13 research outputs found

    Application of Fumigants Using in Reducing Atmospheric Pressure Fumigation Treatment on Quarantine Plants

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    本計畫目的在開發有效之減壓燻蒸處理技術,以不同燻蒸藥劑濃度及壓力情況下處理瓜、果實蠅,測定100%死亡所需時間,建立檢疫殺蟲處理模式,以供應用於進出口果蔬之檢疫處理.The project aims at developing efficient fumigation technique for quarantine plant by reducing atmospheric pressure. Different fumigants will be used for killing melon fly and oriental fruit fly. The test will be conduct in different pressure. This experiment will determine the pressure, fumigation period, and fumigants concentrate that can effectively kill the pests by using the Reducing Atmospheric Pressure Fumigation treatment

    Development on the Fumigation Treatment of Cut Flowers with Low Temperature and Hypobaric Techniques

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    大宗外銷切花包括菊花、唐菖蒲等栽培生產以露天花田及使用簡易設施為主, 花卉在此生產環境下導致病蟲害防治上無法滿足品質要求, 由於進口國海關檢疫單位檢出蟲體率甚高, 以致切花產品被判得燻蒸才能通關, 燻蒸後花卉品質下降, 價格滑落, 而影響產品之利潤.動植物防疫檢疫局台中分局已研發低溫減壓燻蒸處理系統, 使用溴化甲烷及磷化氫燻蒸處理確能殺死病蟲.為配合國內花卉外銷之需要, 目前已興建花卉燻蒸處理場, 急需配合實務運轉.本計畫依據以往燻蒸試驗相關試驗成果, 擬實際操作建立適當燻蒸處理條件, 及花卉配合產品採收後預措處理及保鮮處理條件, 然後進行實務操作評估, 建立作業流程, 確保燻蒸後花卉品質.探討燻蒸藥劑劑量及環境因子控制條件, 及花卉預措處理及保鮮處理條件之建立.Most export cut flowers such as Chrysanthemum, gladiolus and so on are mainly cultivated in the fields or simple facilities.Under the rough situation, flowers are easily infected and hard to meet the quality requirement even under the pest control.Since pests are intercepted by import countries frequently, export flowers are usually required to fumigate prior to import.However, the quality of cut flower becomes lower after fumigation and the market price declines too.Taichung Branch Office of Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine has developed a low-temperature and low-pressure fumigation system by using methyl bromide and PH3to kill pests efficiently.A facility for running this system was established to promote flower exportation.The standard operating procedure of the facility needs to be set for practical use as soon as possible.The purpose of this project is to find out the optimum fumigation requirements for practical operation with pulse treatment and preservation handling of flowers.Then, the results, including the quality of flowers after fumigation, will be evaluated to establish a standard operating procedure.This project will also pay attention to the study on the fumigants concentrate, environmental factors, as well as flower pulse treatment and preservation conditions

