衝擊,許多山區邊坡出露之地層屬於易崩滑的崩積土層或高度風化岩盤,暴雨更容易引發坡地及土石流災害,導致地貌變化劇烈,並重創觀光與農業及居民身家財產。近年來溫室效應造成全球氣候極端異常,造成降雨集中、降雨強度提高,也使坡地及土石流災害更雪上加霜。2008年辛樂克颱風及2009年莫拉克颱風,屢創各站之歷史降雨紀錄,高達200年以上重現期距之暴雨,也充分顯現極端氣候狀態下之土砂災害,是必須面對的課題。中興大學環境保育暨防災科技中心曾多次配合國家災害防治中心(NCDR)進行中部災害調查,八八風災發生後,中興大學防災中心於8月13日即組成一勘災團隊前往災區進行現地勘查。災後防災中心特別邀請中興大學水保系馮正一教授、土木系系主任陳豪吉教授、朝陽科技大學營建工程學系系主任徐松圻教授及林基源教授參與此份整合計畫之研究,其專長涵括材料結構、遙測工程、地理資訊、水土保持及防災技術等。根據此次勘災報告,中部山區重要點主要集中在陳有蘭溪流域及塔羅灣溪流域。本整合計畫即以濁水溪上游之陳有蘭溪及塔羅灣溪為研究地點,藉由探討中部山區最常發生災害的流域之土砂災害,針對土砂災害對住家、公路、河階農地與其他保全對象分別做探討,並分析土砂災害形成、影響範圍、危險度評估及監測技術,進而擬定土砂災害預警與防災體系決策程序,利用分工的方式進行課題探討後再由總計畫整合研究成果。其總計畫訂為極端氣候下之中台灣土砂災害影響評估與減災策略,包括子計畫一:以遙測技術輔助土砂災害調查與模擬及其保全策略研擬,子計畫二:霧社水庫淤泥再利用之研究,子計畫三:極端氣候下山區路基崩塌潛勢與災害防制,子計畫四:極端氣候狀態下沖積扇及河階地崩塌與致災因子研究,以及子計畫五:集水區崩塌地演化與崩塌潛勢之研究。本整合計畫之總體目標預估可分為下列3項:1. 土砂災害形成與影響:土砂災害之形成原因相當複雜,本計畫利用現地調查及3S技術、電腦試驗,探討土砂災害之形成機制及其影響範圍、分析崩塌潛勢,以估算土砂災害之土石堆積體積、遞移率分析、災害影響範圍及減災工程規劃。2. 崩塌區位潛勢分析、崩塌土體傳遞與淤泥之再利用:莫拉克風災在全臺造成超過20億立方米之崩塌,此土砂淤積於河道或水庫中,對中下游帶來嚴重影響。本整合型計畫研擬邊坡演化與崩塌土體傳遞控制方程式,藉由現地勘查結果進行驗證;並研究集水區邊坡高潛勢崩塌區位判釋、推估崩塌規模及崩塌機率、崩塌前兆。亦將淤泥再利用研究成果提供相關單位參考,可望有效解決淤泥淤積問題。3. 影響範圍與保全對象之防災管理:為減緩土砂災害發生對下游造成之災害,本整合型研究亦進行保全對象之風險評估。除保全對象風險評估系統之開發與整合應用外,亦提供土砂災害之減災策略,使未來土砂災害發生後能有一合宜災害治理策略。The geology of Taiwan mostly is weak shale and slate that causes a great potential of mud flow and landslide after heavy rainfalls, especially after Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. In recent years, the global warming and the climate change make the sediment disasters even worse. Typhoon Sinlaku in 2008 and Typhoon Morakot in 2009 kept on breaking the rainfall record and brought a tremendous catastrophe in the central Taiwan.Center for Environmental Restoration and Disaster Reduction (CERDR) at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) has been co-operating with National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) to investigate disaster causes and assess damage loss at the central Taiwan for many years. Same as after every disaster event, an investigation group organized by CERDR went to field after typhoon Morakot. To understand the disaster causes and search the solution for the hot spots at the central Taiwan, this project is proposed for further research based on the investigation report. Five professors are invited to join this project as PIs, including Professor Yang (serve as the major leader, the chair of CERDR, NCHU), Professor Chen in (the chair of Department of Civil Engineering, NCHU), Professor Feng (in Department of Soil and Water Conservation, NCHU), Professor Hsu (the chair of Department of Construction Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology (CYUT)), and Professor Lin (in Department of Construction Engineering, CYUT). This group has professional specialty in Material Structure, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Geo-technology, Soil and Water Conservation, and Disaster Reduction. According to typhoon Morakot investigating report, the most serious disasters and hot spots occurred in Chenyulan River watershed and Truwan River watershed, which both are the tributaries of Jhoshei River. Therefore, the study area of this project is set as Chenyulan River watershed and Truwan River watershed. This project is to study the cause of landslide disasters, and the impacts of landslide disasters under hydrogeology and extreme weather conditions. Risk assessment and management of the landslides will also be established for further mitigation process.This project, named as “Impact assessment and mitigation strategy of sediment related disasters under climate change