79 research outputs found

    Study on Ecological Habits in Mudskipper (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)

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    本文对大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmuspectinirostris)的生殖生态习性,胚胎的耗氧率,仔鱼的摄食习性,幼鱼对小生境的选择以及成鱼在秋冬季构建领地的现象进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1、在生殖季节,对栖息于福建省霞浦县福宁湾的大弹涂鱼群体的生殖生态习性进行了调查研究。结果表明,大弹涂鱼的洞穴剖面略呈Y字形,有2个似圆形的洞口开于滩涂表面,一为主洞口,另一为次洞口,主洞口的直径大于次洞口。大弹涂鱼从主洞口进出洞穴,其周围常有大弹涂鱼胸鳍爬过的痕迹。洞穴内15cm处水体的溶解氧为0.40~0.65mg/L,远低于滩涂表面水洼的溶解氧(5.96~6.19mg/L)。洞穴内的水温也...Behavior of reproductive ecology, rates of oxygen consumption at embryonic stage, initial feeding pattern at the larval stage, microhabitat selection at the juvenile stage and functional characterization of territory in farming pond were investigated in the mudskipper (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris). The results are as follows: 1. The reproductive ecology of the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinir...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2112005140317


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    在一口2 667 m2的池塘中配备相应设施,采用\"跑道式\"养殖方式养殖黑鲷(Sparus macrocephlus).结果表明:与同时投放平均体重40.2 g的黑鲷鱼种、采用传统养殖方式的一口6 667 m2面积普通养殖池塘相比,经过14个月养殖,试验池塘黑鲷单位面积产量为2.3 kg·m-2,以跑道面积117.5 m2计算,单位面积产量为52.4 kg·m-2;对比池塘黑鲷单位面积产量为2.76 kg·m-2;试验池塘黑鲷平均体重378.4 g,对比池塘黑鲷平均体重370.7 g;试验池塘养殖成活率96.3%,对照池塘成活率81.4%;试验池塘饵料系数2.06,对比池塘饵料系数2.28,综合经济效益,试验池塘的利润率为38.8%,对比池塘为32.24%.福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心产学研基金项目(FJMBIO1606


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    在水温(21±1)℃下,给体重(592.5±52.5) g的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)雌亲鱼投喂每千克体重含0.034 g淫羊藿和0.034 g菟丝子浸膏的饲料90 d,对照组投喂人工配合饲料,研究淫羊藿和菟丝子对卵巢发育的影响。结果显示,饲料中添加淫羊藿和菟丝子的雌鱼卵巢大部分卵母细胞属第Ⅱ时相,性腺指数和肝体比均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);卵母细胞油滴明显增多,部分卵母细胞胞质已充满油滴,核仁变小增多;血清雌二醇(E2)和11-酮基睾酮(11-KT)水平显著升高(P<0.05),实验组11-KT含量约为对照组的4倍;肝脏卵黄蛋白原基因vtg表达量升高,实验组和对照组卵巢cyp19a1仅微量表达,肝脏未检测到erα和erβ的表达;实验组肌肉总脂肪酸、饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),最主要的高度不饱和脂肪酸花生四烯酸(AA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。本研究表明,在亲鱼培育饲料中添加中草药淫羊藿和菟丝子促进了日本鳗鲡卵母细胞油滴和肝脏卵黄蛋白原增加,提高了肌肉高不饱和脂肪酸的积累,为卵黄生成和卵母细胞进一步发育做好更充分的准备。国家自然科学基金项目(41806193);;厦门市科技局项目(3502Z20133015);;鳗鲡现代产业技术教育部工程研究中心开放基金项目(RE201604,RE201503

    Comparison of the activities of digestive enzymes in the intestinal brush border membrane between the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris and Chinese black sleeper Bostrichthys sinensis