    The Study of Hypobaric Fumigation on Cut Fowers of Export

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    本省花卉外銷到日本常被檢出含害蟲,燻蒸率頗高,切花之鮮度與品質明顯受損外,售價亦隨之降低,而影響收益及台灣花卉之形象。故本試驗以菊花為試驗材料,二點葉蟎及非洲菊斑潛蠅為標的害蟲進行減壓燻蒸試驗,燻蒸藥劑以溴化甲烷及磷化氫為主。以溴化甲烷8 g/m3 複合磷化氫3 g/m3 以250 mmHg 進行非洲菊斑潛蠅齡期之減壓燻蒸之抗性試驗,結果接卵後第2 日之燻蒸效果最差,其校正死亡率為21.1﹪,而其他齡期之校正死亡率皆在50﹪以上。以12 g/m3 溴化甲烷及4 g/m3 磷化氫燻蒸120 分鐘,於5、250 及500 mmHg之艙壓下燻蒸,二點葉蟎之校正死亡率分別為98.5%、99.98%及99.8%,而非洲菊斑潛蠅於250 及500 mmHg 之艙壓下之校正死亡率分別為100%及92.4%。在品質方面,`白天星’與`黃秀鳳’的品質不論在何種艙壓下之燻蒸處理後皆與未燻蒸處理對照組無異;而`黃精競’花瓣剖面則產生輕微黃褐化及花開放緩慢,且壓力越低藥害之症狀越明顯。以未燻蒸、無藥劑燻蒸、4 g/m3 磷化氫及12 g/m3 溴化甲烷兩種藥劑之單獨或組合於艙壓250 mmHg 下進行120 分鐘之減壓燻蒸處理,二點葉蟎之致死率分別為18.1%、36.0%、46.9%、72.8%及99.99%,以組合藥劑之處理之殺蟲效果最好。以4、8、12 及16 g/m3 溴化甲烷配合4 g/m3磷化氫於艙壓250 mmHg 下進行二小時之減壓燻蒸處理,非洲斑潛蠅之致死率分別0、70.4、87.8、100 及100%。以8 及12 g/m3 溴化甲烷配合4 g/m3 磷化氫減壓燻蒸處理後之品質,`黃精競`隨溴化甲烷藥劑增加其花瓣剖面黃褐化程度增加,而`白天星’與`黃秀鳳’之品質則與未燻蒸處理對照組無差異。以12 g/m3 溴化甲烷配合4 g/m3 磷化氫於250 mmHg 艙壓下進行90、120、135 及150 分鐘的減壓燻蒸處理,二點葉蟎之致死率分別為98.9 ﹪、99.99 ﹪、100 ﹪及100 ﹪。非洲菊斑潛蠅以90、120 及135 分鐘的燻蒸處理之致死率分別為89.7%、100%及100%。在減壓燻蒸處理後之品質方面,150 分鐘減壓燻蒸處理組之`白天星`與`黃秀鳳`外觀上仍無藥害之症狀,但花朵開放度有些微降低但差異不顯著,其他處理組之花朵開放度與未燻蒸處理組則無明顯差異。綜合以上之結果,在兼顧切花品質及達到檢疫殺蟲目的,外銷菊花之減壓燻蒸處理應以12 g/m3 溴化甲烷及4 g/m3 磷化氫艙壓250 mmHg,進 行135 分鐘的減壓燻蒸為較理想之處理。 The best resistance stage of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess is the second day of eggs for fumigation with methylbromide 8 g/m3 and phosphine 3 g/m3 in 250mmHg for 90 minutes. The mortality of Tetranychus urticase and Liriomyza trifolii Burgess were no difference in different pressures of fumigation. The best mortality is 99.9 % and 100% with 250 mmHg pressure of fumigation. In different treatments of fumigant, the mortality of Tetranychus urticase is 46.9 %, 72.8 % and 99.9 % with Phosphine 4 g/m3, Methylbromide 12 g/m3 and combining with both fumigants. In different concentration of Methylbromide and combining Phosphine 4 g/m3 of fumigant, the mortality of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess is 70.4 %, 87.7 %, 100 and 100 % . In fumigation time of 90, 120, 135 and 150 mins, the mortality of Tetranychus urticase are 98.8 %, 99.9 %, 100 % and 100 % respectively. In fumigation time of 90, 120 and 135 mins, the mortality of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess are 89.7 %, 100 % and 100 % respectively. About phytotoxicity of pressure and fumigant concentration, there were no symptom of toxicity in chrysanthemum cultivar of ‘Huang Sho Fong’ and ‘Pai Ten Sing’. But there were black-brown color of basal petal after fumigation with ‘Hung Chin Jen’ and ‘Pai Don Young’. There were no symptom of toxicity in ‘Hung Sho Fong’ with Methylbromide 12 g/m3 combining with Phosphine 4 g/m3, but the long time of fumigation reduced the levels of flower-opening. But for the quality of cutflower, the best combination is 135 min of fumigation with 250 mmHg of pressure and mixture of Methylbromide 12 g/m3 and Phosphine 4 g/m3