in the central Taiwan”, consists of five sub-project, such as Sub-project 1: “Application of remote sensing to debris disasters investigation and modeling and safety strategy planning”, Sub-project 2:”The research of mud reuse in Wushe reservoir”, Sub-project 3:” Slope Instability and Stabilization in Mountain Areas under Extreme Weather Conditions”, Sub-project 4:” Hazard assessment and induced factors of alluvial fans and terraces under extreme weather condition” and Sub-project 5:”The landslide evolution and hazard assessment in watershed.” We expect that the results of this research could be helpful for the government to set-up mitigation strategy and regulate rules in the future

    Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategy of Sediment Related Disasters under Climate Change in the Central Taiwan

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    台灣中部山區多為年輕地質地層且因板塊活動擠壓而破碎,加以1999年集集大地震之衝擊,許多山區邊坡出露之地層屬於易崩滑的崩積土層或高度風化岩盤,暴雨更容易引發坡地及土石流災害,導致地貌變化劇烈,並重創觀光與農業及居民身家財產。近年來溫室效應造成全球氣候極端異常,造成降雨集中、降雨強度提高,也使坡地及土石流災害更雪上加霜。2008年辛樂克颱風及2009年莫拉克颱風,屢創各站之歷史降雨紀錄,高達200年以上重現期距之暴雨,也充分顯現極端氣候狀態下之土砂災害,是必須面對的課題。中興大學環境保育暨防災科技中心曾多次配合國家災害防治中心(NCDR)進行中部災害調查,八八風災發生後,中興大學防災中心於8月13日即組成一勘災團隊前往災區進行現地勘查。災後防災中心特別邀請中興大學水保系馮正一教授、土木系系主任陳豪吉教授、朝陽科技大學營建工程學系系主任徐松圻教授及林基源教授參與此份整合計畫之研究,其專長涵括材料結構、遙測工程、地理資訊、水土保持及防災技術等。根據此次勘災報告,中部山區重要點主要集中在陳有蘭溪流域及塔羅灣溪流域。本整合計畫即以濁水溪上游之陳有蘭溪及塔羅灣溪為研究地點,藉由探討中部山區最常發生災害的流域之土砂災害,針對土砂災害對住家、公路、河階農地與其他保全對象分別做探討,並分析土砂災害形成、影響範圍、危險度評估及監測技術,進而擬定土砂災害預警與防災體系決策程序,利用分工的方式進行課題探討後再由總計畫整合研究成果。其總計畫訂為極端氣候下之中台灣土砂災害影響評估與減災策略,包括子計畫一:以遙測技術輔助土砂災害調查與模擬及其保全策略研擬,子計畫二:霧社水庫淤泥再利用之研究,子計畫三:極端氣候下山區路基崩塌潛勢與災害防制,子計畫四:極端氣候狀態下沖積扇及河階地崩塌與致災因子研究,以及子計畫五:集水區崩塌地演化與崩塌潛勢之研究。本整合計畫之總體目標預估可分為下列3項:1. 土砂災害形成與影響:土砂災害之形成原因相當複雜,本計畫利用現地調查及3S技術、電腦試驗,探討土砂災害之形成機制及其影響範圍、分析崩塌潛勢,以估算土砂災害之土石堆積體積、遞移率分析、災害影響範圍及減災工程規劃。2. 崩塌區位潛勢分析、崩塌土體傳遞與淤泥之再利用:莫拉克風災在全臺造成超過20億立方米之崩塌,此土砂淤積於河道或水庫中,對中下游帶來嚴重影響。本整合型計畫研擬邊坡演化與崩塌土體傳遞控制方程式,藉由現地勘查結果進行驗證;並研究集水區邊坡高潛勢崩塌區位判釋、推估崩塌規模及崩塌機率、崩塌前兆。亦將淤泥再利用研究成果提供相關單位參考,可望有效解決淤泥淤積問題。3. 影響範圍與保全對象之防災管理:為減緩土砂災害發生對下游造成之災害,本整合型研究亦進行保全對象之風險評估。除保全對象風險評估系統之開發與整合應用外,亦提供土砂災害之減災策略,使未來土砂災害發生後能有一合宜災害治理策略。The geology of Taiwan mostly is weak shale and slate that causes a great potential of mud flow and landslide after heavy rainfalls, especially after Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. In recent years, the global warming and the climate change make the sediment disasters even worse. Typhoon Sinlaku in 2008 and Typhoon Morakot in 2009 kept on breaking the rainfall record and brought a tremendous catastrophe in the central Taiwan.Center for Environmental Restoration and Disaster Reduction (CERDR) at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) has been co-operating with National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) to investigate disaster causes and assess damage loss at the central Taiwan for many years. Same as after every disaster event, an investigation group organized by CERDR went to field after typhoon Morakot. To understand the disaster causes and search the solution for the hot spots at the central Taiwan, this project is proposed for further research based on the investigation report. Five professors are invited to join this project as PIs, including Professor Yang (serve as the major leader, the chair of CERDR, NCHU), Professor Chen in (the chair of Department of Civil Engineering, NCHU), Professor Feng (in Department of Soil and Water Conservation, NCHU), Professor Hsu (the chair of Department of Construction Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology (CYUT)), and