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    采用酶学分析的方法,研究了大弹涂鱼和中华乌塘鳢肠刷状缘膜的麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶、乳糖酶、海藻糖酶、纤维二糖酶、碱性磷酸酶、氨基肽酶和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶等8种消化酶的活性。结果表明:1)大弹涂鱼肠Ⅱ刷状缘膜的麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶、乳糖酶、海藻糖酶和纤维二糖酶等5种二糖酶的比活力均显著高于肠Ⅰ和肠Ⅲ(P<0·05);中华乌塘鳢肠Ⅰ刷状缘膜除乳糖酶外,其余4种二糖酶的比活力均显著高于肠Ⅱ和肠Ⅲ(P<0·05);大弹涂鱼肠Ⅲ碱性磷酸酶、氨基肽酶和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶等3种消化酶的比活力均显著高于肠Ⅰ和肠Ⅱ(P<0·05);中华乌塘鳢肠Ⅱ的这3种消化酶的比活力均显著高于肠Ⅰ和肠Ⅲ(P<0·05);2)大弹涂鱼各段肠刷状缘膜的5种二糖酶的比活力均显著高于中华乌塘鳢(P<0·05),前者肠刷状缘膜碱性磷酸酶、氨基肽酶和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶等3种消化酶的比活力整体上也稍微高于后者。由此说明:8种消化酶的活性在大弹涂鱼和中华乌塘鳢肠刷状缘膜中的分布模式明显不同,大弹涂鱼和中华乌塘鳢对二糖的消化和吸收的主要部位分别是在肠Ⅱ和肠Ⅰ,而二者对蛋白质、脂类和无机盐等营养吸收的主要部位分别是在肠Ⅲ和肠Ⅱ;大弹涂鱼和中华乌塘鳢肠刷状缘膜的5种二糖酶的活性与两者的食性关系密切,而碱性磷酸酶、氨基肽酶和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶等3种消化酶的活性与两者的食性并无密切的相关性。The activities of eight digestive enzymes, maltase, sucrase, lactase, trehalase, cellobiase, alkaline phosphatase(ALP), aminopeptidase(AP)and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase(γ-GT)of the intestinal brush border membrane(BBM)of the adult mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris and Chinese black sleeper Bostrichthys sinensis were investigated by means of enzyme analyses. The results showed that the specific activities of five disaccharidases(maltase, sucrase, lactase, trehalase and cellobiase)of the intestinal BBM of the intestine Ⅱwere significantly higher than(P<0.05)those of both the intestineⅠand intestine Ⅲ in the mudskipper, while the specific activities of these five disaccharidases except lactase of the intestinal BBM of the intestineⅠ were significantly higher than(P<0.05)those of both the intestine Ⅱ and intestine in the Chinese black sleeper. The specific activities of three digestive enzymes(ALP, AP and γ-GT)of the intestinal BBM of the intestine Ⅲ were significantly higher than(P<0.05)those of both the intestineⅠ and intestineⅡ in the mudskipper, while the specific activities of these three digestive enzymes of the intestineⅡwere significantly higher than(P<0.05)those of both the intestineⅠ and intestine Ⅲ in the Chinese black sleeper. The activities of five disaccharidases of the intestinal BBM of each intestinal section in the mudskipper were significantly higher than(P<0.05)those in the Chinese black sleeper. Generally, the specific activities of three digestive enzymes(ALP, AP and γ-GT)of the intestinal BBM of the mudskipper were also slightly higher than those of the Chinese black sleeper. In conclusion, the distribution patterns of eight digestive enzymes of the intestinal BBM are different between the mudskipper and Chinese black sleeper. The major regions for disaccharide digestion and absorption in the mudskipper and Chinese black sleeper are intestineⅡ and intestineⅠ, respectively. And, the major regions for nutrient absorption, such as protein, lipid and inorganic salts and etc., in the mudskipper and Chinese black sleeper are intestine Ⅲ and intestineⅡ, respectively. The activities of five disaccharidases of the intestinal BBM in both the mudskipper and Chinese black sleeper are well correlated with their feeding habits. However, the lack of a clear-cut correlation between the activities of three digestive enzymes(ALP, AP and γ-GT)and diets was found in the present study.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No·40476056);; 福建省重大科技项目(2003No26);; 福建省科技重大专项(2004SZ01-02)共同资助~

    Digestive enzyme activities in larval,juvenile and early young fish of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris

