17 research outputs found

    Research and Implementation of Voice Instant Messaging System Based on Win32

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    本文分别对VoIP、对等网络、穿越NAT以及Win32的编程技术进行研究,设计并完成了基于Win32的语音即时通讯系统。 VoIP技术方面,在分析VoIP历史和基本处理流程的基础上,抓住影响语音质量的关键,依照Win32平台的特点,研发自适应消抖缓冲-冗余包平滑策略,达到较差网络环境下比当前流行的Skype更佳的通话效果。 对等网络方面,研究对等网络技术中四种资源定位模型的特点,根据当前系统需求,设计了集中目录式与hash环群结构相结合的混合式对等网络资源定位模型。经过估算,通常网络状况下,该模型在普通配置的计算机上能很好运行。 穿越NAT技术方面,分析四种不同NAT处理数据包的方案,设...This paper design and complete the Voice Instant Messaging System based on the detailed study of the techniques of VoIP, peer-to-peer network, NAT traversal, and Win32 programming. As for VoIP, by analyzing the history and basic processing procedure, we identify the key of improving voice quality. According to the traits of Win32, this paper develops Self-Adaptive Jitter-Buffer and Redundancy Sm...学位:理学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20042805


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    我国高校学院制改革尚处于初级阶段 ,各校特点纷呈 ,模式多种多样。判断某种学院制模式的利弊得失必须是重实效。学科发展和管理效率是“打造”大学学院的重要原则。学院制成功的关键是要理顺关系 ,包括学校与院的关系 ,学院与院内单位 (系、教研室 )的关系。差异和多元是大学创造发明的要旨 ,我国高校学院制今后的动向是动态地实行多样化的模

    Application of AHP-SWOT Analysis in Luoyuan Bay's Regional Development Orientation

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    合理的区域发展定位,对区域的可持续发展具有很大的支持,而区域发展定位结论的得出,需要一定的方法来支撑其客观性与科学性。应用定性与定量相结合的AHP-SWOT分析工具,在前期调查的基础上,首先对影响环罗源湾区域发展的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁进行识别,然后根据专家咨询的结果进行相关的AHP-SWOT分析,最后得出如下结论:将福建省环罗源湾区域定位为集海洋经济和临港工业为一体的生态港口工业城市,把该区域建成海峡西岸服务福州市的港口加工业与物流产业基地。The Regional development orientation,an important support to regional sustainable development,needs specific method to confirm its objectivity and practicability.By adopting an analysis method,called AHP-SWOT,this article combines qualitative and quantitative analysis.First of all,based on previous survey,the paper distinguishes advantages,disadvantages,opportunities and threats which exert influence on Luoyuan Bay's regional development.Then,expert questionnaires are analyzed by means of AHP-SWOT.Ultimately,the paper comes to the conclusion that Luoyuan Bay in Fujian Province should be orientated as an industrialized city with ecotypic ports,which integrate oceanic economy and port industry,and the Luoyuan Bay would be established as a base of port processing and logistic industry,which serves Fuzhou in the west Taiwan Strait.福建省福州市环保局委托项目《环罗源湾区域环境规划》;2007年5

    Applicat ion ofAHP- SWOT Analys is in Luoyuan Bay‘s Reg ionalDeve lopment Or ientation

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    [摘要]:合理的区域发展定位, 对区域的可持续发展具有很大的支持, 而区域发展定位结论的得出, 需要一定的 方法来支撑其客观性与科学性。应用定性与定量相结合的AHP- SWOT分析工具, 在前期调查的基础上, 首先 对影响环罗源湾区域发展的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁进行识别, 然后根据专家咨询的结果进行相关的AH PSWOT 分析, 最后得出如下结论: 将福建省环罗源湾区域定位为集海洋经济和临港工业为一体的生态港口工业 城市, 把该区域建成海峡西岸服务福州市的港口加工业与物流产业基地。[Abstract]:The Reg ional development or ien tation, an mi portant support to regional sustainable developmen,t needs specific method to con firm its objectivity and practicab ility. By adop ting an analys ism ethod, called AHP- SWOT, th is article comb ines qualitative and quan titative analysis. F irst of al,l based on previous survey, the paper d istingu ishes advan tages, d isadvantages, opportun ities and th reatswh ich exert in fluence on Luoyuan Bays reg ional developmen.t Then, expert questionnaires are analyzed by means ofAHP- SWOT. U ltmi ately, the paper com es to the conclusion that Luoyuan Bay in Fu jian Province should be or ientated as an industr ialized cityw ith ecotyp ic ports, wh ich integrate ocean ic economy and port industry, and the LuoyuanBaywou ld be established as a base of port processing and logistic industry, wh ich serves Fuzhou in the west Taiwan S trai.t福建省福州市环保局委托项目《环罗源湾区域环境规划