Professor Lin (in Department of Construction Engineering, CYUT). This group has professional specialty in Material Structure, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Geo-technology, Soil and Water Conservation, and Disaster Reduction. According to typhoon Morakot investigating report, the most serious disasters and hot spots occurred in Chenyulan River watershed and Truwan River watershed, which both are the tributaries of Jhoshei River. Therefore, the study area of this project is set as Chenyulan River watershed and Truwan River watershed. This project is to study the cause of landslide disasters, and the impacts of landslide disasters under hydrogeology and extreme weather conditions. Risk assessment and management of the landslides will also be established for further mitigation process.This project, named as “Impact assessment and mitigation strategy of sediment related disasters under climate change in the central Taiwan”, consists of five sub-project, such as Sub-project 1: “Application of remote sensing to debris disasters investigation and modeling and safety strategy planning”, Sub-project 2:”The research of mud reuse in Wushe reservoir”, Sub-project 3:” Slope Instability and Stabilization in Mountain Areas under Extreme Weather Conditions”, Sub-project 4:” Hazard assessment and induced factors of alluvial fans and terraces under extreme weather condition” and Sub-project 5:”The landslide evolution and hazard assessment in watershed.” We expect that the results of this research could be helpful for the government to set-up mitigation strategy and regulate rules in the future


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    A Study of the Influencing Factors of Cognition, Affection, and Conation on Development of Organic Industry Clustering - The Case of Fuli Township Residents

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    本研究針對花蓮縣富里鄉竹田村、石牌村、永豐村、豐南村之居民對有機生產態度與產業發展進行 探討,除整合居民所認知之地理行為學構念外,另針對認知、情感與行為進行因素分析,並對四村的 137位居民進行調查及利用(SEM)結構方程模式加以分析。研究中除利用 SEM 驗證方法證實有關認 知、情感與行為等構念間之因果關係外,結果也發現推動有機產業群聚發展在輔導業務及策略運用上之 重要管理意涵。 研究結果顯示強化居民對有機產業群聚認知有助於提昇居民對有機產業群聚情感,進而增進其有機 產業群聚行為,同時較佳有機產業群聚認知亦是提高有機產業群聚態度之重要因素,因此有機產業群聚 發展不僅應致力於增進居民對有機產業群聚認知外,更應藉由提高居民對有機產業群聚情感,並長期輔 導有機產業群聚行為,方能強化有機產業群聚發展。 This study is an exploratory research on Jhutian Village, Shipai village, Yongfeng Village and Fengnan village of Fuli Township residents of the attitude for organic production and industrial development. To integrated behavioral geography construct of residents, factor analysis of Cognition, Affection, and Conation, and 4 villages of the 137 residents to conduct investigations and structural model using SEM to analyze the whole. In addition to authentication method using SEM confirmed the cognition, affection and conation constructs of the causal relationship, the results also found to promote the organic industry cluster development in the counseling business and strategy as an important managerial implications. Results of this study show that strengthen awareness of residents helps to improve the residents of the organic industry cluster affection and conation, while also important factors of improving the attitude of the organic industry cluster is better understanding of the organic industry cluster. Therefore, the development of the organic industry cluster not only depends on increasing cognition of residents, but increasing affection, and with long-term counseling organic industry cluster conation can only strengthen the organic industry cluster development