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    采用酶学分析的方法,研究了大弹涂鱼前期仔鱼、后期仔鱼、稚鱼和早期幼鱼发育过程中胰腺酶、肠酶和胃蛋白酶活性的变化。结果表明,(1)4种胰腺酶(淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶和羧肽酶A)和8种肠酶(麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶、乳糖酶、海藻糖酶、纤维二糖酶、碱性磷酸酶、氨基肽酶和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶)的比活力均在仔鱼期较高,稚鱼期降至最低,早期幼鱼则急剧上升,而每尾鱼酶的总活力却随着幼体的发育而逐渐增加;(2)胃蛋白酶活性在后期仔鱼才开始检测到,此后一直呈显著上升趋势;(3)早期幼鱼肠部位的4种胰腺酶活性分别占其酶总活性的百分比均显著高于稚鱼期;(4)稚鱼期仅3种肠酶(麦芽糖酶、纤维二糖酶和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶)高度富积在肠刷状缘膜上,而早期幼鱼除蔗糖酶外的7种肠酶在肠刷状缘膜上的富集系数均大于5.1。由此得出结论,(1)在仔鱼期,蛋白质的消化是依靠胰腺酶进行的,进入稚鱼期,胃蛋白酶开始对蛋白质的消化起重要作用;(2)在早期幼鱼,胰腺分泌机制及肠细胞已完全成熟,标志着成鱼的消化模式的形成。The mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris is a commercially important fish in China.At present,this species is widely farmed in the southeastern coastal waters of China.Studies have been focused on early development and larval rearing.Early larval feeding habits have been documented.However,little is known about the digestive enzymes at the early stage of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris.The purpose of this study was to investigate the digestive enzyme activities of this species in order to know its nutritional requirements and establish the feeding protocols for optimizing larval mass rearing production.Changes of pancreatic,intestinal enzymes and pepsin activities in prelarva,postlarva,juvenile and early young fish of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris were investigated by means of enzyme analyses.In order to obtain pancreatic segment(PS) and intestinal segment(IS),juvenile and early young fish were cut into four parts: head,PS,IS and tail.The intestinal segments were homogenized to purify intestinal brush border membranes(BBM).The secretion levels of pancreatic enzymes were expressed as percentages of the segmental activity in the IS related to total activity(PS + IS).The establishment of an efficient intestinal BBM digestion represents the adult mode of digestion by enterocytes.And the degree of purified intestinal BBM was estimated by the enrichment factors and the activities of the intestinal enzymes.The results of this study show that the specific activities of four pancreatic enzymes(amylase,trypsin,chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidaseA) and eight intestinal enzymes(maltase,sucrase,luctase,trehalase,cellobiase,alkaline phosphatase,aminopeptidase and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase) are higher in the larval stage,decrease to the lowest levels in the juvenile stage,and increase rapidly in the early young stage.However,the total enzyme activities of individual increase with the development of larvae.Pepsin is initially detected in the postlarval stage,and then it continuously increases rapidly.The percentages of four pancreatic enzymes activities accounting for the total activities are significantly higher in the early young fish than in the juvenile in the intestinal segment.Only three enzymes(maltase,cellobiase and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase) are highly enriched in the intestinal brush border membranes in the juvenile.However,enrichment factors of seven intestinal enzymes in intestinal brush border membranes of the early young fish are all above 5.1 except for sucrase.In conclusion,in the larval stage,protein digestion depends on pancreatic enzymes;and when the larvae develope into the juvenile stage,pepsin plays an important role in protein digestion.The complete achievement of the secretion mechanisms of pancreas and maturation of enterocytes in the early young fish indicate the formation of an adult fish mode of digestion.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40476056);; 福建省重大科技项目(2003No.26);; 福建省科技重大专项(2004SZ01-02

    Biological composition and FAA content of particulate organic detritus from mudflat of intertidal zone

