A Study on Fulfilment of Agricultural Policy by Designated Loans


本研究計畫目標在於詳盡瞭解目前農業專案貸款政策的項目及其目標、目前執行的狀況、訪視執行農業專案金融行庫以瞭解其執行程序及成本結構、最後蒐集及分析已核貸農民之基本資料,進而瞭解影響農民申請農業專案貸款之因素,以作為未來農業專案貸款設計之參考。 (1) 可瞭解執行農業專案貸款金融行庫之成本結構,使能在有限的財政資源下,減少推行農業專案貸款的執行成本,使農業財政支出更具效率; (2) 可瞭解執行專案貸款行庫的配合度差異,可協助政府更有效率地推行專案貸款; (3) 可瞭解農民最適的貸款組合,進而協助政府設計較易受農民接受的專案貸款計畫,以使農業政策的目標更易落實。This porject is to study the contents of existing agricultural designated loans and their performances. The cost structure of lending these designated loans are also investigated. In addition, the model of forming a farmer's efficient agricultural loan portfolio is also studied. Finally, methods of how to design agricultural designated loans are going to be suggested based on our empirical results

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