    教育訓練滿意度對工作滿意度與員工績效之影響 — 以旅館業為例 —

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    [[abstract]]企業對於人力的需求已從「量」的擴增,轉為「質」的提昇,而有制度的教育訓練已成為企業經營管理之成敗關鍵;但大多數旅館並無一套標準的作業流程,能讓員工學得最合適之服務,因此本研究欲了解目前旅館業教育訓練實施之現況,比較其不同部門,對教育訓練需求上與訓練實施滿意程度之差異性,且進一步了解員工教育訓練與工作滿足之相關性。 本研究旨在探討台中旅館業之教育訓練滿意度對工作滿意度與員工績效之影響,以調查台中區三間旅館之正職與兼職員工為研究對象,以量化問卷方式得到研究統計,藉由傳統紙本作為資料收集得方法來得到研究分析與結果,藉由旅館經理委請有正職及兼職員工填答,並予以回收,總計發放問卷 120 份。回收 100 份,刪掉 18 份還有 82份,有效問卷回收率高達 82%。問卷主要針對旅館員工年齡、教育訓練滿意度、工作滿意度與員工績效等變項進行研究調查。以 SPSS 統計軟體進行描述性統計與變異數分析進行。並對本研究所提出之假設加以驗證

    An Experimental Study on the Solidification and Melting of Water around a Vertical Heat Transfer Plate with Pin Fins

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    In the present study, the solidification and melting of water were investigated experimentally for the case of a vertical heat transfer plate with pin fins. In the experiment, temperature distributions, ice and water volume fractions, and heat flux changes were measured and the flow patterns in the water were observed for examination of the phase change process. In the solidification, the phase change rate increased monotonously with increasing number of fins. In the melting, the temperature distribution in water showed a uniformity caused by natural convection based on the density change of water. The contribution of the natural convection to the melting was examined based on the relationship between the modified Nusselt number and the Rayleigh number

    A study on Ureaplasma urealyticum and sperm. Comparison of sperm morphology before and after chemotherapy

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    Ureaplasmaの感染が精子形態に及ぼす影響を調べるため, Ureaplasma陽性例に化学療法を行い, 各例ごとにUreaplasma陽性時と陰性時の精子頭部と尾部の形態を検討した.1)正常対照fertile maleの精子形態はoval formが約70%, tapering formは12.7%, 尾部のcoiled tailとfuggy granular tailの検出率はそれぞれ14.7, 9.4%であった.2)化学療法後Ureaplasmaが陰性化した21例の治療前後の精子頭部tapering form, 他の頭部形態に有意差なく, 尾部coiled tail, fuzzy granular tailともにUreaplasma陽性時の方が有意に高率であった.3)化学療法無効5例の頭部tapering formの検出率はfertile maleより, 高率であったが, 治療前後に有意差はなかった.他の頭部形態の検出率にも治療前後で有意差はなかった.尾部のcoiled tailとfuzzy granular tailの検出率はfertile maleよりも高かったが, 治療前後に有意差はなかった.4)化学療法有効例のU. I.(Ureaplasma Index)=(coiled tailの検出率%)×(fuzzy granular tailの検出率%)はUreaplasma陽性時の方が高かったが, 無効例では治療前後で有意差はなかったSpermiogram (morphology of sperm heads and tails) was evaluated in 21 men visiting our infertility clinic before and after the eradication of genital infection with Ureaplasma urealyticum. The percentage of coiled tails and fuzzy granular tails were decreased after eradication of Ureaplasma but there were no significant changes in the morphologic characteristics of sperm heads. Spermiogram was also analysed in 5 men who were unsuccessfully treated for genital Ureaplasma infection. In this group there were no significant changes in the morphologic characteristics of sperm heads and tails before and after chemotherapy