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    Impact of phosphorus loss on water environment in intensive livestock rearing areas and the countermeasures.

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    概述了畜禽养殖废物中磷的流失对水环境的影响,分析养殖废物中磷的来源和流失途径,并从保护水资源的角度提出减少畜禽粪便中磷流失的管理和控制措施。Impacts of the phosphorus losts from livestock waste on water environment were reviewed,and sources and pathways of the loss of phosphorus from livestock waste were analyzed.On such a basis,some countermeasures for management and control of the phosphorus loss were raised from the angle of protecting the water resources.福建省重大科技项目(2002H009


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    随着我国经济体制改革的推进,社会主义市场经济体系的建立和发展,市场机制越来越取代计划成为资源配置的主要方式。现行的利率管制政策已逐渐不适应金融体制改革的需要,利率市场化已势在必行。利率市场化又对我国商业银行的利率风险管理提出了新的要求。本文尝试前瞻利率改革动向,探讨利率市场化给商业银行带来新的风险形式,从实务和操作的角度,对利率市场化进程中银行的利率风险管理进行一些探讨性的思考。全文共分为三个部分。 第一部分稳步有序推进中的利率市场化改革。主要介绍了利率市场化的内涵;我国利率市场化改革的必要性的紧迫性;我国已具备的利率市场化改革条件以及近年来我国利率市场化的准备工作和进程。指出随着利率市场化...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:K20013105


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    A Thinker on Journey:Pursuing Excellence and Striving for Perfection——Theory of Pan Mao yuan's academic,teaching and life

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    潘懋元是我国著名的教育家,中国高等教育学的创始人。80年来,他始终秉明烛师心,治为人之学,在倾尽心力推动我国高等教育学科建立和发展的同时,以“得天下英才而教育之“的博大情怀培养了一批又一批高水平人才。他以其大智、高德、博爱,真正展现了一代大师的风范。Professor Pan Maoyuan is a prestigious educationist and the founder of higher education pedagogy in China.Engaged in education and research for 80 years,Professor Pan Maoyuan has devoted all his energy to setting up and promoting the development of the higher education pedagogy.And he has also cultivated a group of high level talents with tremendous enthusiasm.Professor Pan Maoyuan,a beloved teacher,a great explorer,has showed us the essential characters of an academic master,which are wisdom,morality and love

    On Requirements of Professional Ranks and Titles for University Teachers:Based on the Rules of Regional Universities

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    教师是地方本科院校转型和质量提升的主体和执行人,职务聘任条件作为教师的重要评价指标具有导向功能,同时地方本科院校聘任条件应与其学校定位相匹配。分析部分已经改革省份、高校的职称聘任条件的制度文本显示,由于更适应地方本科院校发展的需求和教师能力、教学工作、教研科研业绩等要求,因此自定聘任条件、自主聘任是此类院校之大势所趋。Teachers are the main force in the transformation and development of regional universities.Requirements for professional ranks and titles play an important role in directing teachers' development.Meanwhile the requirements shall match the situations and needs of different universities.After analyzing the requirements of professional ranks and titles for teachers in a number of provinces and universities that have been undergone the reform, this paper finds that, due to the concrete situations in the stages of university development, the capability of the faculty, the amount of teaching, the requirement for research,regional universities should be independent in prescribing the conditions and granting professional ranks and titles to teachers.国家社科基金全国教育科学“十二五”规划课题(BIA110079