51 research outputs found

    A Study of Voice Training for Interpreters

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    随着科学技术的发展,不同文化之间的交流日益频繁,口译在政治、经济、文化交流中扮演着越来越重要的角色。在口译的发展过程中,尽管口译训练、口译教学、口译实践等方面的研究有了长足发展,口译作为一个嗓音职业的定位却未受到重视,至今还未对口译员的嗓音发声方面有过相关深入探讨。科学的发声方法、嗓音训练与保健对于口译员的职业表现和职业发展都有着重要的作用。良好的嗓音状态才能保证口译水平的正常发挥,切实保证口译的质量。从这一点出发,本研究试图验证嗓音训练对口译员的实用性。研究选取了14名口译专业的学生作为研究对象,以发声训练中经典的“咽音”系列练习作为训练方法对实验对象进行为期1个月的嗓音训练。在实验前后对实...With the development of science and technology, there are more and more inter-cultural exchanges taking place nowadays. Interpreting is now playing a significant role in political, economic and cultural communication. During the development of interpreting, the training, education and practice of interpreting are the major concerns of researchers within this field, but they neglected that interpre...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202013115276


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    Simulation Study of the Emission of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Sugar Alcohols from Biomass Burning

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    选择水稻、小麦、玉米及棉花秸秆与马尾松枝,采集模拟燃烧时排放的PM2.5,分析PM2.5中多环芳烃(PAHS)和糖醇类化合物的含量,获得PM2.5及负载的两类化合物的排放因子;采用500 W汞灯直接照射收集了PM2.5的尘膜,获得了中、高环PAHS及左旋葡聚糖的光解动力学.结果表明,PM2.5的排放因子介于(2.26±0.60)g·kg-1(马尾松枝)~(14.33±5.26)g·kg-1(玉米秸秆)之间;19种PAHS的排放因子介于(0.82±0.21)Mg·kg-1(马尾松枝)~(11.14±5.69)Mg·kg-1(棉花秸秆)之间,且以4环类PAHS所占比例最高,介于51%~71%之间(其中马尾松枝燃烧时惹烯的排放因子最大);9种糖醇类化合物的排放因子范围为(52.34±50.16)Mg·kg-1(水稻秸秆)~(238.81±33.62)Mg·kg-1(小麦秸秆),且都以左旋葡聚糖占绝对优势(72%~96%).光照模拟显示,目标化合物的光照损失都遵循拟一级动力学,其中≥4环的PAHS的光解速率常数随着尘膜中PAHS的负载量增大而减小,来源特征比值fluA/(fluA+Py)和IP/(IP+bg P)相对稳定,而左旋葡聚糖的光解速率常数为0.004 5 MIn-1,与苯并[A]蒽的光解速率常数(0.004 1~0.005 0 MIn-1)接近.To measure the emission factors of PM2.5and its associated PAHs and sugar alcohols,Chinese red pine stick and four crop straw including rice,wheat,corn and cotton were burned in a chamber.In addition,the kinetics of certain compounds were obtained through the irradiation of the glass filters with PM2.5loading by 500 W mercury lamp.The emission factors of PM2.5were ranged from( 2.26 ± 0.60) g·kg- 1( Chinese red pine stick) to( 14.33 ± 5.26) g·kg- 1( corn straw).Although the emission factors of the total19 PAHs differed from( 0.82 ± 0.21) mg·kg- 1( Chinese red pine stick) to( 11.14 ± 5.69) mg·kg- 1( cotton straw),4 ring PAHs showed predominance over other PAHs accounting for 51%-71% except Chinese red pine in which retene was the predominant compound.The emission factors of 9 sugar alcohols were ranged from( 52.34 ± 50.16) mg·kg- 1( rice straw) to( 238.81 ± 33.62)mg·kg- 1( wheat straw) with levoglucosan accounting for 72%-96% of the total sugar alcohols.Both the selected PAHs and levoglucosan associated with PM2.5followed the first order kinetics.The photolysis kinetic coefficient of PAHs( ring number≥4) was decreased with the increase of PAHs loading in filters.Two PAHs source characteristic ratios such as Flua /( Flua + Py) and IP /( IP +Bg P) were relative stable during the irradiation.The photolysis kinetic coefficient of levoglucosan( 0.004 5 min- 1) was comparable to benzo[a]anthracene( 0.004 1-0.005 0 min- 1).国家自然科学基金项目(41171365); 环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201009004); 厦门大学山海基金项目(2013SH011