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    福建省福宁湾潮间带滩涂表层粉砂质粘土海泥中含有丰富的颗粒有机碎屑和粉砂颗粒。有机碎屑颗粒大小悬殊,其长径5.3~95.0μm,平均46.08±27.52μm。粉砂颗粒粒径4.0~37.0μm,平均17.18±9.63μm。具有生物群落的颗粒有机碎屑包含拟铃虫(细弱拟铃虫、圆钝拟铃虫、肿状拟铃虫、百乐拟铃虫和妥肯丁拟铃虫)、底栖硅藻(圆筛藻、斜纹藻、布纹藻、舟形藻、斑条藻、卵形藻、菱形藻和筒柱藻)和细菌(微球菌密度7.728×109个细胞/g~13.136×109个细胞/g),偶见许水蚤卵粒和海洋线虫。应用柱前衍生高效液相色谱法测定了颗粒有机碎屑的游离氨基酸含量,其总量为385.3~569.7μmol/kg,平均473.24±62.40μmol/kg。15种游离氨基酸中以甘氨酸、脯氨酸、丝氨酸、赖氨酸、谷氨酸和丙氨酸含量较高,其百分组成分别为16.41%、15.95%、13.32%、7.29%、6.96%和6.91%。研究结果表明,在潮间带滩涂形成了颗粒有机碎屑、细菌(微球菌)、微型硅藻、原生动物(拟铃虫)和大弹涂鱼的食物链营养关系。Surface silt clay of intertidal mudflat in Fulin Bay of Fujian province contains plenty of particulate organic detritus and silt grain. The sizes of the particulate organic detritus vary greatly, from 5.3 μm to 95.0 μm in length, with the average 46.08±27.52 μm. The sizes of the silt grain vary from 4.0 μm to 37.0 μm,with the average 17.18±9.63 μm. The particulate organic detritus is a biological community which contains Tintinnopsis(T. gracilis, T. rotundata, T. turgita, T. beroidea and T. tocantinensis), benthonic diatoms(Coscinodiscus, Pleurosigma, Gyrosigma, Navicula, Grammatophora, Cocconeis, Nitzschia and Cylindrotheca)and bacteria(Micrococcus,7.728×10 9 cells/g~13.136×10 9 cells/g). Occasionally, eggs of Schmackeria and the marine nematode can also be found in particulate organic detritus. Free amino acids(FAA)content in particulate organic detritus were determined by using high performance liquid chromatography with pre-column derivation. The total content of FAA varied from 385.3 μmol/kg to 569.7 μmol/kg,with the average 473.24±62.40 μmol/kg. Among 15 FAA tested, the levels of glycine, proline, serine, lysine, glutamic acid and alanine were relatively high, with the corresponding percentages being 16.41%, 15.95%, 13.32%, 7.29%, 6.96% and 6.91%, respectively. The results showed that a food chain formed in the intertidal mudflat, which was composed of particulate organic detritus,bacteria(Micrococcus), micro-diatoms, protozoa(Tintinnopsis)and the mudskipper(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris).国家自然科学基金资助项目(40476056);; 福建省重大科技项目(2003No26);; 福建省科技重大专项(2004SZ0102)共同资

    Spawning habits of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris in intertidal mudflat and hatching experiment of natural fertilized eggs

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    从环氧树脂模型揭示了福建省福宁湾潮间带滩涂大弹涂鱼Boleophthalmus pectinirostris洞穴的整体结构。多数洞穴略呈Y字形,每个洞穴有主洞口和次洞口之分。春季5—6月大弹涂鱼洞穴的中下部出现1个产卵室,产卵室横切面的上方呈拱形,底部平坦。潮间带滩涂产卵习性实验表明,产卵前性成熟雄鱼建造产卵室,并引诱性成熟雌鱼进入产卵室内交配产卵,受精卵依靠粘着丝粘在产卵室的顶部和周壁。产卵后雄鱼留洞护卵。每个产卵室的受精卵总数为3 595—4 314粒,平均为3 957粒,平均受精率高达99.67%,受精卵密度为58—114粒.cm-2,平均为87粒.cm-2。产卵室顶部和周壁受精卵的粘着丝位于上端,胚体位于下端,呈倒立状态,大多数受精卵的胚体头部朝下,为反向卵(平均占98.07%),易于孵化出仔鱼。将潮间带洞穴内产卵室受精卵取回实验室,模拟洞穴的小生境进行孵化实验。2次模拟孵化实验结果表明,受精卵始终全淹没于海水的平均孵化率(81.19%—82.90%)高于受精卵湿露24h后才全淹没于海水的平均孵化率(76.38%—79.19%)。湿露而不淹没于海水的受精卵不能孵化出仔鱼。The burrow shapes of mudskipper(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) in the intertidal mudflat of the Funing Bay,Fujian Province,were revealed by the models made from resin with hardener.Most burrows showed a "Y" shape,with a primary and a secondary openings.From May to June,a spawning chamber was formed in the middle-bottom of the burrow.The top of the spawning chamber was vaulted and the bottom was even from transection view.Field investigation demonstrated that during spawning seasons the male built a spawning chamber inside the burrow and attracted the female to enter the spawning chamber to mate and spawn.The female left the burrow and the male stayed there to guard the fertilized eggs after spawning.The fertilized eggs adhered to the ceiling of the chamber and the walls around the chamber with filaments.The filaments were upwards and the heads of embryos were downwards.The head direction of most embryos (accounting for 98.07%) of fertilized eggs was opposite to that of the filaments.This type of egg is called opposite egg.The egg number in the chambers ranged from 3595 to 4314,with an average of 3957.Average fertilization rate of eggs reached 99.67%.The density of fertilized eggs in the chamber varied from 58·cm~(-2) to 114·cm~(-2),with an average of 87·cm~(-2).Fertilized eggs in the chambers were collected and incubated under the conditions imitating the burrow habitat.The results from two experiments showed that the average hatching rates(81.19% and 82.90%) of the fertilized eggs which had been submerged in seawater all the time were higher than those (76.38% and 79.19%) of the fertilized eggs which were submerged in sea water after 24h of wet exposure.The fertilized eggs which were only exposed wet but not submerged in seawater all the time could not hatch out.国家自然科学基金项目(40476056);; 福建省重大科技项目(2003No26);; 福建省科技重大专项项目(2004SZ01-02