    Chemical component in camellia cake against ultraviolet rays radiation damage on skin cells

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    目的分离纯化油茶粕中抗皮肤细胞紫外损伤活性成分。方法硅胶色谱和高效液相反相制备色谱纯化油茶粕正丁醇提取物,WESTErn-blOTTIng法检测纯化物质对uV照射HA CA T皮肤细胞Jnk、P38激活以及MMP-9的表达的影响。结果分离得到一单体化合物,经鉴定为kAEMPfErOl 3-O-{β-d-gluCOPyrAnOSyl-(1->2)-[α-l-rHAMnOPyrAnOSyl-(1->6)]-β-d-gluCOPyrAnOSIdE},且该化合物能够抑制HA CA T皮肤细胞uV照射后Jnk、P38激活以及MMP-9表达。结论油茶粕含有抗皮肤细胞紫外损伤活性成分,值得进一步开发。Objective To isolate the chemical component of camellia cake against ultraviolet rays radiation damage on skin cells.Methods Silica gel column chromatography and reverse phase preparative HPLC were used for the isolation of active compounds from the n-butanol extract of camellia cake.The effects of isolated compound on the activation of JNK and P38,and the protein expression of MMP-9 in UV irradiated Ha Ca J skin cells were determined by western blotting assay.Results A flavonoid glycoside was isolated from the camellia cake and identified as Kaempferol 3-O-{ β-D-glucopyranosyl-( 1-> 2)-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-( 1-> 6) ]-β-D-glucopyranoside} using NMR dada analysis.In addition,the isolated compound was showed to markedly inhibit the activation of JNK and P38,and MMP-9 protein expression in UV irradiated Ha Ca J skin cells.Conclusion The components in camellia cake might have significant activity on protecting skin from UV rays radiation damage,suggesting their potential development values.国家自然科学基金(No.81102332); 福建省厦门市科技计划项目(No.3502Z20123015


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    【目的】筛选对溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)有抑菌作用的中草药及其复方以及抗生素。【方法】采用改良的牛津杯法对诃子、白芍、甘草等49种单味中药进行溶藻弧菌体外抑菌试验,以体外抗菌活性较好的22种药物,按中药配伍规则组成二联、三联复方,采用生药质量浓度分别为60、240 mg/mL的中药进行中药复方体外抑菌试验。用抗生素对溶藻弧菌进行药敏试验。【结果】当单种中药体外抑菌药物质量浓度为240 mg/mL时,诃子、乌梅、醋五味子等对溶藻弧菌抑菌作用明显,为极敏感。在二联中药体外抑菌试验中,当中药质量浓度为60mg/m L时,诃子、乌梅组成复方中药等8种复方对溶藻弧菌协同抑菌作用明显,为极敏感,药物质量浓度在240mg/m L时,诃子与白芍等14种双联中药的协同抑菌作用明显,为极敏感。在三联中药体外抑菌试验中,在药物质量浓度60 mg/mL时,诃子、乌梅、蒲公英等组成24种复方中药按质量比1∶1∶1的抑菌效果极为敏感,药物质量浓度在240mg/m L时,黄芩、诃子、黄芪等22复方中药按质量比1∶1∶1对的抑菌作用明显,为极敏感。溶藻弧菌对恩诺沙星、盐酸多西环素、土霉素及甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲噁唑4种药物高度敏感。【结论】18种单味中药对溶藻弧菌有抑制作用,黄芩、诃子、黄芪等24个三联复方中药药效较强,多个抑菌作用效果良好的三联复方中药可用于鱼病防治研究。国家自然科学基金(31702384、31502194)福建省科技重大专项(2016NZ0001-3)2018年开放课题基金项目(LYC2018RS04,闽海鸥[2018]31号)福建省自然基金项目(2018J01455)2017年集美大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目(集大研No.[2017]18号)教育部鳗鱼工程研究中心开放基金项目(RE201704

    Research on welding groove measurement technology with 2D laser sensor

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    中厚板坡口的识别与测量是焊接机器人多层多道自动焊接的重要工序之一。针对中厚板坡口自动测量的需要,利用日本kEyEnCE公司的lJ-g200精密线激光位移传感器,实现坡口截面的二维扫描测量;通过建立坡口特征拐点的识别与检测算法,并以此运用dElPHI和MATlAb混合编程技术,开发中厚板坡口测量软件,实现坡口参数的自动测量。实验结果表明,该测量技术可以满足中厚板工件的坡口检测需要,并具有较高的工程实用价值。厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20133036); 福建省科技厅产学研重大项目(2012H6025

    Asymmetric Migration of Human Keratinocytes under Mechanical Stretch and Cocultured Fibroblasts in a Wound Repair Model

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    Keratinocyte migration during re-epithelization is crucial in wound healing under biochemical and biomechanical microenvironment. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms whereby mechanical tension and cocultured fibroblasts or keratinocytes modulate the migration of keratinocytes or fibroblasts. Here we applied a tensile device together with a modified transwell assay to determine the lateral and transmembrane migration dynamics of human HaCaT keratinocytes or HF fibroblasts. A novel pattern of asymmetric migration was observed for keratinocytes when they were cocultured with non-contact fibroblasts, i.e., the accumulative distance of HaCaT cells was significantly higher when moving away from HF cells or migrating from down to up cross the membrane than that when moving close to HF cells or when migrating from up to down, whereas HF migration was symmetric. This asymmetric migration was mainly regulated by EGF derived from fibroblasts, but not transforming growth factor alpha or beta_1 production. Mechanical stretch subjected to fibroblasts fostered keratinocyte asymmetric migration by increasing EGF secretion, while no role of mechanical stretch was found for EGF secretion by keratinocytes. These results provided a new insight into understanding the regulating mechanisms of two or three-dimensional migration of keratinocytes or fibroblasts along or across dermis and epidermis under biomechanical microenvironment

    An Entrant of Smaller Fullerene: C-56 Captured by Chlorines and Aligned in Linear Chains

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    A smaller fullerene C-56 (#913) is stabilized, isolated, and crystallographically characterized as C56Cl10. The geometric parameters of C56Cl10 imply the otherwise unstable cage of C-56 can be stabilized by chlorination through releasing its surface strains and maintaining fragmental aromaticity. An unexpected C Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl C short contact, as well as the linear alignment with pearl - necklace-shaped, is revealed in C56Cl10 crystal.NSFC,20525103,20531050,20721001,20425312, 20423002 973 Program,2007C13815301

    Two I-h-symmetry-breaking C-60 isomers stabilized by chlorination

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    通讯作者地址: Xie, SY (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 电子邮件地址: [email protected] abiding surprise in fullerene science is that I-h-symmetric buckminsterfullerene C-60 (ref. 1) (I-h-C-60 or C-#1,812(60), the nomenclature specified by symmetry or by Fowler's spiral algorithm(2)) remains the sole C-60 species experimentally available. Setting it apart from the other 1,811 topological isomers (isobuckminsterfullerenes) is its exclusive conformity with the isolated-pentagon rule(3), which states that stable fullerenes have isolated pentagons. Although gas-phase existence of isobuckminsterfullerenes has long been suspected(4-7), synthetic efforts have yet to yield successful results. Here, we report the realization of two isobuckminsterfullerenes by means of chlorination of the respective C-2v-and C-s-symmetric C-60 cages. These chlorinated species, (C60Cl8)-C-#1,809(1) and (C60Cl12)-C-#1,804(2), were isolated in experimentally useful yields. Structural characterization by crystallography unambiguously established the unique pentagon-pentagon ring fusions. These distinct structural features are directly responsible for the regioselectivity observed in subsequent substitution of chlorines, and also render these unprecedented derivatives of C60 isomers important for resolving the long-standing puzzle of fullerene formation by the Stone-Wales transformation scheme(8-11).NNSF of China,20525103 ,20531050 ,20721001 , 20571062 ,20425312 973 Program 2007CB81530