    Structure and function of the seminal vesicle in male Bostrichthys sinensis

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    应用组织学、透射电镜及酶联免疫吸附分析法研究了雄性中华乌塘鳢贮精囊的形态结构 ,并探讨其功能。结果表明 ,贮精囊是一对精巢的附属腺体 ,结缔组织隔膜将贮精囊分隔成为许多小室腔。被膜和隔膜中含有平滑肌纤维、毛细血管、成纤维和纤维细胞以及间质细胞。隔膜上排列单层上皮细胞 ,呈柱形、立方形或扁平形 ,生殖季节粗面内质网、管状嵴线粒体和高尔基复合体发达 ,上皮细胞顶部聚集许多无膜包裹的分泌颗粒 ,分泌后细胞器退化 ,胞质中出现大量的大空泡。成纤维细胞具有合成分泌胶原蛋白的结构特征。贮精囊中的间质细胞与精巢中的Leydig型间质细胞形态特征相似。在生殖高峰期不论贮精囊的近端、中央或远端均先后贮存大量的精子 ,混合在分泌物中 ,贮精囊不同小室的上皮细胞发育并不同步。精液加贮精囊液的实验表明 ,贮精囊液有助于增强精子活率和延长精子寿命 ,并能促进受精率的提高。贮精囊纤维丝状分泌物呈深紫红色的PAS阳性反应 ,提示分泌物为粘多糖蛋白 ,贮精囊液含有 17α羟孕酮、PGE2 和PGF2α,能体外诱发雌亲鱼产卵 ,具有性外激素的重要作用The morphological structure and function of the seminal vesicles in male Bostrichthys sinensis were studied by means of histology, transmission electron microscope and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay. The results showed that the seminal vesicles, enclosed by capsula, were a pair of accessory glands to the testes. The seminal vesicle was divided into many locule lumina by the connective tissue partition. Both capsula and partition consisted of smooth muscle fibers, blood capillaries, fibroblasts, fibrocytes and interstitial cells. Single epithelial cells, which were columnar, cuboidal or squamous in shape, were arranged along the partition. During the spawning season, rough endoplasmic reticulum, tubular cristae mitochondria and Golgi complex were well developed; many secretory granules without membranes accumulated to the apical portion of the epithelial cell. The cell organelles degenerated and large vacuoles appeared after the secretory granules were released. The sphincter muscles were not found from the outlet of the seminal vesicles to the sperm ducts. Fibroblasts were characterized by synthesizing and secreting collagen. The morphology of interstitial cells in the seminal vesicle was similar to that of Leydig cells in the testes. At the peak period of spawning, a large number of spermatozoa, which were mixed with the secretion, appeared in proximal, middle and distal parts of the seminal vesicles. The epithelial cells inside the different locules of the seminal vesicle developed asynchronously. The results showed that sperm added to the seminal vesicle fluid could increase sperm motility, prolong sperm longevity, and improve the fertilization rates of spermatozoa. Fiber-like secretion of the seminal vesicles showed PAS positive reaction in dark purple-red colour, suggesting that the secretion should be mucopolysaccharide-mucin. The seminal vesicle fluid contained 17αOH-P, PGE 2 and PGF 2αwhich could induce female broodfish to spawn, indicating this fluid functions as a sex pheromone .国家自然科学基金项目 (No 3 0 170 73 9和No 40 2 760 40 )~

    Silicon-glass-based single piezoresistive pressure sensors for harsh environment applications

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    National Natural Science Foundation of China [51075344, 61274120, 51175444]; Fujian Province Major Projects on University-Industry Cooperation in Science and Technology [2013H6023]; Science and Technology Program of Xiamen [3502Z20123008, 3502Z20126006]Silicon-glass (Si-glass)-based single piezoresistive pressure sensors were designed and fabricated by standard MEMS technology. The single piezoresistive sensing element was designed to be on the lower surface of the silicon diaphragm and be vacuum-sealed in a Si-glass cavity, which form a self-packaging protection structure helpful to the applications of sensors in harsh media. The pressure sensors were fabricated using a Si-glass anodic bonding technique, and the embedded Al feedthrough lines at the Si-glass interface are used to realize the electrical connections between the piezo-sensing element and the electrode-pads, and two larger-size electrode-pads are fabricated for realizing the soldered electrical connection between the sensor and the external circuit. The performance of the pressure sensors was characterized by a pressure test system at different temperature conditions. The temperature compensation was performed by the difference between the output voltage at zero-pressure and the output at operation pressure. The measurement results show that the sensitivity is 24 mV V-1 MPa-1, the coefficient of sensitivity is 0.14% FS degrees C-1, and both the zero-point offset and the temperature coefficient of offset are equal to zero, which are able to meet the commercial application requirements. However, a nonlinearity of 5.2% FS caused by the balloon effect would considerably worsen the accuracy of the pressure sensor. It is suggested to reduce the balloon effect by using a bossed-diaphragm structure in the pressure sensor

    Fabrication and mechanical behavior of high-performance medium/high entropy alloy wires

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    日益严苛的服役环境对金属丝材的强韧性提出了愈来愈高的要求,尤其是在低温等极端条件下的服役安全。然而,传统金属丝材却不可避免地受到强度与塑性倒置关系的限制。幸运的是,近几年兴起的中高熵合金,为我们提供了解决传统丝材中棘手问题的新思路。本论文通过设计优化丝材制备工艺研制了高强韧CoCrNi中熵合金丝材和超高强AlCoCrFeNi2.1共晶高熵合金丝材,系统研究了每种丝材的微观结构特征、力学性能和变形机理等,取得的主要创新成果如下: (1)采用玻璃包覆法首次成功制备出尺寸在微米量级的CoCrNi中熵合金丝材;采用拉拔法并结合热锻和热轧工艺,成功制备出直径2 mm的CoCrNi中熵合金丝材;采用拉拔法并结合浇注和热轧工艺,成功制备出直径0.5 mm的AlCoCrFeNi2.1共晶高熵合金丝材; (2)CoCrNi中熵合金微米丝展现出优异的强度塑性组合。细致的微结构表征表明,其优异的力学性能主要源于层错、Lomer-Cottrell位错锁和纳米变形孪晶多种变形机制的协同作用。出乎意料的是,这些微米丝在拉伸时表现出了反常的尺寸效应,即直径40 &mu;m的丝材展现出了更高的强度和塑性,这与传统单主元合金微米丝材拉伸时可忽略的尺寸效应形成了鲜明的对比。分析发现,直径40 &mu;m的丝材变形更不均匀且存在更高的几何必需位错密度,所导致的高应变梯度与多级变形孪晶共同促进了高强度和高塑性的结合。 (3)CoCrNi中熵合金毫米丝的初始结构由单一的FCC相组成,晶粒内存在高密度的位错和大量纳米孪晶。该毫米丝表现出优异的室温和低温力学性能,其屈服强度、断裂强度和延伸率在室温(293 K)下分别为1.1 GPa、1.3 GPa和24.5%,并在液氮温度(77 K)下分别被提升至1.5 GPa、1.8 GPa 和37.4%。微结构表征表明丝材在低温下的优异性能源于位错、高密度的变形孪晶和FCC-HCP相变多种变形机制的共同作用。 (4)通过精心设计多种机械热处理工艺,我们成功在AlCoCrFeNi2.1共晶高熵合金毫米丝中引入了梯度异构片层结构,即较硬的B2相片层呈梯度地分布在较软的FCC相基体中。该共晶高熵毫米丝也在室温和低温下展现出出众的强度塑性组合水平,它不仅在293 K下具有1.85 GPa的高抗拉强度和12%的均匀伸长率,而且在77 K下甚至具有2.52 GPa的超高抗拉强度和14%的均匀伸长率。 深入的微观组织表征表明,在丝材的拉伸过程中,独特的梯度异构片层结构促进丝材内几何必需位错沿径向呈梯度分布,即几何必需位错密度从表面区域向中心区域逐渐减小,几何必需位错的存在可以诱导产生明显的应变梯度强化效应,从而有利于丝材力学性能的提升。有趣的是,在77 K下加载时,我们首次在共晶高熵合金毫米丝的B2相中观察到了稠密的交滑移,而且这些交滑移可以引起强烈的动态微结构细化效应。因此,稠密交滑移的激活在为材料提供充足塑性的同时产生了明显的动态Hall-Patch效应,成为丝材极佳低温力学性能背后最有效的变形机制之一。</p